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Luo Yijia

Read works of Luo Yijia at 小说之家
Read works of Luo Yijia at 旅游地理
  90 graduated from the Department of Central University for Nationalities. Beijingmoubao reporters. In the "People's Literature," "Chinese writer" and has published fiction, poetry and prose. A portfolio, "cohabiting men to leave," "Chinese patient" and so on. Chinese Writers Association.
  Long tails hanging naturally submissive to his chest, an elegant powder blue dress with a pure and gentle drift --- Luo Yi Jia, the media stir the "beauty writers" not the slightest Expansion and impetuous She was like a deep ravine in a quiet Orchids, she was like the classical graceful's Song came from the elegant woman. And Luo Yi Jia-yu, listen to her whisper soft words to tell her new work "Chinese patients", her writing career, own a quiet opening to diffuse.
  Have innate literary talent, combined with literature in the way is clear for everyone, Luo Yi Jia entered the literary world seems to be automatic. However, Luo Yi Jia assiduous in literature because the road was somewhat unexpected: "I write to realize the dream of my mother. My father was young are frequently published, my mother thought he would become a writer, but later for various reasons, Dad Dad in politics, her mother's dreams also come true. and I think we should also have the ability to realize the dream of my mother. because I inherited my father's literary talent. "
  Luo Yi Jia took 3 years to complete creation of 27 million words of "Chinese patients" quite satisfied with one of her works. "" Chinese patients, "written by well-known journalist of my life and I have experienced the mental life. It tells the story some personality defects of the emotional life of modern urban man, strong storytelling element, black humor." China patients "Unfortunately Cengzaoyuguo computer viruses, the results lost more than 20 million words. the process of rewriting two months I automatically eliminate some imperfections, the more refined than start-up time, so I most value this work. "
  According to Luo Yi Jia Jieshao, "Chinese patient" as the "literary history of all the people are patient first novel", the three journalists, a wealthy, a mental hospital doctor are suffering from various types of varying degrees of mental illness : Fu ideal is an upright and responsible men and journalists, life is full of the ideal future, and always with consideration for others, so the vulgar, material desires, irresponsible, impulsive modern society seem archaic, the results being sent to a partner into a mental hospital. Fu ideal suffer from loss of self-protection awareness of disease. He did not realize that unconditional, blind to help others is an infringement of others; Wei Shao-an, is diametrically opposed to the ideal of a rich man's, his selfish, narrow-minded, no sense of responsibility, failing to stop for no reason to worry, on the All are skeptical of his character both the anxiety and paranoia is a double feature; Yu Xiaohui, an opinionated female journalists everywhere to express themselves and never lost half of Tears for others, is a typical paranoid patients, that he is the world's most beautiful woman; forest wide, the pharmaceutical company CEOs, wealthy, although he was not rich but cruel, but with antisocial personality disorder. He is most happy thing is that gratuitous fun of other people, always making things difficult for others, always use the money to solve all problems, the money seems to be in his possession with extraordinary magical golden key; Qiao Hong Chu, as a mental hospital, a doctor, self is an avoidance of psychological disorders with mental patients, she refused to face reality, never dared to face a problem, always want to avoid that at some point will be resolved. She was always living in the shadows of the past, the fear and trepidation, but unable to extricate themselves.
  "Chinese patient" is described by Luo Yi Jia life around, if she was in a common view on life, she wrote the works can only be "as ridiculous as Chiung Yao" and accompany each other intimately the love story is a rare Luo Yi Jia and not just being driven away feeling creative, she's deep thinking in the literature, making her a unique perspective to observe the life in society. She found that, due to the tensions of modern society, busy and pressure, many people with different levels of morbidity. So, this love story between men and women it becomes extraordinary: both monotonous and complex, both pale and rich mixture of joy and emptiness, work as a whole shows a morbid sense of beauty. Book different characters with different social attitudes and feelings of each person are wonderful characterizations were true, fine. "Chinese patient" once again confirms the Luo Yi Jia in the "problem of love" written on the strong points, she allows us to see beyond the idealism of the other side of love. In her pen, the persistent pursuit of love is the hero of patients, and those who toil in love who is also a patient free. They are sick because of the time --- people can not adapt to this change was the era of a free people get so confused era of freedom. Filled with too many sick people in this era, which led to writing the novel Jia Luo Yi desire, she visited with a series of questions about a number of trendy people, started this "in love" novel and creative idea . Yi Jia Luo people not to write about the men and women are claustrophobic, they desire for success, the pursuit of high material life, on the depth of love indulgence, as well as their confusion and tired of life, are a true reflection of the 90s unique to young people, non-traditional, non-rational state of mind.
  Nan Yan formerly solution, 70's born 90's graduated from the Department of Central University for Nationalities. After graduation assigned to the work of a Beijing Information Industry reported.
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