现代中国 List of Authors
Liu YaziShen YinmoHai ZiLo FuShu Ting
Xu ZhimoXimurongYu GuangzhongSi ZhiLiu Bannong
Bei DaoGu ChengBian ZhilinDai WangshuDuo Duo
Chang YaoXiang MingGu YeshangyuChi ChiChen Zhongkun
Xiong YanJue BiguxiaDiBaiQi HongshengWang XuSheng
Lu XuGangYu RenBai LinTai YangdaoQiu She
Yi MingZhou MengdieZheng ChouyuLan YuningyanLiu Huaming
Liu HuajunChi KaiGuo MoRuoLin LingShang Qin
Luo MenXi ChuanOuyang JiangheDi YongmingYang Lian
Zhang CuoTian JianA LongJi XianHui Wa
Ma HuaQin ZihaoLin HengtaiRong ZiYa Xian
Yang HuanYang LingyeLin HuiyinBai QiuGuan Guan
Lang Lang
现代中国  (1982 AD)
Township: 沈阳

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  Lang Lang is the first with Berlin, Vienna and five other U.S. long-term cooperation with all the leading orchestras in the world famous concert hall of all will hold solo pianist in China. He was only 27 years old, has become the world after Horowitz and Rubinstein piano industry has a leader. Lang Lang's musical talent and passionate disposition complement each other, making him the ideal interpreter of classical music and young idol.
  In 1999, the 17 year-old Lang Lang Chicago Latin Music Festival in Slovenia stars recital, dramatic emergency instead of physical discomfort 安德鲁瓦兹 with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Tchaikovsky "Piano Concerto" command by the famous Maestro Eschenbach. Before the opening, the famous artist Lang Lang Stern introduced the audience said: "you will know from the young Chinese boy who heard the voice of the world's most beautiful." Sure enough, when the last note finished playing, the audience all stood up and cheered like thunder clapping. Temporary substitute for this successful performance is one of the three major U.S. newspapers, "Chicago Tribune" extremely appreciated, praised the "Lang Lang is the world's greatest and most exciting piano talent." Amazing, incredible night of Lang Lang is the soloist in La Weiya another room for the musicians playing Bach's "Goldberg Variations." Song more than two years he has not bombs, but he is very adept at the back with 1 hour and 10 minutes to complete spectrum. "Chicago Daily News" called it a "miracle in the history of music." Since then, Lang Lang and all the world's leading orchestras, signed one after another, began his music career.
  Steinway & Sons in 2002, the 150th anniversary celebration, Lang Lang was awarded the company's first artistic gold. Lang Lang is also a Steinway Artist.
  May 2004, Lang Lang was appointed in New York, UNICEF International Goodwill Ambassador and visited Africa in August, becoming the first pianist to hold this post, is the youngest ambassador.
  November 2004, Lang Lang was formally signed the world's top watches "Rolex", as its Ambassador.
  BBC many famous British dossier Lang Lang.
  April 30, 2005, Lang Lang to be the famous American College of Julia's invitation, as the piano master class lectures. The master class to participate in the largest, the best response, a master class on the history of the youngest pianists.
  June 8, 2006, Lang Lang will play the World Cup opening ceremony. 30 million viewers worldwide will watch TV live.
  He is known as "the world's youngest piano master," "a piano generator," a "will change the world of young people", "Mozart in China", "China card."
  He was the first held in the White House pianist recitals in China, the U.S. President on the spot and was praised as a "messenger of world peace";
  He was the first Times Square in New York by the seven large-screen broadcast at the same time his collaboration with the China Philharmonic Piano Concerto "Yellow River" piano;
  He was the first as the United Nations Children's Peace Foundation "International Goodwill Ambassador," the pianist, is the youngest;
  He was the first one was, "Bernstein Art Achievement Award" in Chinese;
  He's played all over the world for long ranked as No. 1 box office.
  When near the end of 2007, when Lang Lang received that all musicians are fascinated news: Best Performer Award nominated Grammy nomination (or literally the "best instrumental solo performance awards": Best Instrumental Soloist), thus becoming shortlisted for the prize the first Chinese. In February 2008 he was awarded the U.S. recording engineer association "Art Award" and the Grammy Awards ceremony, played six minutes, which is the classical pianist in recent years, the Grammy stage debut. Lang Lang once again become a "China card." The same month Lang Lang's new album, "Magic Lang Lang" in the North American launch, it was the classical music charts for two weeks (Bill Board) first.
  February 2008, in order to shape the world-renowned politicians, artists, the image of the famous Madame Tussauds Hong Kong, but also for the Lang Lang started making a real wax tailor, as they tourists from visiting the survey found that " You want to see the image of the Chinese people "column, fill out the" Lang Lang "the most.
  A best-selling book by the famous American writer Perez personally track interviews and written English Lang Lang biography "of a thousand miles" (I prefer to take "a thousand miles begins with one step" in Italian) has been completed and will be 6 in 2008 month by the American Langdon Publishing, and has to issue to the world in 12 languages.
  (Photo shows: New York local time on Oct. 25, 2007 Lang Lang and the China Philharmonic Orchestra's "Yellow River" in Times Square for live broadcast)
  He, in 2006 by American youth magazine "People" (Teenpeople) selected as "20 young people will change the world," he is the only artist.
  ▲ 2007 年 8 8, Lang Lang at the Beijing Olympic Games in Tiananmen Square countdown to the first anniversary celebration, once again passionate interpretation of the Yellow River, the global broadcast, attracted worldwide attention. (Figure)
  ▲ 2007, the Lang Lang and the famous blind singer Andrea Bocelli, in cooperation with the United States recorded a vocal and piano recordings, and MTV, will be distributed worldwide. At the same time, Lang Lang and Rinpoche conducive July 5, 2007 live concert in the Italian Cooperation. Will be broadcast live on Italian television, American PBS public television also broadcast to the world! (Figure)
  ▲ 2007 年 5 months, Prince Charles invited to mark the Queen's premiere Lang Lang Piano Concerto. Prince Charles, tears beginning to end, very excited. In December, the Queen of England is viewing his performance, and highly praised.
  ▲ Lang Lang not only concerts in Europe, North America, South America, Asia, Australia and almost every region of the world's number one box office, and published by the Universal record album he had in Europe, North America topped the list, or even a few month won the first, and sometimes two albums simultaneously top the popular list.
  ▲ 2005 年 10 9, Lang Lang was invited to the White House, U.S. President George W. Bush held in individual recitals, becoming the first Chinese pianist to the White House. Lang Lang, Mr. Bush said the "world ambassador for peace." (Figure)
  ▲ U.S. CNN International TV sets in the global broadcast Lang Lang's cover story. U.S. CBS television news Comment known type of program "60 Minutes Magazine" aired Lang Lang album (the part was only one reported that Deng Xiaoping, the Chinese people). All the most famous POP SHOW U.S. have aired programs Lang Lang.
  ▲ 2007 年 5, the world's most famous piano maker Steinway & Sons (Steinway) launched the "Lang Lang brand piano (Lang Lang Piano)", and the first in China to meet with the child fairly large, popular in China. This is the Steinway & Sons in its 150-year history, the first time named after a pianist piano brand, but also a Chinese young man. (Figure)
  ▲ 2005 年 12 months, Lang Lang to become the Central Conservatory of Music employed the youngest visiting professor of history. In addition, he was in China a few of the most prominent institutions of higher music (such as the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, Conservatory of Music in Guangzhou, Shenyang Conservatory of Music, Conservatory of Music, etc) Visiting Professor.
  (Photo Description: Lang Lang and Zubin - Meta cooperation)
  ▲ 2007, the Phoenix Satellite Television started shooting, "Lang Lang's song ---- To 2008" music documentary, the piano placed in China's historical sites, beautiful mountains and rivers, Lang Lang indulge play, cheers for China, for the mountains and rivers add to the excitement . Beijing has already finished filming Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven, Ancient Observatory, Jinsan Ling Great Wall, the Yellow River Hukou Waterfall, the Taihang Mountains attractions of the Grand Canyon, etc., the Lang Lang indulge play, will be the 2008 line show in the national cinema. (Figure)
  ▲ Lang Lang has become Audi, Sony electronics, Mont Blanc, Zegna clothing, Abbott and other spokesmen for many world famous brands. China Merchants Bank also Lang Lang "and the world together with the red" as the pursuit of its own brand. Beijing Music Radio is more to Lang Lang as ambassadors to promote the image of classical music. 5100 Lang Lang as a brand of mineral water to speak for promoting environmental awareness. Lang Lang invited the German national television as a cultural ambassador, and promote cultural exchanges between China and Germany. Adidas will launch a "Lang Lang" brand sports shoes, modern design.
  He changed the popular view of the classical: classical can also become a popular alternative!
  His success to the "three elements" "Genius - hard - Opportunities," the perfect blend in with the magical legend of his young fighting life have become numerous, the pursuit of excellence in incentives and blessings!
  In 1986, he studied under Professor Zhu Yafen 4-year-old began learning the piano.
  In 1993, the 11-year-old youth was the fourth International Piano Competition in Germany first, and won the Outstanding Artistic Achievement Award.
  In 1999, the 17-year-old Lang Lang Chicago Latin Music Festival in Slovenia stars recital, dramatic physical discomfort 安德鲁瓦兹 emergency substitute, and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Tchaikovsky "Piano Concerto" , by the famous conductor Maestro Eschenbach. Before the opening, the famous artist Lang Lang Stern introduced the audience said: "you will know from the young Chinese boy who heard the voice of the world's most beautiful." Sure enough, when the last note finished playing, the audience all stood up and cheered. Temporary substitute for this successful performance is one of the three major U.S. newspapers, "Chicago Tribune" extreme appreciation, saying, "Lang Lang is the world's greatest and most exciting piano talent." Lang Lang La Weiya night solo concert hall for the musicians again, "Bach's Goldberg Variations," a very skillful in 1 hour and 10 minutes to complete back spectrum. "Chicago Daily News" called it a "miracle in the history of music." 3 months later, he performed with renowned international brokerage firm IMG signed onto a professional performer from the road, and with all the world's leading orchestras, one after another co-operation.
  August 31, 2002, named after the late conductor Leonard Bernstein's "Art Bernstein Achievement Award" in Hamburg, Germany. This award aims to reward the whole world "of art most artists contribute", the first winner is also the only winner that year was Lang Lang.
  May 2004, was appointed International Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF, becoming the first pianist to fill the position, but also the first ethnic Chinese ever and the youngest ambassador, and in August 2004, to Ambassador will visit Africa.
  November 2004, the U.S. governor of Pennsylvania to grant Lang Lang, "Mr. Music 2004" title.
  In 2004, the United States in the global broadcast on CNN television sets of Lang Lang's cover story. U.S. CBS television famous TV program "60 Minutes" broadcast Lang Lang album. Almost all of the United States have done the famous POP SHOW Lang Lang's program. Many well-known feature articles, BBC reported Lang Lang.
  October 9, 2005, was invited to the White House as U.S. President George W. Bush and his father George HW Bush and U.S. government officials played.
  October 2006, large-scale music video art film, "Lang Lang's song - dedicated to 2008" in Beijing Forbidden City Meridian Gate boot. The film was the inclusion of the State Council Information Office of the Olympic campaign.
  2007 Lang Langdon on the May 7 issue of the world's leading fashion magazine "Vogue" the German version.
  In 2007, Pavarotti was known as Lang Lang and his "successor" of the famous blind singer Andrea Bocelli, in cooperation with the United States recorded a vocal and piano recordings, and MTV, will be distributed worldwide.
  May 2008, Lang Lang with virtue, "Beethoven No. 1, Fourth Piano Concerto" album was "Edison Music Award" category Concerto Classical Award.
  In 2008, German state television announced to invite world-renowned pianist Lang Lang as a cultural ambassador of the station, and in Beijing during the Olympic Games and the Olympic Games as an anchor to promote the Beijing
  Lang Lang's growth process
  Under the influence of the family environment, Lang Lang was very little interest in music was, especially in parents bought him a piano made in China after the vertical.
  Just 3 years old his father brought Lang Lang to learn piano, learn one or two hours each time, do not feel tired, very much like school. Lang Lang's father was found not only musical talent, but also suffer.
  Practicing, the Lang Lang from time to time, he gave himself a new target set. Who better bomb, he would remember his name, swear beyond. Than others in the same time, Qin Ji raised, the piano more and more confidence and learn well enough.
  Lang Lang at 5 years old, won the Shenyang Piano Competition for first place.
  To Beijing, the Lang Lang accompanied his father to live in the Fengtai district of a Tongzilou Baizhifang, the mother has a job to stay in Shenyang, with her salary to support a person with this house. For Lang Lang, mother spent 100 yuan per month for living expenses, yet the remaining money be sent to Beijing.
  Lang Lang to complete 8 hours per day of training, gradually, he can skillfully play very difficult Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto, also playing Rachmaninov's Third Piano Concerto. Even the renowned conductor Lorin Maazel was surprise: "Lang Lang's piano laid the basis of where?" Some people told him: "Lang Lang is a science in China." Maazel in disbelief.
  Results, 12-year-old Lang Lang won the first place! Lang Lang and Professor Zhao Pingguo stage cheering, hugging. When Lang Lang returned to China, the head teacher at the Central Conservatory of Music of the Lang Lang said: "hey, Lang Lang, this is not easy to accept the award, your father crying so powerful, I have never seen your dad cry too. "Lang Lang told the teacher:" No, my dad can not cry, how could he weeping, I have never seen him cry. "Lang Lang in the hearts of fathers is a very strong man He has always admired my father, my father cry how could it?
  In Lang Lang Tchaikovsky Piano Competition was first after the father for Lang Lang from the Central Conservatory of Music drop-out, apply for the U.S. Curtis Institute of Music. Lang Lang once again to first place in the United States to obtain the well-known music schools.
  Hong Kong residents
  Lang Lang has the amazing ability to communicate with the audience is exciting artists. He is the first and the Berlin Philharmonic, Vienna Philharmonic, American Symphony Orchestra and all other leading orchestras, five long-term cooperation, in all the world's famous concert hall will host solo pianists in China. Lang Lang was born in 1982, has become the world after Horowitz and Rubinstein piano industry has a leader, he was in the United States, Europe, Asia and other places on tour, and quickly stirred in an international music "Lang Lang whirlwind."
  The combination of classic and fashion
  Fame and international reputation
  In 1999, the 17-year-old Lang Lang to replace the body in the Naweiniya Festival poor André Watts with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra debut, performing the Tchaikovsky First Piano Concerto. Before the opening, the famous artist Lang Lang Stern introduced the audience said: "you will know from the young Chinese boy who heard the voice of the world's most beautiful." Sure enough, when the last note finished playing, the audience all stood up and cheered like thunder clapping. Temporary substitute for this successful performance is one of the three major U.S. newspapers, "Chicago Tribune" extremely appreciated, praised the "Lang Lang is the world's greatest and most exciting piano talent." Amazing, incredible night of Lang Lang is the soloist in La Weiya another room for the musicians playing Bach's "Goldberg Variations." Song more than two years he has not bombs, but he is very adept at the back with 1 hour and 10 minutes to complete spectrum. "Chicago Daily News" called it a "miracle in the history of music." Since then, Lang Lang and all the world's leading orchestras, signed one after another, began his music career began with 丹尼尔巴伦 poim, Lorin Maazel and James Levine's concerts brigade.
  His open style made him a classical music and young people between the messenger. As he stated: "My dream is that when I walk in the streets after two years, the perceived all familiar with classical music."
  In 2003, the American youth magazine "People" (teenpeople) named the "20 young people will change the world", the Lang Lang is the only artist.
  November 2004, the U.S. governor of Pennsylvania to grant Lang Lang, "Mr. Music 2004" title.
  Lang Lang playing portrait
  June 2004, Lang Lang to Israel with Zubin Mehta and the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, Israel's most important newspaper commented: "Lang Lang playing Chopin's" Piano Concerto "than Rubinstein."
  Lang Lang's concert box office number one in Europe and the United States, and to create open a ticket swept away 20 minutes after the miracle. Meanwhile, his CD sales in the United States, Germany, Vienna, ranked No. 1.
  August 8, 2008, at the Bird's Nest Beijing Olympic Games live performance of "bright stars" song up to 8 minutes.
  January 27, 2006, to commemorate Mozart's 250th birthday, he played Mozart in Beijing Great Hall of the C minor Piano Concerto (K491).
  The international reputation of Lang Lang, as always, loved his country, he said that what the Chinese should be brought to all corners of the world, let the world know China. His repertoire of traditional Chinese music at work, sometimes performing with his father traditional Chinese music. Regardless of Lang Lang's music in the international listing of how tight he is bound to return several times each year for the domestic audience performances.
  May 2008 publication of his autobiography "of a thousand miles, my story"
  2008 Olympic torch.
  2007 Shanghai Special Olympics and his father, Ren Lang State Ensemble "race."
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