宋代 List of Authors
Ouyang XiuSun GuangxianHong HaoCao XunZeng Zao
Wang YuchengSu ZheYue KeShe LongliChen Shichong
Zhao LingzhiJian JuLe ShiLi FangLiu Yanshi
Shi DecaoShi WenyingTian KuangWang GongWang Mingqing
Wang ZhiWang ZhuWu ShuXu XuanShe Shaoweng
Yi MingZhang JiZhang JunfangZhang JixianZheng Wenbao
Zhuang ChaoFang ShaoWang DangWang BizhiWu Chuhou
Qian YiTao YueZhang YuHuang XiufuGao Huisou
Wang JunyuZhang ZhifuQian ShizhaoCeng MinhangDiao Louzi
Zhao RuliWei ChengDong FenShe Li
Wang ZongjiKong ChuanDu DaguiCangzhouqiaosou
Fei ShuHu Zhirou
Xie Jiang
宋代  宋(994 AD1039 AD)

the Eclectics, a school of thoughts flourishing in ancient China《公孙龙子注》
Poetry《Song form Wing Head》   《夜行船(别情)》   《诉衷情(宫怨)》   《答梅圣俞问隐》   《风瑟联句》   《sentence》   《sentence》   《To Yan Tang joint sentences》   《joint sentences》   《Lo in Dong xi Road, then Are pregnant Shan Hui Tuas joint sentences》   More poems...

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  The Greek word deep, Fuyang (now Zhejiang) people. Shinshu Xiangfu eight large and medium (1015) Scholars, Professor Feng Li Chang Temple Lang, known Ruyin County. Zhuo Mi Ge school grounds, hospital gift too often with the sentence. Ren came to the throne, moved to the norms of, a circular sub-Changzhou. Holy Days will be the Writer in for editing official. History into, move Cibu Yuanwai Lang, straight Jixian hospital. Edwin, the pull out Zhizhi Gao, sub-flow within the Ministry of Personnel Civil, too often hospital ceremony. To Khitan also, the knowledge Dengzhou. Death Baoyuan years, 46 years. There Collected Works Volume 50 (1 to 80 volumes), has been Lost. Do see "Linchuan set" Book Nine ○ "thank the public line like," "History of Song," Volume II on September 5 with pass.
  Xie Jiangshouju (994 or 995 --- 1039) The Greek word deep, Fuyang people, Xie Taozi. Paternal testing to the Secretary of any province of Collator. Xiangfu for eight large and medium (1015) Chin, Professor Feng Li Chang Temple Lang, known Ru Yin County (now part of Anhui). Good arguments, like to talk about current events. Taste of "Simin unemployment", up to several thousand. Jian Yang Italian Scholars in its text, Shinshu called trial, choice of any Mige school management, contracting drum Teng Wen Li Yuan, the Ministry of Personnel Southern Cao. Ren came to the throne, moved to the norms of, through contracting out to Changzhou. Day Saint (1023 --- 1031), the parts of the Yellow River floods, droughts and locusts burst Hua Zhou (now part of Henan Province). Jiangshouju letter to describe how the current problems, the proposed self-blame the emperor issued an edict, "Xu Scholars denounced taboo on the news, when the disease Criticizing", "stop the battle is not urgent, provincial nameless sword" to rest the next. Renzong Kano to his words. Officials involved in repair after editing usurp Shinshu towards national history, things around, move Cibu Yuanwai Lang, straight Jixian hospital. After the pass sentence Henan government while overseas, they still number a letter on the matter, made sorcerer magic and toast should access forbidden, the right of Kaifeng judge when to locusts seriously, according to the longer of current affairs, requested the Independent Commission Against Light Hall, carefully selected officials, wide Shi Criminal Prison, and the people a rest. Migration degree of support magistrate, advocate the preparation of the budget, "Background and use the CD-year-old section of the"; has a few words repeated court orders to change those policies, the court Luxurious living, given the ills of unrestrained, into the "sacred rule Proverbs" 5. Edwin year (1034) ambassador to Khitan. Zhuo Zhi Zhigao later sentenced to flow within the Civil, the knowledge Dengzhou (now part of Henan Province). To the office, the mobilization of the United States Yang weir extension workers; and a letter to repair the clamp Lu Pei, backwater note of that can be irrigated field 30000 ares. Unpaired Erzu.
  Xie Jiangshouju deep in conservation, the proposed terms of penetrating, as Ru Lin Suozong. Centre at the Department, Tai Hing school building. In Henan, the country had to build sub-studies, personal coaching, all the way to scholars in the hundreds. Hirai hospitality, pawn it demonstrated after the family owned, Collected Works Volume 5 (has Yi) only. Wang was described by rows, Ouyang Xiu essays epitaph.
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