赵国 List of Authors
Xun ZiShen DaoGongsun LongZhao ShuaiZhao Dun
Zhao ShuoZhao WuZhao ChengZhao YangZhao Wuxu
Zhao JiaZhao HuanZhao JiZhao WuhouZhao Zhang
Zhao ChongZhao YuZhao YongZhao HeZhao Dan
Zhao HeZhao QianZhao JiaLi Mu
Xun Zi
赵国  战国(313 BC238 BC)
First Name: 荀况
Name and Alias: 孙卿
Township: 山西新绛

Confucian class《荀子》

Read works of Xun Zi at 百家争鸣
  Name condition, the word of State, after the Han Emperor avoid taboo, renamed Sun Qing. Yi-Zhao's Warring States period (now Shanxi xinjiang), prominent thinkers, writers, politicians, representatives of the Confucian school of thought, when people respectfully, "Xun Qing." Qi Guoji from school three times the Evolution of the Imperial Palace, after Chulan Ling (now Shandong Lanling) Order.
  "Xunzi" (Tang Yang Jing for making note, as Xunzi by ancient scholars criticized much of their attention are. Until the Qing Dynasty Textual prosperity, notes the reviser to only increase. Xunzi modern research scholars of ancient to more than.)
  Including Qing Wang Xianqian, Republic of China era Michael Leung. Tan Qing Dynasty scholar, in his "Benevolence" in this evaluation "(China) two thousand years of the study, Xunzi also, are hypocrites too."
  Xun Zi's ideas tend to experience and personnel, is the point from the social context, attention to social order, against the mysticism of the thinking, attention to human efforts. Confucius central idea of "benevolence", Mencius central idea of "righteousness", Xunzi, after following the two proposed "gift", much of social norms on people's behavior. For the sage Confucius, Mencius and Zi Si, but against the US-led "Mencius school" philosophy, that the son inherited the bow and she is the scholar Confucius. Xunzi that the inherent desire to want to meet, if not met would desire a dispute, and thus it human nature is evil, and need the sage and the rites for the doctrine to "resistance from the puppet" to improve personality.
  , Xun Kuang is a new landlord class thinkers. His scholarship and a broad, early in succession on the basis of Confucianism, the absorption of various strengths to be consolidated, modified, built its own ideology, the development of the ancient tradition of materialism. Existing "Xunzi" 32, most of Xunzi their writings, related to philosophy, logic, political, moral in many aspects. In view of nature, he opposed beliefs fatality, certainly the laws of nature to human will not transfer, and proposed the idea man can conquer nature; in human nature, he proposed the "evil human nature," innate morality denies. Stressed environment and education acquired human impact; in political ideology, he insisted Confucian ritual principle, while focusing on people's material needs, advocating the development of the economy and the rule of law combined Ritual. In the theory of knowledge, he admitted to reflect the reality of human thinking. However, the tendency to underestimate the role of the senses. In the famous "Encouraging Learning", he concentrates on his views on learning. Chinese emphasis on "study" the importance that only learned can "know no help at all," must also be noted that learning with practice, and devise specific study attitude should be sincere, persistent. He attached great importance to teachers in the teaching position and role that the national Yao thrive, we must value teachers, and make strict demands on teachers, the teachers if you do not make an example to students, the students can not practice hard for.
  "Xunzi," the article subject clear, structured, thorough reasoning, there is a strong logic. Language rich, good at metaphor, parallelism antithesis many, has his unique style of reasoning of the later articles have a certain influence. "Xunzi" in the five short-fu, created by Fu in the name of literature; he used the folk song was written in the form of "CXP", the text easy to understand, using rap to express their own form of political, academic thought, also have some impact on later generations. Xun Kuang worthy of a great ancient Chinese thinker and an outstanding writer, educator.
  In addition, representatives of the School of Xunzi is one of
  Opinions differ on the Xunzi:
  Xun Zi (c. 325 - about 235 BC) were the status, character Ching, also known as Sun Qing, Zhao Huan (now Shanxi Linyi County) people.
  Xun Zi's life activities, "Su Tung Yi • Qiongtong" record: "the time of King Wei, poly Magi in the world...... Sunqing a scholar Ji Xia, 15 years before learning to swim." 286 BC, Qi destruction of the Song, "Salt and Iron • On the Confucian" Min Qi Wang arrogant about, "Zhu Ru Remonstrance refused, and the spread." At this time, the Qi Sang Jin Xun Qing said: "The Department won the tendency of people will Sheng live by, "pointed out: today's giant Chu Department of the slight in front of me, behind me a large nest in the coercion was, Jin Wei to take with my right hook...... plan for a national policy, must take advantage of the three countries invaded, so that Qi bound to lead to fragmentation, the state will have the danger of extinction. ("Xunzi. Powers" under the cited book, only to note English Version) suggestions were accepted, Sun Qing to Chu. In the reign of King Xiang of Qi (283 BC - 265 years ago), the second time back to Qi Xun, "Xun Qing best teacher." Pushed him three times for the Evolution of the Imperial (high hope in serious cases). ("Historical Records • Biographies of Mencius, Xun Qing") in the phase Ju Fan Qin period (266 BC - 255 BC), Qin seen Qinzhao Wang Xun to. The king was asked: "Confucianism will not help one of the country?" Xun Zi said: "Confucians in the DPRK and the U.S. government, the next bit was the U.S. customs, Confucianism, the man under the so Chu State." ("Confucian effect") "should Hou (Fan Ju ) Q Sun Qing Master said: What to Qin see? "Xun Zi said:" Form wins, "" Pu people "," 100 Officials in awe, "scholar" Ming-tong and the public, "the court" must listen without leaving Pepsi, "" governance matter to "; However, "Almost no Confucianism" and "Qin of the short." As the Qin rule of law, the rule of Xunzi thought Confucianism is not.
  Qi Zi who was evil of others, then left the Qi Xun came to Chu. BC 255 Lan Ling was appointed as magistrate. But some think that Xunzi is a danger in terms of the state of Chu. Therefore, to Zhao Xun Chu another speech, worship it as the Qing Zhao. Later, Chu Chu was similar to the word for please Xunzi back Chunshenjun Chu. So please Chunshenjun sent back to Zi, Fu Ren Lanling magistrate. In 238 BC, Chunshenjun was plum killed, Xunzi Bale official. Do not years, died.
  Xun Zi's works were popular in the Han Dynasty more than 300 articles, compiled after Liu Xiang, delete duplicate, fixed with 32.
  Xunzi (about the former 325 - before 238) Name status, number of people with respect and "Big", so called Xun Qing, Han avoid the taboo and renamed Sun Qing Xuan, Zhao late Warring States (now in southern Shanxi) people, famous Qin thinker.
  Early Study Tour Yu Qi Zi, because broad knowledge, "most teachers" were three times as Qi "Ji Xia" and "Evolution of the Imperial" (Xue Gong long). In about 264 BC, should Qinzhao Wang employed, Journey to the West to Qin, Qin said, "people Park", "100 Officials in awe," and near "governance matter to it." Zhao had to return after communication with soldiers in Zhaoxiao Cheng Wu Junyi Wang ago, that "use of troops necessary condition for battles of the mind One China", "Good people are attached, is the use of soldiers who are also" ("Zi • Conference soldiers"). Zi-jun was used by Chu Chunshen for Lan Ling County (now the town of Shandong Cangshan Lanling) Order. Teaching and writing in his later years.
  As Xunzi in the late Warring States era, the ideological doctrine Scholars factions have emerged, which makes him not only the adoption of various schools of thought, it can be more critical and therefore very rich Xunzi's thought. We can say that cosmology, human nature, morality, knowledge of educational philosophy, literature, political science, economics, logic and other aspects, Xunzi has great achievements.
  1, Cosmic View: Xunzi believes that "Heaven" is the objective reality of nature, "USS with the rotation, sun, moon and delivery, four times Royal, yin and yang, Dahua, wind and rain Bosch, all things all-win and to students, all-win support to become, but no such incident and reflected power, is why it is that God; known its so into, Mozhi its intangible, of that day "(" Zi • Tianlun "). Human nature has not the will of the regularity of the transfer, "Sky has always, not to keep Yao, Jie not die, should the rule is to Kyrgyzstan, in order to chaos is to be the fierce" ("Zi • Tianlun"). From the recognition of the objectivity of nature, regularity, starting, Xunzi proposed the "Man" point of view, "strengthening the section used, the days can not be poor; keep moving equipment, then the days can not be sick; Methodist rather than Two, the days can not be bad;...... it out in Heaven and Human, it can be said to carry on its typical "(" Zi • Tianlun "). In the claims on the basis of respect for the laws of nature, Xunzi further proposed to develop people's initiative, "the system of heaven and the use of" control, distribution, thinking to conquer nature, "think of the big day, what animals and objects and rule; from the days of the award of, what heaven and used with the system; expect sometimes to be of; what and seasonal in making it, because while many of the things, what with the trade, in energy and of the; thinking of things and things, what with the management loss of property not freeze too; the reason why things like the students, what and why have things become. so wrong people think of days, then the loss of love of all things "(" Zi • Tianlun "). Xunzi's the nature of this series of rich materialist ideology, in the philosophers argue about view of heaven, the unique, which advocate the rational spirit, with a high theoretical value.
  2, Epistemology: Xunzi said: "Any person who knows, one of nature also; may know, the reason things are" ("Xunzi • Exposed"), that is, that the world is knowable, it is through the human body functions carried out. Understanding of the process is through "official day" (sensory) contact the outside world of things, then "Heaven's Soldiers" (thinking organ) a rational process ("levy to know"), which combines the main object. "Heart" (mind) is an important stage of knowledge, "also heart-shaped monarch also; the gods of the Lord also" ("Xunzi • Exposed"). That awareness is a big one-sided and subjective "cover", "shelter" in the form of many, there is: "prefer to give shelter, bad for the shelter, and finally to cover, much as shelter, near the shelter, Bo to cover, light for the shelter, ancient as the cover, to cover this. Where are all working with different things to cover, this intention of the public calamities. "(" Xunzi • Exposed "), uncovering the need to" know "," people would know? Yue heart. heart to know why, said: virtual and quietness. born with knowledge, knowledge to pursue, chih, Tibetan also. But the so-called virtual, not to have been victims of the possession will be subject to the so-called virtual "(" Zi • Exposed "). As do the "virtual and quietness," then it can achieve "become clear." In the "knowledge" and "line" relationship, the Xunzi that "line" than "know", "If the trip is not aware of the, I do and the do and I understand" ("Xunzi • Confucianism effect"). In the "Name" and "real" relationship, the Xunzi stressed the "fact" is "name" of the objective basis, proposed the "system of names to refer to the reality" ("Zi • Rectification of Names") point of view.
  3, Human Nature: In the theory of human nature, the Xunzi and Mencius proposed "Human Nature" On the opposite of "Human Nature" on the point of view. He believes that humanity is born, a simple natural property, "of those who, days on also, not science, not something...... but in others, that of nature" ("Xun Zi • sex evil "), the performance of" armor and wish to eat, cold and wish to warm, labor and wish to rest "(" Xun • Human Nature "), so human nature is" born with a good profit rise "," born with a bad illness Yan "," born with eyes and ears of the desire for good and sensual Yan "(" Xun • Human Nature "). The human "good" is acquired artificially (ie, "false"), "the man Evil, the good and pseudo-also" ("Xun • Human Nature"). "Good" is acquired learning environment and educate the results, "Mr James O'Neil who saint being born, one of which can be learned, the things were also made of...... can be learned and can be made a matter of talent, that the false "(" Xunzi • Human Nature "). Priori given "sex" and acquired, is described as "false" is a contradiction, to resolve the conflict through "resistance from the puppet" is through the school, things changed "sex." "Sex" and "false" is the unity of opposites, "pseudo-clone is nothing to add, no pseudo-regularity can not be from the U.S.," only do "of pseudo-cooperation, then the name of a saint" ("Zi • Rites" ). Xun Zi's "Human Nature" Theory and Mencius, "Human Nature" on the great difference, but on the adoption of the so-called "sage of education" to educate the public that probation purposes, they are consistent. Descendants of its evil nature thought is that the tendency of its burgeoning Legalism.
  4, courtesy of: "Ceremony" thinking is the core concept of Xunzi social and political thought. Xunzi suggested that "ritual" is the "kings" to regulate people's desire to avoid the drawn out war "measure boundaries," "gift from the Why? Said: Man is born with desires, wishes and not, you can not not seek, demand without measure boundaries, then we must fight. contention will be chaos, disorder is poor. kings evil of their disorder, so rituals and rites to points to dependents want to give people the demand. to the poor in the matter will not want to, something must be unyielding in the desire and long stalemate between the two, is also played by etiquette. "(" Zi • Rites "), Xunzi believes that" ceremony "Although the content contains" something of Health, "" die "," Sacrifice "" division or brigade, "and so on, in real terms nothing more than" keep "(" Desire for dependent ") and" system "(" something which has such a poor young and old, rich and poor were also the severity of Jie You said "). Xunzi stressed that "ceremony" is a measure of the highest standard and all the fundamental rule that "the most humane", but also supreme, eternal existence of the highest principle, "World Order to the sun and moon in order to clear the four seasons in order, the stars to line the rivers to flow, things to Chang, likes and dislikes with ornaments, joy, anger to when, that under the smooth, that on the next, changing and not arbitrary, while in traditional mourning also, it not Zhiyi Li Zai! " ("Zi • Rites")
  Xun Zi, a famou
  (1) perseverance ("Zi Encouraging learning"): carving a thing has been carved down to let go. Than Yu Youheng heart and perseverance.
  (2) Green, taken from the blue, and green to blue ("Zi Encouraging learning"): analogy student than a teacher, than previous generations.
  (1) When the person acted in, Wu Shi also; is who I am when, Amigos also; flatter me by, I steal. ("Zi Slim")
  (2) Sky have often not kept for the Yao, Jie is not dead. ("Zi Tianlun")
  (3) not two as the next head, ears can not two but Cong. ("Zi Encouraging learning")
  (4) The road may be near, No not to. Matter, though small, can not be accomplished. ("Zi Slim")
  (5) Qieer care of, dead wood does not break; perseverance, metal and stone to engrave. ("Zi Encouraging learning")
  (6) Punta Health Ma, do not help and straight; white sand in the Line, with all black. ("Zi Encouraging learning")
  (7) it is a short step, no a thousand miles; not small streams, not into a mighty torrent. ("Zi Encouraging learning")
  (8) gentleman said: Science can not have. ("Zi Encouraging learning")
  (9) Green, taken from the blue, and green to blue. Ice, water, whom, while cold in the water. ()
  Xiang Jie:
  I. Introduction Work by
  Xunzi (about the former 298 - before 238), name of state, when people dubbed him Xun Qing. Han works for avoiding taboo Han Emperor Liu Xun, writing Sun Qing. Zhao who Warring States Period. Twice to the cultural center at Qi Ji Xia (now Shandong Linzi Simon) traveling, either through out the Evolution of the Imperial Doctor (School House leaders), also reached the state of Qin, Meet Qinzhao Wang, came to Chu, Ren Lan Ling (now southeastern Shandong Zaozhuang) Order. In 238 BC, Shi Guan, died at home, buried in the Lan Ling. Han Fei and Li Si were his students.
  Xun Zi's prose thorough reasoning, the momentum of vigorous, the language simple, concise syntax dense, more parallelism, but also make good use of metaphor. His life "series with tens of thousands of words," who compiled the "Xunzi", which, among most of his own works, small works of his disciple, a total of 20 volumes, to close the article 32, covering philosophy, political issues, learning methods, sustains life skills, academic argument and so on, "Encouraging Learning" is one of the first.
  Second, with regard to "(crab) of the point of non-snake eel were no sustenance" (Zhou Jinhua)
  Caverns of non-snake eel no sustenance by: Xun Kuang crab of that impetuous, the heart is not special, they can not dig, no snake eel's cave can not shelter, which is incompatible with the crab's life laws. According to farmer said, will be burrowing crabs. Biological researchers said crabs will burrow, the snake eel will burrow. But the snake eel is the use of natural gap, with the first passage to the rotating body to produce power, which dug into the cave. Crab, snake eels occasionally take shelter in the cave, is not he will not dig that crabs do not burrow, is the observation error caused by incomplete knowledge.
  (From "<Encouraging Learning> is wrong", December 7, 1963 "Wen Wei Po")
  Third, the text amputated parts (omitted is that some of the text selection)
  Gentleman said: Science can not have too carry on...... the no.
  God (supreme wisdom) is greater than that of Road (and the laws of nature into one, and can understand and use it. "Tao", the laws of nature), Fumo long (beyond) was not bad.
  I try all day and carry on...... good thinking on the matter are false.
  Yan birds the south, it is called Monte Dove (a wren jiāoliáo, is a good nesting birds). To feather the nest, and compiled them with fat (refers to birds and vegetation hairiness fine fiber), line (suspension) of ("s" is omitted after the preposition "in"), Wei Shao (tiáo, Reed's ear), the wind to Shao break, broken eggs children died. Nest of non-finish (strong) also, the Department of natural persons (make it so) also. Western Wood Yan, named Radio (yè) dry (1 Wu fan, a long-white flowers born in highland grass stems), stem length and four inches, was born in mountains above, and Pro 100 yards (rèn, ancient to bachi, one that seven feet for yards) of deep (deep valley). Wood (that Shegan) non-energy are long stem (not able to grow very high), the course is standing too (where it is the growth of this high). Peng (about a foot long stem grass, twigs startle, not straight) Health Ma, do not help and straight. White sand in the Line (niè, ancient slag used as a black dye), with all black (black). Lan Huai (vanilla name, stems and leaves is called Lan Huai, its root is called Chih. Chih can be used as a spice plant) is the root of Catherine, which gradually (immersion) of (xiǔ, Xiu Shui, urine), a gentleman does not close, and ordinary people (civilians) against the (wear. ancients always wear vanilla). The quality's not that the U.S. has, however those who are getting too. So gentlemen Home (Home Office, Home) will choose rural, travel (to go out, make friends) will be on (almost) with disabilities (refer to moral character sufficient persons), so debased in recent anti-Chiang Kai-shek (righteous man) also.
  From the class of objects (things together into a class), there must be the beginning (the beginning of the reasons). Honor the past, will be like (line, according to) the German (moral behavior). Flesh rot out of insects, fish dry of Health beetles (dù, borers). Slack (slack, careless) forget themselves (they should abide by the specifications), and the entire disaster is to make (since happened). Strong (too strong) and seeking (self provoke) column (through "Good", meaning broken), soft and seeking beam (constraints). Evil foul in the body, complaining of the structure (build, aggregation). Shi (place) salary (wood) if a (as the same), the fire (close to) dry also. If a ground water on the wet too. Vegetation domain (similar) health, animal groups (similar to group) Yan, objects to its kind (kind) also. Therefore in quality (flak) of (bull's eye) Zhang (open) and the bow and arrow to Yan, Mao and axes, trees (logging ax) to Yan, the tree into the shade and the public interest Yan birds, acyl (xī, vinegar) acid and Simuliidae (ruì, mosquito bug) poly Yan. It made (inadvertent language) are called (incurred) disaster also, OK (careless behavior) are also recruited disgrace, the gentleman carefully stand it (referring to conduct themselves to act) or Down?
  Grains of sand, wind and rain Hing Yan...... heart impatient too. Therefore in no tied to (there are good faith specific, hard meaning) of the blog, those with no Visible (obviously the way) of the Ming; no intoxication (same idea in the "tied to"), things were no hehe (grand appearance significantly) the function (merit). OK Qu (qú) Road (cross the road mixed, Crossroads) are not to a matter of two emperors were not (not to be tolerant both parties). Not two, as the next head, ears can not two but Cong (heard clearly). (Téng) Snake (A legend of a snake can fly) without feet and flying, and Wu rats (that shí rat) 5 technology (skills. "Wen said," that "can not fly over houses, can not be poor wood edge can You can not transition Valley, can not cover hole body, can take no ancestors, what is called five technical ") and poor (no way). Poem says: "dead pigeon (cuckoo) in Mulberry, the son of seven Xi (" Biography of Mao, "said the cuckoo raising seven birds, feeding birds, the morning from the beginning, then goes Hey, at bottom Start, and then click up Well, average as one, every day. Here whichever is the meaning of heart specific). sook (good) people Gentleman, the instrument of a (behavior, demeanor, deportment consistent) Xi. the instrument of a fortune, heart such as the knot (the same as the knot will not spread out, compared concentrate) Xi. "Therefore, gentlemen end in one (the spirit of learning focus) also.
  4, "Encouraging Learning" Appreciation (Li Jianqiang)
  "Encouraging Learning" as the "Xunzi" The opening of the making, is the one on the importance of learning, to persuade people to the right purpose, attitude and approach to the study of prose. The article based on the theory of materialism simple, informative, sounds reasoning, reflecting the Confucian education in some of the correct point of view, but also manifests as a master of philosophers who thought the art style of Xunzi articles.
  "Encouraging Learning" in writing a feature on the re-alignment and extensive use of the phrase positive and negative contrast. Beginning of the article is a parallelism: "Green, taken from the blue, and green to blue; ice, water, whom, while cold in the water"; this list goes on in the text sentence alignment, be filled with debate over color but elegant charm, or even have a sense of rhythm of music in which the flow. Similarly, the use of the comparative method, "Encouraging Learning" is also very characteristic. Such as learning to be good at accumulating in the description logic, the author has a "steed" and "nag", "dead wood" and "stone" as a contrast, that "nag 10 driving, through perseverance," "House of Qieer, dead wood does not break; perseverance, metal and stone can engrave ", clearly showing that" dismay "of great significance for the study. In explaining the reason to learn to concentrate when the writer of "Earthworm" and "crab" as a contrast to the former "no pawn of the benefits, strength of bones," able "on Egyptian soil water, the next drink their lives," although the latter the "eight Guier two claws," but "non-snake are significantly less than the point beyond sustenance." Why? Is that the former "intentions but one", which is "impatient heart also." In contrast, a strong contrast of enhanced weight reasoning.
  Xunzi article known as the "philosophers Dacheng" reputation, lay out Yang Li, reasoning penetrating; succinctness and concise odorous; aphorisms, and deeply twist of chewing.
  (From "Dictionary of Chinese and foreign famous essay of appreciation", Anhui Literature and Art Publishing House, 1989. There is abridged)
  5, from the "Encouraging Learning" see "Xunzi" writing features (Hu Ge Fei)
  "Encouraging Learning" is the representative works of Xunzi is "Xun Zi," a book at the outset of the first. The full text consists of two parts: the first part, discusses the importance of learning; the latter part, discusses the steps of learning, content, channels and other related issues; and to "learn not to have been" a central idea throughout the text. From the "Encouraging Learning" in front of some excerpts of a few fragments, after the liberation has been selected as high school textbooks, is time-tested traditional poem in.
  "Encouraging Learning" clear coherent paragraphs, each paragraph is basically set a specific issue. And always in the text at the beginning of the end of a clear explanation. For example, the first sentence of the article, wrote: "The Gentleman Saying: Science can not have." This is the full text of a central theme, is set to begin the first paragraph of the content. In part attributed to the end of paragraph: "The gentleman learned while participating province on almost had, but no-one know too carry on tomorrow." Clear and effectively take care of this sentence, close up of the above and a clear understanding of the place section of the central idea. Another example is the second subparagraph, first with "I try all day and thinking men, and as spirit is also the learned", to indicate that the individual alone trying to think far less useful to learn. In the list of "Climbing the strokes" "the wind calling" "false opinion Ma," "false Vessels", and several other life is very common and very persuasive analogy, a powerful summary: "The gentleman of Health (of ) Different with, good thing too fake on. "here, Xunzi from his" evil human nature "point of view, that gentleman's nature is evil, and its so different from the crowd, is that he was good at learning to mentor Deeds Words, to change their unhealthy nature. This "thing" from the word "Vessels", "public opinion Horse" and the like, into the learning content, text also gradually deepened. Two examples cited here are inclusive of reference each other, there are some passages, revealing only the first paragraph of the section center, or the end of the paragraph to be appropriate only in general. In short, the purpose is not the same as the rigid way. Philosophers of the philosophical essays, are generally more difficult to read, Xunzi that careful and precise, simple writing method, to help readers master the basic content of each section of the article is very effective.
  Text in reasoning, clever use of metaphor for a lot of discussion, this is "Encouraging Learning" Another very prominent feature. Sometimes works better focus on the parallel analogy, from the same point of repeatedly telling. This approach, in rhetoric called "Bo Yu," but most of the scenes are mostly used to aid description. And Xun Zi Bo Yu works are used to illustrate the affair.
  Sometimes the writer uses the method of comparison, the two organizations together, the opposite situation, in sharp contrast to enhance the persuasiveness of text. For example, the emphasis on learning to persevere, heart post-time, he not only tied with a number of metaphor, but also complementary to each other with a better analogy of the contrary, he cited a "steed leap, not ten steps" and "nag 10 drive, and the credit dismay ";" Qieer care of, dead wood does not break "and" perseverance, stone can engrave "; and" no pawn of the benefits, strength of bones "of the earthworm, got going in the ground come and go, but" six Guier 2 sequestration "of the crab, not even dig a shelter in the hole too bad. This shows that the "plot" and "not positive" effect produced by the opposite. The ideas in the intention in "active" character is an important point. Xunzi believes that to have achieved, must be accumulated consistently. One long-term farming ("product hoe cultivation"), will become a farmer, a long cut cut cut the fat ("Product of battle cut"), will become a craftsman; long-term sale of goods ("plot against goods"), will become merchants; long-term study of propriety and justice ("product of propriety and justice"), will become a gentleman; sage is but "one of the product." It's like the more people more security, summer (Central Plains) who Anxia as they form the habit only. Xunzi understood the importance of this ideological point of view, we is not difficult to understand why he has to spend so much effort, so many choices metaphor, afraid to bother earnest instructions to the reader.
  Most notably, the authors also good at by analogy, to deepen the discussion. Ignore this feature, we will be dazzled by the many metaphors confused, and disarray Penmanship.
  Then previously mentioned the "positive" word for some example.
  "Grains of sand, wind and rain Hing Yan" and "turned into deep, dragon grow wherever" is the metaphor of "charitable into Germany, and the gods contentment, Sacred Heart prepare the game" is the word of. A person, the "charitable" to reach "into German," the state can change the temperament, with sage thoughts and feelings. Tight bearing this thesis is to demonstrate in front of us four analogy, before and after they explained each other two meanings. Discusses the three groups in front of "positive" the importance of the word: "a short step, no a thousand miles; not small streams, not into a mighty torrent", from a positive note, not "plot" would accomplish nothing; "steed" and "nag", "dead wood" and "stone" metaphor comparing these two groups, the emphasis that the "plot" and "not positive" will inevitably lead to two different results. Comparison of the former group, emphasizing the subjective conditions of the analysis, comparing the latter group, emphasis on objective analysis of the situation. Three groups of metaphors, in combination, clearly explained the reason. Later, another group of "worm" and "crab" in contrast to metaphor, that "specific intention" is the "product" key, will be discussed further in depth. At this point, the "plot" has been on the basic content of the word clearly, so closely on "specific intentions" in summary.
  Xun Zi, the wording of such reasoning with metaphor, in other philosophers prose is rare, it should be said that this is an original.
  "Encouraging Learning" the third important feature is neat sentence, reading catchy. However, they note in the Parallelism of the appropriate folder into the casual sentence, so that gas flowing text instead of sluggish.
  As with some of these styles and characteristics, Xun Zi's philosophical prose, has its good side to read; However, this is not the whole situation. Take this "Encouraging Learning" as an example, interchangeable with a dozen words to many, but some of them are not very common.
  With such a large number of stumbling block, "Xunzi" Of course it is not easy to read again the other side of the.
  Xun Zi's works:
  I can be words, the body can do it, David is also
  I can not say, the body can do, the National device also
  I can be words, not body line, the country with too
  I articulate, evil itself, the country also demon
  From: "Xunzi Ontario"
Translated by Google


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