唐代 List of Authors
Bai JuyiLiu YuxiZhang ZhiheLi Bai
Wen TingyunWang WeiWang ChanglingLi Shangyin
Dou GongDu FuHan YuWang Bo
Wei ChengqingLu LunHuangfu SongWumingshi
Yu ShinaWang JiWang FanzhiHan Shan
Lu ZhaoLinLuo BinwangDu ShenyanSu Weidao
Yang JiongLiu XiyiSong ZhiwenShen Quanqi
Guo ZhenChen ZiangHe ZhizhangGu Kuang
Duan ChengshiZheng FuLi DuanLiu Caichun
Zhang RexuZhang JiulingWei ZhuangWang Zhihuan
Meng HaoranLi QiZu YongWei Yingwu
Cen ShenCui HuHan HongLiu Fangping
Qiwu QianWang HanYuan JieLiu Zongyuan
Meng JiaoGao ShiLi HeLi LongJi
Wang WanChang JianLiu ChangqingQian Qi
Wang Fangqing
唐代  (?702 AD)

Read works of Wang Fangqing at 历史大观
Read works of Wang Fangqing at 小说之家
  Name Chen, to the word was, Yongzhou Xianyang (Shaanxi Xianyang) people. More palace to join the army started. When Empress Wu (684 - 704) closed Shiquan County child, Li moved to Taiwan, assistant minister Luan, Luan Taiwan Ping Zhangshi with Phoenix Court. Try to seek justice after a book of celebration on the 11-generation ancestor side guide books such as 28 people a total of 10. Into force after the Royal Palace said that the ministers all over. Cui Rong Chao in order of their book Scheeren behalf valve assembly, Po Zhang, Qing Fu to give parties, scholar Xin their pets. Death grant Yanzhou military governor, posthumous say Chen. Shang Hao Su Han, each has private section, Chung Shao Jingsheng will please the book of law. Fang Qing Chang disease, have made the book Zhe Shao Jing poor. Rethinking the right that the clock phase Yang Jun Wang Shilang disease can be better too. The body of the book Eight Fan Wang, Wang workers pleadings. "Poetry of the transfer, the Tang Dynasty, Shu Shi"
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