清朝民变 List of Authors
Cai QianZhu MingyueYang FengZhang Bing
Chen ZhouquanYang QilongZhu YiguiGong Chuntai
Geng Jingzhong
Gong Chuntai
清朝民变  (?1906 AD1912 AD)
Township: 浏阳
Reign1906 AD1906 AD
汉德1906 AD1906 AD

  Gong Chun Tai (? - 1912), born again Xie Xing, also known as Zhang Zhang, the number on Qiao, Qing revolutionaries.
  1911, the Wuchang Uprising broke out. Gong Chun Tai suddenly appeared, leading hundreds of people, claiming to be the Northern Expedition volunteer army marched in Nanjing. North-South peace negotiations due to the success of Taiwan back to Hankow Gong spring. In 1912, Gong Chun Tai died due to overwork hematemesis.
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(1906 AD1906 AD)
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