姓: | 林 |
名: | 天波 |
字: | 子超 |
网笔号: | 长仁 |
籍贯: | 福建闽侯县 |
晚清时期,1884年在台北电信局工作。1891年与邻村郑氏女结婚。1893年郑氏病故,誓不再娶(无子嗣)。1895年台湾被割让日本,参加抗日军,失败后回闽侯入母校英华书院任教。1898年再度赴台湾,加入兴中会。考取台南地区法院嘉义支部通译,联络岛上爱国志士,进行反清抗日活动。1899年因日本侦捕返回闽侯。1902年考入上海海关任职,组织旅沪福建学生会。1905年创办福州阅报社。1909年由上海调往江西省九江海关工作,设立当阳书报社宣传革命。创办商团,举办军事训练班,联络新军,为武装反清作准备。1911年10 月武昌起义后,23日九江响应起义,任九江军政府民政长。1912年1月任南京国民临时政府参议院议长。1913年4月出席北京第一届国会,被选为参议院议长。二次革命爆发,国民党议员离京南下。二次革命失败后于12月赴日本。1914年离日本赴美洲,开展筹饷和党务活动。1916年6月袁世凯死,7月离美回国,8月任广州孙中山大元帅府外交部部长,1918年10月被选举为参议院院长兼宪法会议议长。1921年1月任非常国会议长。1922年出任福建省省长。1923年2月被召回任大本营建设部部长兼治河督办。10月在广州召开中国国民党改组会议,负责国民党改组事宜。
大革命时期,1924 年1月国民党第一次全国代表大会在广州举行,被选为中央执行委员,任命为国民党海外部部长。1925年3月孙中山逝世后,为西山会议派领袖之一。7月广州国民政府成立,被选为常委,多次被选为西山会议派中央常委兼海外部部长。1926年元旦国民党“二中”全会召开,通过《弹劾西山会议决议案》,受警告处分,会后不久赴南京主持中山陵建设。
土地革命战争时期,1927年9月宁、汉、沪三方合流,被推为南京国民政府常务委员。1928年9月任国民党中央政治会议委员,10月任国民政府立法院副院长。1929年1月任国民政府任务委员会委员长,国民党中央监察委员。1931年2月赴菲、澳、美、英、德、法诸国慰问侨胞并视察党务。3月还在国外,国民党中央常委会选其为立法院院长。4月国民党中央4名监委通电弹劾蒋介石,时虽在国外,也列名其中。 12月蒋介石下野,被推为国民政府代理主席,并确定主席为国家元首,不负实际政治责任。1932年元旦就职。此后国民政府虽多次改组,都一直担任国民政府主席。1932年“一·二八”淞沪抗战后,主持召开国难会议,强烈抗议日本承认“伪满洲国”。 1935年11月召开的国民党第五次全国代表大会上,被推选为常务监察委员。1936年12月“西安事变”时,代理国民党中央政治委员会主席,明确表示 “讨伐令不可下”,力主和平解决,认为“张学良部队是爱国的”,促成西安事变和平解决。1937年1月4日、2月18日以主席名义连下赦免令、复权令,但蒋介石拒不执行,反而长期幽禁张学良。
抗日战争时期,1937年日本侵略者制造“七·七” 沪沟桥事变,全面发动侵华战争。遂号召“全民奋起,全力抵抗”。10月国民政府西迁重庆,随只身入蜀。不久北平、南京相继成立伪政权,便发表严正声明,并发布明令通缉汉奸头目。1938年3月赴武汉主持国民党临时全国代表大会,通过《抗战救国纲领》。7月召开国民参政会致词,手书“抗战必胜”来激励全国军民。12月汪精卫叛逃投敌,以国民党中央监察常委身份力主开除汪精卫党籍,并明令通缉。1941年12月9日以国家主席名言,向德、意、日三国宣战。此后致力于废除美、英等不平等条约。1943年1月中美、中英新约签署,不胜欣喜,特邀宋庆龄、于右任等国民党元老合影。
后人为纪念一代伟人刘伯温,许多地方建造了刘文成公祠庙。据考查,共有16处,分别为武仪县俞源村刘伯温草堂、丽水(处州)富山刘文成公祠(抗日战争时期遭敌机炸毁仅存遗址)、青田县城刘文成公祠、青田县石门洞刘文成公祠、青田县林坑村刘文成公祠、瓯海区白水村刘文成公祠、乐清市白象镇大港村刘文成公祠 、瑞安市穗丰村刘基庙、瑞安市鲍田镇鲍六村刘基庙、瑞安市平阳坑刘文成公祠、苍南县莒溪镇刘文成公庙、平阳县宋桥镇刘文成公祠,文成县珊溪镇帝师祠、文成县李井村刘文成公祠、文成县大学镇石坟洋村刘文成公祠。这些祠庙先后大都列入县、市、省文物保护单位。南田诚意伯庙位于文成县南田镇新宅村华盖山南麓,敕建于明•天顺三年(1459年),清乾隆、道光、咸丰历经维修,现主体建筑仍保留明代形制和风格。占地面积近3000多平方米。庙前有“帝师”、“王佐”两座牌坊及照壁等。庙为保存完整的明代建筑。1980年全面维修。今刘基庙的灵位上摆放的“开国翊运文臣资善大夫赠太师谥文成护军诚意伯”牌位保存完好,每逢祭祀奉之尊位配上刘基画像供裔孙叩拜,以表敬仰。
国府主席有个贴身随从朱某,跟随林森多年,对林森的生活隐秘了解较多。一天,朱某被熟人请到一座酒楼,宴席摆开后,朱某见在座各位均为挚友,顿时来了豪兴,一阵豪饮之后,朱某已有些微醉,乘着酒兴,众人便向他问起国府主席的白骨骷髅一事。朱某始不肯说,禁不住众友人的再三追问,他披露了这个秘密,解开了谜团。据朱某讲,那具白骨骷髅,是国府主席表妹的遗骨。他带着酒意,断断续续地向众人叙述了国府主席青年时代的一段颇为沉重的罗曼史:福建一带的旧时风俗,小女婿大媳妇很普遍,男子娶妻时年龄一般都很小。林森也不例外。10 几岁还在美国人办的教会学校读书时,便由家中长辈作主,迎娶比他年龄大的郑氏为妻。婚前他与郑氏素不相识,从未谋面,故婚后并无感情。而他对自己的表妹却十分倾慕,一往情深。他与表妹从小性格相投,处处以大哥哥的身份关心爱护着她。两人虽算不上青梅竹马,却心心相印。表妹从小受家庭熏陶,虽然没有进过洋学堂,却知书识礼。她自幼温柔幽娴,性格内向,对林森的爱始终是默默的、深沉的,于不声不响中蕴含着炽热的情感。她对林森的这种柔情密意,除了林森以外,谁也没有觉察。林森娶妻以后,表妹的这种默默的爱没有丝毫稍减。1893年林森的发妻郑氏突然患病,不久不治而亡。这时林森跟表妹的感情更加浓烈,难舍难分。正当他们热恋的时候,林森表妹的父母突然决定将女儿许配给一个华侨巨商的儿子。婚事是背着表妹悄悄进行的,等到表妹知道时,一切都已成定局,难以改变了。表妹对这门亲事竭力反对,拚死不从,然而木已成舟,她的反抗没有什么效果。在这紧要关头,她不顾众人议论和父母的阻拦,大胆地跑到林森的身边,向他表明了坚贞不渝的爱情,她恳求林森带她一同私奔,远赴重洋到国外谋生。满含热泪哭诉道:“哪怕过流浪生活,也决无怨言。”表妹的一片痴情,使林森激动万分。当得知表妹将要嫁给一个华侨巨商的儿子时,内心十分痛苦。不能让表妹失望,可是又无法使表妹不失望。带着表妹一道私奔,这并不是什么难事,当时正好孙中山先生电邀他远赴他乡,这是一个绝好的机会。可是一想到革命刚刚开始,常年在外东奔西走,带着一个女人有诸多不便。再说当时的环境险恶,随时可能有生命危险。苦思再三,终于没有答应表妹的恳求。就在表妹婚期到来之前,怀着痛苦与深深的负疚,离开了家乡。林森的离家出走,使他的表妹悲愤至极,她感到完全绝望了。眼见婚期一天天逼近。在一天凌晨,她躲开家人的注意,悄悄跑到树林里,吊死在一棵树上。林森在外得知表妹自杀的消息后,内心受到深深的刺激和强烈的谴责。从那以后,发誓终生不再接近女性。
Revolution, in January 1924 the first National Congress of the Kuomintang held in Guangzhou, was elected to the Central Executive Committee, appointed foreign minister of the KMT. In March 1925 after the death of Sun Yat-sen, one of the leaders for the Western Hills School. In July the establishment of the Guangzhou National Government, was elected Standing Committee and has been selected as the Central Standing Committee of the Western Hills and sent overseas minister. New Year's Day 1926, the KMT "II" plenum, through the "impeachment resolution Xishan Conference", by warning, shortly after the Sun Yat-sen in Nanjing over construction.
Agrarian Revolutionary War, in September 1927 Ning, Han, Shanghai three confluence, pushed for the Standing Committee of the Nanjing Government. September 1928 meeting of KMT Central Committee member of the political, in October of KMT's vice president of government legislation. January 1929 the Committee of KMT chairman of the government mandate, members of the KMT central monitoring. In February 1931 went to the Philippines, Australia, United States, Britain, Germany, France, the overseas Chinese and Asian countries condolences inspection party. March is still abroad, the KMT Central Standing Committee elected its president for the Legislative Yuan. April KMT Central 4 JISC power to impeach the Chiang Kai-shek, although the time abroad, but also listing them. Chiang Kai-shek step down in December, pushed for the National Government Deputy, President of Heads of State and to identify and live the real political responsibility. 1932 New Year's Day inauguration. Although the restructuring of the National Government on many occasions since then, all has been the Chairman of the National Government. 1932, "January 28" After the Battle of Shanghai, hosted the national crisis meeting, a strong protest against Japan's recognition of "Manchukuo." November 1935 the Kuomintang held the Fifth National Congress, was elected executive monitors. December 1936 "Xi'an Incident", the deputy Chairman of the Kuomintang Central Political Council, made it clear that "under the order shall not crusade", advocated a peaceful settlement, that "Zhang troops is patriotic," to promote the peaceful settlement of the Xi'an Incident. January 4, 1937, February 18 with the Chairman, under the name of amnesty, rehabilitation right order, but Chiang Kai-shek refused to implement, but long-term confinement Zhang.
August 1, 1943 in a car accident in Chongqing died at the age of 75. National Government held a grand state funeral for him. Lien Chiang County Aoshiba Hill funeral. Telegram of condolences sent the CPC Central Committee, said: "Lin Kung leading the resistance, power in the country." "Xinhua Daily" editorial "is mourning the death of head of state."
Establish a rural infrastructure;
Linsen advocate running educating people, not only clear but also the realm. Confident grasp "education depends on building a solid foundation first" concept, so often on the local people then explained, "primary school is the basis, foundation, well, to progress on the difficult." Phoenix was founded in Hong Kong schools soon, he deliberately engaged the 1911 Revolution as a school leader, General Huang Xing inscription, hand-written "National Principle", entrusted to local people to font made plaque, hanging in the Phoenix Elementary School Auditorium, Hong Kong, in order to arouse the students remember their studies success begins with one step, a step necessary to start a good solid effort. Lin Sen is also the school gate was a pair of couplets essays title. It has two historical sites still exist. In order to further stimulate the development of native people in schools is the energy, ideas and constructive Linsen also actively encourage the teaching of management wisdom, see. As proposed: "To identify the principal was competent Careers"; "school board works to set up democracy"; "require students to wear (all hair to braid) and the appearance of uniform provisions"; "gift culture Mian students free textbooks for the family difficulties in children can be free to relax to wear to fulfill school "and so on. This was upholding the progress of school education initiative, has its practical significance, playing a positive role in promoting the development of education. Therefore, Feng Hong Kong primary schools which are established in 1913 through the Spring and Autumn of 91 rural primary schools, a local foundation to carry out the development of the cradle of education, many of the country and the nation's social talents nurtured. Lin Sen's contribution is invaluable.
- Title Fenghua County Library xuedou Hill Xuedou Si
- Title "yellow Black Sheep Affair Collection" (elegiac couplet set)
Career articles Yao Jiang Jiwu, homeland Chong ZU beans, Chiaki Ciyu Kuocang Hill.
Commemorate the great man after a loss for people, many parts of the construction of the Western Parts of public temple. According to test, a total of 16, respectively, Wu Yu Source Instrument County village of Liu Bowen Cottage, Lishui (State Department) Toyama Wen-Cheng Liu Ancestral Hall (Anti-Japanese War was the only remaining enemy planes bombed the site), Qingtian county Wen-Cheng Liu Ancestral Hall, Qingtian County stone doorway, Wen-Cheng Liu Temple, Hang Lin Wen-Cheng Liu Qingtian Ancestral Hall, Ouhai Whitewater Village Wen-Cheng Liu Temple, white elephant Yueqing City, Town, Dagang Village, Wen-Cheng Liu Ancestral Suifeng Ruian Liu Ji Temple Village, Ruian City Bao Bao 6 franca Liu Ji Temple Village, Ruian City Hall in pingyangkeng Wen-Cheng Liu, Wen-Cheng Liu Cangnan juxi temple town, Pingyang Songqiao Zhen Wen-Cheng Liu Ancestral Hall, Shan Town Wencheng Emperors Temple Wencheng County Li Jingcun Wen-Cheng Liu Ancestral Hall, University Town, Wencheng grave Yeung Village Wen-Cheng Liu Ancestral Hall. Most of these shrines has included the county, city and provincial cultural relics protection units. South Field sincerity Peter Temple-bit Yuwen Cheng County, New Zhaicun franca canopy Hill South Mountain, built in the Ming imperial • Skyway three years (1459), the Qing Emperor Qianlong, Daoguang, Xianfeng after repair, now the main building still retains shape and style of the Ming Dynasty. Covers an area of nearly 3000 square meters. Temple of "Imperial Teacher", "Zuo" two arch and screen wall, etc.. Temple architecture was preserved Ming Dynasty. Comprehensive maintenance in 1980. Liu Ji Temple this tablet on the display of the "founding capital good doctor Yi Yun Wenchen Grand Preceptor Posthumous gift Bo Wen Cheng Hujun sincerity" preserved tablet, every sacrifice of dignities accompanied by Liu Feng-based portraits of Yi Sun bowed down to the table admiration.
By the Chou family's surname, Li Qin and Han dynasties until the Ming and Qing Jin and Tang to see Lei Dai Temple worship emperor said a few such as Linn County far;
Linsen essays elegiac couplet
- March 1925 Sun Yat-sen harness the Chinese Nationalist Party Chairman
- May 1940 36 harness the National Revolutionary Army Corps of pure Yao
Tadaaki party-state, performance by banners.
Executive arms to health state house, fight to take loyalty vertical space;
He donated Linsen Alliance
Ke Juan (1878-1963), the word set foundation, No. Lotte Savage, Huangyan County, Zhejiang Province, Tongyu people. Graduated from Beijing Capital University, Shanxi University, served as art teacher, museum curator of Shanxi, Shanxi, librarians, Beijing National Palace Museum Exhibitions chairman in. Contemporary calligrapher, artist and social activist. Anti-Japanese War, Ke Huang displaced to the provisional capital of Chongqing, the Kung as he arranged a small Western-style villa. Lived near, Ke Huang will feel awkward, bent on moving out. Later, he arranged to live in Geleshan apartment, with the National Government, Linsen do the neighbors. Ke Huang and Lin Sen originally were very good old friends, to live together after the more intimate, Linsen Villa inscribed plaque for the "Yu Tu folk songs will be happy to princes in this," wrote the essays donated a pair of couplets and cedar hall painting. Linsen the pictures and hung in the living room. Linsen, after visiting Mount Emei sent back to a cane shaped vines Ke Huang, and gift poem. Feng Geleshan were living in Suketo, Kejia and others, they often gathered in a blog about Japanese political situation. Ke Huang Chongqing nothing for a living, just living by selling paintings, and sometimes friends aid to the point, barely bitter life, the economy was increasingly difficult to live on the temple moved to Genting. Linsen, Yu Yu-jen so often to Genting Temple, together with Ke Huang Poetry Buddhist temple in about painting, brush ink; and with wu, Feng, Ma, Guo and other exchanges. Ke Huang Temple in Genting the "ancient evil power transmission", lashing Wang puppet traitor, and left many works of calligraphy and engraving. Lin Sen's death, Ke Huang for his funeral parade, arranged a plastic stand for the statue of Lin Sen, and personally wrote the inscription. After the founding of new China, the CPPCC National Committee, second and third members of the CPPCC Standing Committee of Shanxi Province; also served as the Chairman of the United States in Shanxi Province, China Artists Association, Chinese calligraphy Painters Association and other staff. November 1963 died of illness in Taiyuan, 85 years old to enjoy life. CPPCC National Committee, the Central United Front Work Department, Vice President wu, Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai and Vice Premier Chen Yi, and Li Xuefeng, Wang Shiying and so sent wreaths.
Following the founding father of democracy by the end to make 100 Kyu;
Memorial, Ode, Linsen associated embedded code
- Zhang Dan ax one of Yangzhou three heroes of "Gossip Yangzhou" storm is a sign of Nanjing Union newspaper
When the name Republic of China together. The Union "of kings left," Hanson County in Hunan Province. Republic writer, and Guo, Yu par. He wrote a "Yangzhou Gossip," a book, article read as sharp, thin Spring fever Yangzhou, bringing the heat, very convinced of kings left, then press the author argues Nanjing, very famous. For "Gossip Yangzhou" Yangzhou caused dissatisfaction. The second line, "Lin Chao," that the National Government, Linsen, word Tze. Lin Sen as the President of the Nationalist government after they disinterested in politics, called "detached school," Chiang Kai-shek became a "decoration." The world he was not without irony, the media is even worse. And Linsen is "detached" treatment Chiang Kai-shek, discreet, silent, Chairman of the Nationalist government was firmly installed in the throne. Nanjing was home to open a second line was sign papers right, however, neither the newspaper was "rectification," and have not been "discontinued" because the President Lin Sen disregard it, laugh it off. A few days later, one of Zhang Dan ax Yangzhou three heroes of "Gossip Yangzhou" storm continued a second line. The United antithesis neat, appropriate, clever semantic depth, a short time has to Interesting, spread everywhere.
Mystery〗 〖widowed
December 1931 Ning Yue disputes over four times in plenary session with the Kuomintang held in Nanjing, Linsen elected Chairman of the National Government. Lin Sen Chiang Kai-shek is respected on the surface, but secretly to restrict everywhere, so a little Linsen no real power, doing nothing. Linsen has since become a full puppet President, Chiang Kai-shek became a "decoration." Lin Sen at the top, reclusive, life is not addicted to alcohol, not nearly in sex, many quirks. KMT officials, he was a "veteran" who is a bit mysterious, a strange old. The most puzzling of all, Linsen widowed alone lifestyle. His independence from a young age to come alone, up when the KMT government after the remains alone. Detract from the KMT government, not to say that marrying a wife is married to three, five, and how one would dare to like. It stands to reason, have a wife in the side, they can have a normal life care, can also do some public appearances. Lin Sen's also for him to spend time around them too, but he firmly refused to resign. Many people do have this Canaanite, feels very strange, especially the KMT officials in those queens who, we feel hard to understand. Is not worldly air Linsen? Or was he not understand the feelings? Of course not. In a chance, of which the secret was unveiled. This is from the collection of a Linsen skull bones start with. Linsen has always loved collecting antiques. His home is filled with various antique furnishings. Leisure time, often admiration again and again. The many antiques in his collection, there are a great value Linsen things: a bones skeleton. Linsen and its prominent place in the bedroom office, is very glaring. According to Lin Sen's followers say, Linsen with bones of the skull of this unusual treasure, as if life. Often own their gaze for a long time, into deep meditation. Said to have been accidental President of the Nationalist government came home, suddenly feeling that the bones of the skull, can not help but crawl, aghast to retreat in the nono, so long divine, horrified a few days. Later, someone in the government has seen the President's desk this with bones of the skull. So the President on the national government will be there were numerous rumors, mystery mixed with terror. Growing mystery, which specializes in Everlasting people, they looked inquire, inquire no results. One day, a little knowledge of human anatomy to understand a little saw this skeleton, he would see at a glance that this is a female skull. After the news came out, and gasp with tongue-tied. Everyone puzzled: The KMT government did not close in sex, how can a woman with skull and crossbones? Not nearly in sex, to the woman what to do with skull and crossbones? However, Linsen, after all, is the Chairman of the Nationalist government, when even the most curious people, dare not, are embarrassed to ask questions in person to the President. Love Everlasting the only good thing that the government was targeting the President of the people around the country.
The KMT government had a personal retinue Zhu, Lin Sen for many years to follow, understand the secret of life on Linsen more. One day an acquaintance invited Zhu to be a restaurant, styled after the banquet, Zhu see all of you are close friends, immediately to the exhilaration, booze after a while, Zhu has some Weizui, riding drinking joy, everyone tried to give him asked from the State Government regarding the President of the skull bones. Zhu refused to say before, could not help public friends repeatedly asked, he revealed the secret, solved the mystery. According to Zhu say that skeleton with bones, is the cousin of the remains of Chairman of the Nationalist government. He took his tipsy feeling, and off to the crowd described the KMT government youth, a rather heavy romance: Fujian in the vicinity of old customs, and small son big-law are common, the age when men marry are generally small. Lin Sen is no exception. 10 Americans still do old church school, they will decide by the family elders, married older than his wife Cheng. Zheng He and strangers before marriage, had never met, so marriage is no feeling. His own cousin was very admiration, passionately devoted. His congenial personality and cousin since childhood, always the big brother to care for her identity. They were modest childhood, but affiliated. Cousin nurtured from childhood by the family, although not been to foreign schools, but propriety-minded. She grew gentle Youxian, introvert, on Lin Sen's love is always silent, unseen, in the quiet middle contains hot emotions. Linsen her secret meaning of this tender, in addition to other Linsen, no one noticed. Linsen wife after the cousin of this silent love without the slightest diminished. 1893 Cheng Lin Sen's first wife suddenly ill, and soon he died. Then Lin Sen more intense with the cousin's feelings, devotion. Just when their love, Linsen cousin's parents suddenly decided to daughter to marry the son of a Chinese giant. Cousin marriage is quietly carrying, until cousin know, everything is a foregone conclusion, it is difficult to change. Cousin marriage strong opposition to this door, desperate not from, but a done deal, no effect against her. In this critical moment, she ignored everyone and their parents to block debate, boldly went to Lin Sen's side, to his show steadfast love, and she pleaded with her to elope with Linsen, went abroad to earn a living oceans. Cheerful tears cried: "The street life had even, it must not grumble." Cousin's a fool, so Linsen excited. When he learned that his cousin will be married to a Chinese giant's son, was in agony. Can not let down cousin, but they can not make my cousin did not disappoint. Eloped with a cousin, it is not difficult, Sun Yat-sen was just invited him far from his home electricity, this is a golden opportunity. But the thought of the revolution has just begun, out traveling all year round, with a woman with a lot of inconvenience. Besides the environment was dangerous, at any time there may be life-threatening. Pondering over and over again, we did not have agreed to plea cousin. Just before the arrival of cousin marriage, With deep pain and guilt, left the home. Lin Sen's running away from home, so his cousin extreme anger, she felt completely hopeless. Seeing wedding day by day approach. Day morning, her family escape the attention, quietly went to the woods, hanging in a tree. Linsen out that my cousin committed suicide, the heart stimulation by deep and strong condemnation. Since then, life is no longer close to the women swear.
〗 〖Head of State
Head of State President of the National Government, when the KMT factionalism, President Chiang Kai-shek was appointed opposition parties, forced to step down after the virtual level of the National Government to live up the actual responsibility, not part of other duties, so that the five branches of independent responsibility . Linsen have a clear understanding, he said, "My position is equivalent to shrines in the tablets, admired without losing dignity, nature to maintain the solemn temples, family house of well-being. If the ancestral spirit appeared and it comes to a room anxious, weird 100. State President is the virtual ruler status, its significance is Chuigong and rule, should not be to manage the on do not worry, so that means people just do Well. "fame Linsen frugal by nature, not addicted to alcohol and tobacco not nearly in sex. He has a good quality of politicians should have: integrity, tolerance, gentle sound, swayed by personal considerations. Is disinterested in politics, called "detached school", his official residence is very simple, like ordinary houses, or even sanitation. And because housing less, only one class security can only be staying in the neighbor's empty house. When he was going out generally pomp, while the private line is mostly alone.
Lin Sen as chairman of the Nationalist government, Chiang Kai-shek became a "stand", not without irony of his world, particularly the media. Treatment of Chiang Kai-shek, discreet, silence, Chairman of the Nationalist government was firmly installed in the throne. Linsen strictly discipline themselves and subordinates, such as the Garrison Commander Chen Jicheng Luoyang to visit, he refused to meet, said: "After the military attaches directly to see Chiang, civil servants went to Wang, not to me overwhelming." Linsen looking for an acquaintance to a duties, Lin Sen said: Employer has to go through the personnel department, not to find me. Linsen opponent requirement is: do not, not to parties, do not write notes. Once, his secretary wanted to party on a government major eye-opener, which he scold: When good your secretary on the line, know that VIP do? Linsen approachable, Nanjing pontoon 2 ju in his mansion, from the residence to the National Government in less than a li, Linsen has been walking, dressed in long robe, cloth shoes cloth socks, holding cane, nearby residents recognize him. In addition to the mansion pontoon bridge, the Linsen most famous residence in Nanjing, Guilin is the stone house. Sun Yat-sen villa built in the east, west Gaofu Spirit Valley, the result of Osmanthus species around the time named, a place covered in villas, most people can imagine, the official residence of Chiang Kai-shek had built a small Red Hill is also playing report, a lot of trouble to; Lam can be exceptions, he does not high degree of suspicion, with Chiang Kai-shek not to say he was.
Lin Sen Chiang Kai-shek had been impeached, Lin Sen Chiang's attitude is not to meet with polite but not deferential. Once, walking Linsen met Chiang Kai-shek came surrounded by tight security. Linsen the small temple along the banks of Entertaining in antiques, not to meet or avoid, until Chiang Kai-shek came to pay tribute "The President is good." After the Xi'an Incident. Chiang Kai-shek returned to Nanjing, the crowds rush to pay tribute to Chiang Kai-shek, Lin Sen is on the side. After Chiang Kai-shek saw, stepped forward to say: there are tired and frightened of the President. Linsen to the secretary said: obviously he had been frightened, how contrary I am frightened, and he is doing be looked at. Lin Sen Chiang still visible on the grudge. After the war, Lin Sen moved to Chongqing, Chiang Kai-shek's house to see if paradise, amazed. Villa will be donated to Chiang Kai-shek Lin Sen, known as "Lin Yuan." Linsen old age gradually lost interest in politics, always focussed on flowers, antiques. Although he liked antiques, but do not want to spend a lot of money to buy, he generally out of the upper and lower price are 35 yuan, from not high. After the Nanjing national government also had, according to his last wish would be thousands of pieces of his collection of pictures and numbers, into an antique shop lot auction, antique calligraphy and painting have been worth any money (and there are many fakes), it is a forest and the Chairman relics, stamped "Aoshiba elderly Appreciation" Zhu India, these are mostly pictures and worth imitation of Dayton l, less than three days, all collection Jibei sold out, sold a total of nearly 10,000 yuan silver. The proceeds shall be donated to the Fujian Minhou (Linsen home) for secondary school scholarships to outstanding students to study abroad funding.
Since his cousin Linsen die for their love for him, he began to believe in Buddhism. His unique way of Buddhist devotees. Lin Sen's nephew and secretary Lin Lvming recalled: "Lin Sen is a Buddhist, but he did not pay attention to form. I have a few years, often to his home, never saw to that incense and worship, it touches on common he closed head meditatively, as Laosengruding as recited mouth, but never heard him recite aloud, have not seen him speak on Buddhism. Lushan summer he lived in an ordinary house, the house fly many He is always armed with fly-swatter, a pat to kill many flies. I think he is certainly not a devout Buddhist, otherwise how can easily kill. "visible, Linsen Buddhist devotees only aimed to reduce the heart's guilt sense of spiritual pain and loneliness troubleshooting. May 12, 1943 Linsen Linyuan car from the city to accept the Canadian Ambassador's credentials. Collided with a truck on the way the United States, Linsen injuries and was taken to hospital unconscious after the next is always awake, August 1, 1943, Linsen with thoughts and the guilt of the cousin, a hospital in Chongqing died away finished his life journey. Lin Sen no children, adopted children lost their lives in war. During his lifetime all alone, died without leaving any will, after the death of their Pimadaixiao no one is quite bleak, the National Government held a grand state funeral for him, buried in the cemetery River Bridge in Chongqing Geleshan double within. Linsen has always stood as the anti-Japanese, it has won the respect of the Communists, the CPC Central Committee To telegram said: "Lin Kung leading the resistance, power in the country." "Xinhua Daily" editorial "is mourning the death of head of state" and held a public memorial. During the negotiations in Chongqing, Mao Zedong lived in Linyuan, the morning walk, walk out of coincidence as Chiang Kai-shek, Chiang Kai-shek Lin Sen visited the tomb of Mao Zedong, leader, Mao Lin Sen gave high marks.
Linsen in Sichuan, was dealt with before the property: antiques donated to the museum, calligraphy, books sent to libraries, donated 500,000 yuan deposit for scholarships, meaning son of Deng Yahuai donated 60,000 yuan, Si Sunlin Tao, Lin Ping. Funeral Committee for the inventory of property and valuables found little left to finalize the three things as burial objects. 1 things are a pair of embroidered shoes. Ms. Lin Sen premature death, life is not continued, every night before bedtime, the deceased wife of a pair of embroidered shoes up pillow, with his sleep. 2 things are a walking stick. He likes walking in the mountains Ce Zhang, stick the top of a ball, the ball is engraved with "I travel the five continents have been with" seven characters. 3 things are a roll of Buddhist scriptures. Fuzhou has seat Aoshiba Temple, Linsen accommodations are in the temple to return home, since the number "Aoshiba the elderly." This paper is from Aoshiba Buddhist Temple, please return. Lin Sen Lin Sen's residence is located in the right front of the tomb, to cylindrical debris mass graves. Facing south, the tomb of diameter of 13.4 meters, 3.2 meters high, covering an area of 976 square meters, the mass graves around the 18 arc-shaped corner, surrounded by a circular stone railings, high 80 cm, 30 cm wide. Mass graves gravestone in front of fan, there is the KMT emblem. Italics center carved "the National Government and the Chairman Linsen Tomb," Department of the KMT elder Masahiro Nakai book title. Left the book "Republic of China 30 years on July 21 Hitachi." Tombstone width 2.86 m, 3.68 meters, 3.28 meters wide and 0.7 meters long, Block, High 0.48 m, after the epitaph tablet paragraph of leaf Chucang author, Wu Chunhui Seal. The former has a rectangular stone altar, the altar length 3.34, width 0.64 m, 0.79 m, before the rectangular dam, 28.2 meters wide and 22.65 meters long, dam back in front of the central pattern, Yunlei Wen. Step ladder around the 42 Road, the whole tomb surrounded by pine, annual domestic and overseas tourists come to pay their last respects to pay homage there.
Lin Sen said that the death occurred in a striving to filial farce. Lin Sen no descendants, no Pimadaixiao, total non-decent, so called close kinship with Linsen niece as dutiful son of a Church. Who knows, the funeral has not yet held a person suddenly emerge as the dutiful son Linsen. This person is Shouchang County, Zhejiang Province, called Lin Xiyue, claiming President Lin Sen's nephew, specially took leave of absence from Zhejiang arrived in Chongqing to attend funerals. Linsen was dead, no one has leisure to bother to research his family tree, a little more lively one, also recognized the account. Kuomintang government also specially chartered plane sent to pick up in Zhejiang. Unexpectedly, Lin Xiyue to Chongqing, the Lin Sen's niece not recognize his brother, also show family tree shows that there is no Linxi Yue Lin Sen family man. This is what has come to an impasse, Linxi Yue Lin Sen later changed to say that he is the adopted son, adopted son should be as dutiful son. Lin Sen dead, who can prove he is not the adopted son Linsen? Funeral Committee was ambiguous gave them as a dutiful son. Lin Xiyue originally wanted to take this opportunity to activities were an official post, and did not realize that diorama was laid bare, white as a dutiful son three months, sitting Zhejiang charcoal car went back to Britain.