加拿大 人物列表
白水 Bai Shui和平岛 He Pingdao玛格丽特·阿特伍德 Margaret Atwood
迈克尔·布洛克 Michael Bullock爱斯基摩人 Eskimo川沙 Chuan Sha
黎全恩 David Chuenyan Lai
加拿大 现代加拿大  (1937年9月16日2018年6月15日)
出生地: 广州
去世地: 加拿大维多利亚

别史 historical records on facts《加拿大华侨移民史(1858-1966)》

黎全恩(David Chuenyan Lai) ,1957年获香港政府奖学金,进入香港大学地理地质系就读,1960年获得第一级荣誉文学学士,在地理地质系任导师四年,并于1964年获得文学硕士学位。同年夏天,因成绩优异获英联邦奖学金,赴英国伦敦大学经济政治学院深造,1967年获哲学博士学位。同年返回香港大学,任地理地质系讲师,任教一年。1968年移民加拿大,在维多利亚大学地理系任教35年,其中1968年任讲师,1969年晋升为副教授(Assistant Professor),1973年晋升为教授(Associate Professor),1989年晋升为讲座教授(Professor)。2003年荣休后,获维多利亚大学授予的“荣休教授”(Professor Emeritus)荣衔。现任维多利亚大学者英中心加盟研究教授(Research Affiliate)及西门菲莎大学客座教授(Adjunct Professor)。

卑诗省贸易省务厅长周炯华、长者事务秘书康安礼则代表省长贺谨(John Horgan),对黎全恩逝世表示沉痛哀悼,并深切缅怀他为加拿大华人历史研究、北美华埠、特别是卑诗省华埠的保护和开发,投入毕生心血的无私与伟大。

黎全恩(Lai, David Chuenyan)

黎全恩,一九三七年生于广州市。一九五六年获香港政府奖学金,进入香港大学攻读。一九六零年获文学士学位。一九六四年获文学硕士学位,论文题目为“Some geographical aspects of the industrial development of Hong Kong since 1841”。因成绩优异获英联邦讲学金赴英国伦敦大学深造,一九六七年获地理学博士学位。论文题目为《The development of the cotton spinning and wearing industry in China 1890-1957 : a study of industrial geography》。一九六零年至一九六四年曾任香港大学地理学系助教,一九六七年至一九六八年任讲师。一九六八年底出任加拿大维多利亚大学地理学系助理教授,一九七三年晋升为副教授,一九八九年再晋升为教授。主讲:(一)中国政治与经济地理;(二)华埠与华人移民;和(三)太平洋国家城市发展问题等课程。多年来从事北美和加拿大华埠(唐人街)的历史、地理与社会状况的研究,曾赴美、加五十多个城市进行实地调查工作。主要研究兴趣包括:(一)华埠:领导与权力结构;(二)海外华人与华埠发展;和(三)中国城市化与工业化的问题。

黎教授从事华埠(唐人街)的研究三十多年。著述颇丰,他的名著《Chinatowns : towns within cities in Canada》(加拿大华埠发展史),系华埠研究的权威著作,曾获不列颠哥伦比亚历史学会一九八八年书籍优良奖。一九八九年被全美国图书学会列入最有权威性的著作之一。另一部力著《The forbidden City within Victoria》(维多利亚之紫禁城),是一九九一年最畅销书籍之一。其他著作有《Arches in British Columbia》,《Land of Genghis Khan》,《Building and rebuilding harmony : the gateway to Victoria's Chinatown》和《The root of Guandong's overseas Chinese in Victoria》等多种。以及有关学术论文一百五十多篇。二零零三年七月荣休。现正致力于《华埠的权力结构与华人社会组织》和《加拿大老年人的健康与福利》的研究工作。



书名 出版者 索书号
The small industrial unit in Hong Kong : patterns and policies / by D. J. Dwyer and Lai Chuen-Yan Hull : University of Hull, 1967 HD2346        Hon.D
Arches in British Columbia Victoria B.C. : Sono Nis Press, 1982 -
Chinatowns : towns within cities in Canada Vancouver : University of British Columbia Press, 1988 F1035           *Chi.La
The dragon's head : Shanghai, China's emerging mega city / edited by Harold D. Foster, David Chuenyan Lai, Naishehgn Zhou Victoria, B.C.: Western Geographical Press, 1998 -
The forbidden city within Victoria Victoria, B.C. : Orca Book Publishers, 1991 F1089.5 Vic.L 1991
Land of Genghis Khan : the rise and fall o nation-states in China's northern frontiers Victoria, B.C. : Dept. of Geography, University of Victoria, 1995 -
Building and rebuilding harmony : the gateway to Victoria's Chinatown / David Chuenyan Lai & Pamela Madoff Victoria, B.C. : Western Geographical Press, 1997 F1089.5 Vic.L 1996
The role of Hong Kong entrepreneurs in the development of Asian malls in Canada (audio cassette) / David Chuenyan Lai Hong Kong : Centre of Urban planning & Environmental Management, 2001

David Chuen-Yan Lai was born on 16 September 1937 in Guangzhou, the eldest of three boys. When he was two-years-old his family moved to Hong Kong. During World War II his father was killed. Lai earned his Bachelor of Arts (1962) and Master of Arts (1964) from the University of Hong Kong. Following this he received a British Commonwealth Scholarship which allowed him to earn a Doctorate in geography from the London School of Economics, University of London, which he completed in 1967. His thesis is entitled The Cotton Spinning and Weaving Industry of China, c. 1890-1957: A Study in Industrial Geography. Following this he returned to Hong Kong and taught at the University for a year.

Lai immigrated to Canada in June 1968 with his new wife. That summer he taught a course at the University of Alberta, and in August he moved to Victoria and began teaching in the geography department at the University of Victoria. In 1971 the geography department organized a seminar on urban development in Victoria. As Lai was the only Chinese in the department, he was assigned to research Victoria’s Chinatown. This project sparked Dr. Lai’s interest, and thereafter he began to study avidly Chinese-Canadian history and the history of Canadian Chinatowns.

By the late 1970s Victoria’s Chinatown had become a slum and the city was contemplating razing it. Dr. Lai acted as Chairman of the Chinatown Redevelopment Committee and in 1979 produced the report “The Future of Victoria’s Chinatown: A Survey of Views and Opinions.” The city elected to refurbish the area, a project that included restoring buildings, burying power lines, and building the first permanent Chinese arch in Canada. In 1995 Chinatown was designated a National Historic Site. A year later Lai helped to secure the same designation for the Chinese Cemetery at Harling Point. He was also heavily involved with the 1980 twinning of Victoria and Suzhou. Lai has published extensively on Chinese-Canadian history. Books include: Arches in British Columbia (1982), Chinatowns: Towns within Cities in Canada (1988), The Forbidden City within Victoria: Myth, Symbol and Streetscape of Canada's Earliest Chinatown (1991), Land of Genghis Khan: The Rise and Fall of Nation-States in China's Northern Frontiers (1995), Building and Rebuilding Harmony: The Gateway to Victoria's Chinatown (1997), Chinese Community Leadership: Case Study of Victoria in Canada (2010), and Great Fortune Dream: The Struggles and Triumphs of Chinese Settlers in Canada, 1858-1966 (2016). In 2003 he retired from teaching, and is currently a Professor Emeritus at the University of Victoria. In 1980 he was made an Honorary Citizen of Victoria, and in 1983 a Member of the Order of Canada.

In 1968 Lai married Roberta Manyuk. They have two children, Jim Yuan (born 1971), who teaches at the University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry, and Joan Man (born 1972), a dentist who lives in Vancouver.


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