Since 1992 involved in writing biographies, author of Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, the older generation of revolutionaries, and Xie Xide, Zou Chenglu. Li Lin, and a hundred academicians and D Anthony Tan, Tie-Cheng Wang, Rebecca Lee Hundreds of prominent figures such as circles, and create a TV series, "Deng Baoshan General" and "West Hua Ting years" and other books. In addition to biographies of things, like the popular science articles and narrative prose writing, which "went into the training base for Chinese astronauts" as the house journal Hundred She reproduced, "the eyes to see how things" income Middle School language teaching materials; there have been many articles Essays by the size of awards at home and abroad, and another "s symbol of Beijing", "shopping tour Beijing Xicheng" and many other cultures, travel notes works.