卡佩王朝 人物列表
于格·卡佩 Hugues Capet罗贝尔二世 Robert II le Pieux亨利一世 Henri I
腓力一世 Philippe Ier路易六世 Louis VI le Gros路易七世 Louis VII le jeune
腓力二世 Philippe II Auguste路易八世 Louis VIII le Lion路易九世 Louis IX
腓力三世 Philippe III le Hardi腓力四世 Philippe le Bel路易十世 Louis X le Hutin
约翰一世 John I of France腓力五世 Philippe V查理四世 Charles IV le Bel
腓力一世 Philippe Ier
卡佩王朝  (1052年5月23日1108年7月29日)

  腓力一世(法语:Philippe Ier,1052年5月23日-1108年7月29日)卡佩王朝的法国国王(1060年—1108年在位)。

  May 1059, year-old Philip was crowned at Reims as King of France, Henry I, his father was still alive. The former king did not die before the Crown Prince shall be crowned, is a common practice in the early Capetian dynasty, in order to ensure that lose the throne. Henry died in 1060, Philip I of France, mother Anna as a regency until 1066; her co-regent who is Flemish Count Baudoult An Wushi, which is Philip I's uncle.
  In 1096, when the first Crusade, although the participation of France, but Philip I, and Pope Urban II because of discord, so individuals do not support. Philip I, the pope will not be allowed to participate in the Crusades, but certainly at the meeting Philip I of excommunication.
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