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Gaius Iulius CaesarAnthonySpartacusGaius Valerius Catullus
Gaius Iulius Caesar
罗马共和国  (July 12, 102 BCMarch 15, 44 BC)
Reign49 BC44 BC

arm record of actual event; on-the-spot report《高卢战记》

  58 BC, Caesar served as Governor of Gaul. He commanded troops, after three years of expeditions to the end of the year 56 BC, essentially annexing the whole of Gaul. Yet his rule was not stable in Gaul, Gaul area after another outbreak of the uprising against the Romans. All 52 of the year in the spring of Gaul broke out across the great uprising against Roman rule. Main rebels in northern Gaul Ally fine Asian city has established a solid go flat. This is a virtually unassailable castle, the Roman siege in addition to long-term addition, no other way. Caesar's troops were all transferred here, two hundred thousand Gauls rebels have gathered Ally small Asian city, the two sides is inevitable in a hard-fought. Before the start of the battle, the Romans built around Ally small Asian city to join a solid barrier. Caesar hopes on these complex and strong fortifications to prevent the Gauls attack, to supplement their lack of strength. Gallic rebels on both sides of the same time the first from outside the fortifications to the Romans launched a strong attack. Under the cover of the shield, a Team, a team of Gaul, like ants being up portrait. In battle, the Legion of Rome due to huge losses, low morale began. Especially in the Roman standard-bearer was cut down, the Roman position has begun to show some confusion. Zhang Huang, a young Roman soldier stricken, suddenly found just standing over Caesar's tower has been empty, and go flat on the right side of Rome in the cavalry abandoned the position to full speed gallops away. This young man desperate. Suddenly, the stick at the fence behind the Roman soldiers discovered the Gauls suddenly weakened the offensive, just still in shock to the Roman fortifications to stop a charge Gauls, they dispersed team appeared in the sight of was actually the Romans their own cavalry. It turned out that Caesar commanded his cavalry copied to the rear of the Gauls, to give them a fatal blow, just a few rounds, the Gauls began to flee from the attack. Thereafter, all Gauls surrendered. Allie fine Asian war ended so unexpectedly. Caesar to 60,000 troops and nearly 25 million Gauls army Xiangzhi have to resort to a cavalry attack on war situation reversed, and achieved a decisive victory.
  Kai San numerous expeditions life, but in the film "Julius Caesar", the war scenes are not too many, or rather only one, that is trapped around Al Gore's war, I do not know the movie, Gore is defined as who at the time, but the performance of the mighty Caesar enough. Gore's chief of their women and children to drive Chu Liaocheng, want them to be the burden of Caesar, Caesar This is smart, he is simply a kind of wisdom and will look down.
  The dubious authenticity of her daughter's love for his Pompey won the initial military campaign eight years, Caesar Laozu political capital, this time he and Pompey of course, when a slug, but Pompeii died snobbish Egyptians, his death, as if only to Caesar and Cleopatra met paved road.
  Caesar's mother Aolailiya is also a great 奥莱利科塔 family from power. Caesar's grandfather 卢西乌斯奥 莱利乌斯科 tower also served as a consul in the previous 119. Especially in the beginning of Caesar's career, grandfather consistent support and responsive, so that Caesar received strong support.
  Conflict with the Sura
  For the first time to the East
  Back to Rome
  Finance Officer
  Municipal officials
  In order to please the civilian sectors of Caesar for the many spectacular public sports competitions, new or rebuilt a number of impressive public buildings, with great glory the end of one year term of office of municipal officials, but has itself bankrupt. He liabilities hundreds of Tarrant (if the currency now in circulation would be about several million euros), this serious threat to his future political career.
  At this point, Rome's chief priests Pius (Quintus Caecilius Metellus Pius) died, Caesar put forward for election. Although Kaiser has been great because of municipal government spending and vote-buying period of the debt, so that the election day has vowed to return home as long as the priests or else you will never go home, but Caesar still has successfully been elected to this great honor and authority tenure.
  Provincial Governor
  60 years ago (some say 59 years ago), Caesar was Sentuliya General Assembly elected the consuls of the Roman Republic. Caesar thus became the supreme Executive, but the nobles were afraid that if re-emergence of a collaboration with colleagues Caesar, then Caesar can do whatever they want without scruple. So many noble as his main political rival, Senate elite representatives, plus map of friends, Markus graduated Bulu Si (Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus) contributions, it also elected as consul. Cato has admitted this, in this case, bribery is conducive to the State. Therefore, the particular needs of Caesar formed a political alliance, and he found his political opponents not anticipated prior partners.
  After the completion of term of office consul, Caesar was awarded as Governor management galia (today southern France) and Illyria (Balkans Adriatic coast today) five years (58 BC - 53 BC) the power . But the ambitious Caesar does not seem to be satisfied with these, almost assumed office, he launched an Gallic Wars (58 BC - 49 BC).
  Participated in the conspiracy against Caesar about 60 people, led by the Yousikaxi ust, Mark 斯布鲁图斯, Dejimosi Brutus
  Williams. At first, they are hesitant, do not know which package is better: the Caesar called Telibusi People's Assembly vote, to fields on the bridge from Mars dropped, and stabbed him under the bridge; or leading to Parthenon Theatre San Road or the entrance to his attack. But when the Senate was announced the previous 44 years on March 15 the Chamber in Pompeii (from Pompeii build) at, they will choose this action.
  The conspirators wanted to make his body into the Tiber River, but in the consul Mark Antony and the cavalry will be up to the Chief Executive Ray did not.
  Caesar died, aged 58, died and was in accordance with the laws into the ranks of the gods, the title of "divine Julius." Senate also decided to close his assassination of the hall, and on March 15 as "patricide Day", the Senate never shall this day rally.
  92 BC
  Engagement with the businessman's daughter Su Tiya
  And Kenieliya Qin Na (Cornelia Cinnilla, Qin Na's daughter) marriage
  81 BC to 79 BC
  80 years ago
  Sura's death, returned to Rome
  Elected as a corps commander
  As the financial officials outside the province of Spain
  And distant relative of Pompey's married Pompeia
  65 BC
  And 庞培亚苏拉 (Pompeia Sulla, Sura granddaughter) married, divorced in December the same year
  62 BC
  Outside the Spanish governors
  Was first elected consul (consul for the completion of another Bulu Si Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus)
  Presided over by "Land Act"
  54 years ago
  Crassus was killed, the end of the first three first alliance
  52 years ago
  Led his legions in Gaul, through lubicon River into Italy, the civil war
  The second time elected consul (the other consuls to Publius Servilius Vatia Isauricus)
  46 years ago
  The second was appointed dictator
  45 years ago
  By the Senate awarded the "Father of the motherland," the title of
  Elected consul the fifth (the other consuls for Marc Anthony)
  March 15, in the Senate by Mark 斯布鲁图斯 other assassinations
  But a few days, these robbers had been caught and was sent to a cross. Robbers dying recognized the standing orders of the people before them, what they ask for 20 Tallon young people. The young man is well-known commander of the late Roman Republic and statesman Julius Caesar (100-44 BC).
  According to her father's will, the Egyptian king and his sister should be a total charge of affairs of state Cleopatra. However, he usurped the throne of her sister. When Caesar came, who welcomed the Queen as their partners in welcoming Caesar. According to tradition, the first Roman dignitaries see when to bring a blanket to him. Taking advantage of the evening the queen quietly into the presence of Alexander City, Caesar. She makes good use of blanket wrapped her up and sent to the residence of Caesar. Her behavior in this wise, first to escape his brother's assassins, the second is to give Caesar left a deep impression. Her courage and beauty touched Caesar, Caesar would help her on the throne, and fell in love with her. They have their only son, "Little Caesar." After that, Caesar then led his army into Asia Minor, only 5 days, the men put down the Pompey are the prince of this rebellion. He used the most simple Latin text written Herald returned to the Senate: "to see, victory" (veni, vidi, vici "). This is the history of the famous" three V instrument. "This fully shows that Caesar military forces rapidly, succinct language features.
  People's Assembly and the Senate granted the honorary title of Caesar for life - "General" and "Father of the motherland." Caesar of the Roman republic system reform: the addition of the 300 members of the Senate, most of them from the man ignored the business and general occupational class, or even representative of the country being conquered, they swear Juebu any order against Caesar Kaiser to free slaves and civil rights of children and Gaul, to the persecution of Jews to religious freedom, he will residents moved to France, Spain, Greece and other places, but also for the recruitment of thousands of Roman cleaner and landscaping workers. He put an end to tax officials around the extortion of businessmen and farmers in property speculation. He has made currency stability. He also developed around the Governor's office on the system to break past the Governor's office by the Senate gift tradition. Caesar invited a Greek astronomer of the Roman calendar to the Gregorian calendar: 365 days a year, once every four years a leap year ... ... Caesar brought to the people the most equitable and the most merciful, the most enlightened period. Caesar wanted his people to live in a free world. Some people think that today's Western civilization, is the Caesar of the Roman Empire in the ancient cornerstone gradually built up. The growing power of Caesar, then into a military dictatorship, which caused some of the veterans stick to the traditional aristocratic Roman Republic of serious discontent, they are not for the people's freedom, but to their own interests, organized a conspiracy of murder Caesar.
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