吐蕃 List of Authors
gNya-khri btsan-po
吐蕃  (?129 BC)
Reign129 BC

  Legend Nyatri Tsenpo is Avatar, was born in Bomi, then travel to Shannan. Valley of the year is said to live in Yaron nomadic Tibetan people, one day discovered a different native language and handsome young man, very strange people, asked the 12 most intelligent leaders of the former Bon Qutan Wen, where they asked the young man , he would not answer, just finger the sky, they were mistaken for gods son, 12 shaman let him ride around the neck, turns back to his pack where we lived, crowned king, bearing the shoulder, Guer named "Nyatri Tsenpo" for he built the palace - Yumbulagang. Hence the name of their tribes, "noted the fill field", meaning "from Bomi."
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吐蕃gNya-khri btsan-po
(129 BC)
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