西汉 List of Authors
Liu BangLi AnLi YannianHuo Qubing
Yang XiongSima QianLiu XiangKong Anguo
Gao TangshengZhang LiangHan HuidiHan Qianshaodi
Lv HouLiu HongHan WendiHan Jingdi
Han WudiHan ZhaodiChang YiwangHan Xuandi
Han YuandiHan ChengdiHan AidiHan Pingdi
Ru ZiyingDong XianTian AnmingYu Dingguo
Huo GuangBing JiZhao PonuSu Wu
Tian FenXu ChangZhuang QingdiDan Qing
Gongsun HeTian QianqiuWei QingHan Anguo
Zhang ShangPū ShiRen KuanSang Hongyang
Jin RidiShangguan JieWang CangKong Cang
Li GanZhang QianChao CuoZhou Yafu
Zhao ChongguoHan XinFu Sheng
Zhang Liang
西汉  (?218 BC186 BC)
Name and Alias: 子房

Military class《素书》

Read works of Zhang Liang at 百家争鸣
  Word of the ovary, Han, one of early Han three heroes. Communication for the early Han Dynasty City Father ("the Book Note," saying: "Zhang out of town father" term of the present southeast Anhui Bozhou) people. Bloods to be the Korean aristocracy. Qinmie Korea, he attempts to restore South Korea, make assassins, Bo waves in the sand (in the southeast of Henan Yuanyang) attacks the emperor attempted to flee to Xiapi (now Jiangsu Suining North). Peasant uprising in the late Qin, led his troops defect to Liu Bang, Han nobility soon be established to lobby Xiàng Liáng Han Wang of Korea Stuart. Killed by Xiang Yu after Hanwang Cheng, revert Liu Bang, its important to advisors. Chu-Han War, made six generations do not establish joint British cloth, Peng Yue, Han Xin and other reuse strategies, but also advocated pursuit Xiang Yu, Chu annihilation, Liu Bonsi off into force after the break in the loom under the enemy's use of terms; Banquet, the helped Liu Bang out of the woods; "for the Kingship of Hanzhong to please"; the Chu-Han War, "long trick the world", are adopted to Liu Bang. Established during the Han, Feng Liu Hou. See old friends close to Liu Bang, the old guy, punish, strongly advised the old grudge Yong Chi Liu Bang to explain and ministers. Liu Bang had praised their "strategizing among the run-off on thousands of miles away, ovary function also." Biography See "Historical Records Liuhou family", "Han Zhang Chuan."
  2. Life
  "Operations Research or defeat, decisive in the thousands of miles away," the dynasty advisers Zhang, Quebec is not a magnificent body, the British air wing. He held troubled times, heart failure of the grief state death house, engaged in an armed conflict between my hectic career, as Liu Bang defeated Xiang Yu and established the Han Dynasty made an indelible contribution. Given the rank of major after Sima, resign hermit, is among the early Han three heroes, the only people who are very much hospice.
  (1) Fan Qin Han Wherever complex books on the subject
  Zhang Liang from a noble family, his grandfather opened, the re-Warring States Period, the prime minister Korean dynasties. Father, Zhang Ping, also South Korea's second successor, the prime minister of the DPRK. To Zhang era, Korea has gradually declined, Bereavements YU Qin. South Korea's destruction, so that the cause of Zhang lost his father the opportunity to honor the loss of a prominent position, so he feel dead family of hate subjugation, and to such hatred focused on one point - Fan Qin.
  Youth, Zhang Liang, Han Fu With this ambition to serve the country, despite his brother's funeral, noted the casual family wealth, and find a assassin. Then get a Hercules, vertebral re-hundred and ten pounds of iron (about five pounds on this system), the emperor 20 years (218 BC), Qin Shi Huang rate Brigade troops, mighty, left Beijing East tour. Zhang took the opportunity to attack the emperor and Cialis vertebral sand waves in Bo, the result a wrong car and had to quickly flee.
  5 days, the cock after midnight, Zhang Liang hurriedly rushed to the bridge. Who knows ahead of time to bridge the elderly intentionally, at the moment have been waiting at the bridge, see Zhang came, hurled the blame: "The old people around and why the wrong time? Come back after 5!" These words, he left. The next time Zhang old again later step. Third, Zhang simply wait for the night on to the bridge. He withstood the test of its sincerity and the spirit moved Tolerance old man, then gave him a book, said: "Reading this book may be normal for the king, 10 years after the chaos, you can book the founding prosper; 13 years later came to see me. "he finished, walk away. The old man is the legendary mystery man: hidden caves of Goldsmith Yellowstone, also known as "destroyed the old."
  Zhang surprise anomaly, morning hours, holding the book a look, is a "grandfather Art of War." From then on, Zhang study book on the art of war day and night, pitching the world event, and finally become a fully aware of military strategy, both civil and military, resourceful "think tank." Emperor Qin Dynasty (BC 209) in July, Sheng, WU Guang-Ze rise up in large, Ju-Bing Fan Qin. Then, throughout the Fan Qin armed surging. Gang Qin's Zhang Liang committed more than 100 people gathered in, hoist a banner Fan Qin. Inductance due to the less after a single body, to gain a foothold, had to mobilize to vote in King Ju (false self as the king of Chu peasant army leader), Liu Bang led the volunteers on the way right there in the vicinity of the development of Xia Pi forces. They at first sight, Zhang repeatedly to "grandfather Art of War," said Jin Liu Bang, Bang and more able to comprehend, and often the strategy adopted by Zhang Liang. Thus, Zhang decisively changed the defect to view horse's mind and decided to follow Liu Bang. As a scholar, deep pass of military strategy is important, but the premise display their strategy is to have good take advice and clear the main. The bump, Zhang "steering" Ming the main, reflects a complicated situation in his sober mind and unique vision. From then on, Zhang Liang Liu Bang of the high regard and trust deeply, and his wisdom will have the opportunity to fully play.
  (2) drop Wan Nao Sato taken into the customs policy
  Emperor Qin year (BC 208) in June, Xiàng Liáng, led by Xiang Yu nephew and uncle team has grown to 67 million people, and the grandson of the Sun Bear backers heart king, set separate ways volunteer army chief in Xuecheng (now the southeast of Shandong thoen) together the event. Zhang did not forget to recovery Korea, busy on the Xiàng Liáng proposal: "The monarch already established the king for future generations, and Han Wang Zhu son of Wang Jun as the most Yin-Yang can be set up as a king, in order to more tree gang." As early as the occasion of Xia Pi, Zhang, there are the old friendship between items, so Xiàng Liáng a promise. So he ordered to find Hanwang Cheng, Li Wang of Korea, and to Zhang Liang as Stuart (equivalent to prime minister). Zhang, "Fu Han," has finally achieved the purpose, "rehabilitation home" of the political aspiration has been achieved, and therefore make every effort to support Hanwang Cheng, commanded the troops to recover the Han (Korean site that the Warring States Period), Yu Bing in the near Yingchuan, sometimes invade several cities, time who was Bing Qin back have not been able to create a great situation. End of the year, grandson of the life Liu Bang, Xiang Yu divide our forces Faqin and convention: who should enter locked Xianyang, who can stand the king. Liu Bang via Yingchuan, Nanyang, intends to enter from the Wu Guanzhong off. Emperor Qin three years (207 BC) in July, Liu shuaibing captured Yingchuan. Han Wang and Zhang and Liu Bang will join the. Please Liu Bang Han Wang rear Clan (Korean ancient capital, this city of Henan Yu), and let Zhang army south. Sep army arrived in Nanyang County (now city of Nanyang, Henan Province). Mayor Church back into Wancheng Nanyang (Nanyang) stick. Liu Bang Mieqin eager, see Wancheng are hard to capture, intended to bypass the Wancheng continue west. Zhang considered inappropriate, advised: "The rush you though into the pass, but still a lot along the way Bing Qin, and are brief, according to an advantageous terrain. Now not won Wancheng, for Bing Qin once Wancheng chase from behind killed over that time, strong Qin front, chasing behind the back, very dangerous. "Liu Bang accepted his proposal, immediately replace the flag, shuaibing Chao Xiaolu quietly returned by night. Dawn, Liu Bang's troops have surrounded Wancheng heavy. Then, Liu Hui Chen has accepted the advice to the art of hearts and minds, pacify Nanyang Prefecture, a pardon Answer to the city, without firing a shot to win over the Wancheng. Liu Bonsi lifted into the worries, Wei Liu Bangbing Barghouti, Nanyang city, see the other county prefect has fallen, one after another from the effect of, lookout from the sky.
  In December the same year, Liu Bang led his army arrived Nao off (now Shaanxi Lan Yang Southeast). Nao relations with the ancient customs of the traffic Nanyang strategic pass, easily defended, is the gateway to the throat of Fort Qin Capital is the last one pass guard Xianyang, the Qin heavy military guards here. Liu Bang went off before and wanted to personally led his troops 20 000 Yu Zhong, forcible capture. Zhang remonstrate: "The current strength of the Qin Shou Kwan still strong, not to act rashly." Army of Xiang Yu, Liu Bang fear into the customs in the first, so anxious, who hastily Zhang Asking. Zhang Liang to Liu Bang offered a outsmart the trick. He said: "I heard Nao related Morimasa a butcher's son, this philistine villain, as long as the currency with the point of money can move his heart. You may send advance team, prepare 5 million to forage, and In the surrounding mountains, the addition of large numbers of troops under the flag of bravado, as the suspected soldiers. and then send another to bring along their treasures Li's property to induce Qin, things may be successful. "meter and line by Liu Bang, Nao turned off Morimasa offer relevant to surrender, and expressed willingness and co-offensive Xianyang Liu Bang. Liu Bang was overjoyed, but do not think that Zhang Liang. He calmly analyzed: "This is just Nao related Morimasa to rebel Qin, he subordinates his soldiers not to obey. If his soldiers are not from the consequences would be disastrous. Slacken the machine than by Bing Qin destroy them." As a result, Liu Bang shuaibing sudden attack related to Nao results Qin defeated, abandoned customs retreated Lam (now Shaanxi Lantian County West). Liu Bang win the Nao led his troops around the pass, through Kui Shan, defeated the Qin in Lam Tin. Then, the army continued west, arriving in 206 BC in January hegemony on the (now Xi'an East 25 miles).
  At this time, Emperor Qin Zhao Gao had been killed, only 46 days to do the infant son of the king of seeing volunteers to a hope, hopeless situation, as if only the rope tied around his neck, by prime car white horse, holding seal a section break, the city opened a drop. So far, dominated the Quartet, the largest Zhenhai Wei Qin Empire perished.
  Upon the order of the grandson of Liu Bang from the west to enter the customs, the infant son forced to surrender, which lasted only one year, as he accepted Zhang's scheme, to ensure the smooth progress of the military to gain time, and finally more than Xiang Yu the first to step into the Guanzhong.
  (3) admonished the main battle of wits Min Hung Door
  Liu Bang army entered Xianyang, saw the luxurious palaces, beautiful maidens and a large number of foreign treasures, many people carried away the sleepy, that can enjoy the world of. Liu Bang could not resist and was dumping all the Qin palace, would like to stay in the palace, enjoy wealth. Fan Kuai Yan generals risked his life to commit strong remonstrance and criticize Liu Bang "do Wealthy Weng." However, Liu Bang did not listen. Some leaders of men Patriots have burning with impatience. At this critical juncture, Zhang Liang to Liu Bang of interest, advised: "The king does not do things justice, so you can overthrow him into the Xianyang. Now that you have to eradicate the scourge of the world people, it should be commoner vegetarian, to show thrift. now just one of Qin army, you indulge in pleasure, this is called the evil trend. As the saying goes good medicine tastes bitter to the mouth, resented help line, willing to kill Liu Bang Fan Kuai, who listen to the words. "Zhang moderate tone, but soft are hard, especially if the success or failure of the past and present, and revealed "no Tao Qin", "help Jie for the child" and other harsh words, faint Citeng of Liu Bang almost intoxicated heart. This compact way to play slow songs, really effective. Liu Bang happily accepted the rules of this foresight and robbery, ordered sealed Qin Gong Bao, repository, property, but also military hegemony on the regulation army to be rebels Xiang other way. During this period, Zhang Liang Liu Bang also adopted recommendations, called counties elders hero, with a pledge: "killer death, wounding and theft punished for a crime." And to inform the Quartet: "I learned to remove Qin law. Zhu Li everyone safe, such as so. Where Wusuo has been invasion of non-violent, do not fear. "In addition, send and Qin Officials with patrolling the country, spoke to the intention. The results, won the unanimous support of Qin China, vying with cattle and sheep food and drinks reward Sgt. Liu Bang seeing, not to accept another command sergeant, heard words to: "Army of sufficient food, and not a waste of bought this." Qin to the people listening to remark, the more happy, for fear of Liu Bang is not the king of Qin.
  Zhang Liang Liu Bang accepted the recommendations of the measures taken in this series of Min, win the support of the people, for his business relations in the future, and use it as base and Xiang Yu strive for hegemony the world, laying a sound political basis.
  In February 206 BC, Xiang Yu rate princes soldiers arrived in Hangu Pass (now Lingbao Northeast). Liu Bang command defenders closed closed to prevent the soldiers into the feudal relations. Xiang Yu that Liu Bang had scored Xianyang, very angry, men are catching up with Liu Bang, Xiang Yu Cao no harm to informants, said: "covering up in customs in the king." Xiang Yu immediately ordered the British military governor cloth storm. In the same year in December, Xiang Yu defeated Hangu Pass army, stationed in San Fung, Hung-door (now Shaanxi Pro Stream northeast), with Liu Bang fight to the death.
  Thanks to Xiang Yu's uncle Xiang Bo and Zhang had Jiujiao. Xiang Yu, Liu Bang, the army decided to attack the night before, Xiang Bo Liu Bangjun rode quietly in private, see Zhang, Zhang told the news and invited fled with him. Zhang said: "I am instructed by Han Wang Zhiming, sending people off to kill Liu Bang, now covering up are in distress, I find quietly away, is the moral justification. I have gone and goodbye longer follow." Immediately, Zhang Liang to Liu Bang The tent in the Xiang Bo said lay it told Liu Bang. Liu Bang alarmed, hurriedly asked Zhang: "This can how to do?" Zhang Liang did not answer directly, Liu Bang asked: "Do you think that our army can withstand the attack Xiang Yu do?" Liu Bang said feebly: "do not. But things have now, how can we do? "Zhang a wish, it is imperative to dispel the doubts Liu Bang, Xiang Yu, Liu Bang made him give up the attack plan. In order to achieve this objective, Xiang Bo is key. Size up the situation, Zhang Liang to Liu Bang out a drastic idea: "Please tell Xiang Bo, that you dare not betray the item king." Liu Bang asked: "Xiang Bo, and you, who's older?" Zhang said: " Xiang Bo long I old. "Thus, Liu Bang Zhang said:" You come for me to Xiangbo please, I want to be treated as the same treatment as his brother. "Zhang went out repeatedly invited Xiangbo accounted see Liu Bang. Xiang Bo, after revenue, Liu Xiang Bo personally poured wine for the birthday, and became the children's relatives. When the latter is drunk when Xiang Bo, Liu aggrieved and said: "I am off after Qiuhaowufan, Answer to all who keep a record membership, treasuries property strictly sealed, special items of general waiting to receive. The reason to send soldiers guarding letter Gu Guan, Ning preparedness for other thieves fleeing into, and prepare for the changes in his place very. I keep in here, day and night looking forward to the arrival of key generals, how dare rebel then? General items you must convey to my mind, I will not General monks dare to abandon. "'s words, to put it Xiangbo face value, they account for Liu Bang:" Tomorrow must be early in person to apologize to Xiang Yu. "Xiangbo night Chi-hung door back to Liu Bang would have conveyed to the Xiang Yu, and every means to clear so that the already tense situation was eased somewhat.
  Henry went to the door, it is imperative; Liu Bangming known as the tiger's mouth this to a guest, perilous, but can not really difficult before. Zhang know ourselves, and incisive analysis of Liu Bang, Xiang Yu to its people, determined to further ventured, cautiously and flexible to protect the safety of Liu Bang.
  Although it left Xiang Yu, Liu Bang will drink. During the banquet, Xiang Yu's advisers Fan Zeng signaled Xiang Yu repeatedly looked up, then repeatedly raised by the Pei-yu block, implying that he velocity decision to kill Liu Bang. Xiang Yu hesitation, silence should not be. Fan Zeng have to take from off-balance response to Warriors Xiang Zhuang, and authorized his sword add to the fun, waiting for an opportunity to kill Liu Bang. Xiangbo see flaws, drew his sword on the dance, always cover your own body Liu Bang. Zhang saw hopelessness of the situation quickly got up and went out off Fan Kuai to order the speed to escorting. Fan Kuai said nothing, own sword into the military shield door, went straight to the accounts for two glaring Xiang Yu, the hair on that, a great husband does not block the courage million. Xiang Yu could not help but aghast, hurriedly asked: "What is this person?" Zhang replied: "is covering up the entourage defender Fan Kuai." Xiang said: "A hero, rewarded him with wine!" Lift attendants around a large cup of wine , Fan Kuai drank standing. Zaiquan another drink, and stir up trouble to reprove Xiang said: "Chen Si and not avoid, goblet wine An adequate speech!" Then, he snapped statements Liu Bang's done a tremendous job and loyalty to denounce Xiang Yu suspicious too. Xiang Yu was hit by a moment shaken by his impassioned rhetoric, nothing to say, just call Fan Kuai, said: "sit!" Zhang Fan Kuai sitting around the momentum. After a child, Liu Bang, see the situation has gradually improved, people will excuse the toilet, call out the accounts Fan Kuai, Zhang followed out. Three maneuvers, decided to get out quickly Fan Kuai protection Liu Bang, Zhang left to deal with the situation.
  Zhang Liang in the life and death struggle, with its quick response, both skillfully helped Liu Bang security from the jaws of death, but also to internal buried Junchen Xiang Xiang gap curse.
  (4) burning large in stealing a march tomorrow
  Han Dynasty (206 BCE) the first month, Xiang Yu, bullying, self-reliance for the West Chu Overlord, its capital Pengcheng (modern Xuzhou, Jiangsu), governs beam, Chu nine counties, he was "total power cede territory", feudal lords king by 18. And against the grandson of the "Who's first strike in human relations, whoever made off in the King" agreed to Liu Bang packet to the remote and desolate Sichuan, known as the Kingship. The relationship of the actual land divided into three, three letters to the Qin down to, to suppress Liu Bang north. Liu Bang's feelings hatred, like shuaibing attack Xiang Yu, post by Xiao He, Zhang repeated discourage This deferred Tolerance is not fat.
  World packet has been set, Zhang intends to leave the matter Hanwang Cheng Liu Bang back to Korea again. Peter Liu Bang gave King 100, Pearl II fighting. And Zhang Jin Zhu full turn to donate Xiangbo, to request him to seal the Kingship of Hanzhong. Xiang Bo forgetting what is right, and immediately went to persuade Xiang Yu. In this way, Liu Bang capital at Nanzheng (Nanzheng County, Shaanxi Province, Northeast China), occupied the Qinling Mountains to Namba, Sichuan, Hanzhong third districts of the land.
  In July, Zhang sent to the praise of Liu Bang (now the city of Shaanxi praise). Here mountains, cliffs along the way are the only plank overhead volley to degree of pedestrians, no other way. Zhang observed topography, it is recommended to be Han Liu Bang, after all burned Shu of the plank road, had no intention of Eastern Gu, Xiang Yu to eliminate suspicion, but also to prepare for another attack. In this way, you can take advantage of gold reserve, waiting time, exhibition of the. Liu Bang by meter and line, burned along the walkway. Zhang this account can be described as well-intentioned, it was Liu Bang to consolidate the development and the future east, made an important guarantee. Hanzhong Liu Bang, after people, good, active rest. In the same year in August, Liu Bang of the plan with General Han Xin, a positive defense to avoid Yong Wang Zhang Han and flew from the Old Course, "to steal" (this Baoji), from the side unexpectedly defeated Yong Wang Zhang Han, Cypriot Division Ma Xin Wang and Zhai Wong Tung & Partners nebula, in one fell swoop put down Sanqin, captured off the treasure. Pacify Sanqin, Liu reliance rich, win the Guanzhong area shape, they can compete in world of Xiang Yu. A "burn out", a "dark transition," Chang, South Korea work together, perfect match, become a popular history of the stories.
  Soon, Xiang Yu killed in Pengcheng Han Wangcheng to Zhang Han's dream dashed phase. In the same year the winter, Zhang Pengcheng escape, escape tracing Chu, Liu Bang finally back side, a glimpse into the letter to Hussein, and since then around day and night go hand in hand Hanwang, a strategy of painting minister. Ming Li Zhi commented the matter said: Xiang Yu would "drive a good army, division for the Chinese." Indeed, Xiang Yu Han Wangcheng objectively helped to kill Liu Bang's busy.
  (5) painting and chopsticks next stop closure eup Towers
  Liu Bang after hearing that this is indeed a weak force of the coup, and Officials Debate the tongue was sent to Jiujiang Ho Sui, instigation 9 Jiang Wangying cloth; then they sent envoys to contact Peng Yue; the same time, re-appointed Han Xin Yan shuaibing North attack Zhao and other places to grow Han forces, outflanking roundabout Chu.
  "Under the Town in seeking" a comprehensive strategic plan, though not, it constitutes a war between Chu and Han Liu Bang on the important project. It was Zhang's plan, a combined total of both inside and outside the military alliance finally hit form Xiang Yu, Chu-Han War reversed the situation, so that Liu Bang from strategic defense to strategic offensive. Facts proved that Zhang "under the Town in seeking" the foresight, and finally defeated Xiang Yu Bing Wei Gaixia rely mainly on the exactly the three military forces.
  At this crucial time, Zhang go back, audience with Liu Bang. Liu Bang while eating, while the implementation of the idea that packet and Zhang Liang, and asked how this gain or loss. Zhang listening, shocked, hurriedly asked: "Who is to Her Majesty out of the plan?" He shook his head and then painful, said: "do the same practice, His Majesty's event on the playing bad." Liu Bang, a sudden panic eclipsed: "The Why is that? "Zhang reached for the wine on the table a pair of chopsticks, and even more than speaking up with a plan. He said: "First, the past Shang Dynasty, King Wu of cutting Xiajieyanzhou their offspring after the closure was based on complete control, if necessary, can cause its death considerations, however, His Majesty can now control the Xiang Yu as necessary to achieve its kill you? Second, Wu Wang Keyan past week, the table of Commerce Lu Rong (Lane gate), seal the tomb of Bi Gan, Jizi release of prisoners, is intended to incentives spur the people of the courtier. Hanwang now required Jing Zhong Zunsian time is it? Third, King Wu Su hair loose money is enemy of the savings, without a munitions are Hanwang, where hunger and poverty relief have been able to do? Fourth, Shang Wu WANG Jian off after the to drive military vehicles, weapon upside down to show no, this is urgent Majesty the fierce battle, how can the same? fifth, in the past, horses on sunny, cows income peach shade of the trees, because the world has shifted to the era of peace and prosperity. now fighting endlessly, how Serious Documents Restrain Military then? Sixth, if the land is feudal to six generations, the men did in the property of their owners, no competition for the world with Liu Bang. Seventh, Chu Junqiang big six weak must yield to His Majesty to concede defeat how can it? "
  Zhang Liang by chopsticks dissuade packet, so that Liu Bang enlightened, and suddenly, so that cease feeding food spit, cursed Li Shi Qi: "stinking scholar, I almost broke a major event!" And then, ordered the immediate destruction of the six have been completed engraving China and India seal, thus avoiding a major strategic error. Later Han Dynasty to the unity and resistance to reduce a lot of trouble. Can not but admit that Zhang is a insight into the strategy of taking anything away from family and far-sighted statesman.
  (6) virtual Fu Wai Han Pengbing Gaixia
  When Xiang Yu, Liu Bang was trapped in Xingyang when Han Xin has successfully into the North front, like gangbusters. He first put down the Wei, generation, Zhao, Yan and other places, then they occupied the Qi's old haunt, want independence for the King of Qi, Liu Bang consulting his people seek closure, said: "Let people cunning changeable, capricious, and then south Chu adjacent, if no king, it is difficult Zhen Fu Qi. hope to allow me to be false (proxy) King of Qi. "
  Year in February, sent Liu Bang took the official seal to Zhang Liang Feng Qi Han Xin is king, and requisition Chu Han Xin's military attack. Granted Indian King of Qi, Liu Bang of the Han Xin although temporary compromises, but the favor at little cost and expediency, actually lived cage Han Xin, successfully resolved the contradiction between power and position within the Chinese won the Chu and the scale of a key bargaining chip. In this regard, Han Gou Yue had a very fair assessment, he said: "take the non-were (referring to the non-Qi Liu Bang all) to be in person, virtual line benefits, but be real blessing." Stabilize after Han Xin Chu Chinese war situation has undergone major changes.
  Four years of the Han emperor (203 BC), Han Chu has gradually formed on the encirclement: continued attacks on Han Xin Qi Chu, Peng Yue has repeatedly sent troops from the ridge, cut off grain Chu Road. Chu Junbing tired grain dried up, Xiang Yu helplessness, and finally returned to the detention of Liu Bang's father and wife and children, make peace with Liu Bang. The two sides agreed to divide the sector, carve the world, the East return Chu, West Gui Han, Li about disarmament, demobilization and repatriation, the non-phase commit. Xiang Yu as the East go about strike camp, to Pengcheng away. For leading the arms Seogui Hanzhong Liu Bang also. Major turning point in this occasion, a political strategist Zhang Liang's profound insight, saw Xiang Yu attacked front and rear, stretched position, then with the same remonstrance Hanwang Chen Ping said: "Today, there are two Chinese and two-thirds, according to the world at this time Chu is the destruction of the favorable opportunity, should go after tottering foe, be achieved at this. Otherwise put Chu Dong gui, such as Fanghuguishan, will consequences for the. "Zhang Liang Liu Bang accepted views, personally led troops pursued Xiang Yu, and to make Han Xin, Peng Yue Xiang Yu encirclement. Chu Liu Bang rate of force to pursue the solid Ling (today Tai Hong), but nothing so to Han Xin, Peng Yue and the rate of reinforcements, the result failed. Solid barriers hiding Ling Liu Bang, the numerous anxiety, close to Zhang Liang asked: "Why do they not scheduled to come?" At this point, Zhang Liang of the Han, Peng mind already knows quite well, response is already Simou mature, see Liu Bang asked, busy replied: "Chu army only to die, Han Xin, Peng Yue Despite the closure, king, but no definite boundaries. two can not keep the appointment this is exactly the reason. Majesty if and The divided world, when the two bills will be established. may be the ultimate success or failure is unknown. "Liu Bang bent on relieving the immediate need, then according to Zhang Liang of dollars, to the east coast of Chen to the site plan to seal Qi Wang Hanxin; to Sui Yang to the north of the site plan Gokseong closure to the King of Liang Peng Yue. Two months later, Han, Peng really sent troops to aid.
  Han troops and horses from various quarters in succession will set Gaixia (now Lingbi County of Anhui Da River North). Han Xin first with "House of Flying Daggers" in terms Bing Wei Xiang Yu in Gaixia and then proceeded to use the "embattled" The total collapse of the morale of enemy soldiers, finally defeated Xiang Yu, forcing it to do Kyi, Suicide. Thus, for four years of war between Chu and Han, Liu Bang's complete victory to end.
  Chinese five-year in February, the official Jidi Wei Liu Bang, known to history as the Han emperor. In the same year in May, Han emperor celebration ceremony held in Luoyang Shadows, banquets ministers. During the reception, Gongchoujiaocuo, monarch and his subjects drink from. Liu Bang is particularly pleased that, when it comes to the world Chu so lost, so too the world when the Han, Liu Bang, explaining the key with three heroes (ie, Xiao He, Zhang Liang and Han Xin). Zhang spoke highly of his language: "The strategist among the run-off in a thousand miles away, I better ovary (Zhang's words)."
  (7) urged all relevant letters of remonstrance Yong Chi
  The IMF first laid, the world will begin, where its capital, which is no doubt the emerging consolidation and development of the Western Han dynasty has a crucial importance. At first, Liu Bang had wanted a long-term capital in Luoyang, the ministers were also many who hold this view. One day, Lou King asked to see the people of Qi Liu Bang, Chen said relations in the difficult terrain, to persuade Liu Bang capital in Guanzhong. Liu Bang moment undecided, but then those who advocate capital at Luoyang, Chen said the ministers but have the benefits of its capital Luoyang. Six of these were mostly old people, nostalgic old friends, paradise heavy to move, advised: "The East Luoyang, stretching for hundreds of years. Chenggao east, west delicacies letter mianchi, backed by the Yellow River, overlooking the Bay, Luo dihydrate , geographic situation and strong easy to defend. "Zhang Liang support the unique idea of Lou King. He said: "Luoyang Despite these natural advantageous, but it's quite small radius of just a few hundred years; land barren, and easy on every side, non-use of all of Deluxe; off in the letter left with delicacies risk (ie meat dish Hill and the Hangu Pass the collectively, the equivalent of today to the east of Shaanxi Tongguan County in Henan), the right has Long Shu Yi mountains of the land fertile, Woyeqianli; with the south of Sichuan's rich agricultural products, the north may pasture cattle and horses of the prairie. both the north, west and south side of the advantageous to stick to, but also control the feudal lords to the east. feudal order, then the Yellow River, Wei-shui can be opened water transport, transport the world's food supply Imperial requirements. If the lords are change, can be transported downstream to East fodder under enough supplies to maintain expedition team. This is the so-called Golden City a thousand miles, the land of abundance ah! or Lou King of the idea that right. "comprehensive and profound analysis of Zhang Liang, combined with expected load factors, Liu Bang has won the trust and therefore the decision Han emperor immediately relevant in its capital. Chinese five-year in August, Liu official moved the capital Chang'an (now Xi'an, Shaanxi, northwest).
  Six years of the first month of Han, Liu Bang big letters, including more than 20, including Zhang Liang hero, not a glimpse of the other person is talking about, endless power struggle.
  One day, Liu Bang Nangong in Luoyang, from Court Road to see the Zhujiang 3355 sat on the sand whispers, they asked what they were talking about Zhang Liang. Zhang deliberately alarmist and said: "They discuss rebellion!" Liu Bang was shocked, hurriedly asked: "There is initially for, why they have to rebel?" Zhang replied: "You play from the Buyi people, is the use of these people win the world. Now you do the emperor, but a glimpse of all the people you normally love, but Heaven's are usually your hatred of people. Now the DPRK is statistical merit. If everyone packet, the world's land is limited. They are afraid you can not Fengshang them, hold them afraid of your normal fault, the final will be killed, the rebels together to discuss! "Liu Bang hurriedly asked:" how to do that? "Zhang asked;" You usually hated, and for the ministers known to people? "Liu Bang replied:" That is Yongchi the. "Zhang said:" That your first Fengshangyongchi quickly. ministers see Yong Chi are Feng Shang, you will naturally feel at ease. "As a result, Liu Bang furnished banquet, feast ministers, and even side to spot seal Yong Chi Hou, also urging the prime minister, censors were quickly fixed power lines closed. Ministers rushed, happy, much discussion: "The people can do as Yongchi Monkey, we do not even worry about." Zhang would not only corrected Liu Bang cronyism, s blood-line tour of the defects, and easily mitigate the problem, to avoid a possible unrest. He was such a strong public safety and a hatred of the right of heart surgery, also often politicians followed suit later.
  (8) by means of Shinto play it safe
  Zhang has always been frail since the Han emperor entry are closed in, the world is initially for, he excuses and sick, not behind closed doors. As Liu Banghuang place gradually stable, Zhang gradually from the "Imperial Master who" retreat "God who guest" status, followed dispensable when the only time into the principle of doing things. Liu Bang in the early Han Wang Jian destroy the cruel struggle a different surname, Zhang rarely involved in planning. The infighting in the royal family in the Western Han Dynasty, Zhang also adhere to the "do not ask the pro-dredging" of the teachings.
  Han ten years (197 BC), Han Dynasty emerged top of a new crisis. Liu Bang had Gaiyi Prince intended. At that time favorite Qifu Ren Liu Bang, and perceived the Empress have dissent, there are signs on behalf of Liu and Wang, Xiao Hui Gu Yu waste Prince (Lv Houzai), Zhao Stand, Ruyi (Qi Furen a) reserve for the country. Government and ministers, have rallied in remonstrance fight, but Liu Bang did not change the meaning early. Seeing Prince's position about to be deprived of Empress then help in the "think tank" Zhang Liang. Zhang consider Prince a, What is important, can not easily be more established, Confucian scholars SHUSUN Tong, said: "Prince of this world, the vibrations of a shake the world." Side together with the world at that time determined the foundation of the Han rule also not stable, the system is also sound, only when its status, inaction and calm the world, ensured that country. Based on this overall situation, Zhang said then of the Empress: tongue hard to imagine Prince, "Hill Sihao business" (Hao: white, that is, four white-haired old people, are the East Parks, Luli, Mr. Yee in season and summer Huang public) are more than 80, lofty righteousness, not to the Han Dynasty title, hide dead forest, the Emperor Dunpin not to, but still high justice "Sihao." Prince if solid base address, please "Sihao" came out, out of the court to "Sihao" and walk away, the emperor must ask with knowledge, knowledge of the Edward-bit solid. Things such as Zhang Yan Guo, Liu Bang asked to know with Prince's "Sihao" is their number, please do not come to the hermit, this is about as Prince, see Edward fledging wings are hard, do nothing, from a word more easily establish Prince matter. Prince finally got Siwei, Empress Lu Xun I do have respect on Zhang.
  "Historical Records", "Han" to Zhang Xiao He helped raise more than planning policy is not documented, but it is harmless to merit the late Zhang Liang. On the power lines closed, the press-level classes Jue, Zhang Han emperor Liu Bang made the choice of 30,000 for the Si Yi Qi, Zhang politely refuse, Qian Please seal before the stay to meet with Liu Bang (now Jiangsu Peixian), Liu Bang agreed, it said Zhang Liang as Liu Hou. Zhang address the reasons for closure are: Han destroyed his home after defeat become commoner, was closed commoner households, ranked Hou, should meet. Han regime that is consolidating, national affairs was planning their own "revenge for the strong Qin Han," The political purpose and the "seal million, ranked Hou" personal goals have been achieved, basically to meet his old dream of a lifetime. Upper bound together with illness, infirmity and more diseases, but also witnessed Peng Yue, Han Xin Chen and other meritorious of the tragic ending, Lenovo Fan Li, Wen Yue Xing species or escape or after the death of Shen Wu, "Jiaotu dead, stooges cooking; birds do , the good bow; enemy broke, policy makers inside it "philosophy, fear of loss of vested interests in the complex, more afraid of the fate of Han Xin, who fell to his body, Zhang is from please retire, abandon the world of all things, to concentrate on cultivating Yangjing, Chongxin Early Han Dynasty, Jing Qi home, want to Qingshenjianfei immortality. But the Empress Lu Gan De Zhang, advised him not Zi Ku, Zhang Liang finally listened to advice, are still on the clothes from the reality.
  Zhang Liang's Death, "Historical Records" record high after two years, "Han Shu" recorded as Emperor Hui six years (189 BC), the doubt here.
  3 Comments Zhang
  Zhang Though frail-looking people in line, never Huige against, but the Israeli army is known to seek home. Fan Qin Fu Han his life, success can not be destroyed; planning a major event into something after all. Always historians, the book devotes all the ink contains profound wisdom of his very mouth praise his marvelous trickery. Northern politicians who write poetry, praised Wang: "The survival of pitching in the Chinese industry, Liuhou this every calmly. Solid start Ling Yi Han Peng, the complex plan Yong Chi Feng Road side." Zhang Liang's life should certainly help the historical process of the Han Dynasty perished legislation, but he also deserves criticism, where at least worth exploring, such as the motivation and the assassination of pre Fan Qin Qin irregularities.
  4. Tomb and temple worship Examination
  Activity known as Zhang's later years, as well as being covered with a layer of mystery, but what was buried after his death where Zhang Liang, has become a Mystery.
  Zhang Liang's tomb on, people had a variety of speculation. Some people think that Zhang Lankao County, Henan Province in this cemetery. Lankao County, six kilometers southwest of the three stations south of justice Zhai Xiang Cao Xin Zhuang, close to Zhang Longhai Railway indeed a grave, tomb 10 meters high, around 100 meters long, protected area of 35,000 square meters. Cooper around surrounded by lush, like a certain history. Also, according to legend, after the death of Liu Bang, Lu authoritarian, Zhang would plead illness seclusion in Dong Hun County (today Lankao) south-west of Baiyun Mountain, buried the dead on the ground. Later in the drama, the novel also have similar descriptions, said Zhang Na also crown cover University Road Ci Zhao, Liu Bang chase Baiyun Mountain, Zhang, turned away, from missing. Shows that this view has some basis.
  Founding, Zhang Liang Zhang Liang Temple Tomb of the remaining side, a gate 3, hall 3, something all four rooms, showing courtyard. 6 links Total monument outside the temple, the tomb of the district 209 cypress, poplar 16. In the "Cultural Revolution" period, the temple was demolished, the whole monument was smashed. 3 in the tables and chairs made of poplar were cut. Later removal of construction materials in the three temples built a secondary meaning. In 1978, construction of the Longhai railway double Shiyou grave to take up 400 square meters of the north side of the tomb, cut cypress 12, this left a cypress 197, Poplar 13. According to the largest cypress tree ring study, about 230 years old.
  Also suggested that Zhang cemetery in this Xuzhou City. According to Tang, "including topography," it reads: "Tomb of the Han Zhang East 60 centimeters in Xuzhou City, and stay close to the city also." Also contains: "So leave the city in fifty-five miles southeast of Xuzhou City, this Zhang Liang Temple in the city have also. "Monkey Liu Bang had the time, promised to Zhang," Let the choice of 30 000. " However, Zhang and Liu Bang to stay in the city first met as a reason to leave him closure. Since the feud in the stay, stay buried after death near the city, should be a reasonable thing. The view to the Tang Dynasty literature as the basis, and nearer and historical facts, but also has some convincing.
  Some people believe that Zhang cemetery in this mountain of Hunan Zhangjiajie Qingyan. Strange and beautiful local scenery, quiet forests, is a famous scenic spot. According to "Sin Chi release" records: "Zhang, legend from Chisongzi tour. There tomb in Qingyan Hill, disappeared the next." "Ling Dynasty" also records: "stay Houzhang Liang Han tomb in the Qingyan Hill. Good too Yellowstone public book, from Chisongzi tour. eup, Zhongtian Gate, Qingyan the mountain, more deposits and remains. nuclear to historical facts, Zhang Monkey do in the beginning of it before the Liu Bang made a "wish abandon something they want from Chisongzi Tour" confession. the above records, that his later years to the discretion of Qingyan beautiful mountain scenery, seclusion School Road, died or buried in the ground, is not impossible.
  In addition, the island is located southwest of Weishan Weishan Weishan Zhang Liang is also the southern foot of the tomb, the tomb in the micro sub-1.5 kilometers south. Tomb beneath the round, red and yellow blocks of clay pebbles increase was constructed, a rammed earth level of clear, high 15 meters, Zhang Kuange 100 meters. Grave of Qing Emperor Qianlong years (1737) established by the monument, title "stay Houzhang Liang Han Tomb", 1.7 meters wide and 0.9 m, 0.16 m thick. Zhang Liang Temple east of the original tomb, "Cultural Revolution" removed.
  As with the tomb of Zhang Liang, Zhang Liang Zhang Liang Temple was also built to commemorate. It is said that the earliest by Zhang Liang Zhang Liang Temple 10 great-grandchildren Hanzhong Wang Zhang Lu world was built after 1700, has been unable to visit the site. Today's Zhang Liang Temple Chai Guanling in the south of the South at the foot of Shandong lu, 17 km from the city Liuba County Department Miaotaizi street. According to legend, Zhang stepping down gracefully, the seclusion here. Posterity admire him for his "play it safe" strategy and "upon non-home" style, Feng Temple in this temple. Because he had closed, "Liu Hou", named "Liu Hou Temple," commonly known as "Zhang Temple."
  Zhang Liang Temple compound 6, 150-odd temples, with a total area of 14200 square meters, one for the Shaanxi large temple. The general layout is linked hospital hospital, Pavilion Star Lo. Cliff stone temple more than 100 pieces of existing, plaque more than 50 surface, wood, stone couplet 30 deputy.
  Zhang Liang Temple mountainside by water, is simple and elegant, year-round cloud Margaret filled, quite Xianjia Reiki, which financial attractions, heritage, landscape in a body, is now a famous tourist attraction in southern Shaanxi.
  To Piedmont, a green brick gate, visible above the horizontal inscribed "Han Chang Liu Hou as the" five red characters, inscribed with a couplet about the door:
  Bo Long soon as the skies, the
  Three liters Yunxia the broken bridge.
  Into the gate, they embark on a wooden bridge, it is called "discharge into the Bridge", take Zhang Liang in the destroyed bridge pick up shoes for the Yellowstone regarding shoes. Bridge with railings and chairs, gurgling water under the bridge. Across the wooden bridge, the security concept is tall, started after about a minute, Drum Tower, the yard a few of which stand "Lingxiao Palace", the whole octagonal eaves, glazed tile decorated roof, paint bucket arch roof, quite spectacular. Out side the house divided, "San Qingdian", "sanguandian", "Three Methods house" and other side hall.
  From the north side through the court house, they entered the main hall where the compound. Solemn grand hall, the county "discernment wind," "King of the division," the doors there is a couplet: "Bi Shengbiao Binggong Xun Kai grant from its inception; ages Chong Fung cigarette worship open CMU refraining from eating grain." Statue of the temple of the original Zhang , was destroyed during the Cultural Revolution, the existing pieces of praise de banners. Before the main hall of prayer, standing around wing symmetry. Hospital quiet, quaint. Temple lintel over the praise of the plaque, such as "Jiliuyongtui", "machine properly admonished," "Zhiyong deep." Temple columns decorated with many couplets, such as: "Qin unique and Kunio; Han-ting the first minister," wealth is not obscene, there Confucian gas; indifferent Ming-chih, for the plains of God. "
  Southwest from the north garden out the terrain increased, visitors board the layers of stone steps, next to the Cliff stage shows, rock carvings on the left Ming Zhao Wenyuan, Qing Lin, and later Feng, Yang General poetry. Mountaintop, is the lu of the mountain peaks. Pavilion on the hilltop called "Professor Publishing House", to take Yellowstone Mountain Zhang Liang granted to the meaning of the book. This double eaves and fly corner pavilion is made of marble and masonry Nanyang jade, 100 meters high from the ground, looked elegant and chic. Ascends the building overlooking, undulating ridges and peaks, vast woodlands.
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