现代中国 List of Authors
Liu YaziShen YinmoHai ZiLo FuShu Ting
Xu ZhimoXimurongYu GuangzhongSi ZhiLiu Bannong
Bei DaoGu ChengBian ZhilinDai WangshuDuo Duo
Chang YaoXiang MingGu YeshangyuChi ChiChen Zhongkun
Xiong YanJue BiguxiaDiBaiQi HongshengWang XuSheng
Lu XuGangYu RenBai LinTai YangdaoQiu She
Yi MingZhou MengdieZheng ChouyuLan YuningyanLiu Huaming
Liu HuajunChi KaiGuo MoRuoLin LingShang Qin
Luo MenXi ChuanOuyang JiangheDi YongmingYang Lian
Zhang CuoTian JianA LongJi XianHui Wa
Ma HuaQin ZihaoLin HengtaiRong ZiYa Xian
Yang HuanYang LingyeLin HuiyinBai QiuGuan Guan
Wang Lixiong
现代中国  (May 2, 1953 AD)
Nationality: 汉族
Township: 山东龙口
Birth Place: 吉林长春

Realistic Fiction《永动机患者》

Read works of Wang Lixiong at 小说之家
  Wang Lixiong (May 2, 1953 -), the Chinese mainland writers, Tibetologists, national experts and non-environmentalists. Native of Shandong Longkou, Han, now lives in Beijing.
  Wang Lixiong was born in Changchun, Jilin. Changchun Film Studio is the mother of the writer. Wang Shaolin father before the Cultural Revolution as the first car plant in Changchun, deputy director in 1968 was labeled a "capitalist roader" and "agents of the Soviet revisionists", who died in custody, as "committed suicide." 1969, Wang Lixiong followers "cow," the release of the mother to the countryside to jump the queue 4 years, began writing poetry. 1973, as workers, peasants and students in professional learning Jilin University of cars, college (1975) have a "layer selected delivery systems" idea. After graduation assigned to the Changchun First Automobile factory, first in the workshop as workers, one year later workshop technician, began to write novels and screenplays.
  1978 Wang Lixiong initiative to apply for transfer to the second car factory in Hubei, in computer technology in business management, during participation in the Democracy Wall activities and publications in mimeographed "Today" published her first novel - "perpetual motion machine of patients." 1980 to "loan" form to leave the steam, out of the official system.
  After Wang Lixiong write film scripts and film crew work. Writing in 1983, first novel, "Heaven's Gate." In 1984, Wang Lixiong alone the source of the Yellow River in Qinghai Tibetan passenger cars drifting raft inner tube tied bundles of more than 1,200 kilometers across the Tibetan areas in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, began in Tibet's attention. Writing in mid-1985, -1986 documentary novel "drifting", published in 1987. Joined the Chinese Writers Association in 1988. Political Allegory in 1988 began writing the novel "Yellow Peril", signed "confidentiality", Der Spiegel in 1991, published by the Hong Kong. In 1991 -1994, writing "dissolution of power - selected layer delivery system", published in 1998.
  1994, and Liang Congjie, Yang Dongping, Liang Xiaoyan, who established the first Chinese mainland environmental organizations - Friends of Nature, then personally involved in a number of planning and long-term projects.
  1995 -1998, at the ten provinces, Tibet and Tibetan areas in depth, accumulated in the storage time of 2 years, traveled on the basis of all the Tibetan areas, writing, "Sky Burial: The Fate of Tibet." Wang Lixiong since the fourteenth Dalai Lama four times to meet with the exchange. January 1999, the collection of information in Xinjiang, Wang Lixiong, ready to write works of the national question in Xinjiang. January 29, by the Chinese State Security Bureau on suspicion of leaking state secrets arrested, detained 42 days after the release. Wang Lixiong written this experience, "Xinjiang WORM" article, published on the Internet. Papers published in 1999, "Free Mind."
  May 2, 2001, publicly denounced by the Chinese Writers Association, he said in a statement asked: "What is the writer born zombies, or China's" Writers Association "and is trying to become a zombie the Chinese writer? "
  April 2002, published a "Dialogue with the Dalai Lama." Founded in 2002, "progressive democracy" personal website. December 2002, launched the case in Sichuan Tibetan Living Buddha Aanzhaxi signature petition calling for the fair hearing. February 2003, as the Government's command, when he was "Friends of Nature" Friends of Nature governing the Wang Lixiong be removed. 2004, published by Taiwan's Locus "Progressive Democracy - China's third way." End of 2004, and married the Tibetan writer Woeser.
  October 2007, after a nine-year investigation and thinking, Locus Publishing in Taiwan, Xinjiang book, "My Western, your East land."
  June 2002, Beijing Institute of Contemporary Chinese awarded Wang Lixiong 2002 "Contemporary Chinese Contribution Award."
  June 29, 2002, Wang Lixiong accepted in New York granted the Independent Chinese PEN Prize for Freedom of the first writing.
  July 2003, and Liao Yiwu, Liu Pin-yen by the United States with the Herman / Hammett Prize for human rights in writing.
  February 24, 2007, New Zealand Institute of Han Wang Lixiong awarded the title of Honorary Member.
  Major works
  "Yellow Peril", 1991, Political Fable. The book depicts the Chinese caught in the political, economic, cultural, population and ecology major crisis eventually led to the total collapse of society as a whole, a large number of refugees out of border, threatening the world and human existence. The novel caused by foreign media tracking reports, Wang Lixiong has thus won reputation of "China's most outspoken writers." The book was selected for the Asian weekly one hundred twentieth century Chinese novel, at 41, which is still Hong Kong and Taiwan and overseas selling.
  "Sky Burial: The Fate of Tibet", 1998, issue of Tibet monographs. Wang Lixiong in the book to a lot of personal experience and field seen to present his argument, related to the history of Tibet, Present and all its aspects. This book in the Han Chinese and Tibetans have been highly evaluated, is thought to be the most objective of the Tibet issue, one of the profound book, showing the king of Tibet, the land of deep pity pregnant with extraordinary insight. Foreign media had organized seminars devoted to discussion. An updated version released in 2009.
  "Free Mind", in 1999, mainly to ecological and environmental protection ideas essay. Appendix book booklet "dissolving power", the political system design monographs. This book discusses the election and put forward a new concept - "layer selected delivery system", it is hoped that this method of transformation of China's system of security.
  "Dialogue with the Dalai Lama", 2002, Dialogue.
  "Progressive Democracy - China's third way", in 2004, the political system design monographs. Reference to the language of mainstream academic way, re-interpretation of the "select layer delivery system", and China's current economic, ecological, social and political crises in-depth analysis.
  July 2007, with his wife Woeser English corpus co-"Unlocking Tibet" published in Switzerland. The book includes several years of his many articles the issue of Tibet.
  "I am the Western Regions, the East of your soil", in 2007, Xinjiang monograph, "Sky Burial: The Fate of Tibet," the companion piece. Finishing a 99 year revenue has published on the Internet's "Xinjiang WORM," a text, and another four times since the king to return to the knowledge of Xinjiang, Uygur people in Xinjiang local interviews, and how to solve the problem in Xinjiang China. The book has a lot of real shot pictures, and folk Uygur account of the situation, is the first time publicly.
  San articles: "Revelation 911", "Dharma Ending Age - Functions and of Tibetan Buddhism were destroyed," "Dalai Lama is the key to Tibet", "the Dalai Lama about a fantasy novel outline", "Xinjiang WORM "," Nationalism and Religion, "" Two faces of imperialism in Tibet - Perspective Woeser Incident "," Maoism and paradise on earth "," Mao Zedong and the bottom "Economic Revolution" "," China obtained from the Cultural Revolution What, "" coalition of the breakthrough beyond the elite league, "and so on.
  Wang Lixiong in the early 1980s to the unit system from the mainland, and began to free creative maverick. Wang Lixiong of several works published abroad, have a greater impact. His major works in the mainland can not be formally published although so far, but there are some works in the Internet spread the printing can also see some pirated circulation.
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