南宋 List of Authors
Zhang XiaoxiangLi QingzhaoZhu DunruLu You
Fan ChengdaYue FeiWu WenyingDong Huai
Zhou MiZhao GouWei QiHong Mai
Zhao DunLou YaoGao ZhuZhao Kuo
Zheng QingzhiZhao KuiLiang DongChen Junqing
Dai BiaoyuanDeng MuFang ShanjingFu Hangjian
Guo LeiqingHuang ZhenShen HuanShi Mizhong
Shi ShouzhiShu LinWu ZiliangXie Ao
Yao YingShe MengdingYuan FuZhao Shen
Zhao YunZhao QiZhao XianZhao Shi
Zhao BingLi TangHan TuozhouSong Ci
Wang ZhidaoHu TaichuZhao YumuLi Xinchuan
Fu SongqingCai YuandingDong SijingXie Shouhao
Liu YongguangZheng SikenHe ShouchengLiu Chuxuan
Huo JizhiYu DongzhenWu WuZhipan
Zhu Dunru
南宋  (1081 AD1159 AD)
Last Name:
First Name: 敦儒
Name and Alias: 希真
Web/Pen/Nick Name: 岩壑; 伊水老人
Township: 洛阳

Poetry《Huan meet》   《聒龙谣》   《guolongyao》   《雨中花(岭南作)》   《水调歌头(淮阴作)》   《Shuidiaogetou》   《Shuidiaogetou And Dong Mi Great mid-autumn》   《水调歌头(和海盐尉范行之)》   《水调歌头(对月有感)》   《Shuidiaogetou》   More poems...

Read works of Zhu Dunru at 诗海
The Greek word really, Luoyang people. Jing Kang, Jian Yan, the repeated call can not afford. Shaoxing three years (1133) to recommend the right supplement Digong Lang, five years (1135) gives the Secretary of Provincial Scholars origin keep the original character (corrected text of the officials). Calendar Hyobu doctor, Lin'an government through negotiations, Mishu Lang, both official Yuanwai Lang, Liangzhe East Criminal Prison, retirement, home Golden Harvest. Laid retirement, except taken care of Shaoqing, Qin Hui dead, still Resignation. Shaoxing 20 years (1159) Death. Three volumes are words, names, "Qiao Song."
Ru from the early to lofty expectations, do not want to become officials. Northern Song Dynasty Great Rebellion took place, he fled to Guangdong and Guangxi by the Jiangxi Province, a period of living in the South. Ru life 70 years, the official time is very short and long-term seclusion among the lakes, known as the "talent Kuang Yi, a fairy wind," the poet. Therefore, a large part of his work reflects a life of leisure.

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