唐代 List of Authors
Sun Guang
Zhou He
唐代  唐

Poetry《Leaving speech Hangzhou Yao Ge physician trained in herb medicine》   《Wu paid a grant of asking for equal pay, see Wu Department disabilities To send a Zhu Qingyu》   《送分定归灵夏》   《And Cui trap say a few parting words》   《题何氏池亭》   《accompany Cousin Southeast swim》   《送康绍归建业》   《再过王辂原居纳凉》   《Send Geng Hermit return Hunan Geng Yi people to send a Go South》   《送省己上人归太原》   More poems...

Read works of Zhou He at 诗海
  Zhou He, the word south of State, East Luo people. The beginning of the Buddha, were clear plug. Hangzhou Prefecture Yao love the poem, to crown towel, renamed Ho. Poetry volume.
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