元代 List of Authors
Zhou QingchuanZhang ZhuBai PiaoZhang Kejiu
Wei JuanFang HuiJin LvxiangLiu Yu
Xianyu ShuShao HengzhenNi ZanWu Xiyi
Zhang YuQiao JiMa ZhiYuanLiu Bingzhong
Zhou DeqingSima JiugaoXu ShimingWang Yun
Zhao MengfuMo MingshiWang MianYuan Huai
Feng ZizhenTao ZongyiShi ShanzhuGuo Yu
Sa DoulaLiu YinGuan HanqingDi Junhou
Fan KangGao WenxiuJin RenjieGong Tianting
Kong WenqingWang ShifuMeng HanqingShang Zhongxian
Dan JunbaoZhang YanghaoLiu ZhiZhang Kejiu
Guan YundanLu ZhiZheng GuangzuGao Ming
Ji JunxiangZheng TingyuZhang GuobinYue Bachuan
Yang ZiWu HanchenWang BachengLi Wenwei
Li ZhifuWu ChanglingWang ZhongwenLi Shouqing
Ma Duanlin
元代  (1254 AD1323 AD)

Political books《文献通考》

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  Song Dynasty of China famous historian. Bao-Yu Song Methodism in 1254 -1323 years to rule on per Hidemune three years, the words you and, of Bamboo Island. Raozhou Leping (Jiangxi Leping today) people. His father Martyn Luan prime minister the right to the Southern Song Dynasty, a former official with the Southern Song Dynasty National History Compilation Court Record Court review officer to go inside disobedient Jia Sidao. Duanlin home paternity father, Bo great group of books. Xianchun years, trough the first trial, in order to shade things up bearing Lang. Song Wang, seclusion neither an Official, calendar more than 20 years to concentrate on writing "The Book of General", "University of Annotations", "recorded more than knowledge." Father Death, the professor of the village, either Tzuhu, Ko Shan 2 College Hill Long, Confucianism Taizhou professor.
  Book "The Book of General" 348, played three generations in mind, the next five years, Jiading Zhongnan Emperor Ningzong of Song (1212) of laws and institutions. Tang Tianbao facts before to Du "Tongdian" as the basis for Strategic decisions; Tempo Jiading five years after the Song Dynasty, to the Continuation. Divided into 24, which by the membership, Emperor system, feudal, like latitude, objects of different five to own. Song details contained in the system in particular, mostly for "History of Song," the blog are not prepared. "The Book of General" as one of the three links has important reference value.
  Duanlin rich collection of books at home, plus his father, rigorous scholarship, their education is also very strict. In addition Duanlin gifted and diligent study, scholarship for the future and lay a solid foundation. Youth, the Pro side of "interested in decorated Wanted", ready to write historical masterpiece. But "taking care of 100 blinded worry, the three remaining little leisure, blowing yu have been abused, Ji Geng not repair" and not pen to paper. Therefore, he usually attached great importance to the accumulation of knowledge and data should be collected, that this is an important avenue scholarship. For the past historians and their writings, he specifically praised Tang Du's "Tong Dian," and Song Zheng Qiao "Annals", while for Ban author to write the history of dating, then the critics, that they lost the "Interconnection way for still. " He stood in the landlord class position, that the repair history of the objective is to investigate the rulers rise and fall Sheng on Danlin's life, "Sung", "Yuan Dynasty" no pass, only see the "new Yuan Dynasty", "Yuan History class series," language is unknown. Life as follows. Danlin was born in a feudal bureaucratic family, his father, Martyn Luan Scholars from the board first, after serving in Guan and Ge, a former Mishushaojian, Xianchun years after the right of any prime minister, on the history data collect and collate a wealth of knowledge, and honest, it is also the end of the Provisional Order of family learning. Duanlin teaming in early Cao Jing Zhu Xi school, heavily influenced by the age of twenty that year, trough the first trial, in order to shade things up bearing Lang. Soon, the father a traitor for opposing Luan Ting Jia Sidao, marginalized and left their hometowns, Duanlin father home, Feng Shi father. 1279, destroyed by the Southern Song to Yuan, Ma Duanlin to hide neither an Official for passive resistance. At the time, surrendered to the Yuan Dynasty and served as the Ministry of Personnel has Yan Shang's stay in a dream move Danlin out an official, was rejected. After his father died, in the Yuan Dynasty, under pressure Danlin forced as Tzuhu, Ko Shan 2 College Hill long. 1322, then became professor of Taizhou Confucianism, only three months, will come to the old and return home, soon died. At the age of 70 years.
  Duanlin rich collection of books at home, plus his father, rigorous scholarship, their education is also very strict. In addition Duanlin gifted and diligent study, scholarship for the future and lay a solid foundation. Youth, the Pro side of "interested in decorated Wanted", ready to write historical masterpiece. But "taking care of 100 blinded worry, the three remaining little leisure, blowing yu have been abused, Ji Geng not repair" and not pen to paper. Therefore, he usually attached great importance to the accumulation of knowledge and data should be collected, that this is an important avenue scholarship. For the past historians and their writings, he specifically praised Tang Du's "Tong Dian," and Song Zheng Qiao "Annals", while for Ban author to write the history of dating, then the critics, that they lost the "Interconnection way for still. " He stood in the position of the landlord class, the view that the purpose is to investigate the repair history of rulers rise and fall of the reasons provided for the feudal ruling class lessons, which must dynasties Textual Research on laws and institutions to do some work. Therefore, from the earliest years, he resolved to "Tongdian" modeled "Picks of the books, adopted" renumber an account of laws and institutions of our history monograph. Song Xian Chun from his nine-year (1273) began to prepare, Yuan Yuan 20 years (1290) began to write the up per Hidemune to rule two years (1322) calendar Ershi Yu years of effort before we see completed, the name " The Book of General ", the same year general circulation known to the world.
  "The Book of General" as a narrative history of China laws and institutions of monographs, and Sima Guang's "Mirror" played a complementary role. People say, reading "Chronicle" instead of reading "The Book of General", is like reading "Ji, Chuan" instead of reading "chi, table," a generation of people only know how to deeds, but not a generation of laws and institutions. On the contrary, such as read-only "Book of General" instead of reading "Chronicle", as if to know, "chi, table," but I do not know, "discipline, communication." Therefore, only two books read together, will be up and down several thousand years of Chinese history have a more comprehensive understanding. "Addendum to" the history books in China is vast and very important position. The end of the Pro's outstanding contribution, would also be admired for generations.
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