清代 List of Authors
Jiang ChunlinZhu YizunPan YongyinChen Tingjing
Tshangs-dbyangs-rgya-mtshoPu HeZheng XieJin Nong
Yun ShoupingWang ShishenZhang DashouNing Diaoyuan
Wu QiLi FangyingYu YuenaziYu Yue
Song LuoLv RanCao XueqinNa Lanxingde
Lv FuQian QianyiWu WeiyeGu Yanwu
Gu ZhenguanChen WeisongWang ShizhenCha Shenhang
Yuan MeiHuang JingrenGong ZizhenHuang Zunxian
Qiu JinHe WenhuanFeng BanWang Fuzhi
Sun TaoGuo LinYang KuishengMo Sitong
Bi YuanWang JiShang QiuHuang Shi
Huang YizhouZhang TingyuYi MingWang Bingtao
Bai JunlinLi QingfuChen FangshengSun Xingyan
Zhu BaluZhang XuechengGu YingtaiGao E
Pu SonglingWu JingziLi RuzhenXing Shijushi
Huang Zongxi
清代  明清(1610 AD1695 AD)
Township: 浙江宁波余姚

Miscellaneous History《赐姓始末》
Social poise and grace.《深衣考》
Confucian class《明夷待访录》
Case Studies《宋元学案》

Read works of Huang Zongxi at 历史大观
Read works of Huang Zongxi at 百家争鸣
  Han, characters Taichong, No. Pear Island, scholars Nanlei respect to Mr. Wong Chuk Ningbo Yu Yao Mingwei Pu Township (now yellow Town of) people. After the Ming and Qing scholars, historians, thinkers, geographers, astronomy and the calendar scientists and educators. Xi learning very Bo, profound thinking, works AGF, and Gu, Ming and Qing Wang Fu-chih and said the three thinkers (or The Three Ru); and brother Huang Tsung-Yan, Huang Tsung Huang will be known as eastern Zhejiang 3; and Gu, Fang Yi, Wang Fu-chih, Zhu Shun Shui known as the "Five Early Masters." Xi also "the father of the Enlightenment in China" reputation. His father, Huang Wanli respect factor for the Scholars, apocalypse for the censor, is Donglin, was cut by impeachment Wei Zhongxian classified staff membership, soon after imprisoned, tortured to death. 19-year-old defendant to Beijing xi is unjust, and wounded in the courtroom on a cone mastermind, to kill the murderer, Ming Si sighs were called "loyalists soliton." Zongxi home to the later, more energies into reading, "anger examination of school imprison people think it changes the. Not only the best of fortune read the books, less than, the notes of the floor button with the school's in the world, Dan Sheng Tong Qi's, Yugoslavia and the 1000 ares Tong Huang, Jiangshouju Guoyunlou Qian, and build 'added notes together' in Nanlei to Cheng Tung Fat (suspect lines "forest" character - the Author) of the emotion "(" History of Qing Dynasty " 480 volumes). And from the famous philosopher of Confucianism in the school, the school may Zongzhou. Qingjunruguan, the xi hundreds of people convened in the children formed a "Shizhong Camp" to participate in the anti-fighting, for several years. Failed to return home behind closed doors writing, the Qing court repeatedly Chao Zheng, all free speech.
  Xi only learned more in the history of 100 and by astronomy, arithmetic, music law, and Buddhism and Taoism are all research. Great achievement, especially in historiography. Qing essays maintenance "Ming Dynasty", "History of Bureau of consultative meetings will be the" ("History of Qing Dynasty," 480 volumes). In philosophy and political ideas is one from the "people" position to criticize those absolute monarchy really be called is the first person to Enlightenment. His political ideals focused on "Ming Yi Dai Fang Lu," a book.
  "Ming Yi Dai Fang Lu," a book of dollars 13. "Ming" This is "Book of Changes" in a diagram, the Ci said that: "Ming Yu Fei Chui its wing, the gentleman in row three days without food. People to Yau, the owner has made." For the 64 diagram in the 36th hexagram, the images of the "off-kun on the next", that is in, the fire next. "Ming" is the Sun (left), "Yi" is the injury was intended. Judging from the images of the Sun office "Kun" is under the earth, is the disappearance of light and dark conditions come, meaning the light hurt. This implies the darkness of society at that time the anger and accusations, also the sun rises again hope Zhaolin the Greek world. Refers to the status of wise people in distress. "Once the visit" is waiting for Sage visit, let this book become a well-founded means. In addition, the "Ming" is the sun, also known as the "Great Ming" coincide "Great Ming"; "Yi" have "punish hoe," the solution, has "not seen as the" the solution, implies the subjugation of the pain. The book by denouncing "home world" autocratic monarchy, to the world radiant passed the "democratic" spirit, which was extremely dark, the social environment is extremely valuable!
  Xi life writings largely by history, classical studies, geography, law calendar, mathematics, poetry mingled with the class, as many as 50 species, more than 300 volumes, of which the most important ones are, "Information and Communication," "Song Learning plan", " Ming Yi Dai Fang Lu "," Mencius teacher said, "" burial system, or ask, "" destroy evil theory "," to think the old record, "" learn as number theory, "" clear sea "," line toward record, "" today water through, "" Big Push Law Commission Calendar "," Si Ming Shan Chi, "and so on. Xi who had been drawn up their own order, "Nanlei copy", then delete the set of "Nanlei Wending", "Man is about."
  Xi of the "Information and Communication," and then began to grassroots, by and students together after the completion of the "Song Learning plan" These two books in the history of Chinese History has a very important position, he created a new genre of Chinese historiography that "the case study body." Case study classification body to School guide to the academic history of a certain age, this genre is access to the Qing Dynasty, ancient China as preparation of the main form of academic history.
  Life, family
  Father Su Teng Huang Wanli Scholars respect the first, also Donglin. Huang respect factor was the Censor (Tianqi Emperor revelation of), victimized by Yan Dang.
  Chongzhen emperor ascended the throne, xi pregnant cone into the Beijing redress of grievances, the trial in order to hit barbed Yandang cone was pure partisan Xu, beat Choi Ying-yuan. Li Shi Yan Dang partisan trial, when on, he stabbed Li Shi cone. Reputation everywhere, called "Yao River Huang Xiaozi" Ming Si were tasted sigh as a "loyal soliton." Testament from father, teacher was Confucianism in the late Ming Confucian rd Runner may Zongzhou the school. They study hard history books, from the Ming Dynasty, "13 North Korea Record" Start, and then read over the "twenty-History."
  Has participated in activities against the Qing Dynasty, the struggle involved in Yan Dang, and a "complex society," one of the leaders, and "a few social", "should be social" and scholar exchanges, Ming Hiromitsu years, CULTURE AND EDUCATION complex social search people refers to the remnants of the Donglin party, also ranked among xi, jail. Hiromitsu towards destruction, is fled back home. Bowls south, he had organized "Shizhong Camp" armed resistance.
  The Ming Dynasty, the Qing court repeatedly refused to call, seclusion writing and teaching. Xi Emperor Kangxi had two successive call to Beijing Ren Fu Xuehong Confucianism, all ended in yellow refused. Kangxi ordered local officials to do the works of recorded xi. Kangxi Yu Xiu Ming Dynasty, think again xi, Huang was invited to Beijing has presided over the history of Council.
  Xi and his brother Huang Tsung-Yan, Huang Tsung-renowned scholars will be all that time, the "eastern Zhejiang three yellow" of that. Yellow 100 offspring is a famous scholar in Qing Dynasty. See article:
  * Zhedong three yellow
  * Yu Yao Huangshi family
  Xi were learned, in almost all astronomy, calendar, rhythm, by the history of thought, Buddhism, Taoism, and other agricultural workers are all get to the bottom. Scholarly research casts herself to defend the Ming Dynasty, strongly advocated sincerity Admonishing said. Of studying history is important, subscribe to those, such as Wan Sitong, all Zuwang, Zhang and other famous tailor History, Wei as eastern Zhejiang School.
  Xi literary emphasis on "nature", to reflect the reality, the expression of real meaning. The poetry style of simple, rich spirit of patriotism, displayed a lofty national integrity and strong will.
  Astronomical calendar
  Xi and proficient in astronomy and calendar and mathematics. He calculated that if solar eclipse methods and Yan Qu and others research Ancient "Book of History" is a pseudo-line for the ancients, to the shock was great thinkers. Represented by contrast, the "national language", that the Ancient "Book of Tang Patent" is the future generations "system that mistakenly attack weeks," Tom Patent "." The major findings of "pushing this for 17 years, the solar eclipse on June Chao" (Lu Zhaogong 17 Jun Awake in the summer of the first nine days), "visible" summer book "This book different holes, Zuo also not false, then can not doubt in the classical carry on. " Xi Westerners FredEspenak data indicate that the projection is correct.
  Xi calendar method with the exact ages of the Validity was discussed, written, "Successive Jiazi test." He re-calculated the exact birth date of Confucius, and demonstrates the Son, and Zhou Jian Zhou Zheng calendar to change months.
  Zongxi reference to the Western astronomy in both rounds of this theory (the theory of Ptolemy) visited China, "Japan than on itself."
  Represented in the limited nature of the concept of infinity of understanding also accomplish something. He corrected the mathematical Xi "pot storytellers" in the related errors. Analysis of the Ming Dynasty popular thinking and the "record number of patients left behind" records the difference between a calculator. Hou shot his village a detailed mathematical analysis of the system.
  Represented also conducted in China and Western mathematics parallel comparison, but the limitations of the times, he considered some of the concepts of Western methods of mathematics in ancient China but the arithmetic of the theft and modification.
  Xi detailed annotation of the CAI Yuan fixed Musical Temperament, corrected Zhu Notes "Mencius" Temperament related errors.
  Journal of School Zongxi detail the "Shui Jing Zhu", refuting the "dividing line, said."
  Lord, thought of the people
  Vicious Circle
  Vicious Circle is the history of Chinese dynasties have carried out tax reform, tax reform, although the purpose of the peasants in order to reduce the burden of many to improve state finances, and every time the tax reform, peasants in a short time really down, but then increased to higher than pre-reform levels, the state has not improved the financial end.
  Premier Wen Jiabao at the press conference mentioned in this Law.
  Song learning in the philosophical objection "Reason in the gas first" theory, that "reason" is not the objective existence of material entities, but "gas" law of motion, that "people are aware of this popular temperament of body, public things too." Characteristics with materialism.
  "Full of Mind also" point of view there idealist tendency. Xi This service Ming Confucianism, deeply affect. Wang Huang think of "the Conscience" and "To" means "OK", the two indistinguishable.
  Political and economic point of view
  Advocated land reform, tax reform, political reform.
  Against traditional Restraining Commerce, and stressed that "all this business."
  Literary point of view
  Literature should reflect the real claim to express the author's true feelings, which have the characteristics of realism. Dissatisfied with the Ming Dynasty literature deliberately mimic, extract the wind plagiarism.
  Xi tax ideas
  Xi is the Ming and Qing dynasties, the famous thinker. Xi against an increasingly onerous tax levy. He said, "I see the world of land tax on the increase, then the people were trapped in the day before," said special emphasis south of the land tax, some dispensed land will yield a year "to make input in the government, natural and inadequate." He analyzed the to make the people suffer from "violence tax" three evils "has returned to victims of Mo accumulation" means the tax system through a reform of each, have led to a further tax increase; "the duty of non-victimized by the" means of imposing levies silver, silver non- Agricultural production is out for taxpayers and increase the burden off of silver; "Land without ranking of harm" means Fei Ji, regardless of the extent of land by a standard tax burden unevenly. Xi proposed tax idea is, first, the "replacement fu world," set the standard of duty, "the following under the"; second, the collection of land tax "must declare any land that, out of 100 were assigned 100 Gu Gu, a Sangma who endowed cloth, as well as debris are endowed it out, "what to pay what the production, without imposing uniformity; third, re-measurement of land, calculated according to the merits acre plot of soil, respectively, 240,360,480,600 and Step 720 as mu, which is divided into five classes of land, according to such tax, eliminate differences in land quality caused by uneven tax burden on the issue.
  Cases, and in theory and practice Xi is an outstanding educator. Xi, in his famous work "Ming Yi Dai Fang Lu," specifically listed in the "School" chapter. He stresses that the school should analyze current events current affairs, to specify a non-truth, we should also have oversight of government actions. That the leadership of the school ("school officials") need to have greater powers. Schools should also be airing, a public place. This school government, participation in non-judgment, speech advocating the view of democracy is very new at the time.
  Xi and that "learning to fulfill your practice, being practical", which both theory and practice of educational learning perspective and he was deeply in the Yang-Ming University, "Knowledge and Action, Knowledge and Better" inseparable.
  Represented in this Zhejiang Ningbo, Shaoxing, educational lectures and other places, trained many students.
  Famous disciple
  * Wan Sitong
  * Vance Large
  * All Zuwang
  * Zhang
  * Shao Jinhan
  * Qiu Zhao Ao
  "Information and Communication," (China's first academic history)
  * "Song Learning plan" (all Zuwang supplement)
  * "History of the Ming case" (no date)
  * "Expressly Sea"
  * "Ming Yi Dai Fang Lu"
  * "Line towards record"
  * "After this the water"
  * "Big Push Law Commission Calendar"
  * "Si Ming Shan Chi"
  * "Nanlei Wending"
  Modern people compilation of the "Complete Works xi"
  Xi tomb
  Provincial-level key cultural relics protection units. Ming and Qing outstanding thinker, historian xi (l6l0-l695), the word Taichong, No. Nanlei, scholars known as the pear, Mr. Chau. His death was buried in Yuyao City, 10 kilometers southeast of the south of Shandong On the foot of the dragon, which are now the village of Lu Town, 15 ao. In ancient times this area is surrounded on three sides of Castle Peak, lush trees, flowers, scenery. As described in the poem, Mr.: "previous years had this for the neighborhood, still acoustic night Wow. Picture had to sell out entirely, full of Peach Creek Baptist eyesight."
  Struggle against the Qing Dynasty after the failure of Mr. Lei Chau Lung Fu Shan thatched cottage built in the later years of Ansan, in reading writing. Kangxi 20 years (l688-year) in winter, age 79, when Mr., seek their own graves in this, building a very simple health Khouang, and poetry retained: "Vacant Valley Denden frequency with pestle, Watchful Wildfox not intimate. should be aware that inevitably skilled are laughing, unrequited love and death the biological body. "vivid poem seem to have heard each year when the tomb built for Chung pestle symphonic sound. Mr. Lei Chau as "end of life Lei Chau," "burial system or ask," warned articles children and grandchildren, his death on the use of normal clothes encoffining, "one was a mattress, placed Shi Chuang, no coffin, no Buddhist, do not do 77, who preached, witches and wizards, Ming Jing, that any need. " He also cited the case of secular poetry and Ming-chi: "I have heard that before there Ning Zhao Jun, not the coffin from the stricken. Human also odd to me, no trouble, and the proportion of the ancients." And further states that "no coffin and buried", not the ancient has existed since people today are also the first line of me. The intention is bitter, the Ming Dynasty to the Qing, "at the speed of rot, so its not like were also made" (Mr. Lei Chau Shinto inscription). He also entrusted to future generations, thanks to the altar tomb, under Oda may "be divided into three pools of the species of lotus," "to the grave of Mei five" very thanked. If "another masonry two, looking to move to my predecessor Khouang column, inscribed" not princes, who Ziling wind section; Chao note-writing, the transfer paper with the Yuxi. "Epigenetic encouraged to sages of ethical, writings and Biographies, a model for self. Deathbed, Mr. Lei Chau said Hideko again poem 100:" by far completed eight years building the tomb, and Soul also goes down readily. Mo education lost and kite ant smile, a Skull and Bones does not own expertise. "Mr. Lay Dying, he still kept" from the thrifty and buried "so that" 100 can not not follow it. "After his happy death, children and grandchildren will handle funeral affairs in accordance with, by the early Qing Dynasty famous historian writing Yinxian all Zuwang Shinto inscription, Xiao Shan Mao Qiling write an epitaph.
  "Cultural Revolution", xi tomb destroyed. l98l in some repair, the tomb of the West toward the southeast take the front gable shaped like lotus leaves, using article Malposition of piling and laying stone. Middle erect stone tombstone, on Juan Lishu "Mr. Wong Chau Public pear tomb" seven characters. Front of stone monument offering tables, laid with pebbles worship altar, a stone bench on both sides of the home. Tomb surrounded by mountains of the majestic, Lvyin blocks out the sun, giving a feeling of quiet solemnity.
  One exception to board Tianyi Pavilion is the library building of the village to join the tribe Ming Qing xi thinker. Years of the Qing Dynasty Emperor Kangxi (AD 1673) xi because of his moral, articles, knowledge, integrity, common at the time by people of admiration. Fan clan had done in Jiaxing school discipline Fan Youzhong government help, and soon obtained the consent of Fan the room, boarded the Tianyi Pavilion. Descendants of the original Shareholding separated to prevent the collection of books, books by the children also agreed that co-management, Gemen and bookcase in charge of key housing distribution, non-gathered at the house, no person may not be arbitrarily opened. Xi Tianyi Pavilion is not only read all the books, but also for the Tianyi Pavilion has contributed to books order catalogs.
  Now the door to see both sides of couplets is Zhongding Wen, pronounced "Sky-shaped source of a long vertical far left, particularly for Nanlei profound meaning hidden for a long time," explains couplet Tianyige library building has a long history and early Qing Dynasty, the famous thinker xi boarded days Court library building after a sigh mood. No. Zongxi Nanlei, he tours sighed, "study hard, particularly for books. Zang long and dispersed, the difficulty is hard to carry on."
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