现代中国 List of Authors
Xu ZhimoYu GuangzhongBian ZhilinYi Ming
Guo MoRuoZhu ZiqingBai YangYi Zhongtian
Lin YutangLiu XinwuGu PingaoWang Meng
Yu QiuyuLi LingKong QingdongWang Yi
Zhao DanianSun YudanJi XianlinAnnie
Yang GangLiang ShiqiuQian LiqunMo Anpei
Zhou GuopingKe YunluJiang ZilongWu Kuanlin
Qian HongdaoQi GongXu ZhiyuanWang Xiaofeng
Li YanjieChen DanqingLiu XiaomanGu Qingsheng
Miao FayongYuan YuanLao HanShi Tiesheng
Wu HongfeiZhuang QiushuiXiao QianWang Yuewen
Hou YongluYang HaoLiang XiaoshengLiu Shaoming
Hei HeibaHei HeiZhang XiaomeiLi Shuming
Jue WangcanghaiTan YipingCai KangyongYao Xueyin
Wu XiaoboZhang QingHu HongxiaWeng Fan
Guan Jixin
现代中国  (1949 AD)
Township: 吉林伊通

Novel review《旗人作家老舍》
Quite. China is a country with a splendid catering culture.《茶馆的文化符号》

Read works of Guan Jixin at 小说之家
Read works of Guan Jixin at 旅游地理
  Born in Jilin Province in December 1949 Yitong, Manchu; July 1982 graduated from the Central Nationalities University, bachelor's degree; since 1999, was hired as the Central Nationalities University, researcher at the Institute of Minority Literature; 1998 , was appointed Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Graduate School tutor, Associate Professor; September 2002 onwards, was hired as the Graduate School tutor, Professor; in 1998, was appointed Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Ethnic Literature degree Committee; part-time director of the Graduate University for Nationalities Man, executive vice president of China, Lao She.
  Main Academic Achievements: October 2000, academic book, "Multiple choice world - contemporary theoretical description of Minority Literature" of the "Chinese Academy of Social Sciences of the third outstanding scientific research achievement awards third prize." October 1999, academic book, "A Critical Biography of Lao She," by the Chinese Writers Association and the State Ethnic Affairs Commission jointly organized the "National Minority Literature in the sixth Horse Award"; in October 1999, literary papers, "Lao She, the glorious banner of national literature "won the national literary magazine," the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of writing outstanding works. " October 1994, academic Atlas "China Man" by the State Ethnic Affairs Commission and the State Press and Publication Administration jointly organized the "Second China National Book Award third prize."
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