南朝宋 List of Authors
Liu YiqingLiu YuLiu QiaoLiu YifuLiu Yilong
Liu ShaoLiu JunLiu ZiyeSong MingdiLiu Yu
Liu ZhunLiu ZixunWang HongTan DaojiYan Yanzhi
Hui JianGun!abhadraJuqu JingshengHui XunShao De
Zhi YanFa ChengBao YunXiang Gong
GuṇavarmanLu Xiujing
Gong DezhiLiangliangyesheJiangliangyesheXian Gong
Lei CizongYu TongzhiZong Bing
Liu Yilong
南朝宋  (407 AD453 AD)
Web/Pen/Nick Name: 文皇帝
Temple Name: 太祖
Tomb: 长宁陵
Reign424 AD453 AD
元嘉424 AD453 AD

Poetry《The title of emperor liu yi long's reign in southern dynasty song A prophetic week with Slipway Offense and defense When Suizhi Mi Subsidence be poetry》   《北伐诗》   《登景阳楼诗》   

Read works of Liu Yilong at 诗海
  Liu Yilong (~ 453 407), Northern and Southern Dynasties and Song emperor (reign 424 ~ 453), the reign of three years, posthumous title for Wen, Temple name Taejo. Small print vehicle child. Origin Pengcheng (modern Xuzhou, Jiangsu), was born in Jingkou. Song Wudi Liu Yu third son, mother Hujie Yu, name of Road Safety. Bo arrested by the history, the good official script, there is deep strategy, but the infirm, good suspicion.
  Liu Yu died, the Prince Edward Liu Yi Fu to the throne (the Song Shaodi). Excessive because of his game, do not reign, Colonial's Sagong Xu enviable, Zhongshu Ling Fu Liang, led by General Jing Ping Xie night in two years (424) May deposed Emperor Shao of Liu, Ying Li was appointed provincial governor of Jingzhou, Liu Yilong as Imperial, reign title Yuanjia. At the same time by the provincial governor of Jingzhou Xie night as master heavily. But Liu Yilong not tolerate waste minister arbitrarily established line, Yuan Jia three years (426 years) to kill Xu enviable, Fu Liang Xie night since then have been out by the government. Yuan Jia six years (429 years), due to illness by his brother Pengcheng Wang Liu Yikang power. Ren Yi Kang Stuart, recorded Book of thing, then add leading provincial governor of Yangzhou, carry a large general, the total expertise toward the right, potential dumping of the world, have good at killing famous Tan Tao economy. Yuan Jia 17 years (440 years), Liu Yilong take drastic measures, income support to kill the leader, General Liu Zhan Liu Yikang others, remove from position Yoshiyasu, now replaced by Jiang prefectural governor, the town Yuzhang (now Nanchang). Yuan Jia 2 years (445 years), spent for the common people Yi Kang. Yuan Jia twenty eight (451), North Weida Jun south, across the river threaten our health, Wen Yi Kang afraid opportunity for chaos in the rear, then ordered the Heaven's. Southern royal family's internecine this before.
  Since giving up the Liu Guanzhong, the Northern Wei and expanding, and the Central Plains gradually been eroded. Yuan Jia eight offensive slide Song (now the Henan Hua County) frustrated. Yuan Jia 20 years (450 years), Wei Taiwu Emperor Tuoba Shou mobilized 600,000 troops attacked South, personally led a force g hanging gourd (today Runan), Xiangcheng (now Henan Shen Qiu), straight through the Huai River Step trend melon (now Jiangsu Luhe Southeast), after the Song Zhaojun retreat under public resistance. Wei Shalue Jiangbei been exhausted, Song Zhaoguo uncompetitive. Yuan Jia three years (453 years), Emperor Wen was killed by Prince Liu Shao, posthumous title King Emperor, the posthumous names of the cases, buried long ningling. Song Xiaowu emperor ascended the throne, changed posthumous Wen, Temple name Taejo.
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  AD 407, Liu Yilong born.
  AD 451, Liu Yilong Liu Yikang Heaven's brother opened a prelude to fratricidal Liu Song Dynasty.
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(424 AD453 AD)
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