唐代 List of Authors
Yu Fen
唐代  唐

Poetry《Official conservatory in the han ynasty (206b.c.-a.d.220) potpourri Advocating qu diction Wushan high》   《The music diction mountain located between Shanxi best-quality (goods)》   《In proper proportion Songs Palace blame》   《杂曲歌辞·古别离二首》   《青楼曲》   《Cyprus under the curve》   《mountain village Xiao-Si》   《马嵬驿》   《苦辛吟》   《tussore》   More poems...

Read works of Yu Fen at 诗海
  In the Pen, the word child Yi, Northern Sung Painting jinshi end Sizhou judge. Poetry volume.
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