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Liu Saiqi
现代中国  (March 2, 1930 AD)
First Name: 刘松林
Township: 湖北

Read works of Liu Saiqi at 小说之家
  Liu Siqi: also known as Songlin, 1930 March 2 was born in Hubei, Liu Siqi was Mao's daughter, the wife of Mao Anying, Liu Siqi and Anying marriage is not long, but they have deep feelings. "Reasonable" is the beginning of Liu Qian, a daughter in prison, the name of her hometown in Shandong Qilu since ancient times, the parents had worked there, meaning the place to remember her, remember there's people and their parents where experience. Filed Liu Siqi, I believe that came from that era who will not feel strange, this year is the 56th anniversary of the expense Anying, Liu Siqi first came shortly before sacrifice Anying place condolences.
  Liu Siqi - Love Years
  Liu Siqi
  Moderator: Hello viewers, welcome into the "Press Room." Today we have two names show guests, and now she is called Songlin, Liu Siqi mention the name of her former, I believe that came from that era who will not feel strange, well, Liu Siqi was Mao's daughter, the wife of Mao Anying . This year marks the 56th anniversary of the expense Anying, recently Liu Siqi first came to the place of sacrifice Anying.
  May 12, 2006, Yu-dong, North Korea ushered in a large Chinese guests. Yu Tung Tai Ping North Road, Fairmont is located in North County, is the former headquarters of the Chinese volunteers, but also 56 years ago, Mao Zedong's son Anying sacrifice areas. The special Chinese guests is the wife of Liu Siqi Anying year, although the 75-year-old Liu them four times North Korea, but the first four are destined to worship Anying hoechang Tomb. Great Yu-dong, where the expense of the year Anying, Liu Siqi has not been to, which has become a wish Liu Siqi years. Today, Liu Siqi finally completed this wish. May 13, Liu Siqi also with her children, as well as all the descendants of Mao Zedong, came Anying grave, and there are a lot of relatives are first came to North Korea. Anying, today I took the children to come to your grave, they respect you, miss you. I am old, is not the year of the David C. Lam a; Anying, once I come back because of old age or disease can not give you a grave, they will come for me, you will always be their loved ones. "Sufficient for 56 years girls become elderly, but the heart does not change the thoughts and tenderness, to that period can not let go of the emotions, Liu Siqi took the children sacrificed love has finally come where the year.
  Liu Siqi - Five go to North Korea
  Moderator: Today we go to is Miss Liu Siqi program, Hello. This time you went to Korea is the fifth time, why not have the opportunity before to sacrifice Anying place, this time to be able for the first time go?
  Liu Siqi: My first visit to North Korea in 1959, the Chairman of that time we set the
  Liu Siqi and Anying
  Rules, we went to North Korea not to disturb the DPRK side, because after the war, it is difficult to place of sacrifice, the action is even greater, it is not a place cypress Chang, it is from our borders would close, only 50 km in Northeast has a Kuandian. Another one is at the time did not think to Kuandian go to the grave to think that I could have been very satisfied. I came back, I reported to the President, I reported late because I was sick in Korea, came back to Beijing, the train and went directly to the hospital, in the hospital for a long long time.
  Moderator: Can you say that mental collapse?
  Liu Siqi: Yes, President finally gave me a letter to the main content of the first two sentences I remember, that is consciousness-based, medical supplement, I suddenly wake up, I mainly mental collapse Therefore, the whole body collapsed. Well after my illness, I went to the grave of President reporting process. President was asked a very, very careful, I'll Hui Chang Korean martyrs cemetery building, that building a layer of Liangceng three steps gave to him, he listened very carefully, and then he drew me a map.
  Moderator: Why cemetery location, size small to tell the President so listen to it?
  Liu Siqi: President asked, he said you into the cemetery from the beginning, how do you go up, and then I told him that there hexagonal pavilion, that is, from the door into the cemetery, 240 steps, on behalf of our 2.4 million volunteers, and then go up the steps in this A plaque in front of that spirit lives forever, there are steps up through the platform, another platform, he said that this platform is, I say that this platform has a lot of granite or marble stone blocks, above bronze statue of a volunteer Duanzhuo Qiang, very high. Later that seems to be 14 meters high, but I did not know.
  Moderator: Is not President want your eyes to personally go there?
  Liu Siqi: I think so. He wanted to see this through my eyes
  North Korean leaders met families of the martyrs Anying Mission
  Cemetery, and later President of question very carefully, Anying tomb in what direction, and I told him Anying in front of the tomb, the tomb behind him 133. He had a long time, like a long time before that, David C. Lam you will have the opportunity to, you sacrifice Anying place to take a look. This time I learned that I should go to his place of sacrifice, I realized that if I still have such a heart desire, but I did not realize this, the hidden desire. Until 1985 I have a second chance to the DPRK, it is our government delegations, as a group, I feel I can not make such a request, I have a person from the group, go alone activities.
  Moderator: If you mention this requirement, I believe they will find ways to meet.
  Liu Siqi: I think it might be because of the nature of this delegation does not, it is a delegation of relatives of martyrs Anying, all his relatives, I think the family room for delegation of this activity seems to be larger, comrades of the delegation also understand, I'm going to that place, but also understanding.
  Moderator: or you put forward.
  Liu Siqi: Yes, I proposed, I said I was going.
  Moderator: Do you sacrifice a person to go alone?
  Liu Siqi: I am a person with a child past.
  Moderator: to grave, and to sacrifice to go, what is the difference that experience?
  Liu Siqi: grave seems to be a commemoration of the meaning, but to a large elm hole, I said in the article, I was feeling kind of pilgrimage, I can say that a large elm-dong, the grief deeper and more Sixin, to find him the expense of the local
  Liu Siqi
  Time to see when the mind is the scene when he was sacrificed, that this land drenched with the blood of him, he is the end of his life in this land, and he sacrificed in this land with napalm , the most painful moment of his life was spent here.
  Moderator: Time have been over the past 50 years, but you are still so strong this feeling.
  Liu Siqi: I do not know why, he assumed the battlefield, a bullet to end their lives may be some of my feelings to be weak.
  Moderator: Do you think that the process is too tragic.
  Liu Siqi: Yes, I think he lost their lives in this process people can not imagine, can not be tolerated.
  Moderator: There are no sign?
  Liu Siqi: There are signs, there was a mined, mined as a headquarters, who gave it signs out, and repair very well, they have been destroyed, the original war room up in the next and repair.
  Moderator: You brought a jar of soil from North Korea back where it is taken from the soil?
  Liu Siqi: This is from that platform, get down from the platform. At that time, land here, and I want to leave this earth to be a permanent memorial, the children help me to get to.
  Moderator: Looks like a pine cone was brought back, with a handful of soil, do you think brought back what is it?
  Liu Siqi: I think I bring home the souls of Anying, I brought him back, he was accompanied by my side.
  Moderator: guarding something that can be practical about it?
  Liu Siqi: I feel like there is some comfort in mind.
  Moderator: You said that this may be the last to see him, why say so?
  Liu Siqi: Because I am already 75 years old, but old people do, there is a saying in ancient China called the twilight, I am now last days, like a burning candle in the wind, wind that is hard to say what will happen.
  Moderator: If you want to do this when we realize that children may be the last thing, then do as much as possible to hope to complete, leaving no regret, this time in Korea do you think all the wishes are true?
  Liu Siqi: no. I do not wish to meet a person that makes me sit in the tomb of Mao Anying, riding day and night, three days and three nights.
  Moderator: This emotion is not a break, or continue?
  Liu Siqi: Yes, I think the emotion was not broken.
  Songlin and Anying marriage is not long, but they both have had deep roots. Songlin's mother Zhang Wenqiu revolutionary comrade Mao Zedong, 1927, held in Wuhan, the Fifth Congress of the CPC, Mao Zedong saw Zhang Wenqiu, know that he married only three days to joke that if you gave birth to her daughter, we to "of relatives", casual joke did not expect to become a reality. Anying not only tied the knot with her sister, Shao Hua Mao Anqing and later formed a family.
  Liu Siqi - Memorial Course
  Liu Siqi born in 1930 in Hubei Province in 1938 with Zhang Wenqiu ready to go to the Soviet Union with his father a doctor, through Xinjiang, the reactionary warlords met with the family spent the entire eight years in prison. Back in 1946, Yan'an was from Xinjiang.
  Anying was born in Hunan in 1922, over the years with her mother and younger brother Yang Kaihui
  Liu Siqi
  Di Mao Anqing, the dragon was removed around the shore. 1930, Yang Kaihui arrested by the reactionary warlords, heroic martyrdom, 8-year-old and two younger brothers Anying party arranged by underground life in Shanghai, Shanghai, after the destruction of underground party, shore Long died in the hospital, Anying, shore Green started the 4-year wandering life.
  Until 1936, the brothers Anying underground party organizations to find, send them to Moscow. Anying end of the returned overseas students in 1945, came to Yan'an, where he met 14-year-old Liu Siqi.
  Moderator: The first time you see Anying, when a little girl you are only 14 years old, his almost-year-old than you big, right?
  Liu Siqi: Almost ten to ten.
  Moderator: The first screen you will be on his bell?
  Liu Siqi: I'm back to Yan'an in 1946, came back from prison in Xinjiang, I know that President have a son, returned from the Soviet Union, is very poor when small, wandering in Shanghai, and later they gave me an explanation, street children is a small beggar. One day I went to President house, out of Anying little sister is the Line, where we lived from the President down, he came across, I was holding her, she rushed to open my hand slipped passed, rushed passed cried my brother, I think it probably was the little beggars.
  Moderator: From a 14-year-old girl's eyes out, it is what kind of young people?
  Liu Siqi: I was looking at him, thought he was tall, people are very smart, but very simple, and there is no difference between the cadres around, but the younger, looked very young, to such an impression.
  Moderator: The first plane is the equivalent of such a pass?
  Liu Siqi: Yes.
  Moderator: What is your impression of him on it?
  Liu Siqi: He wrote to me when he said that he said that I remember most is your great eyes, bright, he said the other did not leave much impression.
  Moderator: that time should be particularly concerned about young people, free love, your love is between the parents
  Liu Siqi to Anying grave memorial
  Life or freedom of development?
  Liu Siqi: I think it is free, but if the parents agree that time we still feel very pleased love.
  Moderator: He asked you to pursue your first said it?
  Liu Siqi: guess it is.
  Moderator: how the representation?
  Liu Siqi: went to Xibaipo after living in a room with the Line, came Anying night, with the two of us talking during late night. He told me about later, to talking about theory, and Marxism-Leninism, the more confused the more I heard about, the more you want to sleep, it came when Jiang Qing, said her sister is tiring, and said his sister to ride for a day horse, to go to bed, but he still did not go, still there said I had no table, I guess there must be more than 12 points, Lina kept sitting there nodding.
  Moderator: That was not directed at you come from?
  Liu Siqi: he directed at me, he would not want to leave, and later it is too late, he left. I had my very natural, I feel nothing, and slowly he told me some of his life, after the complaint, then I say we go too far I said you are a foreign student, foreign bread to eat, I out from the prison, it is still on the course, then he said, we two are the same fate, a vine on a two bitter, he said that my mother is shot by the KMT, your father is shot by the KMT, I grew Zuojian Yu, you grew Zuojian Yu. I grew up wandering out of school, you are a small school, Zuojian Yu. But the two of us should be able to come together.
  Moderator: Anying love with romance?
  Liu Siqi: I think he may have touched my addition to his background, his experiences, ups and downs of the experience, other than he have suffered, that is, years after Soviet life he was the kind of unrestrained emotion Yangcheng, he was not in China Popular boy so cold, his feelings came out like fire, like a cloud of the fire the same.
  Liu Siqi - marriage,
  Liu Siqi
  Moderator: very easy to be conquered, and the girls character emotion that can easily be conquered.
  Liu Siqi: possible. In 1949, founding of new China, Liu Siqi and Anying also arrived in Beijing. After their romantic relationship has been established, with the approval of Chairman Mao's approval, they decided to get married. In 1949, Liu Siqi Anying and held a wedding, the wedding came to be called is a particularly high standard, but the minimum marriage scene.
  Moderator: Do you dress up your day, how?
  Liu Siqi: no clothes at that time, very difficult. I remember wearing a brown corduroy dress, Lenin equipment, lesbian, and I forget, here is a side buttoning a shirt or buttoning a shirt, a belt and no makeup.
  Moderator: not wearing a flower like that?
  Liu Siqi: Later Line, Min they do not know where to find the one I put on Ronghua, very simple.
  Moderator: What gift from the elders there yet?
  Liu Siqi: Finally out of a coat of Chairman Mao, he said I have nothing to give you.
  Moderator: should not a new coat.
  Liu Siqi: No, as if he went to Chiang Kai-shek in Chongqing in consultation with the time of a black coat, he said that I did something for you, give Anying wear this coat it, then looked at me, I feel like a new daughter in law is not a gift , and later said, so be it, at night the two of you cover, the David C. Lam has seen, there are copies of the David C. Lam.
  Moderator: As a young girl is concerned, the wedding of his heart that it is a bit simple?
  Liu Siqi: no.
  Moderator: Because the highest specifications.
  Liu Siqi: nor is the idea that time is that, because during the war years, the whole wedding is like this.
  Moderator: For Anying, your assessment of the man he is a very noble one, as her husband is concerned, he is a husband, what is more pragmatic, or more romantic?
  Liu Siqi: I think he has.
  Moderator: That's perfect.
  Liu Siqi: He was very strict with himself, but his love is still very bold.
  Moderator: He demonstrated how romantic it?
  Liu Siqi: that is, between the romantic couple. But sometimes he went to the Soviet Union, give me back a shirt or two to do the cloth, or what people gave him a bag, and I feel very happy.
  Liu Siqi - went to North Korea
  The second session of the Mao Zedong Memorial Hall Association
  June 25, 1950, the Korean War broke out, volunteered Anying, asked to the Korean front. But Anying said of Liu Siqi but only to perform the task. But less than a month's time, Anying to sacrifice in the Korean War, but from beginning to end, Liu Siqi has been kept in the dark, until three years later, she knew where Anying was a business trip to North Korea, and Anying has been sacrificed in the Korean War. Recalled the scene had to leave Anying, Liu Siqi still can not let go, and always felt she owed Anying a situation.
  Moderator: Under what? You do not know.
  Liu Siqi: Because of my knowledge, he informed, is to understand his heart, he knew he might never come back, I always remember his last walk, I remain in the hospital, I got up, got up to send him to the hospital door, he will not let me sending away, and he gave me a low bow, and bent so low, I do not understand at that time, never had time himself may be too young.
  Moderator: did not think.
  Liu Siqi: did not think.
  Moderator: At that time the Korean War on Anying, he was very clear, but without telling you, he told how do you say?
  Liu Siqi: He said he wanted to travel, he said I want to travel, I'm leaving tomorrow.
  Moderator: That he was in front of you on North Korea to mention it?
  Liu Siqi: No, did not mention a word, but asked me one, and he said you know there is a Korean, you know, I said that, I say you are not at war, he said, is over. Then he quickly changed the subject, I did not even think of his business trip and North Korea are linked. He is not trying to tell me, and later refrained.
  Moderator: How long he left no contact is always within you?
  Liu Siqi: three years, he had gone to have a letter for me to have a letter did not mention any words.
  Moderator: That letter can not tell from where to send it?
  Liu Siqi: can not tell, because the letter was brought back from the inside, there is no postmark, the former is often the case, when he left, there is a saying, I was in retrospect, to think to understand that time he told me speaking, he said, after I left, you may not receive my letter, do not worry, he said traffic is not convenient, because in 1950, we have just the founding, our original turbulent life is here today, tomorrow there , who can not find who.
  Moderator: So this argument is tenable.
  Liu Siqi - battlefield sacrifice
  Liu Siqi
  November 25, 1950, the U.S. military began a new round of bombardment, the operations room of collating information is not enough time to escape Anying, surrounded by a sea of fire instantly, Anying were burned alive, the age of 29.
  Moderator: Then he sacrificed a message you can get from the President?
  Liu Siqi: Yes.
  Moderator: You can not think of that day do not ask how?
  Liu Siqi: After I got the letter of Plus, it has not practical, the day could not bear it, I go to the Office of the President asked, I said why not so long Anying letter.
  Moderator: What was the atmosphere in that room, the President expressed how?
  Liu Siqi: The Chairman said that he had sacrificed.
  Moderator: Direct to tell you?
  Liu Siqi: Direct to the word, my mind went blank inside, later began to cry, and I do not know, I just heard someone said to me, do not cry, the President's hand is already cold, and before I woke up.
  Moderator: If you know and then, after three years of know what this emotionally different?
  Liu Siqi: Maybe my heart would be more relaxed, the President, and why? I know after three years I may not go to torture President. Chairman to hide the news, in front of me as always Anying alive talk to me, talking about him, and I often brought before the President Anying thing, the talking-shop, the President had to cajole me, In fact I know his heart, and I was in retrospect, he is very painful.
  Moderator: As the President is concerned, in addition to hide outside, there is no attempt to give you a hint it? You later recall. You cry for a while was to be reminded, and then himself under control. In the later have the opportunity to truly express their grief that it?
  Liu Siqi: It seems not. I think no place to vent.
  Moderator: And see, see dead people all see, the cemetery also see, at that time to accept this fact?
  Liu Siqi: I do not want to accept, but do nothing.
  Moderator: Is not the first time and visit this truly able to accept a child?
  Liu Siqi: Yes. I think he's really gone, did not look at this before, I always found him living in a place where nothing, he is still alive, some day he opened the door and entered.
  Liu Siqi - ordinary life
  Liu Siqi
  Moderator: But for you if it is to go down the road of life, have to accept this fact, you start again.
  Liu Siqi: Yes. Anying after the death of Liu Siqi has been living. Until 1959, Anying died 10 years later, Liu Siqi only set up his own family, she was the daughter of Mao Zedong became an ordinary man. Over the years, Liu Siqi been living a normal life, but more than 50 years, but was emotional for her husband Anying forever in my heart.
  Moderator: When I see your experience, many people are saying, Liu Siqi will not in this particular context of marriage should be a single-mindedness, but then know that you get married again feel very gratified, This is a time of your choice? Or the parents choose for you?
  Liu Siqi: This is the President said, I know Anying sacrifice, the President of my education, the beginning is that it should get married again.
  Moderator: When first proposed, you must not accept it emotionally.
  Liu Siqi: when he had just proposed, met people I did not feel any. If a girl is in love, you suddenly gave her an object to find, impossible, there is that feeling.
  Moderator: Then why do we accept a new life?
  Liu Siqi: probably have, that a person or to live, or have a life, but also a kind of pressure, that is, that my day does not solve my personal life, the President is a lot of pressure, he always felt there is a pieces of unfinished thoughts.
  Moderator: You were at the heart of Anying have the kind of unbearable nostalgia for cardio, your husband, then he can understand such emotions?
  Liu Siqi: I think he should be able to understand, I thought, and his wife, her ex-husband is a martyr, she went to remember the martyrs, he felt uncomfortable, I feel that to stingy.
  Moderator: You talked about this between the problem?
  Liu Siqi: no. But such nostalgia for Anying, observances, and he did not say anything, did not show any discomfort or do not understand.
  Moderator: Only two years such a short time, the feelings of a profound impact on their lives, you think it worth it?
  Liu Siqi: I think it is worth, I was in his character under the influence of this, I am a man, I think cleaner.
  Moderator: This is the biggest harvest?
  Liu Siqi: I think that above all else, and now, even to close your eyes, I let down myself, I did not because of money, power, fame, bend over because of all these things back, find extraordinary.
  Moderator: to you from Chairman Mao's daughter was later turned into an ordinary wife, Liu Siqi name from the familiar becomes less familiar Songlin, this change affect you it?
  Liu Siqi: This change can be said is one of my wealth, as suddenly become a very ordinary woman, I tasted the ordinary woman suffered by all. I always have a feeling that a person's life very well assume that he did not enjoy real life, the ups and downs as a person.
  Moderator: to be encountered after an ordinary woman and what not the same difficulties?
  Liu Siqi: That, of course encounter many. Ye Hao life, spiritual 也好.
  Moderator: Although this can enrich the life experience, but through those things in a specific time.
  Liu Siqi: That was painful, but I think I come back to life is abundant.
  Liu Siqi - Preface
  Anying in the Korean War
  "Anying in the Korean War," this book: Wu Li Jin, published by the Writers Publishing House, Anying old wife Liu Siqi to the preamble of this writing, felt deep between the lines share the feelings of sincere!
  Marshes, the passage of time, leave me Anying have half a century. Fifty years ago, "Anying" these three words engraved in the hearts of millions of Chinese people, but never fade, this is my greatest comfort and encouragement. I've seen a lot of research and praise Anying works, but dedicated Anying books in the Korean War, this is the first. This book seems to take me a long time tunnel and took me back to that burning passion.
  Of the Chinese People's Volunteers in Mission has worked many times for Anying martyrs grave. He was relying on an emotional Anying, a responsibility of history, seen and heard by the sense of North Korea during the interview a lot of volunteer veterans to collect and study a number of related historical materials, time-consuming for several years, and finally completion of this documentary literature, its spirit is indeed commendable.
  This book is the fall from a central decision-making 九五 ○ troops, wrote in 1959 I went to North Korea in spring grave, which focuses on more than a month after writing the activities of the DPRK Anying. Although time is not too great, but the strokes of the documentary, from one side of the Korean War Anying reproduce the real life, a narrative which is also due before the DPRK Anying life story of each historical period. Informative, content rich, some of them little-known stories is indeed a praise of the martyrs, education, future generations of the book.
  Liu Siqi
  Anying is a patriotic person. When the U.S. imperialist aggression troops occupied the Korean peninsula, threatening the safety of China, volunteered to go to the Korean war Anying, the first volunteer enrolled. It is said that Anying was placed in the volunteer headquarters is not the will of his own, he personally thought of destroying the enemy army troops in war, this is also the military commander asked thirty-eight Penglao Zong Liang Xingchu help him to intercede.
  Anying is an inquisitive, hard work and self-motivation of the people. When he went to North Korea with a lot of books, Peng Zhang Yang secretary while carrying the book I say that he is the battlefield to the hill! Anying use of air time, under the wings of the aircraft and read a lot of U.S. data, to develop operational plans for the commander Peng provided a lot of help.
  Anying is a discipline person. He never considered itself to the son of a great man, always sees himself as an ordinary soldier, as well as volunteer with the vehicle entry into any of the political wing comrades of Ministers of the Organization Department of him as an ordinary local officials; cadres according to the prevailing regulations should eat small focal groups, When we were together he and the big pot in the cafeteria to eat, eat whole grains; his proactive work, where there is difficult, where there is danger, where he appeared, when the enemy bombing of the resident big Chi Yu Tung Division, he was still the war room processing ... ...
  Liu Siqi
  In memory of Anying the same time, I can not miss the great father Mao Zedong. After news of Anying martyred, his father endured great old son in grief, while incessantly handling national affairs, while with great love and patience, first cover me, comfort me after that and persuade me to show out of a bottomless affection and as a leader of the strong self-control specific to the extraordinary style and stand tall. I have lost loved ones after the situation was desperate, it was in his care for the elderly in particular, I did summon the life of sailing.
  Anying thirty-four days in Korea, is he and I part forever the thirty-four days, is his most extraordinary life of three fourteen days. Holding the manuscript, I seem to see the Anying a military uniform, perform tasks in the hail of bullets when the dignified calm of course, majestic course, stern natural tall figure, was the existence of a heat rushing all over, suddenly the grief of lost loved ones in the deep rising from a strong determination to learn to Anying!
  Thanks for the Memories cherish the hope that all the martyrs who today have to read this book, it not only left people and countless memories, people struck by the tragic soul, but also gives strength. The publication of this book can be said that both the far-reaching historical significance, also has profound practical significance, it inspired the twenty-first century the Chinese people in the vicissitudes of the socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics, advance the cause.
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