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The Daily Reckoning's editor and publisher at the same time, he was in Baltimore, Maryland, a turnover of millions of dollars in financial research firm and publishing group Agora Financial's vice president. Currently, most famous as the U.S. investment newsletter, The Daily Reckoning's release in the U.S., Britain and Australia, the reader more than 50 million, and was translated into French, German and Spanish (www.dailyreckoning.com), much " Money "(Money)," New York Times Magazine "and Marketwatch.com, and other mainstream media regimes. In addition to the first edition, the Andisenwei payment or documentary IOUSA (meaning "I owe you - the United States"), executive producer and writer, the film won the Sundance International Film Festival in the United States, "comments Committee Award "nomination. In addition, the Andisenwei King and Bill Bonner also co-authored the international bestseller Financial Reckoning Day and Empire of Debt.