现代中国 List of Authors
Liu YaziShen YinmoHai ZiLo FuShu Ting
Xu ZhimoXimurongYu GuangzhongSi ZhiLiu Bannong
Bei DaoGu ChengBian ZhilinDai WangshuDuo Duo
Chang YaoXiang MingGu YeshangyuChi ChiChen Zhongkun
Xiong YanJue BiguxiaDiBaiQi HongshengWang XuSheng
Lu XuGangYu RenBai LinTai YangdaoQiu She
Yi MingZhou MengdieZheng ChouyuLan YuningyanLiu Huaming
Liu HuajunChi KaiGuo MoRuoLin LingShang Qin
Luo MenXi ChuanOuyang JiangheDi YongmingYang Lian
Zhang CuoTian JianA LongJi XianHui Wa
Ma HuaQin ZihaoLin HengtaiRong ZiYa Xian
Yang HuanYang LingyeLin HuiyinBai QiuGuan Guan
Hu Hongxia
现代中国  (1953 AD)
Township: 上海

Read works of Hu Hongxia at 百家争鸣
  Born in Shanghai in November 1953, MD, is currently the Executive director of Chinese Sex Culture Museum, the legal representative, curator of Shanghai sexual health education, cultural foundations of human vice chairman of the United States. Engaged in medical statistics and records management since 1998 and Professor Liu Dalin cooperation in the establishment of the Chinese Sex Culture Museum, in the process of Shanghai Medical University, quit her job, abandoned iron rice bowl with all treatment, to go all out to cultural studies and of Heritage of rescue work, is foreign media as a "brave woman." And Professor Liu Dalin many cultural exhibitions held at home and abroad with the inspection work in the business, support economic agony and the sweat of Chinese Sex Culture Museum. Papers of "the social causes of Precocious Puberty and medical discussion," and "rescue stranded abroad of Heritage", "Chinese cultural impact of human dysfunction," "women's sexual oppression," "ancient sex revelation", etc. ; published works include "Picturing Star - Children's Album of sexual health education", "Youth Sex Education Reader," "living history of sexual excess," and so on.
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