现代中国 List of Authors
Liu YaziShen YinmoHai ZiLo FuShu Ting
Xu ZhimoXimurongYu GuangzhongSi ZhiLiu Bannong
Bei DaoGu ChengBian ZhilinDai WangshuDuo Duo
Chang YaoXiang MingGu YeshangyuChi ChiChen Zhongkun
Xiong YanJue BiguxiaDiBaiQi HongshengWang XuSheng
Lu XuGangYu RenBai LinTai YangdaoQiu She
Yi MingZhou MengdieZheng ChouyuLan YuningyanLiu Huaming
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Luo MenXi ChuanOuyang JiangheDi YongmingYang Lian
Zhang CuoTian JianA LongJi XianHui Wa
Ma HuaQin ZihaoLin HengtaiRong ZiYa Xian
Yang HuanYang LingyeLin HuiyinBai QiuGuan Guan
Gao Yubao
现代中国  (April 6, 1927 AD)
Township: 山东黄县

Author critical biography《高玉宝》

Read works of Gao Yubao at 小说之家
  Gao Yubao (April 6, 1927 -), Shandong Province Huang County. Born in Liaoning Jia-Tuncun Wafangdian. China famous writer. Former soldiers, correspondents, arts officers, division level creative member of the Communist Youth League Central Committee of the Second Sino-German Friendship Association, the Association of Folk Literature, Liaoning Province, Shenyang Military Region, honorary director of studios.
  When he was 9 years old child, 15-year-old to do the labor, 17-year-old school carpenter, to participate in the PLA in 1947, joined the CPC in 1948. Shenyang in Liaoning, Beiping, value great service 6 Po neutral campaign. 1962, walked into the China People's University Department of Journalism learning. Former soldiers, correspondents, arts officers, division level creative member of the Communist Youth League Central Committee of the Second Sino-German Friendship Association, the Association of Folk Literature, Liaoning Province, Shenyang Military Region, honorary director of studios. Liaoning Province, the eighth and ninth NPC, the National Honorary Director of the Next Generation Committee, consultants, senior lecturer, moral education lecturers and professors. Attended the third World Youth Congress and the Fourth World Youth and Student Peace and Friendship Festival, and has participated in the national army heroes and advanced workers, it has been to Tiananmen Square to participate in the National Day ceremony, had been Mao Zedong, Zhu De , Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping, the older generation of party and state leaders met 23 times, has been President Jiang Zemin, Premier Zhu Rongji met 3 times, once for more than the traditional field of Education Report 3300, more than 340 million people, is concerned about the next generation of advanced workers, advanced workers extracurricular education of children in China, the national labor model, outstanding party members PLA Shenyang Military Region, model learning from Lei Feng (won Gold Medal). 1955 began to publish works. Joined the Chinese Writers Association in 1956.
  He only went to school a month, but has written a total of more than 200 million words of several novels. Short story, "I want to study" and "Banyejijiao" has been elected to the school language textbook; "Banyejijiao" was made into a puppet movie, elected in 1995, "Republic of classic literature books." Novel "Gao Yubao" in the country in 7 national languages had been published, and was more than 10 countries and regions, translated and published in 15 foreign languages, only amounted to Han Wen, published more than 450 million copies and was adapted for the 24 comic strips. He is being late Premier Zhou Enlai called "Warrior Writers" Gao Yubao.
  Gao Yubao - major works
  Autobiographical novel "Gao Yubao" novel "Chunyan", "I am a soldier", "Gao Yubao sequel", and published more than 100 short stories, essays, reports and other works of literature.
  Gao Yubao - Awards
  "Gao Yubao" in the country have published 7 national language in foreign countries and regions in 12 countries in 15 languages translated and published. Reportage "home everywhere Huanxinya" published in May 1973, China's external publications of 5 with 6 text released to the world. 1992, "Gao Yubao sequel" won the prize for literature in Northeast China.
  Gao Yubao is a warrior from the growing up illiterate writer, his six decades on persistently writing a book, make a report, etc., on the cadres and masses to carry out patriotic education, especially the young. People's Daily had "soldiers Gao Yubao literary heroes" in the title deeds of his coverage.
  "Banyejijiao" too outrageous, framed out of thin air, and made Zhou this one, breakup of their homes! Gao Yubao where such a person of conscience?
  Gao Yubao - People Life
  Gao Yubao - works
  Short story
  "I want to study"
  "Gao Yubao"
  "Gao Yubao sequel"
  "I am a soldier"
  Gao Yubao - "High-yu" Content
  In nearly 60 years of patriotic education practice, Gao Yubao for people to establish a "learn to" example. He helped people sweep the yard, fetching water, farming, repair windows and doors, has risked his life several times to participate in the fire, braving the snow to walk 20 miles back of seriously ill young girl to hospital. He was hailed as a "new era deserved Huolei Feng."
  As Comrade Gao Yubao created "Banyejijiao" will farmers Zhouchun Fu Zhou Papi prototype as a result his family was a very bad influence. To publicize the need to make the family received a tarnished reputation. Had to leave their homes.
  Gao Yubao - "Gao Yubao and Banyejijiao"
  (Author: Gu Yu-ru)
  "We do not here, does not mean that other parts of the country is no." Zhou Papi, whose real name is called Zhou Chunfu, ancestors came from the Liaodong Peninsula, Shandong Wafangdian pass through the East (former compound County) City Yellow shop Tuncun. The Liaodong Peninsula was sparsely populated, over the weeks pass through the East family, on their own industrious hands, the yellow shop Tuncun large tracts of wasteland reclamation. Then came the immigrants pass through the East, more and more cultivated than in the case of good land, many people will simply rely on rented their first immigrants living off the land. So generations down, hard-working Zhou, naturally became the local big.
  But things change, turmoil and chaos of war, natural disasters coupled with Family Decline, Zhou Zhou Fuchun reached when this generation is already no longer have the. According to local elderly people are still alive to say, Zhou Fuchun was inherited some land, but not much.
  But Zhou Fuchun the shrewd farm boy, born to make a landlord's material.
  After the masters from the Zhou Fuchun, save money home to become his hobby. The shop in Tuen Gengrang yellow is the envy of his five sons, all of them have been tuning into his farming family home expert players.
  Relative decline of the Zhou had to be revived so that Zhou Fuchun hand, once again the big yellow shop Tuncun. The thrift's Zhou Fuchun, in order to save money home, the savings are reluctant to buy even the waistband of his trousers, his belt is the rub with the rag.
  And this is for their harsh Zhou Fuchun, poor treatment of permanent and not man. During the Cultural Revolution, Zhou Fuchun was beaten to death in nearly two years later, denounced the farce Zhou has never stopped. When the Revolutionary Committee Kong Qingxiang done to find long-term employment in the Kongzhao Ming Zhou, to Zhou Fuchun he came to tell you how ugly deeds of the cruel exploitation of long-term employment when. Kong Zhaoming his story is not played by the glory years, "We were in the Chou family eat what? Eat are pancake, popcorn soup, and tofu eating a lot better than it is now." Cadres an, acute , and pull up the Kong Zhaoming step down.
  Shop Tun Huang Zhou villagers Kong Xiancheng done for many years in the long-term employment, which he said: "It was a year in the Zhou earn 8 stone grain, can feed the whole family." Zhou seems to do long-term employment at the time of migrant workers is now comparable much easier.
  Frame old permanent Wang Zhou said: "The old man hard weeks, it is hard for their children, for man is good enough. Never said I did, my life too thin, but it will do. The old man said, man will hoe, able to carry the grain on the line. "
  Can be seen in real life Zhou Fuchun, not only smart, but also self-discipline, wider than the others, can be considered a good heart ah. To such a good heart and the old club, how to become a pen in the Gao Yubao treacherous bully it?
  This is to help Zhou Fuchun Gao Yubao home Wazi pigs fed the swine, Chow was toppled, Gao Yubao not put a pig. So after two years was killed in the Zhou Fuchun, Gao Yubao joined the army, the army it became the biggest turning point in his life, his place among the illiterate as well-known fighters pig Wazi writer, speaker, and in the armed forces rose by a correspondent to the regimental title, of course, this is not even.
  Gao Yubao illiteracy is not only articulate, very able to boast, and also know the words. At the time the troops generally are illiterate, and soon to come to the fore, becoming a correspondent.
  Wazi pigs after a correspondent, actually full of passion, a dream to be a writer, to write novels. So today's bookstores are still hawking the "Gao Yubao" The Brief shape was born.
  Even with the theme, but Gao Yubao, after all, illiterate, low levels of literacy Yeah. To solve this problem, Gao Yubao in writing fiction, where there will not be written to use the drawing instead. Such as murder, Gao Yubao to draw a head, and then draw a knife in the neck, with this pattern instead.
  In the related media published a number of chunks, the Gao Yubao caused specific experiences related to the leadership's attention. Class struggle in that period in full swing, Gao Yubao such a "living textbook" appearance, so that the leaders highly valued, but also to pigs Wazi Gao Yubao life changed forever.
  Arrangement was in the military leadership experience of barren hills and go and Gao Yubao professional writers. Described by the Gao Yubao, barren writer's autobiographical novel, "Gao Yubao", three drafts before approval by the leadership. But in order to highlight the uniqueness and authenticity of the incident, "Gao Yubao" being "of the PLA Literature and Art" and the official serial publication, all linked to Gao Yubao name, not the writer of barren hills.
  "Gao Yubao" published at home and abroad up to more than twenty versions, only the Chinese version to print 450 million copies, and adapted into comics and twelve twenty-four kinds of art forms and opera singing books, with particular 1964, the Shanghai Film Studio puppet film of the same name took the most far-reaching impact.
  Gao Yubao not so rich and famous, by an illiterate pig Wazi became a famous writer, soldier, and boarded the platform across the country for local people and students to make a speech. But also brought him to cement, moving up several levels, from a small group-level cadres correspondent to the large turn over titles on this matter of course.
  Of the Zhou, the really things change. With the "Gao Yubao" around the publication and Gao Yubao's speech, Huang Zhou shop from Tuen notorious over the world. Zhou Fuchun poor good heart of the Father, not only that they have been beaten to death, death is ruin, for the people of the world that hatred and reviled, disgraced people for the world.
  Since then, the focus of attention Zhoujia Cheng Huang store objects, each batch of the above come Landlords will have to fight Zhou naming. And Zhou Fuchun's sons and grandsons became cursed be any inferior citizens. Poor old Zhou, frugality and hard work by Zhou Fuchun up huge repairing the family business, it became their ruin, ruin and death curse.
  Yan Huang, a store such as the name of Tuen elderly Mr. Gu Yuru consternation: "Banyejijiao? My generation have not left the yellow store, I heard how no? Since ancient times, farmers who had heard late at night to plant crops? people have long cat eyes? That is not to harm the crops go? "
  Yes, speaking from common sense, Banyejijiao is simply not possible. Ukraine is obviously false, but some children do, how a sudden the world people believe it? How no one doubt it?
  The problem is that a no right and wrong in the era of black and white, many people are dog eat dog, can not stop hands. Give the "landlord bullies" were looking for one more counts on the line, who cares true or false to it? Who has the Daner to distinguish right and wrong and true or false it? As a reporter asked whether participation in fighting yellow shop Laoyan Zhou Fuchun, the Lao Yan said it: "Who dares not fight it? Class of a division that is the enemy, you do not play the class to explain your position in question." Stand for a class a problem, maybe tomorrow you become the enemy, came to power on your turn to suffer the criticism.
  At the time this crazy environment and the crazy logic, where there is right and wrong and black and white it? Where there are white people dare to tell right from wrong with it? So, like Zhou Papi such lies, as a matter of course can also be widely disseminated as truth.
  According to Wong's Kong Qingxiang Tuncun store memories, "One year I train in the Heilongjiang, just met Gao Yubao, I asked: jiu, a Banyejijiao this true? He did not say anything, saying that this is literature The artistic problems. and then said, let's not here, does not mean that there will be no other parts of the country. "
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