法国 List of Authors
杜洛 dosFrancois VillonJoachim du BellayPierre Corneille
Victor HugoCharles BaudelaireStephane MallarmePaul-Marie Veriaine
Comte de LautréamontArthur RimbaudRemy de GourmontPaul-Jean Toulet
Francis JammesLéon-Paul FarguePaul ClaudelPaul Valery
Charles PeguyJules SupervielleAndré BretonPaul Eluard
Guillaume ApollinaireJacques PrévertLouis AragonPaul Fort
Henri MichauxJosé Maria de HerediaAntonin ArtaudPierre Reverdy
Saint-John PerseSully PrudhommeRené CharYvan Goll
Alain BosquetYves BonnefoyAndré Paul Guillaume GideAlfred de Musset
Frédéric Mistral
Louis VI le Gros
法国 卡佩王朝  (December 1, 1081 ADAugust 1, 1137 AD)
Reign1108 AD1137 AD

  Louis VI (fat) (Louis VI le Gros, 1081 年 12 月 1 日 -1,137 on August 1) King of France Capet dynasty (reigned 1108 -1,137). King Philip I, son, mother to the Netherlands, Bertha. Born in Paris.
  * Philip (1116 -1131 years), King of France (1129 -1,131 years, while in office)
  * Hugo
  * Philip (1125 -1,161 years) the Bishop of Paris
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(1108 AD1137 AD)
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