秦代 List of Authors
Zhou NaZhao NaXian QingugeBei Feng
Yong FengWang FengQi FuzhishenWei Feng
Zheng FengJi FengWei FengTang Feng
Qin FengChen FengGui FengCao Feng
Bin FengLu MingzhishenBai HuazhishenXiao Minzhishen
Tong GongzhishenBei ShanzhishenSang HuzhishenDou Renshizhishen
Wen WangzhishenSheng MinzhishenSong YuWen Wang
Pū ZixiaKong JiZeng ShenKong Fu
Shen BuhaiDeng XiGuan ZhongShang Yang
Wen ZiGeng SangchugengsangziGuan YinziHe Shanggong
Wu ZixuWei LiaoFeng HouSun Bin
Wu QiFan LiYang NakeQin Yuerenbianque
Shi KuangCheng BenHe GuanziLi Bing
Qin ShihuangQin ErshiQin WangziyingChu Lizi
Wu Qi
秦代  战国初(440 BC381 BC)

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  Qi (about BC 440 - 381 BC)
  Warring States Period prominent political reformer, a brilliant commander, commander, military theorists, military reformers. Patriotic Zuo (now Shandong Province Dingtao, said Cao a northeast) people. And even his grandson, later known as "Sun Wu", author of "Miss Son", "Wu" and "grandchildren" Known as the "Sun Wubing Law", in ancient Chinese military texts plays an important role.
  Lu Qi, after leaving, I heard a very wise Marquis Wei Wen, want to go to his ability. Asked the Minister Wen Hou Kui said: "Qi man how?" Rick said: "Qi Rong name greedy lust, but he use of troops Tin Rang Ju Sima can not be more than him." This Marquis Wei Wen appointed him to the general, led his army to attack Qin States, captured five towns.
  Qi River patrol during the stress soldiers are not many in the "rule", first of Examination his soldiers to the law: who can fully dressed in armor, crossbows execution of 12 stone (12 stone refers to the pull crossbow, a stone about this 30 kg), bear vector 50, Hege with swords, carrying three days rations, Barry who finish in the half days, you can selected the "Wu Death", relieved the family of Yao Fu, and fields and houses in tax, and "Wu Death" strictly training, making it the essence of Wei Jin army. Qi military, advocating torture as rewards, teach ring first, that if the law is unknown, reward and punishment do not believe, though millions of useless military also has cut an onslaught that is not under orders to clear the enemy's material disabilities law.
  When do General Qi, and the lowest level of his soldiers to eat with the same clothing. Sleep is not matted, march without riding car, personally back dry food, and shared his soldiers to toil. Soldiers have to risk someone in sores, Qi on his mouth suction pus. That his soldiers to know that after the mother burst into tears. Someone said: "Your son is his soldiers and generals for him to personally draw the pus sore, why do you cry for," his mother said: "not so. In previous years Wu had used the public for his father's septic sore that his father indomitable in battle when desperate, so they died. Now for my son, Wu Kung on smoking sore pus, I do not know that he in turn died there, so I cried. "
  Marquis Wei Wen died, his son Qi Wei Wuhou continued effectiveness. Wuhou boat together along with the Qi River and the ship to the stream, Wuhou said: "Beautiful, almost solid mountains and rivers, the Wei treasure!" Qi said to him: "The state is the monarch of the most valuable virtue, rather than to advantageous terrain. past three Tony's on the left side of Dongting Lake (now in the Dongting Lake), the right side Peng Li Lake (now Lake in Jiangxi), but without regard to moral righteousness, Yu eliminated it. Xiajie finds itself where the left side of the Yellow River and the economy of water, the right side of Thai Hua, Yi Que (also known as Longmen, Luoyang, Henan Province in this South) in the South, gut (in this northwestern Shanxi Jinyang) in the North, the policy do not speak love, business Tom had his exile. Yanzhou Wang Meng country east door (ancient natural wealth a pleasure name, in this Henan Hui County West), west of the Taihang Mountains, Changshan (that is, Hengshan, Shanxi Province in this hunyuan County) in north Yellow River flows through the south, the terrain is also extremely advantageous, but the policy and morality, King Wu killed him. From that perspective is not, in governing the country is the sovereign virtue, not strategically located and difficult terrain. If the monarchs do not speak of ethics, is a boat in the people who will become the enemy. "Wuhou said:" You are right. "Qi military claims soldiers are not many and the" rule "has strict Examination infantry, fighting to create a standing army" Wu Death. "
  Qi Ren River's Morimasa, high prestige. Wei selection phase, many people are optimistic Qi, but eventually appointed Tian (Wei Gui Qi minister of state) for the phase. Qi is very unhappy, he Tian said: "Please can you and I Biyi Bi credit for it?" Tian said: "can." Qi said: "The command of armed forces, so that his soldiers willing to sacrifice for the country, not attempt to attack enemy us, you're better than me? "Tian said:" I would rather you. "Qi said:" Management officials at all levels, pro-people attached to financial abundance, you're better than me? "Tian said:" I would rather you. "Qi said:" guarding River region, not eastward expansion to Qin, Korea, and Zhao have respect from us, you're better than me? "Tian said:" I am not as good as you. "Qi said:" these three aspects, you do not like me, and your job than I high, this is why? "Tian said:" The young monarch, the country concerned, the Minister did not pro-laws, people do not trust, at this time, you are either with appropriate? or any similar right for me to do? "Qi-long silence and then said:" You should come to any phase. "Tian said:" This is my job so reasons for the high than you. "Qi only know as Tian.
  Tian's death, Gongshu any phase, his wife Princess Wei, Gong Shu Qi is dread on he wanted to harm Qi. He has a servant said to him: "Qi is easy to get rid of." Gong Shu said: "how?" The servant said: "Qi man with moral integrity, honesty and attention to reputation, you can first Wuhou said: 'Qi is wise, we are Wei Hou a small country, but also, and strong Qin border, in my opinion, probably do not want to stay in the Wei Qi. 'Wuhou bound to ask:' That's how we do? 'you took the opportunity to to Wuhou said: 'Junhou can a princess betrothed to Qi, if he intended to remain in Gu Wei will surely be embraced, regardless of intended stay if Wei is bound to decline with thanks. this idea that he could detect a . 'Then you personally Qi invited to your house, and so angry with the Princess deliberate neglect of Man you. Wuqi see the princess as disregard for you, he thought that they would be look down upon, would resign without. "So according to terms act, Qi really see the princess light phase on the decline with thanks the Wei Man Wuhou. Wuhou thus Qi doubt not trust him. Qi Wuhou fear of punishment, then left to the state of Chu Wei went.
  Chu Dao Wang Qi usually hear very competent one to Chu Qi was appointed as phase. His strict laws, removed the officials do not need to repeal the more distant SHAANXI, to save money and grain to support soldiers under. The main purpose is to strengthen the military and get rid of vertical and horizontal barnyard fun-filled lobby. So put down the Baiyue south; north merger of Chen and Cai, and roll back the Han, Zhao, Wei expansion; westward conquest of the Qin. So powerful princes are afraid of Chu. Chu wanted the original aristocratic murder Qi. Chu Dao Wang to death, SHAANXI instruct and minister to attack the rebel Qi, Qi went to Chu Dao Wang's body next to the V in the body with the intention of this disorder or who could be reluctant, if for nothing to fear chaos , I will shoot the king, the king, naturally, they are rebellious sinners exposure. But kill Chu Wu Qi Qi nobility or shot, the arrow also shines a Daowang body. This year 381 BC. Dao Wang after the funeral, Prince (king of Chu Su Qi) ascended the throne, he sent Yoshitada (Chu highest military and political officials) all killed by shooting while shooting barbed Qi Dao Wang stabbed a body of people. As the fire thorn Qi was Zhumie clan has more than 70.
  Qi in the political, aspects of guiding the war has accumulated rich experience, he put that experience to deepen military theory. "Han Dynasty History" Recording "Qi" 48, has been Lost, today the "Wu" 6 ("map country", "Liao Di", "Zhi Bing," "On the", "change", " Li Shi "), Department of descendants down. The main strategy is thinking: "within the repair Bonaventure, foreign rule and war preparation." One hand, he stressed the importance of state and coordination and integration within the military can use military force, if proposed state "four noes and" can not send troops to fight; the other hand, stressed the need to strengthen the country's military.
  Sun Wu Qi inherited the "Know thyself, know yourself" mentality, the "Liaodi" chapter of understanding and analyze the enemy situation highlighted the importance of The plan is the situation of the country Chu Yu 6, can not be easily fought. He knows war is ever-changing, depending on the circumstances to take contingency measures. In the "Response" chapter specifically addressed in the haste to encounter strong enemy, outnumbered, the enemy refused to adhere to risk, the enemy and break my way out, surrounded by the enemy and the enemy suddenly invaded the case of emergency such as tactics and strategy to defeat the enemy .
  "Zhi Bing," "On the" and "Li Shi," three major set of his military thinking. He believes that the military can win the war, do not depend entirely on the advantage of numbers, it is important to rely on the quality of the army. High quality standards are: be able generals, the soldiers must be trained; have unified command; have strict reward and punishment. He attached importance to the role of generals, with particular attention generals of the strategy, stressed that good generals should have excellent quality and style. Attention to his soldiers to the training to actual combat capability. Reward power to encourage soldiers stressed.
  Qi's military thinking
  Qi (about BC 440 - 381 BC) was the early Warring States Period famous strategist and statesman.
  Shou River during his tenure, based on years of operational experience with the "Qi Art of War." This is a military history of our country and the "Art of War" tie the ancient military work. "Qi Art of War," according to "Han Dynasty History," that there are 48. Existing "Wu" is only 6, lost a lot. The present these six, some places also a mix of Han, Wei, or the words of the Tang Dynasty. But basically it works as Qi, which is of important documents Qi military thinking. From the "Qi Art of War", fully reflects his distinguished military thinking.
  A progressive view of war
  "War - have private property and from the class has started, and to resolve classes and class, ethnic and national, state and national, political groups and political groups, to a certain stage of development of a contradiction the highest forms of struggle. " ("Selected Works of Mao Zedong," vol 164) In a class society, as class status is different, the view towards war is different. Qi's view of war is emerging landlord class service, is an improvement.
  The origin of the war issue, Qi trying to find reasons from the society. He said:
  Any soldier who played five: one said, fought each other, second is for profit, third is the evil plot, Si Yue civil strife, Wu Yue because of hunger. ("Wu plans country")
  Qi that war is a social phenomenon, the causes of war are discussed. Military history in the world to explore the causes of war is the earliest. Of course, this view remains at Qi surface.
  His "war name", "for profit", "evil plot", "civil strife" is what causes "due to famine," the source of what? No in-depth analysis. Lenin said: "The private property caused by the war, and will always lead to war." ("Lenin" XXX p. 360) said: "When the class rule exist, war is not eliminated." ( "Lenin," VIII p. 35) Qi because of his class and historical limitations, can not understand the real causes of the war, but also find ways to abolish war. However, he society to find the causes of war, there was progress in the meaning.
  In the relationship between war and politics, emphasizing the political top priority. He said:
  Xi-Cheng Sang's monarch, virtue and moral integrity spent force, to destroy their country. With Hu's monarch, relies on the public good courage, to mourning the Sajik. ("Wu plans country")
  This means that if a monarch is only emphasis on Bonaventure and abandoned weapons and equipment, or rely on more troops for battle, will subjugation. For good governance, must not only look as political, but also attach importance to the military. From this idea, Qi focus on military reform in the River on the one hand, on the one hand to engage in political and economic reform, laid the foundation for Wei's rich and powerful. Qi from the practice of recognized war, only a well-trained army is not enough, there must be stability in the rear, so he said: "we must first teach the people and the pro-million people." Only a united people in China and in front of the army, to win a war.
  He advocated:
  Lord of Wealth, will use its people and created the first and major. ("Wu plans country")
  He added:
  Not and in the country, not the military; not and in the military, not out of the fighting; not and in the matrix, not into the war; not and the war can not be decisive. (Ibid.)
  That is, the domestic variety of opinions are not unified, not to send troops to fight; disunity within the army can not fight out of the fighting; appeared in the troupe after the army did not complement each other not to fight; after the fight, the part of the battle lack of coordination, not victory. He further said: "The people are all Wu Jun and not neighbors, then carry on war has been won." (Ibid.) Qi explained the state, relations between the army and the people, and that popular support is to achieve military victory or defeat key. All in all, that is, military and political decisions.
  On how the question of the unification of China, Qi advocates only the use of force to achieve their goals. At this point, he and Confucianism is inconsistent. Qi of this idea, and later Sun Bin, "Ju-Bing brought to justice," "beat and strong stand, so carry on serving the world" ("see King Wei Sun Bin Art of War"), this claim has a direct impact.
  Qi on the one hand that the major role in the war, but also saw the suffering caused by war and disaster, so he thought a prudent attitude towards the war, against the reckless war. He summed up the experience of the history of the war, said:
  World Warring States, the five winners disaster, the four winners and disadvantages, the three winners Pa, 2 Victor Wang, a winner emperor.
  The world is derived from the number of those rare victory to the dead public. ("Wu plans country")
  Often reckless war, will spend a lot of human and material resources, so that people Pibi unbearable, poor and weak countries, and would bring evil. Therefore, many times in the war made the world less, multi-national subjugation. Earlier than the military strategist Sun Wu Qi said: "Fighting a war, affairs of state, the land of life and death, survival of the road, must be very cautious." ("Art of War Total Posts") shows that Sun Wu Qi inherited the idea, and developed. That compared with his later strategist Sun Bin has also been affected. Sun Bin to see the outcome of the war, fate of the nation's side at the same time pointed out:
  Yue Bing (militants) were killed, while Lee wins (seek victory) who insult. The music of non-soldiers also, and won by non-profit also. ("See King Wei Sun Bin Art of War")
  Thus it is evident that the inheritance relationship between them thinking.
  Second, simple materialism and simple dialectics of strategic and tactical thinking
  Comrade Mao Zedong, "On Contradiction" pointed out: "Dialectics of the universe, both in China and in Europe, created in ancient times. But the ancient dialectic with the simple nature of the spontaneous." Qi's strategic and tactical thinking, can be said spontaneous simplicity of ancient dialectic materialism and simplicity of use in the military.
  Qi from the Warring States Period frequent starting a war situation, recognize the possibility of war at any time. He therefore attached great importance to the strategic war. He said: "Fu An Road, country, first ring for the treasure." ("Wu Liao Di") to make the country safe, first make preparations for war in peacetime. He said:
  Simply raise good timber, to prepare for eventuality. Mu Xi Shi 50 000 renal calculi, to tyrants, feudal lords.
  Jin-Wen called for the front line of 40,000, to be his blog. Qin Miao Chen 30000 Chi trap to serve neighboring countries. ("Wu plans country")
  For the military, Qi stands for "teach the precepts as the first" ("Wu Zhi Bing"), pay attention to peacetime training.
  He said: "Preparation of who the enemy out, such as see." ("Wu on to") the readiness thinking, reflecting his new landlord class to establish and consolidate the political power of the entrepreneurial spirit.
  Qi combat command reject idealism assume, from a simple materialist point of view, attaches great importance to understand the enemy situation. He pointed out that the "use of troops to the enemy's actual situation and trends of their trial crises" ("Wu Liao Di"). That is, only the clear strength of the enemy deployment, can choose their weaknesses cracking down hard. In order to understand each other's situation, Qi attaches great importance to the use of spyware, deep behind enemy lines to collect all sorts of information the enemy, "radical line of spy to watch his consideration" ("Wu Liao Di"). Meanwhile, on the battlefield also paid attention to the use of force reconnaissance, "and Wu on the" record:
  Wuhou asked: "armies across, I wonder if it will, I would like to phase of its operation to?" From the right said:
  "To make cheap and brave, will be light in order to taste the sharp, works in the North, no service in too and watch the enemy come, sit together.
  The government with reason, their catch is less than the North pretend, pretend to not know their see profits, so to who will be called wise, do not carry on with the war. If its public show of China, flags upset, its own self-pawn ending, its soldiers, or vertical or horizontal, the chase too far north, fear not see the benefit, this is stupid will, although the public will be. "
  That sent a detachment to feint the enemy, but to pretend retreat, luring the enemy to chase, pursuit from the enemy situation to observe the actual situation and decide countermeasures.
  Qi said:
  Morrison requested the custom of the six countries, Fevzi array re not strong, but since the fighting scattered array Qin, Chu and soon the whole array, Yan array not keep walking instead of Sanjin array rule. ("Wu Liao Di")
  Qi of the six countries from the analysis of the military situation, we can see that he is the political, economic, military and public opinion, knowledge of customs are quite clear. Qi attention to research, apparently inherited the senior military strategist Sun Wu "Know thyself, know yourself" mentality. Qi attention to their own subjective guide to the war, trying to meet the objective reality of the great insights in guiding the war is won, there are extremely important.
  Qi as regular troops in war, very good play in the war's subjective initiative. He believed in the war, people must strive to master the various skills involved in the war and the ability to adapt to complex environments. He said: "The death of his wife, they often can not be defeated by their inconvenience." ("Wu Zhi Bing") that people in the war, often because of the lack of certain skills and get a life, because it is not accustomed to a situation and defeated. Life and death, victory or defeat of this proposition is determined by the days of denial of fatalism.
  Qi also saw its vast territory, large population, well-equipped armed forces and other factors important role in the war. ("Wu Liao Di"). The conduct of the war horses of one of the important factors, Qi is also very important, and he said:
  Fuba, will their premises, suitable for the plants, sections of their hunger full. Winter the temperature stable, the summer is cool veranda. Tick carved mane hair, looked like fall. JI their eyes and ears, without so horrified. Chi by learning its leisure, its progress only. ("Wu Zhi Bing")
  Where the horses are not hurt in the end, will hurt in the beginning; not to hurt the hungry, will be hurt in full. Nightfall long road, will the number of up and down. Ninglao in person, be careful not Rauma. Often make more than, I prepared the enemy cover. ("Wu Zhi Bing")
  This means that, on the horse to be good at keeping, training and care to achieve the "troops to each other and then make."
  (Ibid.) He noted that people, horses, vehicles, terrain and so the relationship between the war and put forward:
  So in light horse, horse light rail vehicles, light trucks people with mild to war. Knowingly risks easily, then to light horse; fodder for when the horse light rail vehicles; paste more than White, the car young people; Fengrui a strong, light war is people. (Ibid.)
  Know the terrain of insurance that is easy to understand and know how to use can make the terrain easy Happy Valley; timely horses, so Biaofei Tizhuang, easy to drive on the chariot horses; prepared enough oil and axle with the iron, pay attention to timely repair the soldiers to make the car easy to set; weapons Fengrui, armor strong, easy to make soldiers fight. Only in this way, war should break it handy.
  Attack in the war, keep, forward, back, according to the objective reality may be changing. Qi in frequent war has accumulated rich experience, mastered the art of command the war. He proposed a "radical attack not to doubt," the 13 kinds of situations:
  New to the enemy from afar, the ranks of yet, can hit; both food without equipment, can be hit; run, can hit; hard, can hit; without the location, can be hit; the timing is wrong is not from the can hit; involved underwent Long Road no information can be hit; wading half-transition, can be hit; insurance Road narrow road, to strike; flags tamper with, can hit; array few mobile, can hit; to leave his soldiers to be hit; heart terror could strike. If this were all, the election Rui Chong, divide our forces followed, anxious not to hit the suspect. ("Wu Liao Di")
  This means that the enemy coming from afar, just arrived, the team has not rectify; troops have to eat, but has not set up alert; hurried away; too tired; not take advantage of the terrain, loss of aircraft, remaining passive; long distance and follow-up forces do not reach the destination; wading across the river crossing only half; in advantageous narrow road march; banner tamper, force confusion; forces battle frequent changes; generals out of his soldiers; army terror, those who met the above, should be choice for elite troops forward, and with forces surrounded, did not hesitate to attack quickly.
  Qi in the war against the rash act recklessly, advocates "see to move forward, and quit." Analysis of the encounter favorable opportunity, "Do not hit the suspect," the eight cases:
  First of wind Big Chill, Fortune Wu move, cut ice water economy, afraid to difficult; second is the height of summer heat, Yan Hing on, the line drive hunger and thirst, take away service on; third is division not only flooded for a long time, no food there, the people Yuannu, Yao Xiang several, can not stop; Siyue both military funding dried up, both paid Chu few, days and more rain, swept want nothing; Wu Yue followers a little water to unfavorable troops for preventing diseases, neighbors do not to; Liu Yue long road nightfall, persons from the labor fear, tired without food, disarmament, demobilization and interest rates; 7 Officials say the thin light, his soldiers are not fixed, the number of armed forces surprise, mentoring help; 8 said, Chen and uncertain, homes not yet complete, Osaka survived the dangerous trip, half conceals, half out. ("Wu Liao Di")
  Qi also analyzed the situation encountered unfavorable "to stay away Do not doubt," the six circumstances:
  First of land, and the people of the rich minority; second is the love of his next, Hui Shi flow distribution; The third is a letter reward criminal police, when the hair must; Si Yue Chen successful home series, Ren Yin enabled; Wu Yue mentoring of the public, Kohei of fine; Liu Yue neighbors of help, big country assistance. (Ibid.)
  This means that, in the battle to avoid the enemy's director, attack the enemy's weakness.
  In addition, the Qi from the actual start of the march and the camp made a number of issues important to note:
  Where the road march, not only of offenders into the festival, without loss of proper diet, without the power of absolute troops. These three, you can order any of their previous. Left to the order, the rule is also run by students. ("Wu Zhi Bing")
  It is said that the march on the trip, the load should be well-organized troops, food supplies to do a good job, so as to ensure the armed forces obey the command of superiors to ensure the military's combat effectiveness. Qi attaches great importance to understanding the terrain, that:
  Where the line of division across the border, will examine the terrain, the trial subject and object of support or opposition to know. If not kept informed about the terrain, to carry on losing.
  ("Tai Ping Yu Lan"), Volume III of 32, Ministry of War 63)
  He pointed out that the troops to a place, you must first understand the surrounding "mountains and rivers within 50 years the situation" to "know these insurance easy" "make their ambush NCOs server will certainly own, as to the potential result charts." (Ibid.) note that even if the sergeant whether the enemy ambush, while the generals will have to use the terrain to deal with the enemy. Qi also suggested that the military presence "no day stove, no when the leader. Day lesions were, Otani mouth; leader who, big mountain side." ("Wu Zhi Bing") that is camping not in the Great Valley of the mouth and the mountains the top.
  These are summed up from the practice of the law of war, it reflects the objective reality of Qi from the materialism of simplicity.
  Strategic and tactical thinking of the Qi's, many local sparkling brilliant simple idea of dialectics.
  Qi said:
  Where the battle of to, we must first observation of its will and its only because the right form to use, labor and power are not held. ("Wu of the"
  He believes that troops in combat must first analysis of the enemy's generals, depending on the circumstances, decide different tactics, so can not take much effort and success. This is Sun Wu as "water has no fixed form" to describe the "military has no fixed form," according to enemy soldiers of change, in order to win victory, "The Art of War actual situation"), the idea of succession and development.
  How to deal with life and death issue, Qi was contemptuous of the battlefield, mortally afraid of death, desertion from the army's shameful behavior.
  He advocated the battlefield "doomed the students, students are fortunate death" ("Wu Zhi Bing"), sets out the battlefield the dialectical relationship between life and death, only not afraid of sacrifice, bravery fighting to save their own victory, and Corruption fear of death, not for killing the enemy, the result is bound to fail, lead to extinction. Therefore, the Qi in his army to promote the spirit of fear of death. He said: "Teacher of the day, there is death of glory, the shame-free health." ("Wu on to"), sent troops to fight from the first day, it is necessary to honor soldiers killed in faith intent on and not harbor the shame of thinking Gouqietousheng. In the battle process, to make soldiers "into the proud death, back born in humiliation." ("Wu Chart State") that is forward killing the enemy, the heroic sacrifice for the honor, in order to survive the shame back. "Let the Warring States policy," about breaking Qi Qi Yan, with the army to take more than 70 cities, although the "cannibal cooking bones," a very difficult position, but "not anti-north persons heart," insisted the fighting in the end. That this army is the "Sun Bin, Qi of the soldiers are." Qi can be seen tenacious fighting spirit of the army at the time was very famous.
  In the issue more with less, Qi many brilliant expositions. He thinks that the less you can win more, "Wu Liao Di" wrote:
  Among the people in the military must have Huben, power light carry the tripod, full light his military, Qian take the flag, there must be those who can afford.
  If this the other, while the other of the election, your love of, is that the military orders. Its a work in five soldiers, material strength and health illness, his aim was to swallow the enemy who will add the Jazz series, can be decisive. Thick wife, his parents and advised reward fear punishment. The strong array of disabilities may be lasting. To examine this material, you can hit times.
  Good governance as long as the army, good selection of elite, reward and punishment, preferential family, so that troops can defeat several times at my enemy. Qi analysis said:
  Nobility not be set, monarch and his subjects did not, and, communication barrier nowhere, the ban is not applied, the Tri-skull skull, For the former can not, dare not want to go to half-hit times, know yourself. (Ibid.)
  Ally, if the enemy does not join the disagreements among monarch and his subjects, there is no deep groove built fortress well, orders not issued, the army panic, want to go not forward, not back to back, so the military as long as it is with the equivalent of half the The troops will defeat it, but also victorious. He added:
  The enemy came, floating about without worry, flags disturbing, the number of troops Gu, a can hit 10, will make flawless. (Ibid.)
  If the enemy came and scattered scattered long, no discipline, team chaos, troops unrest, looking around, so the military can hit 10, so there is no what to hands and feet. Qi that "ignorance will, although the public will be" ("Wu on to.")
  That if the generals are not good command, although the soldier more easily captured. Qi said: "who works with small narrow." He attached importance to take advantage of favorable terrain, resulting to win with fewer conditions. He said that as long as the "avoided the easy to invite the in Ecuador", that is to avoid the flat open land, while the use of advantageous terrain, you can "to hit 10," "to 10 hit 100," "hit thousands 10000 "," Wu response "). This shows that Qi from his extensive combat experience, saw more and less dialectical relationship. He thought of these simple dialectic applied to military practice, the creation of five million people, "and (plus) car Bai Cheng, riding a 3000, but broke Qin 50 Peoples" ("Wu Li Shi") and to less is better than the typical two wars. So people singing "The Qi of the use of troops as well, but 50 000" ("Spring and Autumn Annals with the people"). Wei Liao Zi said: "There is mention 70,000 of the people, and the world when those who Mo? Yue Qi also." ("WeiLiaozi system on the third") wide statistics, according to Yang: "Warring States period, the major countries of the soldiers places have as much as 300 thousand to 1 million. "(" History of the Warring States "in July 1980 first edition 285 - 286) Qi of 50,000, 70,000 in total, can be described as elite, and used can withstand strong Qin. Shows that the military art at the time to reach a high level.
  In short, Qi progressive view of war, plain and simple dialectics of materialism strategic and tactical thinking, in our military history occupies an important position.
  Qi Chronicle
  Reference Qian: "philosophers Department of years."
  440 BC (Qin impatient public for three years, seven Marquis Wei Wen, Chu King Hui of 40 hours, Jin Jinggong years, Zhao Xiangzi 30 years, Qi Xuangong 16 years, Yancheng Gong 15 years, twenty-eight Lu Dao Gong, Song Zhaogong 20 hours, nine more hook Zhu, Zhou Lie Wang year examination) was born in about the Yap Wei Zuo.
  Ye Feng Wei began.
  Kui 15 years old.
  In 439 BC (Qin impatient public four-year, eight Marquis Wei Wen, Chu King Hui of five years, Jin Jinggong 10 years, Zhao Xiangzi 30 years, Qi Xuangong 17 years, first year Yanwen Gong Lu Daogong 20 hours, Song Zhaogong three decades, the more hook decade Zhu, Zhou Dynasty and reigned two years) old, in the Guardian.
  436 BC (Qin impatient public for seven years, ten year Marquis Wei Wen, Chu King Hui of 50 years, Jin Jinggong 16 years, Zhao Xiangzi 30 hours, Qi Xuangong two decades, Yanwen Gong for four years , Lu Yuangong first year, Song Zhaogong 30 years, the more hook decade Zhu, Zhou Dynasty King five years) and old, in the Guardian.
  Disciples of Confucius studied the Death. Zi Xia 70-year-old.
  433 BC (Qin impatient public ten years, fourteen years Marquis Wei Wen, Chu King Hui of 50 years, Jin quiet year, the Zhao Xiangzi four years, Qi Xuangong 20 years, Yanwen Gong for seven years Luyuan Gong for four years, Song Zhaogong 30 years, the more hooks 16 years Zhu, Zhou Dynasty king eight)-year-old, in the Guardian.
  Jin's Office to only Jiang, Quwo other places, to Wei, Zhao, Han audience with.
  In 431 BC (Qin impatient public years, 16 years Marquis Wei Wen, Chu Jian Wang first year, Jin quiet the public for three years, Zhao Xiangzi 40 years, twenty-five years Qixuan Gong, Yan Wengong nine Lu Yuangong six years, Song Zhaogong thirty eight years, the more hooks 18 years Zhu Zhou Dynasty King years) old, in the Guardian.
  Chu Ju off.
  425 BC (Qin Huaigong four years, Marquis Wei Wen 2 years, seven years the king of Chu Chien, Jin quiet public nine years and five years Zhaoxiang Zi, Qi Xuangong 30 a year, Yan Wengong fifteen years, Lu Yuangong years, Song Zhaogong 40 years, the more hooks 20 years Zhu, Zhou Wei WANG the first year) 16 years old, in the Guardian.
  Beginning, said Hou Wei, Chao Qin Shuzhang attack Qinhuai Gong, Qin Huaigong suicide.
  423 BC (Qin Linggong years, 20 years Marquis Wei Wen, Chu Jian Wang nine public and 10 year quiet Jin, Han Wuzi two years, Zhao Xianzai first year, Qi Xuangong 30 years, Yan Wengong 17 years, Lu Yuangong 14 years, Song Zhaogong 40 years, the more hooks 20 years Zhu, Zhou Wang Weilie of three years) 18 years old, in the Guardian.
  Han Zheng cutting, killing Zheng quiet public.
  BC 421 (Qinling Gong for four years, 20 years Marquis Wei Wen, Chu Chien Wang 10 a year, Jin quiet the public 10 years, Han Wuzi four years, Zhao Xianzai three years, thirty-five years Qixuan Gong, Yan wengong 19 years, Lu Yuangong 16 years, Song Dao Gong first year, twenty-eight more hook Zhu, Zhou Wang Weilie of five years) 2 years old, in the Guardian. San Gold demand in the years when official.
  Jin Lu Ji Sun will be quiet in public and Chu Qiu.
  416 BC (Qin Linggong nine, thirty year Marquis Wei Wen, Chu Jian Wang 16 years, Jin quiet the public 18 years, Han Wuzi nine, Zhao Xianzai eight years, four years Qixuan Gong, Yan Wengong 20 years, Lu Yuangong 20 a year, Song Dao Gong six years, the more hooks 30 years Zhu, Zhou King Weilie years) 20-year-old, in the Guardian.
  Jin quiet public for the people killed, Wei sent troops to suppress, strong public stand.
  In 415 BC (Qin Linggong years, three years Marquis Wei Wen, Chu Jian Wang 17 years, Jin Liegong first year, Han Wuzi years, Zhao Xianzai nine Qi Xuangong 40 a year, Yan Jane AD years, rumu AD, the Song Dao Gong for seven years, the more hooks 30 years Zhu, King Weilie 10 weeks a year) 20-year-old, fled from the Lu Wei. Teacher was the son who studied the application, learning "Zuo Spring and Autumn."
  The more off Teng.
  Have application, public instrument off, Zisi were such well-known Confucian scholar Lu.
  414 BC (Qin Dynasty AD, the Marquis Wei Wen 30 years, Chu Jian Wang 18 years, Jin Liegong years, Han Wuzi 10 a year, Zhao Xianzai years, four years Qixuan Gong, Yan Jane Public years, rumu public two, Song Dao Gong for eight years, thirty-five years more hook Zhu, Zhou Wang Weilie years) 20-year-old, because the mother refuses to attend funerals, and has application to break.
  In Lu Xuebing law.
  413 BC (Qin public two years, 30 years Marquis Wei Wen, Chu Jian Wang 19 years, Jin Liegong three years, Han Wuzi years, Zhao Xianzai 10 a year, Qi Xuangong 40 years, Yan Jane public three years, rumu public three years, Song Dao Gong for nine more years Zhu hook 30, King Weilie week thirteen years) 20-year-old, in Lu Xuebing law.
  Qin Yu Zheng Wei defeated, and to continue to attack the Qin River.
  Chu cutting Weinan vulgar.
  412 BC (Qin public three years, 30 years Marquis Wei Wen, Chu Jian Wang 2 years Jinlie Gong for four years, Han Wuzi 10 years, Zhao Xianzai years, Qi Xuangong 40 years, Yan Jane public four-year, public four-year rumu Song Daogong years, thirty-seven years more hook Zhu, Zhou King Weilie 14 years) 20-year-old, for the Qi Lu to win.
  Qi Lu Ju cutting and Anyang.
  Fan Wei Pang Qin besieged the city, grams, "out of its people."
  411 BC (Qin public four-year, 30 years Marquis Wei Wen, Chu Chien Wang 20 a year, Jin Liegong five years, Han Wuzi 14 years, Zhao Xianzai 10 years, Qi Xuangong 40 years, Yan Jane public five years, rumu public five years, Song Dao Gong eleven years, the first year of King Yue nebula, Zhou King Weilie 15 years) 3 years old, Shi Lu.
  Qi Lu to take a cutting city.
  Tian Zhuang Zicu, mourning son stand.
  410 BC (Qin public five years, 30 years Marquis Wei Wen, Chu Jian Wang 2 years, Jin Liegong six years, Han Wuzi fifteen years, Zhao Xianzai fourteen years, Qixuan Gong 40 years, Yan Jane public six years, rumu public six years of the Song Dao Gong, Yuewang nebula two years King Weilie 16 week year) 31 years old, in Lu, as Lu will, Sheng Qi. Due to slander and Ben Wei.
  409 BC (Qin public six years, thirty eight Marquis Wei Wen, Chu Chien Wang 20 years, Jin Liegong seven Han Wuzi 16 years, Zhao Xianzai fifteen years, Qi Xuangong 40 years, Yan Jane public seven rumu public seven years, Song Dao Gong 10 years, Yuewang nebula three years, King Weilie 17 week year) 30-year-old, in Wei, for the Marquis Wei Wen will, Faqin to Cheng Huan, building Luo Yin , He Hu Yang. The "Historical Records" said "hit Qin, pulling five cities." That is, "said Yuan Fu Yan," said Jing water war.
  408 BC (Qin public for seven years, thirty nine Marquis Wei Wen, Chu Chien Wang 20 years, Jinlie Gong for eight years, the first year of Han Jing Hou, Zhao Hou strong first year, Qi Xuangong forty-eight years, the public eight years Jane Martin , rumu public eight years, Song Dao Gong for fourteen years, Yuewang nebula four years, King Weilie 18 week year) 30-year-old, cutting Zhongshan, the Department will be important for the music sheep.
  Qin Dynasty "Wo rent early."
  Han Zheng cutting, take Yongqiu.
  407 BC (Qin public for eight years, four years Marquis Wei Wen, Chu Wang first year, Jin Liegong nine years Han Jing Hou, Zhao Hou years strong, Qi Xuangong forty-nine, nine public Yan Kan , rumu public nine years, Song Dao Gong fifteen years, Yuewang nebula five years, King Weilie 19 week year) 30-year-old, cutting Zhongshan.
  Wei Qi cutting, take consistent mound.
  Han Zheng defeated negative millet.
  406 BC (Qin public nine years and 40 year Marquis Wei Wen, Chu Wang two years, Jin Liegong years, Han Jing Hou three years, three years, Zhao Lie Hou, Qi Xuangong five years, the public ten years Jane Martin, rumu public ten years, Song Dao Gong 16 years, the king of Yue nebula six weeks, King Weilie 2 years) 30-year-old, after the destruction Zhai Juan, Zhongshan recommended for the River Marquis Wei Wen Ren Qi Shou. Standing for the letter, the reform in political reform.
  Zhongshan Wei off.
  Ximen Bao Ye rule about at this time.
  Lin Qiu Tian Bu offensive, Sanjin for rescue, defeated Qi division.
  405 BC (Qin Jinggong first year, four years Marquis Wei Wen, Chu Wang for three years, Jin Liegong 10 a year, South Korea four years, King Hussein, four Hou Zhao Lie, Qi Xuangong 50 a year, the public 11 Jane Yan years, rumu public 10 year, Song Dao Gong 17 years, Yuewang nebula seven weeks of the year King Weilie 20) 30-year-old, either in the Wei River to defend, military system reform, create Wei, "Wu Death."
  Wei and Zhao Fa Qi into the Great Wall.
  Qi Xuan Gongzu, fields and start legislation.
  404 BC (Qin Jinggong years, 40 years Marquis Wei Wen, Chu Wang for four years, Jin Liegong years, Han Jing Hou five years, five Hou Zhao Lie, zircon corp first year, Yan Jane public twelve years, rumu public twelve years, Song Dao Gong 18 years, the king of Yue nebula eight weeks, King Weilie 2 years) 30-year-old, in Wei Shou River. Spare time to teach and to compile "Zuo Spring and Autumn."
  403 BC (Qin Jinggong three years, 40 years Marquis Wei Wen, Chu Wang five years, Jin Liegong 10 years, Han Jing Hou six years, six Hou Zhao Lie, zircon corp years, the public 13 Jane Yan years, rumu public 10 years, Hugh Sung AD, the king of Yue nebula nine weeks, King Weilie 20 years) 30-year-old, in Wei Shou River.
  Weiliewang Wang Ming Zhou Wei, Zhao, Han for the princes.
  402 BC (Qin Jinggong four years, 40 years Marquis Wei Wen, Chu Wang six years, Jin Liegong 14 years, Han Jing Hou seven strong Hou Zhao seven zircon corp three years, the public 14 years Jane Yan , rumu public 14 years, the song closed the public two years, Yuewang nebula years, King Weilie week twenty-four years) 30-year-old, in Wei Shou River.
  Chu Wang for the people killed.
  Zisi about Death in the years.
  401 BC (Qin Jinggong five years, 40 years Marquis Wei Wen, Chu Daowang first year, Jin Liegong fifteen years, eight Han Jing Hou, Zhao Lie Hou eight zircon corp four years, the public 15 years Jane Yan , rumu public 15 years, Song off the public three years, the king of Yue nebula eleven years, the first year of King Zhou) four-year-old, in Wei Shou River.
  400 BC (Qin Jinggong six years, 40 years Marquis Wei Wen, Chu Dao Wang two years, Jin Liegong 16 years, nine Hou Han Jing, Zhao Lie Hou nine zircon corp five years, the public 16 years Jane Yan , rumu public 16 years, the song closed the public for four years, Yuewang nebula years, weeks, years of King) 41 years old, in Wei Shou River.
  Sanjin Attacks Upon Chu to take Hill.
  399 BC (Qin Jinggong seven, forty eight Marquis Wei Wen, Chu Daowang three years, Jin Liegong 17 years, South Korea Liehou first year of the decade Hou Zhao Lie, zircon corp six years, the public 17 years Jane Yan, Lu duke 17, the song closed the public five years, the king of Yue nebula 10 years, KING three weeks) 40-year-old, in Wei Shou River.
  398 BC (Qin Jinggong eight, forty nine Marquis Wei Wen, Chu Dao Wang four years, Jin Liegong 18 years, South Korea Liehou years, Zhao Hou 10 year strong, zircon corp seven years, the public 18 Jane Yan years, rumu public 18 years, Song off the public six years, the king of Yue nebula fourteen years, four years of King Zhou) 40-year-old, in Wei Shou River.
  Kill his son with Si Cheng Yang, Zi Yang of the party against, Cheng Wai Chu Jin.
  397 BC (Qin Jinggong nine years, five years Marquis Wei Wen, Chu Daowang five years, Jin Liegong 19 years, South Korea Liehou three years, Zhao Lie Hou years, zircon corp eight years, the public 19 years Jane Yan , rumu public 19 years, the song closed the public for seven years, fifteen years king of Yue nebula, Zhou KING five years) and 40-year-old, in Wei Shou River.
  Marquis Wei Wen Death.
  Nie Zheng Xia Han, tired to kill.
  396 BC (Qin Jinggong years, Wei Wuhou first year, six-Chu Dao Wang, Jin Liegong two decades, four Hou Han Lie, Lie Zhao Hou 10 years, zircon corp nine public two decades, Jane Martin, rumu public two decades, Song off the public for eight years, Yuewang nebula 16 years, KING six weeks) 40-year-old, keep in the Wei River. Wei Wuhou ask "first year" in Qi, and Wei Wuhou of respect for the ministers. In the leisure of "Qi Art of War."
  Zheng Xu Zheng Ziyang the party to kill the public.
  395 BC (Qin Jinggong 10 a year, Wei Wuhou two years, seven Chu Dao Wang, Jin Liegong 20 a year, South Korea Liehou five years, fourteen years Hou Zhao Lie, zircon corp years, the public 20 Jane Yan year, rumu public 20 year, Song off the public nine years, Yuewang nebula 17 years, KING seven weeks) 40-year-old, in Wei Shou River. And Wei Wuhou of "risk of mountains and rivers", personally denounced the king wrong.
  Kui Death, at the age of six years old.
  394 BC (Qin Jinggong years, Wei Wuhou three years, eight Chu Dao Wang, Jin Liegong two years, South Korea Liehou six years, fifteen years Hou Zhao Lie, zircon corp 10 year, 20 public Yan Kan years, rumu public two years, Song off the public ten years, Yuewang nebula 18 years, eight weeks Ann King) 40-year-old, in Wei Shou River.
  Qi Lu to take the most cutting.
  Anti-Han Zheng negative millet.
  In 391 BC (Qin Huigong three years, Wei Wuhou six years, eleven years of Chu Dao Wang, Jin Liegong twenty-five years, South Korea Liehou nine Zhao Hou 18 years strong, zircon corp 14 years, Jane Yan Public 2 fifteen years, twenty-five years of public rumu Song off the public 10 years, king of Yue nebula 20 year, 10 weeks a year of King) 5-year-old, in Wei Shou River.
  The public health field and to move at sea.
  San Jin defeated Chu in the beam, Yu Guan. Wei possession beam, and later accounted for xiangling.
  390 BC (Qin Huigong four years, Wei Wuhou seven years Chu Dao Wang, Jin Liegong 20 years, South Korea Liehou years, Zhao Hou 19 years strong, zircon corp fifteen years, Yan Jane Public 2 16 years, rumu public 20 years, Song off the public 14 years, the king of Yue nebula two years, weeks, years of King) 51 years old, in Wei Shou River.
  Shang Yang, Mencius was born in the years around.
  388 BC (Qin Huigong six years, Wei Wuhou nine years, fourteen years of Chu Dao Wang, Jin Huan years, South Korea Liehou years, Zhao Hou 20 year strong, zircon corp 17 years, the public 20 Jane Yan eight, twenty-eight years of public rumu Song off the public 16 years, the king of Yue nebula 20 years, weeks, years of King 14) 50-year-old, as the Fa Qi Qi Wei Wuhou order to Ling Qiu.
  In 387 BC (Qin Huigong seven Wei Wuhou years, fifteen years of Chu Dao Wang, Jin Huan three years, South Korea Liehou 10 years, Zhao Lie Hou 2 years, zircon corp 18 years, the public 20 Jane Yan nine public and twenty-nine rumu Song off the public 17 years, Zhao nebula 20 years, 15 years of King Zhou) 50-year-old, in Wei Shou River.
  Qi Tian and will Weiwu Hou ze in cloud.
  386 BC (Qin the AD, the Wei Wuhou 10 a year, Chu Dao Wang 16 years, Jin Huan four years, first year Korean Hou, Zhao Jing Hou the first year of zircon corp 19 years, the public three decades Jane Yan, Lu duke three decades, Song off the public 18 years, the king of Yue nebula twenty-five years, 16 years of King Zhou) 50-year-old, in Wei Shou River.
  Fields and set up as a vassal.
  Wei City Luoyi, Anyi, Wang Yuan, son of Ben Wei Shuo. Wei hit numerous Handan, Handan Zhao started all.
  385 BC (Qin the public two years, Wei Wuhou years, 17 years, Chu Dao Wang, Jin Huan five years Korean Hou, Zhao Jing Hou years, zircon corp two decades, the public 30 year Jane Yan , rumu public 30 year, Song off the public 19 years, the king of Yue nebula 20 years, weeks, years of King 17) 50-year-old, keep in Wei River, and compete for the business and culture similar to this years.
  Han Fa Song, to Pengcheng, executive leader and comfort.
  Tian and Death.
  384 BC (Qin Xiangong first year, Wei Wuhou 10 years, Chu Dao Wang 18 years, Jin Huan six years, three-year Korean Hou, Zhao Jing Hou three years, zircon corp 20 year male and three years Jane Yan , rumu public three years, Hugh Sung public two decades, king of Yue nebula 20 years, 18 years of King Zhou) 50-year-old, in Wei Shou River.
  Qin "only from the dead", repealed and sacrificed people.
  383 BC (Qin Xiangong years, Wei Wuhou 14 years, 19 years, Chu Dao Wang, Jin Huan seven years, four Korean Hou, Zhao Jing Hou four years, zircon corp two years, the public 30 years Jane Yan , rumu public 30 years, Song off the public two years, king of Yue nebula twenty eight weeks Ann King 19 years) 50 year-old, is king wrong slander, Wei Wuhou suspected Qi, won the post of the River Code , Qi Ben Chu. Chu Dao Wang Qi as the Court keep the appointment. Qi Qu in interest rates and the old aristocracy mortar should reform debate on whether political reform.
  Zhao Wei defeated Taiwan in the rabbit.
  382 BC (Qin Xiangong three years, Wei Wuhou fifteen years, twenty years of Chu Dao Wang, Jin Huan eight years, five years of Korean Hou, Zhao Jing Hou five years, zircon corp 20 years, the public 30 years Jane Yan and Lu were the year, the song closed the public two years, king of Yue nebula 20 hours, week two years of King) 50-year-old. Chu Dao Wang Qi as Yoshitada appointed to carry out political reform and reform in the political, economic, military and made great achievements.
  Qi, Wei Wei to help attack Zhao, Wei Zhao's just flat took over, hitting the Zhongmou.
  381 BC (Qin Xiangong four years, Wei Wuhou 16 years, Chu Daowang 20 a year, Jin Huan nine years Korean Hou, Zhao Jing Hou six zircon corp 20 years, Jane Martin Company 35 years, total public and two Lu, Song off the public 20 years, king of Yue nebula three decades, KING 20 weeks a year) six-year-old. Reform in the Chu reform to gradually Chu strong. Chu Dao Wang died, the old aristocratic rebellion, Qi killed.
  Zhao for help in Chu. Zhao Gong Wei Chu help, war in the state of the West, out of the door beam, along the Yangtze River has been hit on.
  (Originally published on Sun Kaitai of "Qi Biography" Beijing Press, published in August 1991)
  Sun Wu Qi is the second after good use of troops at the same time that the military has advanced the theory the first. Historically, Qi and Sun Wu as a military strategist par, future generations of soldiers, everyone referred to as "Sun Wu." As a politician, reformer, he was equally famous and Shang Yang. Life in the Lu Qi, Wei, Chu Sanguo into the phase out will show the excellent military skills, he later played a profound impact on use of troops. He also strict military, with his soldiers through thick and thin, but also won the heart of Tribes. But to win fame and his wife to the practice by the shame that has been later generations.
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