南宋 List of Authors
Zhang XiaoxiangLi QingzhaoZhu DunruLu You
Fan ChengdaYue FeiWu WenyingDong Huai
Zhou MiZhao GouWei QiHong Mai
Zhao DunLou YaoGao ZhuZhao Kuo
Zheng QingzhiZhao KuiLiang DongChen Junqing
Dai BiaoyuanDeng MuFang ShanjingFu Hangjian
Guo LeiqingHuang ZhenShen HuanShi Mizhong
Shi ShouzhiShu LinWu ZiliangXie Ao
Yao YingShe MengdingYuan FuZhao Shen
Zhao YunZhao QiZhao XianZhao Shi
Zhao BingLi TangHan TuozhouSong Ci
Wang ZhidaoHu TaichuZhao YumuLi Xinchuan
Fu SongqingCai YuandingDong SijingXie Shouhao
Liu YongguangZheng SikenHe ShouchengLiu Chuxuan
Huo JizhiYu DongzhenWu WuZhipan
Song Ci
南宋  (1186 AD1249 AD)
Name and Alias: 惠父
Township: 建阳

Medical Science《洗冤集录》

Read works of Song Ci at 百家争鸣
  Song Ci, Father of the word benefit is an outstanding forensic scientist in ancient China. Jianyang (now Fujian) people, and Zhu Xi Master of Science Association. Confucian learning early years, more than any official position, after the local officials, more negative the duty of Prison, and finally An Fushi economic strategy of Guangdong. Handling numerous cases of life. Two years before his death (AD 1247) Zhuancheng and inscribed "Xi Yuan Ji Lu," five volumes. This book is the experience of his life, the crystallization of thought, not only China, the world's first forensic science monographs. Italian 佛图纳图菲 profit than in the year 1602 written similar books 350 years earlier.
  Neo-Confucianism was popular. This is a huge and very fine complete idealist ideology. Song Li Zong (reigned AD 1225-1264), the Neo-Confucianism was lifted supremacy, as the official ruling ideology is not controversial. The representative Zhou, Cheng Hao, Cheng Yi and Zhu Xi, etc. are, respectively, the posthumous title of "meta Public," "pure public" and "being public", "wengong" and from the worship of Confucius Temple, the glory of the extreme. Science can be seen at this time of great.
  As the fellow and the followers of Zhu Xi, Song Ci trained physical education and long-term influence of the system. Youth, by the industry in the same Yi Ren, "test booths (Xi residence is also the number) high section," Wu Zhi. Into the Imperial College after he was famous for the Neo-Confucian, Zhu Xi mursal really appreciated German show, then do the division. After many years in the Scholars official. It stands to reason that such people must have a strong physical idealism.
  State and County official was often put human life in Prison Committee of the matter is no practical experience in the new elected officials or Taketo, these people vulnerable to defraud; coupled with fear of pain fear and some of them dirty, not field tested on the merits or, being the location where the crime, but "Looking Erfu pro, noses and disdain," which will inevitably determine the errors, as well as black and white reversed, confuse right and wrong, a miscarriage of justice have arisen.
  Prison, as the government, Song Ci hate this phenomenon, strongly opposed. His criminal hearings process management, places the public life as the most important and realistic. He said: "Mercy Corps to send four thousand provincial judge (magistrates), he had no inches long, alone in the prison case, not every dollar Meng slow and easy heart." This confession, as his many years of Prison is indeed serious about the official portrayal. He attaches particular importance on the merits of the real test, said: "The prison thing Mo is more important than a large provision, a large provision of Mo is more important than puberty, puberty Mo emphasis on testing. Lid of life and death out of the right to public opinion, quiet vain flexion-extension of the machine including the reason that decision . "means that the" big provision "that decapitation was the heaviest penalty, this penalty is determined by the facts of the crime, and crime that must be examined before being found, so the test results are often life and death. Only in this way, treatment examination must not muddle through going through the motions, but must be serious and responsible, "Works from the fact," we should find out the real situation of the incident, the "no loss in the trial of." To accomplish this, the Song that when the inspection officials must "come to regard." No matter where the case came to light, but also "attend to personally Yi corpse edge of a farm," "Free To sell off injured at." Otherwise, the rod should be at the crime of dereliction of duty. Even if the case came to light in the summer months, the body taste bad, smell is not close, when the inspection officials "must be specific, can not avoid the smell evil."
  Song is not mud teaches another outstanding performance is the attitude towards the body, especially the ability to expose and test the hidden body part. In accordance with the physical "vision, hearing, speech, action is not indecent assault", "jump in without thinking, outside the non-frivolous," the doctrine of the body at the time of inspection, must cover up some of the secret to avoid "jump to thinking," "recklessness "suspected. Song Ci actual needs for testing, a counter-ethics at the time and specific practices, a thorough autopsy to break the restricted area. He told officials when the review: It must not be hidden at the shelter, all the holes awakened, must be "small test" to see which is inserted needles, knives and other deadly substance. And specifically states: "Where the woman experiences, not shame to avoid" should be carried to the "bright stationary at." If the deceased was wealthy maid, but also carried the body to test the road, "so people see a Bixian Yi." This inspection body, which at the time of the Neo-Confucian moralists seems a bit too "evil" of the. But on the identification of the case and the relevant personnel to prevent the use of such ethics hide facts of the case, it is very necessary. ?? Commendable. Only because Song was born in Vermilion, inconvenience as the same period of Chen Liang and Ye Shi thinkers such as public criticism by name Neo-idealism. But he used his scientific works to promote truth-seeking behavior and the truth of the materialism of this and Chen, Ye criticism, with the same positive meaning.
  In the "Xi Yuan Ji Lu", there are a number of test methods, although the experience category, but is consistent with modern science, it is amazing. If the bones with a clear oil scar umbrella test, is an example: "The autopsy and bone loss at, not now trace, with bad (lees), vinegar poured foment corpse, open new oil in or out of oil silk umbrella cover Yuxian Department separated meet at the umbrella view, mark that is. If rainy, with hot charcoal every photo. This is also good law. " "Will be marked bones umbrella cover inspection, if the bone has been playing at, that is, red road, slightly shade; bone off place, two have continued their pull halo color of blood; then there are marks on bone photo to see the red live but during his lifetime be graded out. bone without blood shade, even though some Sun Zhe, is a death mark. "such inspection bones trauma, UV light and modern, as are the use of optics. Song Ci was only limited to the technological level of the state is not conscious, know-but I do not know know why. Bones are opaque objects, it is selectively reflecting the sun's. When the light through the oil out of oil or a new silk umbrella, umbrella, one of the observation part of the light is absorbed, so easy to see the scars. Another example is discussed in the book to die to save constriction, and contemporary artificial breathing, almost no difference. Also with the bad, vinegar, white plum, gall Fan foment other drugs to wash wounds covered, to prevent outside infection, elimination of inflammation, the role of fixed-wound, but also consistent with modern scientific principles, but the drugs used are different. And so on, abound. Application and records of these methods is to find out the real purpose of casualties reason, all reflect the scientific spirit of seeking truth.
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