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Guo XianHuang XianHuan TanYang XiongShi You
Xu ShaoJing FangXu YueJiao YanshouXu Fu
Fan Shengzhi
汉代  西汉末(?20 BC)

Agriculture class《氾胜之书》

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  Pan (fán) beat (dates unknown), lived around the late Western Han Dynasty a century. According to legend, the Western Han Dynasty pan of water (now Shandong Cao County northwest of) people, the ancient famous agronomist. He edited the "pan-winning book," summed up in ancient China the Yellow River Basin of the working people of agricultural production experience, the account of the farming principles and crop cultivation techniques, to promote agricultural production development, had a profound impact, and thus known at the world.
  Pan victory in After the emperor (the former 33 - before the 7 year reign) when Yi Lang, knows farming, then rose to the rank Huangmenshilang. He Who made the angel of light rail vehicles in the name of Sansuke (now Shaanxi Plain) to guide agricultural production and make the region a good harvest. "Han Chi Art," division in the note cited Yan Liu Xiang, "Do not record" Cloud, spans the time to pan, "Practical Sansuke, the teacher who has a good field." "Book of Jin SHIHUOZHI" Number: "River severance LRT winner Sansuke kinds of envoy wheat pan, and then off in the Joi."
  Pan victory was born in a peasant family, childhood growth and cultivation of crops very interesting, like the study of agricultural technology, attention to collect, sum up experience in home production for farmers has accumulated a wealth of agricultural knowledge. After the emperor at the time of entering the Pan-winning career, Guanjuyilang. Him by the court of the Congregation of the Mission, as an emissary to light rail vehicles to Sansuke (that is, the Guanzhong Plain, Shaanxi Province, this central) management of agricultural areas. During this period, he further agricultural production practice, careful study of local soil, climate and Water Conservancy light of local conditions summarizing and widely applying advanced agricultural production technology. After the field test, trial and error, he concluded to promote a new cultivation method - "District Field Act." He divided into several plots of land, made area field. Each piece of plot surrounded by marked soil mound in the middle leveling, deep for area, to reconcile the soil, to enhance the soil's ability to retain water and nutrients. Wide-demand or on-demand using a square law, the implementation of close planting, pay attention to cultivators irrigation. District field promotion and application of the law, greatly increased the yield per unit area in Guanzhong region, welcomed by the majority of farmers. Until the Qing dynasty, agronomists Yang Shen in the Guanzhong area still advocate this farming methods, even after the liberation of northern Shaanxi Province, farmers still include the implementation of pan-district victory of the year field farming.
  Pan victory, even though Zhaotingmingguan, but always think of good harvest, Keeping Thinking about food and clothing for the people. To sum up the masses to promote new experience, he often visited incognito, traveled throughout the Guanzhong Plain, with an open mind to ask players to farming, farming experience to the masses with their research outcomes. His northern rice, sericulture, wheat, fruits and other crops, cultivation techniques in-depth research, review and promote the kind of wheat law, kind of gourd method, spike election law, tending to law, regulation paddy water temperature method, Soil Moisture method cut mulberry dry method. Promotion of agricultural technology, and promote the development of agricultural production, the majority of farmers respect and affection.
  Pan victory over a long period of hard work, review our experience in agricultural guidance, organize agricultural book one, book of the original volume 2 18, when the lost Song Yi. Later, from the "Arts for the People" and "Tai Ping Yu Lan" and other books featuring about 3,000 words. "Han Dynasty History" farm type known as "pan-victory 18", also known as "victory of the growing pan-book" or "Pan-winning book of agriculture", the latter known as "pan-winning book," This is the first country a more comprehensive monograph of agricultural science, the development of agriculture since the Warring States, at the time enjoyed a high reputation, as well as on the later had a profound effect. . Tang Jia Gongyan "Zhou Shu", said: "Han Agriculture written several pan-win for the last."
  "Pan-winning book" first recorded in the "zone field" technology. This is a type of intensive gardening high yield farming techniques. "District Field Act," the land is divided into upper, middle and lower three types of agricultural areas, by deep plowing, Qin casting, precision tube, so that crop yield. "Pan-winning book" also sums up the winter wheat, spring wheat, soybean, mulberry and other 13 kinds of crops, cultivation techniques; In addition, the book is about grafting method, crop rotation, intercropping, and so mixed the record.
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