西汉 List of Authors
Liu BangLi AnLi YannianHuo Qubing
Yang XiongSima QianLiu XiangKong Anguo
Gao TangshengZhang LiangHan HuidiHan Qianshaodi
Lv HouLiu HongHan WendiHan Jingdi
Han WudiHan ZhaodiChang YiwangHan Xuandi
Han YuandiHan ChengdiHan AidiHan Pingdi
Ru ZiyingDong XianTian AnmingYu Dingguo
Huo GuangBing JiZhao PonuSu Wu
Tian FenXu ChangZhuang QingdiDan Qing
Gongsun HeTian QianqiuWei QingHan Anguo
Zhang ShangPū ShiRen KuanSang Hongyang
Jin RidiShangguan JieWang CangKong Cang
Li GanZhang QianChao CuoZhou Yafu
Zhao ChongguoHan XinFu Sheng
Liu Xiang
西汉  西汉(77 BC6 BC)
First Name: 更生
Name and Alias: 子政
Township: 沛县

historical records on facts《Intrigues of the Warring States》
Shenmo to record the weird, occult and myserious《列仙传》
Confucian class《新序》
Legalism class《权谋书》

Read works of Liu Xiang at 历史大观
Read works of Liu Xiang at 小说之家
Read works of Liu Xiang at 百家争鸣
  Another: When Liu Xiang of books and school record books in the royal records found in six of the strategists wrote this, but the content of confusion, the text incomplete. Liu Xiang was under the historical documentation of the Warring States "war policy."
  (1, "new order" is the result of Liu Xiang Yu Shun Han historical collection, classification which was compiled in a book written 30 original volume, this deposit ten volumes, edited by the Northern Song Zeng Gong, recorded are said Song Yu the king asked if cited Chu pop "low class", "Yang A", "Xie Lu," and so on, is "a country and who are the thousands of people." 2, "said Yuan," Qin edited by category to the Western Han Dynasty some historical stories and legends, and there are the author's arguments, seized on the issue of political thought and Confucian ethics, with a certain philosophical. 3, "Biography of Women": those who have fear of two imperial concubines, Emperor in the two women also. long E Wong, the second daughter English. shun father stubborn mother stupid. Gu, No. Marceau father, brother, saying like, Ao Man-Yu Yu, Shun to the harmonic flexibility, commitment thing blind old man with filial piety. mother's hatred and love as Shun, Shun Utah internal governance, extravagant bad guys and Italy. Siyue Recommendation of the Yao, Yao is the wife to find none in two women to view. 2 F Shun-Cheng incident in the field drains into acres, not to the emperor's daughter Guer arrogant Man-Ying lazy, still modest humility Kim, thought to make the Women. blind old man and like the murder of Shun. to James Lin, Shun-owned divisions and two women, saying: "My parents made me Tu Lin, I am the go." two women said: "to Zai!" Shun both governance Lin, is the tax bands, blind old man burning Lin, Shun to fly. as complex and their parents seeking to Shun Chun well. Shun is reported two women, two women said: "Yu, to Zai!" Chun Shun to the wells, cells whose access, from the cover, Shun potential out. Time can not kill Shun, Gu, Shun-old man has speed drinking, drunk will kill, Shun told two daughters, two women are dipping Shun Wang, then go, do not shun all day drinking drunk. Shun Nvdi the Department of pity, and Yisow harmony. parents Yusha Shun, Shun still do not blame, anger endless. Shun to Yutian boohoo, call Min-day day, call their parents. However, if harm is hereby, endless yearning. do not blame his brother, Duhou not relent. not only satisfied in 100 Premier, guests at the four, selected from trees, into the big foot, Yao test the 100 side, things often seek in every two women. shun both Siwei or for the Son of Heaven, E Wong is, the female British Wei Fei. sealed as in a low-built house, if things still the beginning of Yan Gu, old man. the world, said Chen Yan smart two concubines. Shun Zhi Fang, died Cangwu, Hao Yue Chung Wa. 2 Fei Xiang Jiang died between the customs that the Xiangjun. gentleman said: "Two German Princess line of pure and Benedict. a poem that goes:" not significant except Germany, Baibi its Punishment. "what is called too.)
  Liu Xiang is an outstanding writer.
  "Said park" is an elegant means of important documents, content, and more profound philosophical aphorism aphorisms, narrative meaning allegory, story quite strong so, on the main body of the dialogue, "said Yuan," In addition to Volume 16 "on cluster", the majority of the volume table of contents is a separate chapter of the story, there is the story, there are characters dialogue, written in simple, vivid, clear and meaningful, have a higher appreciation of the literary value of the notes of the Ming and Qing Wei, and even has some novel effects.
  "Said Yuan," the note of this to people today Chiu Shin-yi, "said Yuan Shu Zheng," quality is excellent, you can see.
  Mr. Xiang Zonglu school spots, "said Court Proof" is "said Yuan," A Masterpiece of order for, 1987, published by the Zhonghua can refer to.
  To put it simply:
  Liu Xiang (previous 77 ~ the first 6)
  Western Han Dynasty of China scholars, bibliographer, writer. One element that was born in Phoenix four years (formerly 77), died Jianping first year (before 6). Formerly known as rehabilitation, sub-word political. Chu Yuan Wang Liu Han imperial family of four generation descendant of delivery. After Xuan, Emperor Yuan, spans the three dynasties; Former San Qi Jian Taifu, Sanji being examined, the rank of guanglu doctor. Said petition has been repeatedly cited Catastrophist, impeachment eunuch Dukes autocracy. Written by Zhao Ming when EMPEROR school nearly 20 years, the unfinished work continued by his son Liu Xin Cheng. ZhongleiXiaowei official end, it is also the world, said Liu Lei. Liu Xiangdian school classics include Scripture, thinkers, and Poetry. Code of the campus, but also Author of "Do not record." Subsequently, Liu Xin to "Do not record" as the foundation, Zhuan Cheng "seven slightly," This is the first bibliography works. Original book has been Lost. Eastern Han Dynasty by Ban Gu "seven Strategy," made "in Han," This shows that "seven strategic" sketch. According to "Han Dynasty History" set, with Liu Xiang Fu 33, this last remaining "9" In this one, found in "Songs of the South." Liu Xiang's prose is a memorial to the throne and Collation major ancient books of "A Catalogue," better known "Remonstrance camp Chang Ling Shu" and "Catalogue of the Warring States." Liu Xiang's prose narrative simple, logical accessibility, ease the plain is the main feature. In addition, he edited the "new order", "Court said," "Ancient Biographies for Women" three stories of history, is the leading Wei novel. Ming Zhang Pu series of "Liu base set," income "Han and Six Dynasties" in the.
  Chores first
  Formerly, Shunzi Geng Jia Tao fishing and bow filial piety, blind ■ stubborn father, mother stupid, and younger brother as proud of all Zhi Xia Yu unwavering. Shun filial
  To support blind ■. ■ and as blind, as well James Lin of the dredging plan, wish to use a kill Shun, Shun Xiaoyi Du. The field then boohoo, still in 50 infant
  Mu children can be described as Shiko carry on.
  Therefore, a farmer Alexander, Alexander the Gengzhe to side; pottery in Riverside, Riverside, the pottery, does not suffer ugly; fishing in the Fraser, Fraser of
  Fisheries are those points. And established as the Son of Heaven, the world of the, barbarians rate service. North made drainage search, ask the South pay site, everyone righteousness, Lin Feng-in
  Suburbs. Therefore, Confucius said: "Xiaodi matter to pass on the divine light in the four." Shun that too.
  Confucius in the state, persistent work of filial piety, living in Que Party, Que party to the children of Tin fishing pro who divided many of the filial piety to have. I
  72 children, from the distance to, subject to the German. Shen Lu there's still those who, once full of sheep drinking to bullying city people. Shen's wife and the public have
  Prostitution, luxury proud Yi Shen's collapse, Lu City vend oxen and horses were good Yu Jia. Confucius Sikou for Lu, Shen's still afraid to move their sheep to drink, the public
  Shen's out of his wife, Shen's collapse more than environmental and resettlement, the vend Lu Jia Yu Ma cattle do not, the cloth is also pending. Both for Sikou, quarter fell Hou Fei Meng
  City, Qi Lu who owned the land invasion, the plot is the result of too. Hence it is said: "The body is, do not make the trip."
  Sun Shuao time for the baby, travel, see the 2 snakes, killed and buried in the. Go cry, his mother asked why, the uncle Ao replied:
  "I have heard those who see both ends of the snake died, to those I see the fear of death to the mother also." His mother said: "snake in this security?" Said: "fear
  Others to see, kill and bury the carry on. "His mother said:" I have heard there Judging those days quoted by Fu, Ru may live. "And long for
  Chu Yoshitada, not governance, but people believe it is benevolent.
  Yu-Zhi Xing has to do son; Jie of death also, to the end of hi. Mood Tang also to have Xin; Zhou of death has to Da Ji. Man Mo
  Mood also to any Si; You Wang of death has to concubine. Is a poem is Guansui, but is also Autumn praise Boji.
  Fan Ji, the wife of Chu also, King Zhuang of Chu stop North Korea and Yan, asked why? Zhuang Yue-: "Today, with Xian Xiang language, I do not know the date of
  Yan also. "Fan Ji said:" Xianxiang Whom? "WANG Yue:" Yu Qiu for the child. "Fan Ji Yankouerxiao. The king asked why. Said:
  "Concubine Credit goes to the Executive towel comb to serve the king, non-professionals do not want to love you good at also, meaning that injured the king and therefore be able to enter and concubines were a few people carry on with the bit. Today
  Yu Qiu a child with more than a decade, perhaps a further Yin, know not enter, is unfaithful too; I do not know, is unwise too. Infidelity unwise, Andhra
  The Yin? "Tomorrow the DPRK, the words of Wang Ji Fan risk of sub-divisions, sub-Ji Shou Qiu Yu said:" If the words of Fan Ji. "So speech position, and into the
  Sun Shuao phase Chu, Guofu a strong military power, Zhuangwang Cu to Ba, Fan Yan Ji and powerful.
  When Duke Ling of Wei, Qu Boyu Yin without, Mi Zixia unscrupulous and Managing Partner. ■ history of suffering from the health doctor, hundreds of public and instead admonished Ling
  Listen. ■ history of disease and death, which claims that Confucius said: "I am the dead, funeral in the North Hall. I can not be deflected into the Qubo Yu Mi Son flaw, is not
  Is chun, students not being ruler who refuses as a gift, home dead in North Church, is enough for me. "
  ■ history of death, the spirit of public hanging to see funeral at the North Church, asked why? Father made his son to the public on the soul. However, turning the public overnight Ling, Wu Ran lo
  Bit said: "For Master students are deflected unworthy Jinxian, dead and hard on, he admonished the corpse is indeed carry on loyalty rather than bad." So Naizhao Qu
  Boyu, and into the thinking of State, retired Mi Son flaw. Migration is mourning hall, into the ceremony and then back, defending to rule.
  Jinda Fu Qi Xi old, Jin Jun and asked: "can Yong Si?" Qi Xi replied: "Solutions for Fox could be." Jun Yue: "non-subclass of the Chou
  Yeah? "He replied:" Jun asked to, non-Q Chou also. "Jin then cite Fox Solutions. Later asked:" Yong Wei for the country? "Qi Xi on
  Said: "afternoon may have." Jun Yue: "non-subclass of the child or not?" Replied: "Jun asked to, non-Q son also." Gentleman called Qi Xi will be held
  Good men, and called feud is not flattering, not more than stand his son. The book reads: "unbiased party, kingly sway." Qi Xi is also of that. Held outside
  Not Bichou feud, which held back the relatives can be described as catholic and carry on. The only good, and it could move its class. Poem says: "Only there for, is like
  Of. "Qi Xi Youyan.
  Of Chu and sputum, call Yoshitada said: "Attendants Wan Su with my office, I often Zhong Road, is my righteousness, my concern is also with the Department,
  Not seen is not thinking too. Although, I have gained too, its function is not small, the Jazz will be thick. Office applications Houbo and often vertical unbridled I, Wu Suo musicians,
  Whom I advised; Wusuo good person, the first of my clothes. I and the Department of joy but not worried. Although, I finally have nothing, its not over
  Fine, removal of the former will. "Yoshitada said:" Connaught. "
  Tomorrow, King pass away. Yoshitada Ji Bai Qing Wan on the Soviet Union, and by application Houbo the realm. Has Master said: "The bird will die, its Ming also
  Sorrow; people will die, their words would be good. "Words against their nature, were the king of that also. Confucius said:" hear the Dao, Life and Death. "
  In order to open his issue, feel the afterlife, still more did not Wu who is also the world.
  Formerly, Wei Wuhou look for a job when, ministers monensin arrest, retreat toward a happy expression. Qi Jin said: "this person has to King Zhuang of Chu of the
  Almost hear those words? "Wuhou said:" Not yet, Prince Zhuang Language of how? "Qi said:" When King Zhuang of Chu look for a job, the ministers monensin
  Catch towards retreat with Youse. Shen Kung Wu Chen Jin said: 'Jun towards a Youse, Why? 'The king said:' I have heard of, the choice of prince
  Teachers are the king, since the deal with them are gangsters, but the ministers have been enough if the MO of those who perish. Now, this is not unworthy the proposed Valley in North Korea, and the ministers monensin arrest,
  My Country and the few in the dead men, and is also a Youse. 'Prince Zhuang reason for worry, while Jun unique radiant with joy, Why? "Deterred from the DR Wuhou
  Said: "Angel of Master Zhen had also Gua Ren, Angel of Master Zhen had also Gua Ren."
  Second chore
  Formerly, Tang Yu held 9 Yin Chong, cloth in place, while at home and Roland, to shortage of guests, Lin Feng in the suburbs. Prayed with Yi Yin, and
  Civil and military use grandfather Hong yao, Cheng Wang Zhou Zhao, and at home and peace and order, the more satisfactory translation Couture, auspicious and down, then security Thousand Years. Ren Yin rests with the
  Power also. No upright ministers, although the Five Emperors Three Kings, not to revive.
  The Duke was Guan Zhong, a tyrant princes of the wing; loss of Guan Zhong, while dangerous chaos of shame. Yu died without fertile soil, Qin Miao Gong with
  Of the tyrant. Of Wu and Chu do not break, Miss Helu and Pa used. Fusako non-need Zixu also, they kill, and State Death to death.
  King Yanzhao with Yue Yi, Yan of the soldiers pushed the weak, broken strong Qi Chou, Tu 70 cities, while the King Hui of waste and Yue, but substituting hijacked, Bing Li
  Broken, dead 70 cities. The father used the child without, being to see too. Helu with Zixu to revive it, the king kill and to die; Zhao
  Wang and Yue to win with, by King Hui of the defeat here of course if the white black.
  Not SHUSUN Tong Qin, Xiang Wang Ping not, Han Xin and are destroyed, used and Daxing Han, this is not too far away. Sage husband lost their
  Disaster so. Renjun not introducing Seeking a self-assisted, but dead the country to chaos, the so-called Sage is also the no. Or to whom Sage, and the no-
  Who proposed the so wise graphs, and seek the fool. Yin unscrupulous jealous, jealous fools wise, is the reason why Sage compartment cover also, so Thousand Year
  Were also substandard. Or unscrupulous use of Yin and not too long or too long and not the end; or a bad son spent Yin loyal father, its hard to defeat an evil
  2 record also, however, its been unknown to the listeners is that I, ■ Se no, Williams is clearly too.
  Wei Pang Christine quality in Handan and Prince Edward, that the king and said: "this one made by municipalities to the tiger, Wang Xin of Nature?" The Neo:
  "No." Said: "two words, the king faith?" He said: "Gua Ren doubt carry on." Said: "Three words, Wang Xin of Nature?"
  Said: "Gua Ren faith carry on." Pang Christine said: "Cardiff City tomorrow carry on without Tiger, Tiger made three statements. Handan go this far in the city of Wei, the proposed
  Robinson had three people who would like to police the king also. "The King said:" Gua Ren know the carry on. "And anti-Pang Christine from Handan, Slander and fruit to the mouth, then do not
  May see.
  Gan Mao, people under the Cai. West to Qin, the number of active, to King Wu that left the prime minister, accompanied the child to the right in the prime minister. Accompanied the child and the public in
  Grandson, son are also various Qin, Han also its external home, the number of attack South Korea. Qin King Wu that Gan Mao said: "Gua Ren capacity heaven Analyzing room who want their
  Road almost Han of Yiyang. "Purports to take Yiyang Han Gan Mao cutting to channel heaven Analyzing room. Gan Mao said:" Please to cutting about Wei Han. "Order to
  Jusuke line. Gan Mao not only about Wei, Wei Xu, Gan Mao interest also to soil, that the life said: "If the king return statement, Wei Chen carry on listening, let the king However,
  Do not felling too. "Notice to Shou return to the king, Ying Gan Mao on Living Soil, asked why, replied:" Yiyang, large counties. Called the County, it
  Real County also. Multiple risks this king, traveling thousands of miles of hard attack....... "
  Formerly, have studied the office, and have studied with Cheng canning people who murder, who told his mother said: 'studied the murder. 'Parent organization since
  If too. However, divisions are again one of, his mother said: 'Wu Zi do not kill people. 'There are, one again told, cast his mother under the shuttle of a loom machine
  Yu Qiang and go. Husband to have studied the Yin, and his mother has faith, however three people suspected of, mother fear Yan. If this minister is not the Yin Zhen Shen,
  Wang Shun-chen has also studied the mother as the credit have studied also, Sofitel three suspects were also Robinson, Robinson also fear king cast shuttle of a loom.
  Le Marquis Wei Wen that will attack the sheep, Zhongshan, three years and pull out of, but language function Lok Yang, Wen Hou a trunk show of the pasquinade. Yue Yang Zaibai protracted
  The first said: 'This function also of non-chen of the Lord the king of power also. 'This minister are living too, accompanied the lining, the public embrace Korea and having two grandchildren, the king will
  Faith is the king of deception by the Han Wei and Chen also the resentment. "WANG Yue:" Gua Ren did not listen too. "Make cutting Yiyang, in May and Yiyang not pull.
  Ailanthus lining, fruit indisputable public grandson, King Wu called Gan Mao, For Dismissed from Military. Gan Mao said: "Living Soil in Peru." The Neo: "There has to."
  Because of note raised his army to attack the Gan Mao will, then pull Yiyang. And King Wu death of a prince, Zhaowang Li, accompanied the lining, public slander of grandchildren, Gan Mao met
  Crime, Death Ben Qi. Therefore, non-to Ming Yong can not use their slander or Down?
  The king asked the ministers said: "I have heard the North Wei Zhao Xi-shirt, also sincerely collecting?" Jiang B. The answer was: "Tiger seeking beasts eat, have a
  Fox. Fox said: 'Son I have not dared to eat, houses of every beast I long, I eat this child is the inverse Diming also to I do not believe I wa
  First child, the child with me, the concept of the beasts are all going to see me. 'Tiger that it does, with the line, see the animals were walking, the Tiger I do not know fear beast had
  The walk also, that the fox is also fear. Wong this place five miles, with a million, while full-time for Zhao Xi-shirts are also in the northern non-Wei Zhao Xi-shirt
  Also, in fact afraid of the king of hoplite, it's still fear the beasts of the tiger. "Chen and see enemies who fear it is too Wei Jianjun of the king die without the prestige
  Carry on.
  Lu Jun Mi sub-base to kill a single parent, child cheap quit, please take a good book for those two, so that the constitution was written to teach materials; Lu Jun to the. To
  Single parent, so the book, sub-base side-cited his elbow, the book is ugly anger, want of books were also cited the book of those who suffer, to resign away. Return to
  Report Lu Jun, Lu Junyue: "I suffer interference of sub-base. Impermissible Shiqi Shan-cheng." Naiming Yuji was arbitrarily imposed without billing the parent, single parent
  S of peace and order. Therefore, Confucius said: "Gentlemen zai sub base, Lu no gentleman who, Sian to take Sri Lanka?" United States of its moral too.
  The Definition of fish Chu Chu has offered: "Today, catch, eat endless, not to sell the sale, disposal of another pity, it has to offer." Left
  Right said: "vulgar zai! Words would be." Chu said: "If I do not know who CISC also fisheries. Cover more than those who heard Qun Su positions, state hungry people; after
  Palace more quiet woman who, over the next China Kuang Fu; I derivative of the store, gather in the repository, internally many people poverty; are lost Jun live by. So kitchen
  Are oily fish, horse stables are fat, of the people hungry and color, is lost his country, Tibet in the repository, the numbered Gua Ren Wen, not line also. Fisheries are
  Aware of its Gua Ren by analogy also, and this line of. "So Naiqian to keep shirt widowed and lonely, a warehouse millet, while the vibration is not made Mitegura
  Feet, stop to harem no Yu Zhe, a widower with his wife. Shin Tai Yue Chu China, neighboring countries go the. Therefore, fish and fisheries are more than one offer, and Chu Lai
  S, so many different carry on.
  Chores third
  King Hui of Liang said that Mencius said: "Gua Ren and sputum, Gua Ren lust." Mencius said: "Wang Cheng lust, the king of what has?" Wang
  Said: "If the HO? Lust can be king?" Mencius said: "King lust. Poem says: 'Old Lord of Tan to the DPRK cursory, rate of West
  Water Margin, The Qi under. Yuan and Jiang Nv, Yu to Sang Woo. 'King of Love Jue Fei, access will be with kai. When is the time, no complaints within the
  Women, for which no mining husband. Ruo lust, and with the people, the people fear the king has no lust. "WANG Yue:" Gua Ren and sputum, Gua Ren
  Fearless. "Mencius said:" Pedagogy of good courage, what the king has? "WANG Yue:" If the HO? Wang Yong can be good? "Mencius said:
  "Poem says: 'King Hess anger or embassies throughout the trip, will press the Migration Journey to Tuk Shusuke to the world." Wang Yong is also article. Culture
  King angry, and tranquility of the people. WANG Yi angry today, and tranquility of the people, the people fear the king of good courage also. "
  Sun Qing meeting with the Provisional Wu Jun Wang Zhao Xiaocheng soldiers in front. WANG Yue: "Will the soldiers be?" Pro Wujun replied: "Going up to the day, the next
  Get location, issued after the first matter to be operation of this use of troops also. "Sun Qing said:" otherwise. Minister of the press, Gu Zhidao, where
  Warfare, the art of using military forces is Yimin, bow and arrow is not transferred, Yi can not be collected, six horses do not and, not to Yu Yuan Cepheid; manifested people do not
  Pro-laws, Tang Wu can not win. Gu Shan soldiers who attached the people it works is good. "
  Pro Wujun Yue: "Otherwise, your husband by the soldiers who are snobbish; the on who wins is also variable axial attack. Use, and then, suddenly suddenly Yan
  Mozhi is from the Sun Wu used, invincible. This point of view, not at will be attached to people zai! "Sun Qing said:" Otherwise, the minister of
  What it says, the king of the soldiers are the sole property of ruler. Jun Zhisuo speaker, snobbish too; the last who wins is also variable axial attack. Habitat for Humanity of the soldiers do not
  Axis can also, he can shaft who neglect those who are, who are ordering. Up and down between the monarch and his subjects, Huanran there from virtue. If axis Jie Jie,
  Yan still fortunate, if Yao Jie axis, give an example of the terms of egg throwing a stone, if we refer to around the boiling, if the feather dance club fire, into the coke no ears, husband how
  Axis is also available. Therefore, the soldiers Habitat for Humanity, collar is if Moye to the edge, baby and those who break, sharp is the profit front if Moye, who when the collapse. Circular Home
  The party only if the solid rock of course, and those who touch deflected Long kinds of ears. How can husband the shaft? "
  Therefore, the soldiers Habitat for Humanity, or the three services with the power of one mind, minister of the monarch also, under the last also, if the child of your parents are, if
  Brother brother things also, if the siblings have to defend the leader and follow-up chest and abdomen. Axis of attack, and one of the first panic attack and then also, how can husband axi
  Also? Jufu violence of the king, the who and to zai? He has it and to who will be their people, they people of the pro-I, Huan However if the parents, well I
  Fong, such as Law Lan, Retrospection on it, such as burning tattoo, such as Chou Chou. Have touched, though Jie plantar anything too willing for its evil, but its a good thief who
  Zai! The grandson who is ordered, the thief of their parents. Poem says: 'King Wu set pennant with Qian Ping Yue, fiery its might, then I'm Mo
  He-. 'Is thy too. "Hyoseong WANG Lin Wu Junyue:" Good. "
  Formerly, Qin Wei with the country, neat and smart about and wish to Gong Wei, Wei YU Qin people for help, crown cover the sea, Qin could not save. Wei people
  Tang and who, in Jiushi Yu, that the king and said: "veteran please the West, said Qin, the first minister to make soldiers out, I am?" The King said: "Respect
  Promise. "Then, removal of some cars. And see the King of Qin. Qin said:" wife's father is the natural monopoly of wisdom thus far, very bitter carry on. Wei to seek a few men, and widowed
  Wei-known pressing carry on. "Don and the answer was:" King Wei of emergency and rescue known not to, is the king raised the minister lost in horse mackerel also. And 夫魏
  The country is also a Wancheng. Said East fan, be crowned, Temple in the Spring and Autumn were, as Qin strong enough to and also. The soldiers have this neat and smart suburban Wei
  Men, and not to save the king of Wei anxious about the giveaway and neat and smart, Wang Sui Yu cure, anything of and zai? Is the death of a Wan Cheng Wei, and strong
  Second, the enemy's neat and smart also. King of chips stolen horse mackerel of the minister that the loss of the carry on. "Wu Qin fear, however, suddenly put out of his troops, Chi mix and go, Qi
  Chu heard of it, led his troops away, Wei Fu so. Tang and one that certainly strong Qin of the horse mackerel, Xie Wei diseases, and scattered Quechua of the soldiers, in one fell swoop and
  Conciliation, consumers hard, the power words have. Confucius said: "words kill me, Zi Gong." Therefore poem says: "the set of speech carry on, carry on the people of the contact; speech
  The Yi, men, and the people of Mozambique carry on. "Don and there is speech, Wei Lai, thus, can not have.
  Yan Yi Wong, the country chaos, Min Qi Wang Xing Shi Yan cutting, Tuyan Guo, containing device and return its treasure. Yi Wang died, and the Yan State complex, too
  Son established as Yan Wang, King Yanzhao is. Zhao Wangxian that Suffering body thick coins to Recruitment are. That Guo Kui said: "Let's country because of solitary
  Disorder, while Xi Po Yan, Yan small force alone very little knowledge, not reported, however have the Magi and common country, to snow kings of the ugly, isolated the like also.
  President, as the body can be a matter of bidder. "Kui said:" Chen Wen ancient monarch, there to seek Chollima daughter who can not get three years, Malaysia ha
  Death, the bone 500 to buy gold, anti-Jun newspaper. Jun outraged, saying: 'The demand and live horses, safety and donated 500 gold with a dead horse. 'Juan people
  Said: 'dead horse and the City 500 gold, state Health Ma Nature? The world will be able to horse trade with the king, this Zhiyi Ma. 'So unexpected, the 1000
  In Malaysia to those two. To this must be caused by Wang Cheng Shi, beginning from the Kui. WEI and see things, conditions were almost Kui Yin Yu? Qi Yuan Maxima zai? "In
  That the king was built for the Kui Gong and the teacher. To self-Shu Yuan Wei, Zou Yan from Qi Wang, Xin from Zhao to play, Shi Yan fight away. Yan Wang hang Q
  Isolated, and people stand by 20 with eight Yanguo Yan Fu, his soldiers to fight Lok Yi light. Yue Yi was then submitted to the General, and Qinchu 3
  Conspiracy to Fa Qi Jin. Leyi of horse mackerel, virtuous of power also.
  And Yue as the king was seeking, will be princes soldiers, Sarkozy also is Kovar. So Nai Shi and Yue to princes, then combined with the four countries of the soldiers to cutting
  Qi, big destructible. Min Wang escaped death, only body off, hide Ju, and Yue chase of, then slaughtered more than 70 cities, Linzi conquered, CD-chu Jimo
  Not under the best of recovering device and return Yan Bao, Fu Yi Wang shame. Yue Yi Xie stop the soldiers, princes, and the independence Wai Ju Jimo, when Tiandan to Jimo
  So, use of soldiers suffering from Yue Yi, Tian Dan can not shaft also, want to go to the, King Zhao-xian, refused to listen to slander. Will the king was dead, Hui Wang Li, Tian
  Single people slander the King Hui, King Hui to hijack on behalf of Yue Yi and Yue Zhao of no return. Yan hijacked not only for the general, Tiandan overjoyed large set shaft
  Break YAN Jun, killing hijacked, try recovering more than 70 cities. MIN is a homogeneous public is dead, Tian Dan was Prince at chu, Li Qi, expedition. And Yan
  King Hui of large ashamed, Zi Hui Yi and Yue, which this abuse.
  Said Yuan Cui Ying (first)
  "Said park" is written by Chinese Liu Xiang, the book all 20 volumes. Cover a wide range, many moral principles, concise and memorable profound charm. Would like to record its Anglo Lines of deep hope of the people are happy, and duration of the Jinde like to share on to each other.
  ◎ marriage Road waste, the way men and women had moved, and Yin Yi Xing carry on the road. - From "political reasons 48"
  ◎ to Canton instead of flat. Level of the people; money together and not dispersed, people will be indisputable. - From "The political management of 37"
  ◎ Kind words will result in poor carry on without the income; not get good words, then there is no good carry on from the entry. - From "political reasons 35"
  ◎ Holy, Budde rights, the non-demand reports on the people; Wang Ti taste of rural, non-seeking reported in ghosts and spirits. - From "Guide 3"
  ◎ who are Judging, there must be yang reported; have hidden entrants, there must Zhao name. - From "Guide 3"
  ◎ people not to pro, five items impertinent. Teaching contract with the meaning of monarch and his subjects, his son, pro, his wife Distinction, seniority of the order. - From "Guide 3"
  ◎ gentleman learned, do not suffer from the study; both the study of suffering from the not-bound; both-bound, suffering from its inability to make too. - From "On the bundle 80"
  ◎ Slim who is also wise government; love giver, Ren-side also; get to the person, meaning the character has; shame those who brave the decision also; Liming who line the extreme also. - From "On the bundle 71"
  ◎ branch without forgetting his roots, without forgetting the German newspaper, see Lee will study physical harm. Therefore, the spirit of a gentleman Send heart to stay at the three, good luck, and children carry on. - From "On the bundle 75"
  ◎ mountain high without the United States wood, injured in the sun too much; trees under the non-grass, also injured in the multi-shade. - From "On the bundle 69"
  ◎ Fu was born in remote, disaster born suddenly, the night of fear, fear not Death. - From "On the bundle 32"
  ◎ Road to move about and it could be of Germany to behaviorist and it could be high. - From "On the bundle of 34"
  ◎ spokesman of the good, Ze Mu in cream; spokesman evil, pain and spears. - From "On the bundle of 34"
  ◎ good and not straight, will end their music; as ugly does not address, will end its evil. - From "On the bundle of 34"
  ◎ Christine with respect, can be photo-yong; width to is, can allow the public; Christine to clean, can be pro-on. - From "political reasons 29"
  ◎ not to say, say more and more lost; not many things, many things more suffering. - From "Jingshen 24"
  ◎ may be able to shame by security, to shame those who exist. - From "On the bundle 33"
  ◎ rich in contentment, your back in demand. - From "On the bundle 33"
  ◎ sage to heart guide the eyes and ears, eyes and ears lead villain in mind. - From "On the bundle 41"
  ◎ Master who was suffering from the unknown; for the servant who, suffering from the disloyal. - From "On the bundle 42"
  ◎ attitude to life are not blaming Heaven, a confidant were not to blame. - From "On the bundle 46"
  ◎ gentlemen have no fear for life and once the patients, along the opposite direction, Free Methodist Church, the hi without easy to anger without difficulty.
  - From "On the bundle of 65"
  ◎ man of science also, into the ears, hidden in the heart-bound to body. - From "On the bundle of 62"
  ◎ gentleman is not ashamed science, not ashamed asked. - From "On the bundle 81"
  Cui said that the British Court (second)
  ◎ Fu Shan infiltration of water out of the sea, Jia Lin was born in Field and hidden in the sage see born, then know what to come back. - From "On the bundle 6"
  ◎ seek first things prosper, the prior plan will die. - From "On the bundle 22"
  ◎ do not repair the body, Qiu Zhiyu people, is that the loss of London; died inside, and repair without, is that the big waste. From "On the bundle 12"
  ◎ Jide no fine, no major grudges, and how many will be reported, its potential is also solid. - From "On the bundle 48"
  ◎ I were off too, tongue machine also, a word incorrectly, four horses can not chase too. - From "On the bundle 54"
  ◎ Fu words were, man of Cardinal. Cardinal of the hair, honor of this also. May inadvertently almost! - From "On the bundle 54"
  ◎ all those who lent the students, who as Pepsi obtaining the Road. Road where the normalization of the world; Germany lies, your world of; benevolence lies, the world is love; justice is, fear of the world. - From "On the bundle 18"
  ◎ learning tireless, so government has also; teachings not tire, so governance of people. - From "On the bundle 17"
  ◎ good that evil people, who also know their evil; good monks who also hate people. Well fed, well bred; Depository fact, know etiquette. Rivers overflow, but three days; Piaofeng rainstorm, even for a moment and complete. - From "On the bundle 31"
  ◎ Power wins the poor, would like to win bad, Shen Sheng harm, Caution wins disaster. - From "On the bundle 29"
  ◎ days reported for the good and morality, for the bad days are reported to disaster. - From "On the bundle 29"
  ◎ when the water was a gentleman, when the villain was fiery. - From "On the bundle 29"
  ◎ Fu will read poor, strong will read the old; few years though immature, consider the necessary early. - From "On the bundle 30"
  ◎ know who started in Gordon, finally harmonic; fool music began, and finally sadness. - From "On the bundle 30"
  ◎ Gaoshanyangzhi, collating and behavior, though not force, will service as the heart. - From "On the bundle 30"
  ◎ reverence as before, and often a lesson. The peace of Li Li, Shen-being to date. - From "On the bundle 30"
  ◎ two high not heavy, the two can not allow the two forces can not be the same, the two you can not double. Heavy volume with double-husband, will fight the power. So gentlemen Shi Yu, stick to his feet, is to long. - From "On the bundle 76"
  Cui said that the British Court (Part III)
  ◎ inches and degrees, to the husband will be worse; baht Moreover, he must be off to the stone. Stone said the measurement, diameter and few lost; simple wire several meters, annoying but not the police. It easier for the major intellectual, Qu Hui-defense can not do anything. - From "On the bundle 78"
  ◎ heaven and earth, most are against, at least the loss. Five mining dazzling, sometimes while Yu; Motegi Feng grass, and sometimes fell. Things wax and wane, Andhra composure. - From "On the bundle 82"
  ◎ a word and proper, but the enemy can be; a word derived, can defend the country. - From "On the bundle 58"
  ◎ have Master said: "Child sex with Jane is also quite; village is not very pro. Therefore in child sex gentleman enough to breed, Li Zhuang enough into it." - From "On the bundle 52"
  ◎ have Master said: "Gentlemen do otherwise would seek Cyril, not harm the body." - From "On the bundle 51"
  ◎ saint of clothing also, it body to shelter; their food also, be content with their belly. Appropriate clothing diet, do not listen to port projects.
  - From "On the bundle 50"
  ◎ articulate and no body, no bad words and people. - From "On the bundle 46"
  ◎ money as meaning a high potential as moral respect. - From "On the bundle 44"
  ◎ German gentleman to all the body lines, line greedy villain to death his body. - From "On the bundle 45"
  ◎ supernatant and no desire, the next is the Park people. - From "On the bundle 46"
  ◎ business interests were more at risk, to promise Guaxin. - From "On the bundle 43"
  ◎ base while being may increase, and high reliance by collapse. - From "On the bundle 40"
  ◎ collapse from the nest big rivers, mountains and large small Yi collapse. - From "On the bundle 40"
  ◎ fortune from the ground in a non-non from heaven, has been the self. - From "On the bundle of 37"
  ◎ death life, I realized that friendship. Rich and a poor one, I realized that cross state. You a humble one, friendship is the view. Not a floating one, friendship is out. - From "On the bundle 35"
  ◎ defeated the will not to speak of courage, wisdom fallen state minister can not be made. - From "On the bundle 35"
  ◎ first and enjoy music after those things, those things after the first Ao worry. - From "On the bundle 33"
  ◎ mirror so according to form also, so to know this too old. - From "Zunsian 5"
  ◎ "Spring", saying: "Simin, but the people are the Wangdao Xing Ning, who called Simin, farming, also. - From" political reasons 47 "
  ◎ hide good person who is also the so-called shelter Yin; Young people of evil, is that the villains are. Made good person who has nothing to die from injury while also; spokesman evil, those with no income and be hurt too. Therefore, careful words gentlemen carry on. - From "political reasons 30"
  ◎ husband heard who the better see for oneself; see for oneself of, as the full practice; full practice the better to distinguish the hand. - From "political reasons 22"
  Cui said that the British Court (Part IV)
  ◎ Zi will be OK, speech at the Zhong Ni, said: "Dedicated to car almost RU? With words?" He Zi said: "Please words." Zhong Ni said: "is not strong far, no pain, no power, infidelity no pro, do not believe non-complex, and contemptuous disrespect. carefully the five who can carry on 。"--" long said park. Of the Complex 34 "
  ◎ Do not non-said words, in order to avoid the risk; and Africa as not to as to avoid the danger; and Africa do not get taken,
  In order to avoid its cunning; non-compete not to fight the order to avoid the sound. Ming are as tied to, is not seeking to shape;
  Cong who listen in silence; consider who quit in unpaired. World of muddy cloud and I alone Cheongju, everyone is drunk and I alone am sober.
  - "Court said. Cong on 39 "
  ◎ Yen Hui will be Journey to the West, asked Confucius, saying: "Why is the body?" Confucius said: "Christine, respect, loyalty, credit, for themselves. Christine is from the people, respect the people of love, loyalty and the people with the letter the person relies on the. people love, people and, people rely, will carry on from suffering. can be temporary state, not to mention in the body or Down? it is better than a few rather than the sparse, do not have far to go? or revision of the repair, the do not have anti-Down? do not first consider the Pro plan is difficult, it not almost?"--" later said park. Jingshen 30 "
  ◎ King Wu asked the grandfather said: "governance are?" Grandfather replied: "governance, loving it." Said: "loving the people are?" Said: profits not freeze injury, into the not to defeat, do not kill the students, with being taken away and music do not suffer, do not hi the anger. This governance to the people of righteousness, love just say. - "Court said. Administrative Management 13 "
  Cui said that the British Court (Fifth Article)
  ◎ survival of fortune, the body must. Saints re-ring, Jingshen by suddenly. - "Jingshen. 1 "
  ◎ saying said: "commandment no sense of shame, thinking no shame." Husbands do not think the commandment not to take shelter the country were hardly carry on.
  "Poetry", saying: "hard work, standing on the edge into the abyss, treading on thin ice." What is called too. - "Jingshen. 1 "
  ◎ moral majority and keep to Christine who, Rong; land Bo Yu and abide by thrifty person, Ann; riches respect and prosperity to keep to base, Your; the people all soldiers strong and keep with fear who wins; wise and keep to Fool, benefits; CMP but keep in mind to light more than those widely. This six abide by key Kentoku also. - "Jingshen. 2 "
  ◎ easy to say: "There is one large enough to observe the world, enough to keep in the country, small enough to keep its body." Qian of that also.
  - "Jingshen. 2 "
  ◎ Confucius said: "high energy, the full and to empty, rich and able to Kim, but you can humble, wise and can be stupid, brave and able confidence, defense and energy Ne, Bo and can be shallow, clear and can be dark, is not that great loss. can do this Road, the only persons and D's. "
  - "Jingshen. 4 "
  ◎ Duke Huan said: "King Kong is off, then just split leather, Ren Jun just off the country, the ministers must just be friends." Husband just is not and does not and is not available. Therefore in four horses do not and, by way of not long; father and son did not and, the World Po Wang; brothers do not and can not be a long time with; marital, married inauspicious.
  "Easy", saying: "two concentric, the benefit payments." From not just too. - "Jingshen. 7 "
  ◎ good to the people who, day reporting to Fuk; poor people who, day reporting to disaster also. Hence it is said: "blessings in disguise Forest, the V Fu Xi bad." Ring of careful. - "Jingshen. 8 "
  ◎ Fu Shang Zhi-day is not the timing is wrong, the next is known to lose money. Cautious of day and night, the sound disaster. - "Jingshen. 8 "
  ◎ Fu Fu was born in subtle, but evil was born proud. - "Jingshen. 13 "
  ◎ great merit of the effect is positive with Yin Road, Baptist Baptist Zhang Ming; bad off the over, is proud and lazy, Jian dip dip die.
  - "Jingshen. 14 "
  ◎ your body has the remarkable person, to the people; bit has been good at high power, Jun evil; Paul has been thick and not content with those affected part of.
  - "Jingshen. 17 "
  ◎ High on Zunsian, no to impressive; smart Divine Perception, no to the poor; capital to move to the no to their ancestors; fortitude bravery, not to win people. I do not know the question, not the school. Although the quality of intelligence will then debate it; although can certainly make, then whom. So although smart Divine Perception disabilities, Automorphic to ignorance; power is the world of respect, self to make; Yong moments the world, respectable to cowardly; rich world of respect, self to clean. This so-called high-risk and not full of those who have not overflow. - "Jingshen. 20 "
  ◎ peace will ring, the regret-free line. Do not say that any injury, the trouble will be long; Do not say that any harm, the evil would be great;
  Do not say that any residue, the trouble will be natural; do not hear that Mo, day one demon servers. Yingying, immortal, scorching is regrettable;
  Tiny does not stop up, will become the rivers; endless, will become the recruiting; green is not cutting, the search of his ax.
  Cheng could not careful, the root of evil also. - "Jingshen. 24 "
  ◎ Built I know, not with people on technology; I respect the high although people damage my MO. 100 Valley River husband who long for its humble too. Heaven no pro, often with good man. - "Jingshen. 24 "
  ◎ wish, almost wind uncertainties, the son wants to raise almost pro not wait. To not come to those who, in too; not too good-bye
  Who is also pro. - "Jingshen. 26 "
  ◎ disciples of Confucius Gu Wei said: "The gentleman from the cautious, not its people, there are net of the risk of 。"--" Jingshen. 28 "
  ◎ resentment born in not reporting, disaster born and St.; safety kept in self-Office; do not storm is early forecasts; survival is to be human; reverence as before, is to long. - "Jingshen. 29 "
  Cui said that the British Court (Part VI)
  ◎ Confucius said: "I do not know his son, as their friends; I do not know the leader and comfort as they make." You Yue: "live with a good, such as Ru Lanzhi the room, for a long time without their fragrance, the one with carry on; and wicked home, such as into the Baoyuzhisi no longer notices the smell, but also one with it. "Hence it is, Dan, the possession of those red, Wu of the reservoir were black, the gentleman carefully hidden.
  - "Court said. Of the Complex 45 "
  ◎ Zi Gong asked: "Gentlemen will see the concept of flood Yan, Why?" Confucius said: "Cardiff are a gentleman Peter Yan water. Time to the selfless, like Germany; clinics and those students, like Jen; the flow of dirty, saying through its management are arrogant, like justice; light were popular, deep are unexpected, like Chile; the valley to go 100 yards without doubt, like Yong; Cotton weak and micro-tat, like the police; be evil not to, like packet Mongolia; clear to enter, Xianjie to out like Shanhua; to the volume will be flat, like now; profit not for almost, like degree; its 10,000 will pack the East, like Italian. is a noble concept, see flood Yan Er also 。"--" said Court. Of the Complex 46 "
  ◎ husband how happy water is also wise? Said: fountain collapse collapse, not Buddhism day and night, its like on force; Free Methodist Church and the line is not left behind a small room, which seems fair persons; moving, but under its like polite person; go to a thousand yards of the gully without doubt, its like brave; barrier against the clear, its like acceptance of fate persons; clear to enter, Xianjie out, its like Shanhua persons; everyone get level category to now, things have of the health, loss of the dead, its like virtuous persons; Shu-Shu Yuan Yuan, unfathomable, its like saints. Tongrun between heaven and earth into countries. Be happy to know the reason why water is. "Poetry," says: "Si Le Pan of water, thin mining its Mao, Lu Hou brutal stop, drinking in the Pan." Music of water that also. - "Court said. Of the Complex 47 "
  ◎ How benevolent Leshan husband also? Said: Fu Shan Zui bluff Zong heap of stones, and the people of the concept of Yang. Vegetation forth, Li Yan public property, Yan Cui birds, beasts off Yan, Yan colonial treasures, Chib interest Yan, education materials and tireless group of Yan, the Quartet and to take the open Yan. Izumo wind, ventilation in the earth, and countries into. Leshan is benevolent so too. "Poetry", saying: "Mountains of Rock, Lu Hou was looking." Leshan of that carry on. - "Court said. Of the Complex 47 "
  Said Yuan Cui Ying (chapter VII)
  ◎ plan has two clients: the seeking attitude to life, followed by the governor. Acceptance of mortality, the survival of fortune who foresee the original, well aware of the rise and fall Feixing the beginning of the anti-matter of the canines, refuge in the invisible. - (Said Court. Trickery 1)
  ◎ There is a evil trickery, trickery is a gentleman, a sinister evil trickery. Husband is who, their trickery public, thus it is also sincere conscientious people; he evil person, a good private Shanley, thus it is the people are fraud. - (Said Court. Trickery.1)
  ◎ Long Cheng were to later generations, who when the body and eliminate fraud. - (Said Court. Trickery 1)
  ◎ wise uprising husband also, at least the overflow into account, while taking into account risk levels, while taking into account security risk, while taking into account song straight from the weight of its Yu, sooner rather than later, is 100 instead of settlement are held. - (Said Court. Trickery 1)
  ◎ Tu Yu said: "Chen Wen Hsing country also, days left of the sage, with most people in remonstrance; country die also, days with random people, with good flatter those 。"--( said Court. Trickery 6)
  ◎ speaker can not do it, can Departed may not be made. - (Said Court. Trickery 12)
  ◎ Confucius said: "extravagance are rude." Rude husband who will be humiliated, the insult on the person, against the way too.
  - (Said Court. Trickery 20)
  ◎ Confucius said: "sage transfer the calamity for Fu, complained to Germany 。"--( said Court. Trickery 21)
  ◎ burning of forests and fields, though too many animals, but no recovery next year, too; dry Chak and fisheries, that fish are numerous, but no recovery next year, too; fraud could still steal profits, then no report. - (That Court. Trickery 31)
  Said Yuan Cui Ying (chapter VIII)
  ◎ Confucius said: "This gentleman works, the establishment and Dawson." Husband who at the end of the straight will be Yi, who will ultimately be the beginning not containing bad.
  - (Building the.1)
  ◎ "easy", saying: "Building a million of its present and physics, miss is as good as good as a thousand miles." Therefore in the construction of the rather heavy gentleman you stand before. - (Building the.1)
  ◎ live by a great father and son almost pro, meaning monarch and his subjects. Fatherhood St., Son Road, Yan; Jun moral, Robinson Road loyalty. Yin & Sons in the Son also, to students of charity, the teachings to become the. Raise its meaning, possession of the false, when the festival, be careful of their facilities. - (Building the.4)
  ◎ years old son to, the Father of whom choose next division, selected good friend, must not allow evil see less of in order to improve gradually, so that early technology.
  - (Building the.4)
  ◎ Katako of Parents, speak words, should not incompatible with almost ear; interest into the back, let Manners almost mutually exclusive objectives; base body itself is not incompatible from the heart base. Gentleman things pro Jide. Son who is also the parent of, nothing to push but not those from life, but parents are also victims. Therefore, the safety pro of the child are for the. - (Building the.4)
  ◎ Master says: "People trip is greater than filial piety." Filial piety into the inside, while No. Jia cloth on the outside. Is that the construction of this, and Rong Hua Zimao carry on. - (Building the.4)
  ◎ Chun Chen-oriented, Chen Yi-jun-based parent to the child-centered, child to parent-centered, abandoning its present who carry on glory dry.
  - (Building the.4)
  ◎ Zi said: "The two pro-life, suddenly, such as excessive gap, herbs For a long, frost is not so, Sage wishes to support, two parents not wait."
  - (Building the.5)
  ◎ University of Education also: when the ban say its not made of pre-, because to him, saying, the phase concept to say good for grinding, not learn the festival and Shi Ling Yue Xun. - (Building the.9)
  ◎ hair and then cut, then the clash between a success; time off and then school, then the hard-working but not tame; miscellaneous facilities and rude, the bad governance and not chaos; no study alone, the Gu Lou and few heard. - (Building the.9)
  ◎ naive person when childish, non-seeking teachers to conduct themselves without all of the original. - (Building the.10)
  ◎ sincere people today can temper its material, from sincere, god, Du Wu of the response, access the to and watch until the end of Death, no view outside the territory, within the Happy almost no side, Pang Yang almost dust, the Zoran independent, transcendent masterpiece, this the holy God of the tour, however the person later admitted of the world. - (Building the.10)
  ◎ homebound mind, Guqin reading, chasing ancient concept, Friends of the Yin doctor, identified learning about the Japanese self-Yu; distant things, distinct interests, raise policy gains and losses, in order to observe good and bad fortune, let Yi Li degrees, that the French; pursue ins and outs, do research feelings; death has left the industry, students are rong name. The building also can euphemistically talent, natural monensin to who stole more than Xiari slow relentless fall of it too.
  - (Building the.10)
  Although the disease ◎ steed, no case of horses, not a thousand miles; Gan though profit, non-human can not be cut off Yan; Wu number of Gongsui good, not exclusive lamp stand, can not be comfortable; talent though high, do not service learning, are not able to Santa. - (Building the.10)
  ◎ Water product into Sichuan, the dragon grow wherever; soil plot a mountain, then students Yan Zhang Yu; learning product holiness, respect for the rich were to Yan.
  - (Building the.10)
  ◎ pro-Yin knowledge, so long te; on the intercourse of Friends, also caused by phase. "Poem": "If all such consultations, such as Zhuo, such as grinding." What is called too. - (Building the.10)
  ◎ into knowledge in our country, out of respect for the leader and comfort to know; there are between men and women, have friends outside the occasion; this holy Wise Man taught the Confucian affected by the transfer to the teachings of the future generations. - (Building the.11)
  ◎ Zisi said: "Learning it was also beneficial, like a sharp blade it has caused. I try quiet office and reflection, not as fast as science; I taste the foot with six toes and hope, not as Climbing Hiromi. So the wind calls, voice without disease and heard by many people; Denciu and recruit, arm and see who is not much longer. so the fish take in water, the birds take in air, vegetation by the construction of the.13 at the time 。"--()
  ◎ Confucius said: "all day long without getting tired with people who study it but almost! View of his physical deficiencies, but also its strength or lack of fear also, its ancestors are also less than that of its clan names are insignificant, but you can smell the Quartet and Zhao Yu princes who, learning of their subject almost! "" Poetry ", saying:" No fault does not die, Shuaiyoujiuzhang. "Cardiff School of that also. - (Building the.14)
  ◎ Confucius said: "Gentlemen can not not learn, people can not see no decorations. No decoration no roots, no roots are lost reason, loss of reason is infidelity, infidelity is rude, impolite not stand 。"--( Construction of the.15)
  ◎ born Venerable arrogance, pride born rich. Born rich nor Kam and contented person, fresh now! - (Building the.16)
  ◎ Shi Kuang said: "Chen Wen of: small and easy to learn, such as the rising sun; strong and eager to learn; such as Japan and the light; old and eager to learn, such as the Ping-candles of building the next 。"--(.17)
  ◎ wisdom but also learning are widely Matilda. - (Building the.18)
  ◎ as often as those who, often to Walker. - (Building the.19)
  ◎ Confucius said: "Mrs. Jun Jian Chen is no loss of government, non-Catholics are persons of misconduct. Wild horses do not release their policies, operating the bow does not return the candlestick. Wood by the cord is straight, who accept criticism is holy. By the school re- ask, what will not ring true as? and near criminal. gentleman can not not learn. "
  - (Building the.21)
  ◎ Confucius said: "careless of their former, and regret later, though regret-free and carry on building the.23 。"--()
  ◎ tube, said: "Depository fact, know etiquette; food and clothing, well bred 。"--( construction of the.26)
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