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Wang Jiaoming

Read works of Wang Jiaoming at 历史大观
Read works of Wang Jiaoming at 小说之家
  Fujian Zhangzhou, freelance writers, 2002 to Harry felt Jen's ID access, well-known writers for the End of the World community. Concentrated in the Chinese history, traditional culture and Buddhist studies for years, many works published abroad. "Bloody scepter - two years of Chinese history of the situation change in the situation" is the first history book.
  Wang, Ming has a unique historical perspective and narrative strategies. He blends a variety of literary elements in writing history, but a statement he refused to fiction; he abide by the historical facts, but denied the existence of an absolute objective historical truth; he used everyday and civilian-based perspective, think of it is inherent in the political structure of ancient China problems and deficiencies; his focus on the changing situation in the history of those bloody stories, but longed for a kind of "compassion" of history. He said: "I found the historical fact of human nature in a variety of different situation in the struggle and performance."
  To this end, I called him to overturn the traditional historical narrative writers.
  History is the struggle of human nature and shows
  Reporter: Cheng Junyi for your work "bloody scepter" as a sequence, which one saying: "I was surprised at his writing style, actually written history can be as beautiful as the philosophical prose, the same as the novel tortuous and touched people's hearts. "I read had the same thoughts and feelings. I want to know that you are consciously using this formulation it?
  Wang Jue Ming: Yes. I always thought that the separation of history and literature is a mistake. Sima Qian's "Shi Ji" is labeled "The Swan Song of historians, no rhyme of Lament," is due to historical and literary perfect combination. For two millennia, whether in history or in the field of literature, "Historical Records" is the most exemplary text. Unfortunately, such a paradigm is gradually being forgotten by later generations. Today, history seems to be synonymous with boring. In fact, I read the whole early career, which is about two years old when the history in my eyes is terrifying, daunting.
  Reporter: What led you into history?
  Wang Jue Ming: because Huang. Probably in the mid-nineties, I read the "Wanli 15 years." I was only feeling is shock - could be so much history, good-looking, and actually can write!
  Reporter: present the history of writers, it seems that Huang not be avoided.
  Wang Jue Ming: He is a boundary marker. His text on the subsequent history writers have a sense of enlightenment. At least for me, so. When I get a new look, the history in my eyes is no longer productive forces and production relations, is no longer the place names and year, is no longer a peasant uprising and the class struggle is no longer a moral and political Facebook labels, but a real live person - like you and me with emotions people. I found the historical fact of human nature in a variety of different situation in the struggle and the performances.
  My text is the result of dialogue with the ancients
  Reporter: using literary techniques will not harm to the truth of history? I found in the preamble Cheng Junyi also expressed the same concerns.
  Reporter: But, how do you take personal creation and the line between historical truth?
  Wang Jue Ming: My standard is actually the Chinese history has been a tradition, that is, "Man is not out of fear of its own, history is not out of fear of its people." In other words, the narrative strategy, language style, using perspective, the idea conveyed, I am sure is my way to grasp, but once the historical facts involved, it should be meticulous in through her history books Dynasty, would not say that every word have a known source, but most should be amenable.
  In other words, if the "text is not out of oneself", it became a vernacular translation; if "history is not for people", it became Joking history, this is not consistent with my intention.
  Absolute historical truth in the "shell hole" in
  Reporter: Regarding the "historical reality" of the topic, I would like to "struggle", I feel that many readers may also be a common problem. I remember that Western historians have said such a passage: "Just because something is old history, is irreversible, irrevocable, non-repetitive, so it's objective truth is assured: it will not any attempt to change. " How do you see this, then? In other words, do you think there is an absolute objective historical truth?
  Therefore, those who stubbornly believe that there is absolutely objective history of real people, in fact, without exception, fell into the "shell pit", but they did not knew Bale. In my opinion, no matter how good we wish for, we can pursue, it is only a "relative" of historical truth.
  Because understand, the compassion
  Reporter: Are you in the "bloody scepter" postscript which said: "This book is a power of history, is a power change in the very state of the historical turn." Why choose such a subject?
  Reporter: Do you think that in addition to expression means, you are writing the history of the largest traditional What is the difference? What do you want to convey to the reader?
  Wang Jue Ming: Perspective. I used to be a daily and common people's perspective, The characters placed on a sympathetic understanding. I try to place himself in his (her) the situation in a dialogue with them, at the same time thinking and talking. For the ancients, I do not want to be too much of their thesis and evaluation, but tend to experience and feel their inner world. Mr. Cheng Junyi Zhang Ailing cited in the preamble the words: because the know, so compassionate. I wish I could go this "compassion" of history. Although not to the heart and desire.
  Moreover, in addition to focusing the power vortex of humanity, let the reader understand more than the ancients, I hope readers of these historical figures through the fate of two thousand years to see the Chinese political structure, or rules of the game of power inherent in those problems and shortcomings - why Chinese history has been regime change, can be bloody and brutal story of those who never played in a blue moon? Why are so many different kinds of people times, once intervention power center, in his (her) who will be exactly the same tragedy? Why do people always concerned about power, but never concerned about the power of the birth of the rules?
  I hope that together with the reader, through this review, wake up some thoughts.
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