
Plato, Aristotle modeled and advocated education is a national function, the school should be the state. He first proposed the idea stage of physical and mental development of children; in favor of Athens, physical fitness and harmonious development of education, advocates of natural qualities, habits, and the development of rational and moral education as the three sources, but he was opposed to women's education, advocates "gentle" education so that educational services in the leisure.
Aristotle was born in Thrace Sitajila, physician father was the king of Macedonia. 366 BC, Aristotle, Plato, was sent to Athens Academy, 20 years after Aristotle lived in academy, until the death of the teacher of Plato. Plato's death, as the new head of the academy, compassionate philosophy of mathematics tend to Plato, Aristotle can not stand that will leave Athens.
Although his students are already expensive for the king, Aristotle did not always stay in the King's side, he decided to return to Athens to establish his own academy, Professor of Philosophy. Aristotle was very great importance to teaching, he was opposed to the rigid teaching methods, so he often takes his students on the side of the boulevard in the garden walk, talking philosophy, so later generations called the Aristotelian " Happy School. "
Philip died in 335 BC, Pu, Aristotle returned to Athens, where he established his own school. Campus name (Lyceum) in order to kill wolves near the Temple of Apollo who (E Si Lu engraved) to name. In the meantime, Aristotle edge lectures, written side more than philosophy. Aristotle's lectures have a habit of that edge lectures, side walk in the corridors and gardens, it is because of this academy's philosophy is known as "Happy's philosophy" or "walk of philosophy." Aristotle's writings in this period there are also many, mainly on natural and physical aspects of science and philosophy, language is also better than Plato's "Dialogues" obscure many. His works are mostly based in lecture notes, and some even of his students in the class notes. Therefore, as Aristotle was the first textbook on the West. Alexander's death, the Athenians began to rise up against Macedonian rule. Because the relationship between Alexander and Aristotle, had been accused of not worship because fled to refuge in Canada and the Sith. His academy is headed to the 狄奥弗拉斯 map. One year later, 322 BC, Aristotle died, died due to a disease many years caused. He was poisoned on, or inability to explain the phenomenon of jumping into the harbor tidal rumors are not based on historical facts.
BC 38 years, Aristotle was born in the rich area of Greek immigrants lakkia of Sitajier the city was a Greek colony, and is adjacent to the rise of Macedonia. His father was King Philip II of Macedonia, the court paternity Medicine. From his family situation, he is master class in the middle class. BC 三 2067 he moved to Athens, had studied medicine, Plato's Academy in Athens many years, become an active participant in Plato's Academy.
Philip was stabbed to death in 2036 BC 三. His son, only two-year-old Alexander ascended the throne as king. BC March 3 four years, Alexander led the Macedonian army and set off the Greek states of the Persian forces. In less than a decade, he defeated the Persian army of millions of claims, followed by the destruction of the ancient Persian Empire. An unprecedented Alexander empire - its territory west of Greece, the East to the Indian River, south package of Egypt, the North arrived in Central Asia - was built up. BC 32 three years, Alexander died. With the use of force to conquer the empire built up through the melee, split into several independent kingdoms.
The current situation in this turbulent era, Aristotle return to Athens, where a stay is two years starting from the expedition of Alexander Alexander's death the previous year to year. During this time, although the Macedonian military and political control in Athens, but there's anti-Macedonia has great potential. Aristotle came to Athens, may have persuaded the Athenians shoulder obey political mission in Macedonia. Aristotle in Athens are a lot of preferential treatment, in addition to political prominence, he has also been Macedonian Alexander and bureaucrats at all levels, a lot of money, materials and land subsidies. He founded the Lyceum Campus, near the large temple occupies 阿波罗吕克 expensive playground and garden area. In the school garden, there was first-rate library and flora and fauna park. Here he founded his own school, the school's teachers and students are accustomed to taking a walk in the garden and discussing the issue, which was called "Happy School." It is said that Alexander was his teacher provided a cost for the 800 Jin Talan (per 60 pounds of gold coincidence Taranto). Alexander also his teachers a lot of manpower. He ordered his men to Aristotle and other information collected specimens of plants and animals.
The main idea of the main ideas and
(2) the practice of science (ethics, political science, economics, strategic learning and modification of school);
First of all, Aristotle was a great philosopher, although he is Plato's student, but abandoned his idealist views held by teachers. Plato believed that the idea is kind of the prototype, it does not depend on the physical and independent existence. Aristotle believes that it is all their own sector, but by the harmony of form and matter composed of things. "Material" is composed of material things, "form" is the individual characteristics of each thing. There is a drum like a flying chicken wings, the chicken's "form" is it beating wings, will be growling, lay eggs and so on. When the chickens died, "form" no longer exists, the only thing left is the chicken material. Plato asserted that feeling can not be a source of true knowledge. Aristotle thought that knowledge originated in the feeling. These ideas have included some elements of materialism. Like Aristotle and Plato, that reason and purpose of the program is the guiding principle of all natural processes. But Aristotle's views on the causality is more abundant than Plato, because he accepted a number of ancient Greece's views on this issue. He points out that there are four, the first is the material cause, that form the main substance of objects. The second is the form for, where the main substance is given to the design of patterns and shapes. The third is the driving force for, shall be provided to achieve this type of design agencies and functions. The fourth is the goal for that design objects to achieve. For example, potters clay to provide the material for pottery, and pottery design style is a result of its form, potters wheels and hands is the driving force for, and pottery are used to send the purpose intended by . Aristotle I see is a result of the object and purpose of the form because he believed that hidden in all due form and function of natural objects within. Beginning of these forms because it is latent, but once an object or biological development of these forms because of the exposure came out. Finally, the object or biological reached the completion stage of its products have been used to achieve the purpose of the original design, namely the purpose of the service. He also believes that, in specific things, there is no non-material form, there is no substance without form, substance and form of binding process is the potential into real movement. The performance of this theory comes from the idea of dialectics issued.
"Material for" (Material Cause) on behalf of a thing from a pile of parts, components, basic, or raw materials composed of a form, the composition of the material dates back to some parts (elements, components), then form a complete (system, architecture, mixed, comprehensive, complex, or a combination). For example, the formation of a marble statue of marble and other raw materials is due. "Form by" (Formal Cause) can tell us what a thing is the definition, form, shape, nature, comprehensive, or prototype posed to explain the things that constitute a fundamental principle or rule, this is just the thing (set of reason relationship) part of (macro structure). For example, marble sculpture, a statue of the draft or design is a result of its form. "Power for" (Efficient Cause) refers to the power to change things and causes of "what has changed what, but what caused this change," covers all the things between the media, including a life-or no life, power, or the origin of things was changed. For example, the marble statue of the artist is the driving force as a result. "End result" (Final Cause) refers to is one reason for the existence of things, or the cause of change, including the purposeful actions and activities. The purpose of a thing because the reason it exists, or is it the reason why change. This also explains the modern so-called psychological motives, including a will, needs, motivations, rational, irrational, ethical, and create all of these acts are a source of motivation. For example, a complete marble statue by the artist's purpose (teleology).
(C) physics
2. The sky in the world formed by the Ethernet (planets, etc.).
(D) biological
No one in Darwin than before Aristotle (384-322 BC) on the contribution of biosphere we know more. His very extensive biological knowledge, sources of knowledge is widely used. He worked for a doctor in the juvenile period of apprenticeship, and later lived for three years in Le Sibo Island, spent a lot of time to study marine life. Almost all aspects of the history of biology had to start from Aristotle. He is a biological category, the first person, and whom to write a special work (such as animal classification, animal breeding wait), who first discovered the comparison of inspiration and more a matter of course is known as the Law founder. He is also a detailed account of many kinds of animal life history of the first. He wrote on the reproductive biology and life history of the first book. His special attention to the phenomenon of biological diversity and the significance of the difference between animals and plants. Although he did not make a formal classification (method), but according to certain criteria for the classification of animals, and his classification of invertebrates, more than two thousand years Houlin Nai classification more reasonable. In physiology, he mostly used the traditional view and therefore not good. Compared with his predecessors, he is a staunch empiricist. His reasoning is rooted in his past observations. In his "animal breeding" (De generatione animalium 760b28) an article made it clear that the information received from the senses (knowledge) is the first of more than rational thinking can provide the information. In this regard, he and scholastic philosopher Aristotle in school is completely different, which can be inferred that inference alone all the problems.
Aristotle's distinguishing feature is look for the reasons he is not satisfied merely that "how" question, but also put forward the "why" questions, which at that time is very great. Why the organism from a fertilized egg into a complete adult? Why biosphere in the purpose-oriented activities and behavior of so many? Constitute a clear understanding of his body just did not have the raw materials into complex organisms ability. There must be some additional things exist, he called eidos. And Plato's definition is completely different purpose of Aristotle's eidos is the principle of procedure in his thinking expressed in the word meaning and of modern genetic procedures biologists expressed the same. And Plato the contrary, Plato finds that there is an external force to explain the nature of the order, particularly its tendency to complexity and the tendency to achieve goals, while Aristotle believes that the nature of the natural world of their own The action, the role of all natural phenomena are the process or process performance. As the process has any purpose, so he considered the purpose of research is to study the nature of the main components. Therefore, for Aristotle, all structures and biological activities has its biological significance, or as we now say, has its adaptive significance. One of Aristotle's main purpose is to explain the significance. Aristotle's "why" question in biology has an important role in enlightening history. . "Why?" Is the evolutionary biologist raised in his study of the most important issue. On the origin and nature of the world's four assumptions: (1) short duration of the static world (Jewish - Christian creation of the world); (2) unlimited duration static world (Aristotle's view of the world); (3 ) cycle changing world, during the peak and decline of cross-replacement; (4) the gradual evolution of the world (Lamarck, Darwin). Aristotle's conviction that the world basically perfect to rule out the evolutionary point of view. Aristotle's thinking was advanced only in recent decades been fully affirmed. His reason in the past few centuries notorious for several reasons. One reason is that Thomas advocates for their authority by His philosopher and later discredited when scholastic philosophy, Aristotle also followed naturally unlucky. Another more important reason is that in the sixteenth, seventeenth-century scientific revolution, almost all of the focus in the physical sciences. Since the development of the famous Aristotle Philosophy of Biology at the same time the feeling that the world of macro and micro world can be the same way, it took him to the biological thinking applied physics and cosmology. Thus arose the tragic consequences, as 16, 17, 18 century, Bacon, Descartes, and many other scholars have repeatedly blamed. Most of the studies take into account Aristotle is so good, so creative, these scholars all sorts of criticism and sarcasm he is really incomprehensible. As the biological sciences from the physical sciences in the degree of liberation, the modern re-evaluation of the importance of Aristotle also increases. But now that the dual nature of biological organisms only after full understanding of the insight into the growth and function of blueprints - genetic programming is equivalent to Aristotle assumed the shape factors (formative-principle). For centuries philosophers and physicists have been on Aristotle that the views of some naturalist turn a deaf ear, the naturalist that in order to form a frog from a frog egg, from the egg into a chicken, and it will need to have more than physics law of more things (Mayr, 1976). This does not require any wizard demon, that is needed is recognition of complex biological systems is a more than three billion year history of the product of the genetic program. Something like the world than the macro and micro world follow the same rules of myth unnecessary energy consumption caused more controversy. Now there are no signs that this knowledge has spread to most philosophers, however, has been in the biologists began to realize this. Three of Greece after the biological tradition of Aristotle are still prevalent. Natural history, especially the description and classification of plants in the writings of Dioscorides TheophrastusS and reached a new height, and Pliny (AD 23-79) is on zoology interested in a encyclopedia-style compilers. Biomedical tradition to build on (Galen, AD 131 to 200) reached the peak, his influence continued into the 19th century. Aristotle's philosophy of community in the future, in the Epicurean and Stoic schools have differentiated between. Epicurus (342-271 BC) and the school based on the idea to Democritus, that all things by the same atomic composition, atomic constantly rotate and randomly collide. Epicurus on biological and non-living world gave a considered materialist explanation that all things occur by natural causes. Life seems to be the result of local life, the result of physical movement. How life will depend on the performance of the atomic configuration of the right to assemble, he explained that this very modern. Lucretius (99-55 BC) is one of his followers, is a similarly uncompromising materialist atomism. They both opposed to Aristotle's teleological thinking. Lucretius presents a reasoned argument against the design concept. He also published some of the arguments, these arguments in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries been gone over again. However, he criticized some of the atomic theory was Aristotle who Shiyou strongly defended the atomic theory believed that through the interaction of water and fire can generate the lion and the occasional oak. In this respect, Galen agreed with him.
(E) logic and mathematics
Aristotle that the logic of science or scientific instrument of all. He is the founder of formal logic, he did whatever the form of thinking and being linked to and in accordance with objective reality and to clarify the scope of logic. Aristotle used his findings to a scientific theory. As an example, he chose mathematics, especially geometry, because geometry had already been measured from Thales to the experience of the land to give a reasonable description of the early rules of the pilot phase, the transition to later form a relatively complete deductive stage. However, the logic of the syllogism of experimental science is indeed useless. Experimental science because the goal is to discover, rather than the form of proof recognized by the premise. Element can not be divided from the more simple objects premise, in 1890, something that has not made a correct list of known elements, but by 1920, and then use that premise would be to exclude all the radioactive elements. And since has changed, "element" of the word meaning is also changed. However, this fact does not prove that syllogism is useless and can not assume that modern physics is wrong. Fortunately, the modern home and no longer experimental form for the logical mind-consuming, but Greece and the Middle Ages was the scientific community under the authority of Aristotle, deductive method to the authority of many errors said to be absolutely correct and logical form with deceptive reasoning of many errors.
Aristotle that the rational development of the ultimate purpose of education, argued that states should conduct public education the children of slave owners. Their physical, moral and intellectual development to be harmonious. In teaching methods, practice and practice Aristotle role of attention. As in music teaching, he often arranged children's stage performances, on-site experience, skilled, higher standards. In the teacher-student relationship, Aristotle is not blindly toe the tutor, submissive, but to dare to think the basis of inheritance, to uphold the truth, the courage to challenge. His "Sir with love, I was particularly fond of the truth" character, encouraged him to set up teaching Plato's theory of advancing to a higher level.
(7) political
"Political Science" is the most important ancient Greek thinkers of the political science. Written in 326 BC. Chinese translation by Wu Song Gao, B. Qiao Weite Wu Xu early British English translation (1921 revised edition) translated, the Commercial Press in 1934. August 1965 Commercial Press Servants Peng translation. Book in the more than 100 city-states on the basis of political analysis, from the people is the natural political animal of this premise, the system discussed what is the best country of citizens. The book is Volume 8, Chapter 103, content can be divided into four parts. ① No. 1,3 volume of city-states, political and other basic theory. That the city is high and broad connotation of a social group, the most widely pursued the highest good business. Human beings are naturally political animal, by the family, which consists of Village Administrative city. The highest form of government according to their purpose and implementation of the right rule, the number and divided into two major categories of authentic and metamorphosis. The former monarch, aristocracy, republic 3, the latter Tyrants, oligarchy, civilians 3. ② Volume 2, refuting the abolition of private property and the family's claim, then the various political assessment. ③ The volume 4,5,6, discusses the reality of civilians, oligarchy, republic form of government such as the specific forms, causes and countermeasures of changes proposed to the middle class as the main republican form of government is the most stable form of government. ④ The volume 7,8, discusses the moral ideal city-state, population, territory, ethnicity and education. "Politics" is recognized as the Western tradition of political science to create. It established a system and a series of political views, on the development of Western political thought had far-reaching implications.
Aristotle's contribution to the world of big, shocking. He has written at least 170 kinds of books, of which 47 species have been handed down. Of course, only be measured in figures is not enough, more importantly, his profound knowledge is impressive. His scientific writings, in those days is simply an encyclopedia, covering astronomy, zoology, embryology, geography, geology, physics, anatomy, physiology, in short, involve known and the various disciplines the ancient Greeks . His book consists of three aspects: First, previous knowledge accumulation, and second, for his aides made a survey and found that three of his own independent opinion.
Aristotle in "Metaphysics" of that nature, there is a "cause" relationship exists. This "reason" is different from the modern times the concept of the "causal" concepts, "cause" and "why" corresponds, not with the "results" correspond. That "the purpose for", "material cause," "power for" and "form of cause." So-called "material because" (Material Cause) on behalf of a thing from a pile of parts, components, basic, or raw materials composed of a form, the composition of the material dates back to some parts (elements, components), followed by the formation of a complete (system, architecture, mixed, comprehensive, complex, or a combination). "Form by" (Formal Cause) can tell us what a thing is the definition, form, shape, nature, comprehensive, or prototype posed to explain the things that constitute a fundamental principle or rule, this is just the thing (set of reason relationship) part of (macro structure). "Power for" (Efficient Cause) refers to the power to change things and causes of "what has changed what, but what is causing this change," covers all the things between the media, including a life-or no life, power, or the origin of things was changed. "End result" (Final Cause) refers to is one reason for the existence of things, or the cause of change, including the purposeful actions and activities. The purpose of a thing because the reason it exists, or is it the reason why change. This also explains the modern so-called psychological motives, including a will, needs, motivations, rational, irrational, ethical, and create all of these acts are a source of motivation.
"Meteorology," discusses the area between heaven and earth, which planets, comets and meteors in the area; which some on the vision, color vision, and a rainbow in the original theory. The fourth book in the original description of a number of chemical concepts. In now appears that Aristotle's meteorology is much less satisfactory, as the biology book, but this book in the late Middle Ages, there is a huge impact.
Aristotle's writings include the following:
3, natural philosophy: "Physics", "meteorology", "On the day", "On the Birth and Death"
6, ethics and politics: "Nicholas Mark ethics", "excellent platform mo ethics", "Political Science"
As one of the greatest, encyclopedic scientists, Aristotle unparalleled contribution to the world. But his achievement is far more than that. He is a true philosopher, almost every discipline of philosophy has contributed to. His writing involves ethics, metaphysics, psychology, economics, theology, political science, rhetoric, science, education, poetry, customs, and the Athenian constitution. One of his research subjects to collect States Constitution, and in this way were compared.
However, if measured by today's standards, some of the ideas of Aristotle seems a bit extreme. For example, he endorsed slavery and unequal treatment of women suffer from, that this is the arrangement of nature (of course, these ideas are his portrayal of the times).
Aristotle focused on the ancient knowledge in one, several hundred years after his death, no one like him had a systematic study of knowledge and complete control. His book is an ancient encyclopedia, and his thinking once ruled all of Europe. Engels said he was "the most learned man."
* The law is not rational passion
* Happiness is the perfection.
* The final value of life lies in the awakening and the ability to think, not only is survival.
* A true friend is a soul in the body in the two breeds.
* There are various errors, and correct but only one, which is why the failure likely to succeed is difficult, off target easily in the target difficult to reason.
* God's work, than the happiness of all acts of imagination, than pure thought, and human behavior in the closest thing this happiness, perhaps the most closely the activities and thinking.
* Used to actually become a part of nature. In fact, the habit of some, like nature, because "often" and "always" is little difference between, nature is "always" category, which used to belong to "regular" category.
* Human beings are naturally social animals.
* Some people ask: Write a good poem, is by genius? Or by art? My view is: hard study and not a rich genius, a genius with no training, are the property of no use; the two should be mutually for the use and combination.
* Law is order, and good law is good order
Aristotelian Society
Aristotle, the ancient world's greatest philosophers and scientists, he founded almost every philosophy has enriched the field of formal logic, has made many contributions to science.
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