英国 List of Authors
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Charles I
英国 斯图亚特王朝  (November 19, 1600 ADJanuary 30, 1649 AD)
Tomb: 圣乔治大教堂
Reign1625 AD1649 AD

  James I's second son, Prince Henry of Wales in 1612 after the death of his brother as Crown Prince. 1625, ascended the throne as the British king, said Charles I and King Louis XIII of France's sister, Princess Mary, married Radha Hengli Ya. June 1625, held its first parliament. Duke of Buckingham his minions, as a parliamentary dictatorship, and Spain lost the war discontent, refused to give the king the privilege of tariffs, the formation of the parliament and the king of confrontation. February 1626, held the second parliamentary. Parliament impeached because Spain lost the war the Duke of Buckingham, was denied. In June, the dissolution of parliament. In the meantime, Charlie arbitrary taxation without Parliament's consent, the army also entered houses at random, discontent. Congress then in 1628 the right to petition proposed to require the king to improve, Charles for the sake of tax and signed consent of the Congress. 1629, Charles violation of the provisions of the petition, and send the arrest of radical words and actions of Congress members, and then dissolve parliament, after 11 years, did not re-convened parliament, known as the "cruel rule" of 11 years. April 1640, to address the war on the Scottish Parliament to convene military issues, immediately end the war because they refused to be re-dissolved, called the "Short Parliament." In November, once again convened, that is, "Long Parliament", but still refused to cooperate with foreign countries. As the Parliament forced the king to arrest the Earl of Strafford minions and planning control by the foreign control of the military. Charles I for treason, arrested five members, was personally led guards to arrest Parliament unsuccessful. The event marked the King and Parliament broke into the fuse of the English Civil War. Charles I to the message boards arrests angered the people of London, London, London, public control of the king was forced to January 10, 1642 North York to escape and build royalist forces. June, 19 members rejected the proposal; August 22, in Nottingham, the king erected the flag, civil war broke out. 1644, as the Scots war, attack the king Jun, were forced to give up the attack in London. June 14, 1645, to Fairfax and Cromwell Jazz is deputy commander of the model for the military victors in the Battle of Naseby Wang Jun. The spring of 1646, the Parliament army siege of Oxford, King army to surrender, Charles I fancy escape, the first civil war. May 5, was sold to the Scottish Parliament vows to send, after escape. Scots launch in support of the second civil war. 1648, the Scottish Parliament army troops were defeated, the second civil war, Charles I captured. Queen to flee France to seek assistance, was the ruling of the French prime minister Cardinal Mazarin's cold. January 1649, the Special Court began the trial of Charles I. 27, 135 members of the Special Court in the signing of 59 issued by Cromwell executed the king's command. 30, Charles I at Whitehall before the banquet hall were guillotined, as the only British history has been executed by the king.
  1630 ~ 1685 Charles II Charles II
  1635 ~ 1650 Princess Elizabeth
  1640 ~ 1660, Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester
  Coronation date of February 2, 1626
  Royal House of Stuart
  Born November 19, 1600
  Burial place of St. George's Cathedral
Translated by Google

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(1625 AD1649 AD)
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