商代 List of Authors
Zhao MingXiang TuChang ReCao YuZi Ming
Wang HaiWang HengShang JiaweiBao DingBao Yi
Bao BingZhu RenZhu GuiShang ShangDa Ding
Pū BingZhong RenTai JiaWo DingDa Geng
Xiao JiaYong JiTai WuZhong DingWai Ren
He DanjiaZu YiZu XinWo JiaZu Ding
Na GengYang JiaPan GengXiao XinXiao Yi
Wu DingZu GengZu JiaLin XinGeng Ding
Wu YiWen DingDi YiZhou Wang
Da Ding
商代  (?~1588 BC)
Last Name:
Web/Pen/Nick Name: 太丁
Reign1588 BC

  Too small (dates unknown) also known as Big D, surname son, a Prince Shang of China, "Historical Records" the king said he had not yet died, but "Zhou Chronology" is still regarded him as commercial one of DPRK monarch. Too small is the son of Shang Cheng Tang founding monarch, but its original name has been Lost. Since the death of too small, the younger brother was too small to be established as Emperor of foreign c. Divination on too many small, hence archaeologists doubt he helped Shang Cheng Tang presided over the military.
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(?~1588 BC)
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