唐代 List of Authors
Bai JuyiLiu YuxiZhang ZhiheLi Bai
Wen TingyunWang WeiWang ChanglingLi Shangyin
Dou GongDu FuHan YuWang Bo
Wei ChengqingLu LunHuangfu SongWumingshi
Yu ShinaWang JiWang FanzhiHan Shan
Lu ZhaoLinLuo BinwangDu ShenyanSu Weidao
Yang JiongLiu XiyiSong ZhiwenShen Quanqi
Guo ZhenChen ZiangHe ZhizhangGu Kuang
Duan ChengshiZheng FuLi DuanLiu Caichun
Zhang RexuZhang JiulingWei ZhuangWang Zhihuan
Meng HaoranLi QiZu YongWei Yingwu
Cen ShenCui HuHan HongLiu Fangping
Qiwu QianWang HanYuan JieLiu Zongyuan
Meng JiaoGao ShiLi HeLi LongJi
Wang WanChang JianLiu ChangqingQian Qi
Dugu Ji
唐代  唐

Poetry《Potpourri songs Taihang And Heat》   《Carriage by sea Send Xiao Li》   《Mar three days From Beijing to Hua Hin in Shuiting Drinking alone by moonlight Send Peiliuxueba》   《Allograph Send six Ji Pei Ying Liu 2》   《客舍月下对酒,醉后寄毕四耀》   《Next Yiyang Jiang zhou center Allograph Jipei Shi Yu》   《Mao-year-old went to Nam Fung Road News Capital (of a country) Fall Send the right of persons Youhanyoushen》   《merchant Ministry councillor Department see the book Gu sheren Baling tomb Poetry Fact sheet Nostalgia Allograph Complimentary Copy》   《Allograph Send Li canton》   《夏中酬于逖毕耀问病见赠》   More poems...

Read works of Dugu Ji at 诗海
  Dynasty and the words to the Luoyang people. Tempo at the end, to hold high the first Road, Hua Hin, Wei added. Daizong called for the Zuo Shiyi, the norms of Russian reform. Move Libu Yuanwai Lang, Li Ho, Shu two prefectural governor to the Secretary governing class plus calibration seal doctor, give Golden Purple. Migration Changzhou, Death posthumous say the constitution. Set of 30 volumes, in three volumes of poetry, this poem two volumes compiled.
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