晋代 List of Authors
Tao YuanmingWang YanPan YuePan NiSeng Zhao
Fu XuanHe ShaoZhang HanZhang HuaZhang Xie
Zhang ZaiLiu JiLiu YunDan ChongSun Chu
Cao ShuGuo PuLiu KunLu ChenYuan Hong
Xi ZaochiGan BaoCao JiazhiDeng CanXu An
Li GuiSun ChengChen ShouLiu HuiSima Biao
Chang QuWang YinYu YuZhu FengHua Jiao
Xie ShenYuan ShansongZhang FanYi MingHuangfu Mi
Fa XianZhou ChuJi HanGe HongDu Yu
Fan NingGuo XiangMa LongDai KaizhiLiu Hui
Cui BaoRen YuLuo HanWang JiaGuo Yigong
Zhang SengjianKong YeLiu XinqiGu WeiCheng Hongzhi
Ge Hong
晋代  东晋(284 AD364 AD)

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  Research on the Bachelor ethnic origin. Their ancestors in the Three Kingdoms, the successive Royal Shizhong Cheng, Ministry of Personnel Book of other positions, Hou Shou County seal. His father, Ti, to Shi Wu. Wu death after the official beginning of Yi Gu Shi-Jin, and finally moved to Shao Lin Prefecture, died officer. Ti Ge Hong was the third son, father of popular indulgences. In 13, his father died from Family Decline, is a "hungry storm weary, bow farming strands of execution, bearing assumed star grass, dense domains do not attack. ... ... Sale of cutting pay to a pen and paper, on the camp pastoral office to firewood write a book. ... ... the lack of paper, each written and repeated a word, people can read too Xian. ... ... "
  16-year-old started to read "Book of Filial Piety," "The Analects" "Poems" and "Easy" and the Confucian classics, especially hi "fairy guide to support the Act." Claim: less good side surgery, negative step to ask afraid to risk much. Each with different smell, then that hi. Although see damage to laugh, do not think that Qi. After learning from Zheng hidden secret alchemy technique, popular high regard. That the "disciple 50 people, the only I see by and by the saver of the" Three Sovereigns and content, "" Pillow in the five elements in mind ", the rest have not a concept of this book is the first title are."
  Western Jin Taian first year (302), his teacher Zheng hidden world of chaos known quarter, Southern will with people, who are headed for the Park Xian Yao, carrying apprentice, the East cast Huoshan, the only remaining Danyang Ge Hong. PETN two years, Zhang Chang, Shi Bing uprising in Yangzhou, a large secret military governor appointed hung Qiangbingdouwei, because active suppression of the rebels, moved Fubo general. Matter level, the flood that "interpretation of a vote in Ge, Keng Yi Luoyang, For Guang find books about 'the matter exploits." But "are having a national chaos (referring to the" Eight Princes "- cited by Note) North Road, unreasonable, and Chen Min and anti in Koto, in the final painted across Cyprus. " Fate of dilemma in this occasion, to coincide with their old friends dilute Guangzhou provincial governor, the table and ask him to join the army, and served as an advance. Gehong think they can seek refuge from war in Southern territory, then pleased to go. Unexpectedly, their Chouren Guo Lai Ji killed with it, so stay in Guangzhou for many years. Am, "Wing bit snobbish, arm, such as send-off, both are objects, they can not get it to stay too. Rumble is absolutely, illustrious person off, there is if Chunhua, even for a moment litter. Get the do not like, tragic loss of security? Hui Lin 100 side, fear of Jing war, can not win words, insufficient to carry on. " Service is absolutely die, determined in the Assassination of the Road, taking the support of, attend mysterious static. Martin then teacher was good and, after cultivating operation, Bao Liang won the high regard.
  Lite-four (316), also return their homeland. East Jinkai Guo, read its old power, Awarding Guannei Hou, food Jurong 200 Yap. Salt and (326 ~ 334) the early Stuart Director Wang Zhao fill the main book states, transfer Szeto auxiliary, joined the army to move Consultative. Gan Bao has recommended to Sanqichangshi, leading big book, Hung Gu Ci are not on. News and carved cinnabar and production, seeking to drain sentence order, then the rate nephew counterparts. South to Guangzhou, the thorn Shi Dengyue the left, Naizhi in Luofushan alchemy. In the mountains Jinian, leisurely leisure support, work stopped working. Died in East Jin Xingning first year (363), at the age of 81. Or cloud died in the first year of Emperor Kang of Jin Chien-yuan (343), at the age of 61 years.
  In his "Outer Chapters", specifically on the human gains and losses, things rank. Application of heavy stand in times of trouble, advocates harsh punishment. Kuang-Sase, on Confucianism, Mexico, the name of various family law eclectic, venerating the emperor for the day. Dissatisfied with the Wei, Jin talk, advocating the article, both moral, Liyan as help educate. Ge Hong in the conviction refining and take saver available longevity celestial beings, thought, the long-term experiments in alchemy, in its alchemy practice, accumulated rich experience, knowledge of the character and chemical substances in some reflected.
  In his "argumentation in chapter" in the "saver" and "yellow and white" papers, the system summed up the achievements of Jin previous alchemy, specifically describes some of the alchemy methods, documented by a large number of ancient Dan and Dan Law and drew a sketch of Chinese history of ancient alchemy, but also provided us with valuable information for the original experimental chemistry, the development of the Sui and Tang alchemy of great impact, as alchemy in the history of alchemy, a well-known home of carrying.
  Ge Hong Jing Xiao medicine and pharmacology, claim priests minor in medicine. "The beginning of the Road, the ancient who could fail to minor in medicine, in order to save the near disaster the game", that the ascetics and learning skills such as not, once the "pain and had" it "is nothing to attack treatment", not only can not becoming immortals, even their lives are difficult to maintain. In its written by "elbow Emergencies", the Save a lot of my early medical books, records a number of private medical treatment commonly used formulas, carry-standing emergency department of ancient manual, and widespread in Southeast Asia for the study of Wei Jin Jin important historical medicine. The book records on the smallpox disease, is the oldest medical history of scientific literature on tuberculosis awareness of sexually transmitted diseases, a thousand years earlier than abroad. It contains, Ge Hong also Author of "Death to save party after elbow" and "Johann side." "Yu Suozhuan 100 volumes, it is called" Johann party ", all were disease name, by using phase continued, with miscellaneous non-fault, his" Death to save, "three volumes, all single act of trade, about obviousness test, Lei street of , the Gu ogle all drugs, the public emergency of the disease, were all completed equipment, home with this party, can not have doctors. "⑦ Ge Hong in the" Bao Pu Xian Yao articles "on the morphological characteristics of many medicinal plants, growth habit, the main place of origin, some medicine and the treatment effect, are documented in detail and description on the development of medicine in China later had a great influence.
  Ge Hong's writings AGF life, since that the "Inner Chapters" 20 volumes, "Wai" 50 volumes, "Ode to Poetry monument," 100 volumes, "military book Xi Chapter Table 笺 mind shift," 30 volumes, "immortal Biography "XXX," Recluse Biography "XXX; another copy of Seven Hundred Five words, military matters and technology short side to 310 XXX Miscellaneous Church. Another "Golden prescription" 100 volumes, "Emergencies elbow," four volumes. However, more than the Lost, "the orthodox Taoist Scriptures" and "Road Wanli continued possession of" received a total of 13 kinds of his book, after human error problem or Weituo are most welcome.
  His medical book "elbow Emergencies", the title's meaning is often prepared after the elbow (his side) emergency book is a practical book should keep standing. His book has a large number of emergency use of prescription, this is his practice, traveled in the process of collecting and screening out, and he has selected some of the more easy to get drugs, even if have to spend money very cheap, change the former is not easy to understand emergency prescriptions, medicines hard to find, expensive ills. In particular, he stressed that the use of moxibustion, used to a simple language, clear note were the use of various methods of moxibustion, as long as the measured clear moxibustion, acupuncture does not know how people can use.
  Ge Hong in middle age, Jinyuan Di and the Royal Park Su-Jin Ham thick Jazz officials called him, were he refused. Later, he was tired of always being at home pressing for an official, also told the Cochin (now northern Vietnam) with the alchemy of a raw material, they volunteered to do the magistrate there. This is unworthy of the emperor that his talent, but he was not to greatnesses, but to enhance the access of alchemy ingredients. Took office in Guangzhou when he passed, stabbed Shi Dengbing keep him alchemy of raw materials available to him, so he lived in the Mountain, in alchemy.
  Ju Fan doctors, there must be a difficult course of study, with its superhuman determination to explore and learn. Ge Hong's life can be described as brilliant, and legendary, and his wisdom and intelligence to help him open up a new area of medicine in clinical emergency medicine has made outstanding contributions.
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