唐代 List of Authors
Bai JuyiLiu YuxiZhang ZhiheLi Bai
Wen TingyunWang WeiWang ChanglingLi Shangyin
Dou GongDu FuHan YuWang Bo
Wei ChengqingLu LunHuangfu SongWumingshi
Yu ShinaWang JiWang FanzhiHan Shan
Lu ZhaoLinLuo BinwangDu ShenyanSu Weidao
Yang JiongLiu XiyiSong ZhiwenShen Quanqi
Guo ZhenChen ZiangHe ZhizhangGu Kuang
Duan ChengshiZheng FuLi DuanLiu Caichun
Zhang RexuZhang JiulingWei ZhuangWang Zhihuan
Meng HaoranLi QiZu YongWei Yingwu
Cen ShenCui HuHan HongLiu Fangping
Qiwu QianWang HanYuan JieLiu Zongyuan
Meng JiaoGao ShiLi HeLi LongJi
Wang WanChang JianLiu ChangqingQian Qi
Li Yuan
唐代  (566 AD635 AD)
Last Name:
First Name:
Name and Alias: 叔德
Web/Pen/Nick Name: 神尧大圣大光孝皇帝
Temple Name: 高祖
Township: 赵郡
Tomb: 献陵
Reign618 AD626 AD
武德May, 618 ADDecember, 626 AD

Poetry《Su long ridiculed the world》   

Read works of Li Yuan at 诗海
  Li Yuan Emperor in Tang dynasty (566 ~ 635). Tang Dynasty emperor. Zi Shu Tak. Bloods and this is Beijing as Examples (now Hebei Zhaoxian) Lee. Grandfather Li Hu, when the official to Western Wei Qiu. Father Lee Byung, Zhou official royal doctor when the calendar, Ann Zhouzong Guan, Zhu Guo major general. Sister to Emperor Wen Tokgo Queen Mother, so special, see the pro-heavy. Emperor's reign, Yuan Li Ren Xing Yang (Zhengzhou, Henan Province today), Lou Fan (now Shanxi Jingle) Erjun Prefecture. Called for the hall after Chien Wei Wei Shaoqing move. Cause 10 year (615), thanks to the Ambassador of Shanxi Hedong consolation. 10 years, thanks to staying in Taiyuan. At that time, Sui peasant uprisings throughout the country. Li Yuan knew unable to suppress the peasant uprising, and deep suspicion Killer Emperor Xiao Yang, political unrest, difficult to protect themselves, then with the second son, Li Shimin, May uprising in the cause of 10 years, and from east of the river (now Shanxi Yongji West) called Back to the eldest son, Li Jiancheng and four sub-Li Yuanji. Li Yuan raise an army, the side of the Turkish ambassador to repatriate Liu Wenjing, a request to send troops until completion of Khan Ma aid, the military aspect of recruiting and south division rate in July. Mi Wagang Army leadership at this time and trapped in Luoyang Wang Shichong fighting side intoxicated, Li Yuan Cheng Xi Guan in progress.
  November Gongba Chang'an, to stand firm in the relations. After Li Yuan into Chang'an, Emperor Li Yang Yu-Sun on behalf of the king as the emperor (Emperor Gong), reign title Yi Ning, Yang Tai remote respect for the overlord; You Yi Yang Yu-Huang Yue false name from Canada, so Chijie, viceroy, all inside and outside the military, Book of Order, a large prime minister, into the closed Prince Tang, overall management of 10 000 aircraft. The following year (618) in May, Li Yuan emperor, changed the title of the Tang capital in Changan. Don unified the country soon. During the reign of Li Yuan, Emperor Wen according to the old system, to re-establish central and local administrative systems, but also revised the format precepts, enacting Surroundings and rental Substitution, reconstruction Fubing, as the Tang Dynasty Official, criminal law, military organization, land and class Existing systems of the foundation. Takenori years, the ruling is full of complicated internal struggles. Pei Ji and Liu Wenjing are Taiyuan raise an army from the time of Zuo Ming Yuan, Pei Ji won the Emperor in Tang's specially trusted; Liu Wenjing Qin Wangshi people as trusted, since only slight contributions to the right hand of the Home Pei Ji, ranking under it, meaning even unfair. Liu Wenjing Li Yuan excuse to kill. Qinwang Shi China since the Tang dynasty that established the process, his exploits over Prince Li Jiancheng, but is the second son can not inherit the throne; Prince into the world people are aware of their own major threat to the status of the Crown Prince. Thus, the two sides launched a fierce fight for the throne succession struggle. In this political battle, Li Yuan is often completed while standing. Prince's inner warrior sent Yang turn ordered recruitment of Chang'an, a coup for Li Jiancheng use.
  Takenori seven (624), Li Yuan was exposed to this, Li Yuan fury had spent Li Jiancheng, Li Li Shimin the Prince to change the idea, but did not materialize. Takenori nine fourth day in June broke Xuanwu Gate Incident. During the coup, killed Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji Li Shimin, Li Yuan Li had been forced to Prince. Soon, Li Yuan abdicated as the overlord, Li Shimin throne, is to Tang. Li Yuan spent some idle frustration in life, the die is too safe house. Temple name emperor. Buried in Xian Ling.
  In the Tang Dynasty in the early period of the ruling groups, Li Yuan Group is the largest, with Taiyuan raise an army of Xun Chen Pei Ji, Tang Jian, Dou Wei brothers, Wen Daya brother, Liu Hongji, Yin mountains, Liu political will, any Rose, History major Chennai, etc., the daughter Princess Pingyang wife, Ma peppers, Sui join themselves to a lot of bureaucracy, such as Chen Shu Da, Qu suddenly pass, Xiao Yu, Feng Lun, Yuwen disabilities and Yang Kung-Jen Yuan Li brothers, who also belong to the Group. The Prince Group, only Wei Zheng, Feng Li, Uncle Xie Fang, Xue million Toru such a small amount of talent, Li Gang alienation, Du flooded by Fang Xuanling pulled into the days of making the government, Prince Group, rely mainly on Li Yuan Group, Li Shimin Group is in his separatist war has gradually built up The day, led by the Housing Strategy Du government officials, its members are very familiar. Also overlooked is the imperial clan groups to Lee supernatural powers, Li Xiaogong led two groups, Li Guan in the early supernatural powers dispatched troops, men with history of Bo, Ling Hu Fen, etc., are also recruiting in the separatist war, many of whom The most famous is Li Ji. Li Xiaogong put down Shannan Prefecture, and Li Jing captured south, the group has Li Jing, Feng Ang, Liu JI and South join themselves to the people. These two groups in the political situation also has important influence on Li Jing Li Shimin inquiry, Li Ji, to understand the neutrality of the two groups before launching the Xuanwumen Mutiny.
  Empress: Empress Dou
  10000 Royal
  Yin Defei
  Yuwen 昭仪
  Mo 嫔
  Sun 嫔
  Cui 嫔
  Yang 嫔
  Xiao Yang 嫔
  Zhang Jieyu
  Xuejie Yu Xue Daoheng women, after freeze-up/break-up Ōita wife, a nun.
  Guo Jieyu
  Liu Jieyu
  Zhang beauty
  Young Americans
  Wang was one
  Lu was one
  Zhang Baolin
  Liu Baolin
  1. Longxi Crown owned High → Tang Wangshi child → → → household registration termination implicit interest rate implicit king → Prince Li Jiancheng (sinus Queen Mother)
  2. Dunhuang owned High → → Qinguo Gong Qin Zhao Guogong → → → Crown Taizong Li Shimin (the mother Empress Dou)
  3. Huai WANG Wei LI Xuan Ba (sinus Queen Mother)
  4. Guzang household registration termination owned High → King of Qi → → → Hailing Dukes nest thorn Wang Liyuan Ji (Dou Queen Mother)
  5. Chu Silla Lizhi Yun (female 10 000 Royal)
  6. → Zhao Jing Wang Yuan-Jing Li (Mother Mo Pin)
  7. Luwang → Hanwang Li Yuanchang (Mother Sun Pin)
  Eight. Feng Dao Wang Li Yuanheng (female Yin Defei)
  9. Zhou Wang Li Fang (mother Cheung)
  10. Wat → Liyuan Li Hsu Kang (mother Guojie Yu)
  11. Sung Wong → → Han Wang Liyuan Jia Wang Xu (Master Yuwen Zhao Yi)
  12. Jing Wang Si Wang Li Peng → then (only one female king)
  13. Rattan king → Zheng Hui Wang Liyuan Yi (female Bao-lin)
  14. → king → King Shu Huo Wang Li-rail (the mother Zhang Beauty)
  15. → Guo Prince Zhuang Feng-Bin Wang (Master Yang Beauty)
  16. Hanwang → → Tao Wang Chen Xiao Wang GUIZHOU (Mother Liu Jieyu)
  17. Kuai → Tang Kang Wang Liyuan Yu (home Cui Pin)
  18. Qiao Wang Wang Shu Li → name (mother Xiao Yang Pin)
  19. The King → → Lu Wang Yan Wang Ling Li Kui (Mother Yuwen Zhao Yi)
  20. → Jiang Xu Wang An Wang Yuan-Xiang Li (Mother Yang Pin)
  21. Middle Ching Wang Liyuan Xiao (only one parent Lu)
  22. Teng Wang Lee Immortal Infant (female Liu Baolin)
  Li Yuan, a total of 19 daughters:
  1. Changsha Princess (married von less division)
  2. Xiangyang Princess (married sinus Festival)
  3. Pingyang Princess (posthumous title of "Chao," Chao said the Princess Pingyang, mother Empress Dou, married Chaishao)
  4. High-density Princess (married long-Sun Xiaozheng, married to Duan Lun)
  5. Changqing Princess (first labeled Guiyang Princess, married Chiu Tsz King, married to Young Profession)
  6. Changsha Princess (first labeled Wanchun Princess, married beans Lu Huai)
  7. Room Ling Princess (first labeled Yongjia Princess, married sinus Fengjie, they married Helan Sangha)
  8. Jiujiang Princess (loss of thinking power married executive)
  9. Luling Princess (married Joe Master Wang)
  10. Nanchang Princess (married Su Xu)
  11. Anping Princess (married Yang Sijing)
  12. Huainan Princess (married seal on word)
  13. Really be Princess (married Choi Christine Li)
  14. Hengyang Princess (married Ashina Society Hill)
  15. Danyang Princess (married Xue million Toru)
  16. Linhai Princess (marry Bae Law)
  17. Guantao Princess (married Cuixuan Qing)
  18. Stability Princess (labeled first daughter princess to marry quite warm, but also married Zheng Jingxuan)
  19. Sheung Lok Princess (married Zhao Gui)
Translated by Google


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