南朝宋 List of Authors
Liu YiqingLiu YuLiu QiaoLiu YifuLiu Yilong
Liu ShaoLiu JunLiu ZiyeSong MingdiLiu Yu
Liu ZhunLiu ZixunWang HongTan DaojiYan Yanzhi
Hui JianGun!abhadraJuqu JingshengHui XunShao De
Zhi YanFa ChengBao YunXiang Gong
GuṇavarmanLu Xiujing
Gong DezhiLiangliangyesheJiangliangyesheXian Gong
Lei CizongYu TongzhiZong Bing
Liu Yiqing
南朝宋  南朝宋(403 AD444 AD)
Township: 江苏徐州

Historical writings《世说新语》
Shenmo to record the weird, occult and myserious《幽冥录》

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  Pengcheng (modern Xuzhou) people, the Southern Song writer. Song imperial clan, Wang Xifeng Linchuan Jingzhou provincial governor and other gifts of any official, 8 years in government, quite good performance. Successor Jiang prefectural governor, the arrival of the year, out of sympathy for the wrath of Emperor Wen Demotion Yi-Kang Wang, responsibilities transferred back to Beijing, he was named Nanjing prefectural governor, the military governor of additional government apparatus with three Division. Soon to retire disease, Yuan Jia Jian Kang died 21 years (now Nanjing). Liu Yiqing talented young age, like it. In addition to "Shi", there are mystery novels, "nether record."
  Pengcheng origin, native Jingkou. Nephew of the Southern Song Wudi Liu Yu, Wang Jing Liu Road, Changsha, the second son of pity, his uncle Liu Tao Wang Linchuan regulation without children, that is, as the heir to Liu Yiqing. Liu Yiqing Tang Zhi Liu Song Wudi's, was quite good in the Kings, and is to be valued.
  ﹝ 1 ﹞ Beijing Yin Liu Yiqing 15-30 during 15 years of age all the way to a meteoric rise, which Supervisor post of secretary in charge of the national book publications, have access to the classics with the Royal Exhibition on "Shi" and lay a good compilation base, 7-year-old was promoted to the equivalent of Shang left, Deputy Prime Minister Pak shot ﹝ ﹞, bit extreme ministers, but his uncle started the usurp the Liu style killing, slaughter each other makes the imperial clan. So Liu Yiqing also fear there is the ominous disaster, 29-year-old will be begging for transfer as to relieve the post left Park shooting.
  ﹝ 2 ﹞ Jingzhou, Jingzhou, during the 30-37 Liu Yiqing as provincial governor, quite performance. Jingzhou to extensive military strength, the upper reaches of the Yangtze River town, where over 8 years and stable life.
  ﹝ 3 ﹞ south as the river during the 37-42 Liu Yiqing prefectural governor and South Dagon prefectural governor, 38-year-old started working on "Shi", and then the scholars, monks have been frequent. Died at age 42 in the Capital. Liu Yiqing was "simply for the sex hormone, few Shi Yu, loving the context" of the people, described as a civilian politician. Although his life had worked, but performance is not good, in addition to their own personality is not enthusiastic, the most important reason is the involvement of Liu Song imperial power reluctant to fight.
  Liu Yiqing (403 -444 years), this is the younger brother of the Liu Song Wudi Liu Road, Changsha, pity the king's son, Nelson was given the title at age 13 after public  Linchuan had one of his uncle, King Liu Road rules, so as Linchuan Wang Xifeng. Liu Yiqing childhood preferences literature, intelligent and cunning won Song Wudi, Emperor Wen of the trust, much courtesy.
  "Shi" is a novel set of notes, the book not only documents the gentry class from the Han Wei Zhidong Jin conversations, anecdotes, reflect the thinking of literati at the time, a culture of life and talk Fang Dan, and their language concise, vivid characters, so since inception, we love and attention by scholars, drama, novels such as Guan Hanqing's Drama "Jade Mirror," Luo Guanzhong's "Romance of Three Kingdoms" and are often looking for material from.
  Of course, because Liu Yiqing was in Yangzhou, I heard many stories of local people, folklore, so in the "Shi", also recorded a number of Yangzhou in the story at that time. If we are familiar with the phrase "strange that" is derived from a former Jianwu general, provincial governor of Yangzhou in Junqiang Jun Hao Yin is waste to civilians, the never say that complain about every day just to write about in the air with his finger painting. Yangzhou's Answer to stroke along his secret observation, to see him only in writing "is strange," just words. This we know, he is by this method is to represent the heart of the injustice.
  Unfortunately, "said the World," a book just Zhuancheng, Liu Yiqing Yangzhou on sick leave and return to the capital soon died young, at the age of 41, Emperor Wen was grief-stricken, grant the posthumous title of "Kang".
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