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Geng Sangchugengsangzi

Taoism class《庚桑子》

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  Jin dynasty historian Phrase said: "G Sang, Chu name it."
  It can be seen Gengsang Chu Chu who is.
  In the history books "Zhuangzi Chapters Gengsang Chu," recorded: "Geng Sang Chu those I disciple, North Home afraid tired mountain."
  In the Chinese Taoist classics, there are indeed "spiritual hole Scriptures," or "G Sang Son," a significant, or "warehouse Kang Son", "Kang Sang Son." Reportedly, in the first year of Kaiyuan (AD 742), Chao Feng Kang Sang Li Longji son had a "real spiritual hole" and respect "G Sang Son," a book as a "hole Ling Scriptures." After that Taoism as a "fourth son," one of Scriptures.
  Gengsang Chu: (birth and death wait for verification), formerly known as Kang Sang Son, a Son Sang G; have said for the state of Chu, there are people that Chen. Legend for the Spring and Autumn Period thinker.
  Kang, ancient sound read gēng (ㄍ ㄥ), to correct because the word for "G." Sui WANG Shao-known to historians recorded as "G Sang." Jin dynasty historian Phrase said: "G Sang, Chu name it." In the history books "Zhuangzi Chapters Gengsang Chu" in the records: Old Dan had a disciple called Gengsang Chu, an exclusive old Dan might own.
  (So is the Taoist Gengsang Chu Kang four children live in)
  Gengsang Chu living in fear the mountain base. If the disciples of focus to show off their talents, Geng Sangchu let them go; disciples as they are advertised righteousness, and he let them away from their own; only the honest and sincere disciples before they can live together with him, but also Only those wayward disciple of complacency, allowed as his servitude.
  Gengsang Chu Shan home base in fear for three years, a bumper crop year after that area. People fear barrier Hill will talk with each other: "Gengsang Chu Hill first came to fear barrier, we have slightly surprised to be surprised. Now we calculated day by day, although income was not enough, but the calculation of the total year, revenue has also affluent . Gengsang Chu is probably a saint now! Why do not we worship God together as dedicated as him, as for the same monarch to respect him? "
  Gengsang Chu hear everyone's talking about, but very happy heart. Master is not happy to see his disciples are surprised.
  Gengsang Chu said to the disciples: "You surprise me what does? Spring blooming yang transpiration, grasses and growth, the fall season, the crops mature the fruit. Spring and fall, are nothing to be able to follow it? It is run and change the laws of nature. I've heard, high morality who, like life, people do not like to live in virtual light quiet cabin in the small room inside, but Vertical any unruly people, all do not know what to do . now afraid of ordinary people around the mountain base to talk about privately, trying to include me in the ranks and be worthy of worship, I Is everyone happy to be watched by people? I was as old Dan's teachings and follow this great unpleasant. "
  Have said to his disciples: "Not so. In the small water ditch, big fish, no way to turn its body, but little Loach was able to turn freely; little hills, big beast body no way to hide it, but fox is just to shelter. Moreover, respect for authority capable personnel capable to good people for the first give Cyril, starting from the era of Yao and Shun is the case, not to mention the people fear barrier Hill too! President, you still obey our mind it! "
  Gengsang Chu scold said: "Boy you come! I can with the monster truck, left the mountain alone, it can not be free from the scourge of the net; I can swallow the big fish boat, once out of the water surge flows, small The ants will also make it difficult unbearable. so tire of high mountains and birds and animals, was probably tire of depth. preservation of the nature of human body shape, hiding your figure, not tire of constantly clouded lofty Bale. As Yao and Shun two people, they deserve to be where praise and praise it! Yao and Shun did distinguish the world of good and evil vary in virtue, as in the random destruction, hey Yuanqiang away planted no use of basil. chosen to comb hair, counting rice to cook, regardless of the small stuff, how to benefit the world ah! recommend more capable people will appear each injury, each appointment will appear pseudo-intelligent people fraud. these kinds of practices, not to the people's benefit. It has always been very much in the pursuit of self-interest urgent, in order to gain some of his son killed his father, and some courtiers to kill the monarch, rob people in broad daylight, broad daylight hole in the wall people. I tell you, the root of chaos, must be produced in the era of Yao and Shun's, and its pernicious influence and the harm it will retain in the years after. thousand years later, it will be a situation of people with food miles! "
  South Wing Chu disciples reverently sat upright, his Master Gengsang Chu said: "people like me have been older, will be how to learn, to achieve the kind of state do you say?"
  Gengsang Chu said: "preservation of your physical, nursing your life, do not make your mistake of rushing to strike a self-interest and hard work. Like this three years time, it can achieve what I have said that realm. "
  Gengsang Chu explained: "I tried saying. Xiao wasps were not hatched Chu bean leaf beetle, the more chicken eggs can not hatch swans, while Lu was able to do the chicken. Chicken and chicken, and their endowment is no different, Some can do it and some can not do because they had the ability to have different sizes. now that my ability to take on a very small, not enough to make you subject to probation, why do not you go to the south Meet I? "
  So enough with the South Wing Chu dry food, go seven days and nights, I came home.
  I asked him: "You are it came from Gengsang Chu, right?"
  South Wing Chu said: "Yes."
  I said: "how together with you to the people so much?"
  South Wing Chu shocked and scared to look back behind their own, but no one behind ah!
  I asked: "You do not know what I mean?"
  South Wing Chu lowered his head to shame sounded, and then his back sigh: "Now I have forgotten how I should answer, because I forget my question."
  I said: "What do you mean?"
  South Wing Chu said: "I am not clever you? People say I ignorant. Cleaver? But sorrow and distress caused to the body. Is not a caring heart would hurt others, to promote heart but love and sorrow and distress caused to their own . Machiavellian would harm others to promote the faith but to bring their own suffering and distress. These three words have said the situation is the thing I worry, hope for an introduction Gengsang Chu obtained enlighten. "
  I said: "You just come in, I look between your forehead, also to know your thoughts. Now you talk more to prove my observation. You really like the haggard look lost their parents, but also as if holding a bamboo pole in deep sea exploration. you really are a lost authenticity of the people, ah, was so confused but Hunmei! you bent Return to the Garden of your true feelings and nature does not know where to start, it is worth sympathy ah! "
  South Wing Chu returned home, to strike his own favorite things, abandoning his own annoyance, with a full 10 days Grief hard thought, and then I go pay a formal visit.
  I said: "You made a self-examination, depressed mood is disturbed by a heavy ah! But your heart is full of spills note that there is still evil thoughts. By the shackles of foreign objects will inevitably complex and rapidly, so will the inner world plug is not working; inner world will not be bound to avoid clutter-free addition to Xu and rapidly, so occlusion of the external senses must be unreasonable. external senses and the inner world are bound entangled, even if the moral character can not hold on, let alone be replicated in the early beginner Road person! "
  South Wing Chu respectfully said: "The neighborhood's life, the sick, the surrounding neighbors, asked him, and sick people to explain their condition, while able to clear his condition, said a person who is seriously ill it would not be considered . as I heard about this road, like taking the drugs actually worsened the condition, so I just want to hear the routine maintenance of life nothing more. "
  South Wing Chu asked: "So this is the perfect person for the highest ideological level it?"
  I replied: "it is not. This is just so natural to eliminate the so-called frozen hearts Indigestion Digestion instinct, right? Noblest morality, together with people wandering across the frozen to the ground with people who find music to heaven together, not due to external individuals or disrupt their own interests, not involved in strange, does not participate in attempts to not participate in the affairs of this world, unfettered, free to go. they mind nothing to stick rather lonely come. This is what life conservation routine. "
  South Wing Chu asked: "So this has reached the highest state of it?"
  I said: "Not yet. I had told you: 'can be as innocent as newborn babies, the primitive to you?' Baby activity does not know what to do, walk do not know where to go, physique like withered branches and the like out of mind make the ashes. like this one, evil will not come, happiness will not come. fortune did not exist, where there will be human disaster too!
  Aetna calm state of mind of people, we will send out natural light. Issue of natural light, and who was his own man, was it as property of their respective properties. Cultivation and the people, in order to maintain a high state of moral cultivation; maintain a higher state of morality, people will naturally aspire to him, God will help him. That people aspire to, said he called the day of the public; God adjuvant, and said he called the Son of Heaven.
  Learning, want to learn that can not be learned; walking, is you want to go to those who can not go to the place; resolution, is not easy to discern those who want to distinguish between things. That stay in the Realm do not know, we know the pole reached. If it was not the case, then certainly make him a natural temperament Failure.
  Road accessible to all. One thing separating the new things on the form, the original formation of new things will be destroyed things. Aversion for the separation of the reasons is that the separation to obtain complete; the reason for the complete disgust, but also because of the complete further strike complete. So mind by discrete external conditions and not wish to Return to the Garden, would only have Xinghai and was in a ghost-shaped; mind by discrete external conditions and wish to have income, which is called close to death. Destroy nature but only a fan shape, also Jiugen a kind of ghost. The tangible things as invisible, then the heart will have peace.
  Life on earth, but from the dark, coming out of this life, once he and is in constant and non-transfer easily distinguished. Let me talk about the transfer and resolution, in fact, not enough to talk about this. Nevertheless, even talked about is not clear. For example, the end of the year a large festival with beef cattle in the internal organs and limbs, but can not be separated on display in the overall cattle livestock; another example, the concept of the royal family who deal with travel throughout the ancestral temple, but at the same time to the toilet. Like all of these examples and this shows he is in constant and non-transfer. Please let me go further to talk about the non-transfer and uncertainties. This is due to survival as fundamental to intelligence as a teacher. So to this point of view is non-master, it really identify the secondary, the main difference; then the self as a subject, Bingju makes this point Dangzuo sacred festival parade, so he committed suicide with death compensation that a parade. People like to cite as the intelligence used to track the dark ignorance to accessibility for the glory to hardship for the shame. Right and wrong, each other variable, is the current awareness, which jointly with the cicada and the dove laugh at Mirs as learning, but also ignorance.
  Step on the feet of pedestrians on the road, we must apologize to say be careful, brother, brother stepped on the foot would take pity on comfort, children, parents stepped on the foot no problem. Hence, the best etiquette is to be cut off as the person who has the best moral is that, regardless of things should I all-win, the intelligence is not required to seek the highest concern, the greatest love is not that close to anyone, Honesty is the most precious things need not as evidence.
  In addition to the interference of destroying the will, release the shackles of mind, abandoned moral unburdened, open up the road barriers. Noble, rich, respect was, dignity, reputation, Cyril six cases, all factors that will disturb. Appearance, behavior, sex, address management, atmosphere, feelings of six cases, all factors that bound the soul. Hate, desire, joy, anger, sadness, joy of six cases, all implicate moral factors. Left side, the greed to take, giving, wise consideration, skills in six cases, all the factors blocking road. The four aspects of all six for do not shock the chest, the heart will Pingzheng, heart Pingzheng will quiet, quiet will be crystal of and plain will be void, emptiness can do nothing but comply with Tianshi doing everything. Boulevard, is a natural admiration; life, is Sidley's Guanghua; temperament, is the root of life. Line nature of the action, known as outspoken as; by pseudo-intelligence driven and action, called the lost nature. Knowledge from external objects to be connected with; wisdom from the heart of the plan; a wise person will not understand the knowledge, as slanting eyes, see it must be limited. Be forced to move but called for Germany, has been a move is not known for self-governance, the pursuit of fame will be counter-productive, and pragmatic everything will follow.
  Yi specializes in fine shot and clumsy things people do not praise themselves. Sage specializes in with the natural and clumsy man. But good expertise in dealing with the natural world, have only a 'whole person' can be. Alone only insects can live like insects, like, except that only insects to the natural endowments. 'Whole person' offensive nature, is a natural aversion to man-made, let alone with the self-scale natural and man-made look at it!
  1 Xiaoque greet Yi flying, Yi will hit it, it is the power of Yi; the whole world as a bird cage, then no one can escape Birds. Cook Up Some so used to win over Yi Yin Shang Dynasty, King of Mu with five sheep to win over the fertile soil. So, do not it good to win over the hearts and can be successful, and never had been.
  After listening to the South Wing Chu, Dawu.
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