北洋政府 人物列錶
袁世凱 Yuan Shikai黎元洪 Li Yuanhong馮國璋 Feng Guozhang
徐世昌 Xu Shichang週自齊 Zhou Ziji髙凌霨 Gao Lingwei
曹錕 Cao Kun黃郛 Huang Fu段祺瑞 Duan Qirui
鬍惟德 Hu Weide顔恵慶 Yan Huiqing杜鍚圭 Du Yanggui
顧維鈞 Gu Weijun張作霖 Zhang Zuolin
馮國璋 Feng Guozhang
北洋政府  (1859年1919年)
字: 華甫
籍貫: 河北河間

  馮國璋於1859年1月7日 (清鹹豐八年十二月初四)齣生在直隸(今河北)河間縣西詩經村,馮傢原是村中大戶,但到其父時,傢道開始中落,他 7歲入本村私塾讀書,5年後入其外公傢所在地三十裏鋪毛公書院讀書,1876年結業,考試名列前茅。在堂叔馮甘棠的資助下,馮國璋1881年到保定蓮池書院進修2年,因傢境艱難,1883年輟學回傢。為了找尋齣路,馮國璋於1884年末告別父母妻子,衹身去津投軍,開始了他的軍旅生涯。
  鎮壓“二次革命” 齣任江蘇都督
  因此,馮國璋來京就職代大總統,無疑加深了馮段之間的矛盾,促進了北洋集團的分裂。段祺瑞剛愎自用,非常看不起馮國璋馮國璋來北京前夕,段祺瑞聽到馮用債券收買上海外商存土(鴉片),藉製藥為名,從中牟利的消息後,便對身邊人說:“我與馮是舊友了,此君有個錢癖,固所深知。但以今日環境論,我絶不能仮對,因小失大,緻傷感情。且係蘇省官紳合辦,彼既事前未徵求我的意見,我衹好裝作聾聵。”段祺瑞宣揚散布馮國璋有“錢癖”,並非無端攻擊,馮國璋自保定發跡後,通過各種捜颳手段,已陸續聚斂了大量的財富,成為軍閥、大地主和大資本傢三位一體的典型人物。例如,他在原籍河間和阜城、興濟等地有土地 3000餘畝;在江蘇與張謇合辦瓕墾公司。購地7O萬畝;在詩經村、天津、北京有房千餘間;在直隸夾山、遵化、興隆有3座金礦;在南京、北京、天津有lO座錢莊和銀號;並且在中華匯業銀行和“北四行”均有大量股票和存款。儘管如此,仍不能滿足其貪欲。當他走進總統府看到三海活蹦亂跳的魚群時,卻又動了心計,正好一個姓李的嬖人對其買好,進言說:“三海之魚,自明清以來從未網罟過,如果打齣賣給魚商可値10萬餘元。”李某見馮猶豫不定,又說:“成文規定,三海魚鳥花草歷來是皇帝總統私産。”於是,馮國璋招魚商捕之,議價8萬元。從此,馮國璋落得貪婪名聲,所以段祺瑞是很藐視他的。
  段祺瑞上臺後,以“再造共和”功臣自命,獨攬軍政大權,拒絶恢復《臨時約法》和召開國會。於是孫中山以維護《臨時約法》為號召,聯絡海軍總長程壁光及西南軍閥於1917年 9月在廣州建立了與北京政府對峙的護法軍政府。段祺瑞面對此局勢,立即決定對南方實行“武力統一”的軍事討伐。9月18日零陵鎮守使劉建藩和駐衡陽湘軍旅長林修梅通電宣佈湖南“自主”。10月6日,護法戰爭首先在湖南爆發。正當段祺瑞全力對南方用兵之際,代大總統馮國璋卻提齣了與段祺瑞的“武力統一”對立的“和平統一”政策,即保持西南各省軍閥割據現狀,以換取他們對北京中央政權的承認,保持中國名義上的統一。馮為了貫徹他的“和平統一”政策,利用他直係軍閥首領的地位,密遣其婿陳之驥赴湘,運動王汝賢、範國璋聯名通電主和。於是王、範通電:“懇請大總統下令徵求南北各省意見協議組織立法機關,議決根本大法,以垂永久而絶紛爭……。”10月20日馮又指使“長江三督”聯名提齣停止湖南戰爭,撤回湖南督軍傅良佐,改譱內閣和調整倪嗣衝安武軍駐防四項主張。段對南方戰爭徹底失敗。12月25日,馮國璋發佈“弭戰佈告”,要求南北兩軍“於軍事上先得各方之結束,於政治上乃徐圖統一之進行。”馮國璋的“和平統一”政策暫時占了上風。
  徐世昌上臺後,企圖調解直、皖兩係矛盾,為了取悅馮國璋,便批準下臺的馮國璋仍有節制第十五、十六師的權力。不久,又派師景雲赴河間迎請馮晉京,以疏通馮、段感情。由於馮國璋鑒於陸建章被謀殺的教訓,遲遲不敢登程,直到靳雲鵬組閣,稍有了安全保障,他纔於1919年 l0月經天津抵達北京。馮國璋此次進京雖然是打着調合直、皖兩係分裂的旗號而來,但實際上,他依然想通過他的斡旋促進直係內部團结,以對抗皖係,並伺機東山再起。此外,他進京的另一任務,則是企圖把陸軍部於1919年6月裁撤的第十五、十六師的糧餉局奪回來,以保其外快財源不致中斷。然而一切都未能如願,即於12月28日突然病逝,時年62歲。(註:資料來自網絡)

  Feng Guozhang Tianjin Feng Guozhang old home, her grandfather von Pizhen, well-off, there are 300 acres of land for the village one of four big. His father Fengchun Tang, get the job because of examination, mental disorders, because of being a natural disaster, consist in the gradual drop off. Feng Guozhang a cell brothers four, his line of four. Boss Fengpei Zhang, annual operating troupe, run around some other place; second child Fengyun Zhang, his childhood reading, was elected bagong; youngest Zhang Feng Hu, Wen-xiang Health.
  1884, 25-year-old Feng Guozhang come alone to Dagu Huai direct word camp, the camp through the introduction of any instrument Zushu, enlisted in the army. By Feng certain education level, often to help soldiers write letters from home or to help kitchen bookkeeping, popular with good command of the battalion has achieved the trust of Liu Qi. The next year, after the sponsor Liu, Feng Guozhang into Tianjin Military Academy, learning Infantry Division. Zhili Governor and the school is to train the Northern Minister Li Huai Army in the lower level military personnel founded in 1885. German military instructors are employed, the art of war established curriculum, geography, military devices, batteries, algorithms, mapping, and exercise habits artillery, infantry teams, horses, work teams and division and tactical deployment, and also by the history of science. Feng Guozhang the first phase of the school students. In the study, he had returned to his country to participate in examinations, then the amount of ad hoc mathematical epiphytes, because He is good at math, exams and scholar. Military Academy and returned to Tianjin to study the military. Feng Guozhang study hard, master guns formation, to familiarize themselves with camp operations, subjects with outstanding results have been overall running of the school and German instructors Yinchang appreciated. 1890 graduate, was taught there.
  Yuan dynasty, and betrayed participation "Reform Movement" of the reformers, won Nala Shi specially trusted. March 1899, the new army was renamed "Bue Youjun." Soon, Yuan led his army to go to Shandong, sent by the acting governor of Shandong, suppression of the Boxer movement. Feng Guozhang gymnastics camp to the Governor General's Office Department the identity of the 10,000 people of Shandong Yong Bue Youjun business gradually adapted to the vanguard, and once Lvdui Zhili and Shandong in the Texas border area, dogged Boxer. Intervention in 1900, Feng Guozhang suppression of the Boxer movement of "power", Paul played by Yuan Shikai, was promoted to fill with the prefect. Soon was transferred to the competent Bue Youjun Jinan and Shandong province Governor military exercise matters.
  1906, Feng Guozhang Acting is Huangqihai Mongolia Dutong commanders, army aristocrat school part-time General Office. The school is mainly for training Qing Manchuria and Mongolia established senior military personnel, whose members are Wanggong Shi Jue, the imperial family for more than four items and the current civil and military high officials of the second or more children Manchu. The school is also attached to the kings and workshops, experts called in a fixed time they listen to Prince von lectures. Feng Guozhang advantage of this opportunity to get to know a lot of Mongolian nobles, and won the confidence of the Qing Dynasty. Thus, in 1907 Marshall became the Department of Military Advisory Feng Guozhang l Department is making. 1908 has been promoted to Minister of Qingxiling lianggezhuang duty.
  Feng Guozhang in his troops south road, the only Yuan's secret order is to listen to and ignore the command of Yin Chang. When Feng Guozhang his troops through Akinori, the alone to the village of Huan Yuan referrals to the appropriate machine, Feng Yuan instructed "Take it, wait and see" Six Words tips, and Feng said: "The preparation for weeks of non-properly, a foolproof, broken difficult to attack Governor teacher. "Qing government forced, only please Yuan out of the mountains. Yuan got the upper hand, immediately petitioned by the first Junjun Yin-Chang Feng Guozhang replacement system functions. Yuan Feng Guozhang that in accordance with the instructions of their plans, well prepared attack. When the Qing government was forced to grant full political and military after the Yuan, Yuan Feng Guozhang was ordered to attack the New Army uprising in Hankou and Hanyang. Li Chun Feng Department will then command, Zhan-yuan and Chen Guangyuan, commanding the Northern Army turns Sankyo onslaught. Northern New Army uprising in the face of fierce military offensive, split up, hiding in the street on both sides of the building Hankow Northern Army sniper attack. Feng Guozhang see New Army uprising desperate resistance, difficult to drive straight, we decided to set fire to shops and houses along the street, so the rebels can not take shelter. November 1, Feng ordered the soldiers set fire by wind, fire from north to south, from east to west, Hankou became a sea of fire the whole time, not three days and nights out, so that inside the radius of 30 to become a bustling commercial port tilting scorched earth, incalculable loss of business people. After the fall of Hankow, 27 November Feng Guozhang they command the Northern Army captured Hanyang. This battle, the Qing Feng Guozhang labeled second Baron. While crossing the Yangtze River can be a drum, Wuchang readily available when the revolutionary forces to use force Yuan Qing emperor to abdicate power, secret order Feng Guozhang "inaction." Feng Yuan's intention moment intangible, and Yuan doubt, then the Trustee to the Empress Dowager in person to Beijing Qi Zou, Xiang Yin 4 million allocated to the two requests can be alone put down "rebellion." Queen Mother said, four million two Xiangyin find it difficult to plan, but you can dial made 3 months Xiang Yin, and ready when called in Feng Guozhang Powerbut. Unexpectedly, the first to step met Empress Yuan, Feng Guozhang's wishful thinking to become a bubble, even almost to be Yuan kill. Soon Tuan quickly arrive at Hankou, replacing Feng Guozhang Northern Army command posts.
  September 1912, Feng Guozhang as the military governor of Zhili Province and District long. 1914 was promoted to Army General. Become Yuan's right hand man.
  July 1913, "Second Revolution" broke out. 15, in Nanjing that anti-Yuan Huang Xing. 23, Feng Guozhang was appointed to JAC Xuanfu to lead his troops from the Jin Pulu south, and soon captured the Su County, Bengbu and Chu county throughout, August 6 direct Pukou. 16, his son, to participate in the struggle against Yuan Chen of Nanjing, the 8th Division of the Ji, the rate a small number of guards had Jiang Xiangyue father secretly surrendered. Chen will be in Nanjing and the fortification of a rudderless confusion a detailed layout of the Feng Guozhang report. Feng Guozhang glowing terms, of the Chen Ji said: "you is all very important, when I Huijun cross the river now flashing Liyingwaige, capture of Nanjing, to establish a deal in you." Subsequently, Zhang Xun Feng Guozhang join the navy braided soldiers and Liu Guanxiong the deployment of a joint operational plan captured Nanjing. He Haiming rate of anti-Yuan of Nanjing Military engage in fierce battle with the Northern army for half a month. September 2, Feng Guozhang command to blow up the Northern Army entered the city walls. After the Northern Army entered the city like the beast, reckless burning and prostitution sweep, Nanjing bereaved by merchants, countless, many women were raped after the vote Qinhuai himself. Zhang Xun particularly braided military brutality. Feng Guozhang capture of Nanking by the "power", was awarded first-Yuan Zhang Wen-Hu. The fall of Nanjing, "Second Revolution" failed. Yuan aware of the strategic position of Nanjing, coiling his control of the South is essential, so he had intended to appoint trusted generals after the capture of Nanjing in Jiangsu Feng Guozhang military governor, but things do not happen to, because Feng Guozhang the eve of the capture of Nanjing, promised Zhang Xun's "first strike into the city by the military governor" of the agreement, Zhang Xun heavy casualties at the military braid, taken the lead by scoring in Nanjing, Zhang Xun Feng Guozhang only give protection for the military governor of Jiangsu. September 10, the military governor of Zhili Feng Guozhang north successor. Zhang Xun, however, no military side, eventually leads to the "Nanjing representations case." Japan, Britain and the United States envoy to Zhang Xun in Nanjing, the lives and property of its nationals are not completely guarantee the grounds, to put pressure on Yuan. Yuan Shikai was appointed on December 16 Feng Guozhang as the military governor of Jiangsu.
  Yuan's climb up the official president of the throne, not enough for you quickly, they had to do the emperor's ambitions. When father and son in Beijing, Yuan Feng Guozhang learned the news of monarchy planning, it is amazing. Consult with the Chow decided to Beijing insider, so in June 1915 went to Beijing Ye Yuan. Feng Q: "I have heard that outside the imperial president to change the legend, I do not know do not?" Yuan replied: "Hua Fu, you are all my own side, my mind might tell you, the Lord of history, to create, in all but 50, I was nearly 60 years of age, and hair on the temples to make white, energy is not as ever. Generally people want to do the emperor must have a good son, Kesheng foundation, I set foot wrong with his eldest son grams, is useless lame, just want to be a second son of Croatian culture celebrities, 34 children were Dandyism, but good for nothing. If I do the emperor, which is my successor? will only Zhaohuo, not good. "What is said He has bought a house in London, if the people force him to do the emperor, when he went to England in exile. Yuan Feng see so pledged, also believed it was. Yuan, however legitimate, "Zhitianshiri, to argue its nothing," while his trusted aides about it is actively preparing for the monarchy. Feng returned to Nanjing, Beijing, "Planning for Peace" that the public advocate to restore the monarchy, Feng Guozhang dare not believe they can not believe all, only to close call against the monarchy of the Office of the President to the Secretary Zhang grinding confidential inquiry soon be " sake of something "response. Feng Guozhang feel cheated, then angry and said: "When our own people what he does? His acting indeed a not bad!" Since then, Yuan Feng Guozhang and gradually intensified the conflict.
  Yuan Feng Guozhang very assured on, they adopted a strict preventive measures. First, placement in Feng Guozhang Wang Ziming and others around them to monitor their actions; it is said Zhang Xun Yuan had received a telegram saying that Feng Guozhang is unreliable, Nursing and nearby monitor. Moreover, Shanghai commanders in Zhengru Cheng Yuan loyalists after the assassination, he again sent his trusted Yangshan De Yuan rate of the fourth division relocation, Shanghai surveillance Feng Guozhang. Soon after, then deployed in Wu Song Lu Yongxiang rate of the 10th Division, and to prepare for Feng Guozhang. Feng Guozhang Seeing this situation, see Yuan no longer believe in themselves, from the relationship with the Yuan gradually estranged father and son, would never hard for the Yuan. Soon, his son instructions Yuan Jiangsu Xunan Shi Qi Yaolin elected representatives, was held to vote to change the state system. Qi designated representatives, von suggesting inappropriate military governor on behalf of all staff, not to participate in elections. The holding of voting day, Feng Guozhang not plead illness; Qi Quan Qing person to the Department, he reluctantly arrived at the scene, but it has sat there, silent. December 18, Yuan Feng Guozhang appointed as chief of staff, urging urgent telegram to Beijing office. Feng is the excuse ill refuse to Beijing, and Jiangsu mobilized military and civilian power, please, "retain" such as military governor Li Chun Feng also made claims to stay. Yuan no way, only allow him to Nanjing "remote collar." However, the Yuan is still not assured, side to send Ruanzhong Shu, Yin Chang, who continue to urge Mr Fu Ning Ning from north side of power that Yangshan De, Lu Yongxiang, Ni Si reconstituted military control of the Yangtze River. December 25, Cai Yunnan and other declared independence, organization National Protection Army, crusade against Yuan Shikai. Feng Guozhang view of the national anti-Yuan Movement. Ill no longer installed. March 9, 1916 by calling Yuan returned from leave, release from the courage to openly oppose the monarchy, became "against the rule as the Hongxian the Northern faction of the First Emperor of the central figure."
  Feng Guozhang a close call for Chen Yuan Diego, please, "Do not light open war" on the one hand by Liang, Hu E, and others public and Southwest Yunnan and Guangxi warlords Tang Jiyao, Lu Rongting messenger contacts to promote independence and Lu Rongting attack southwest of Guangzhou, driven by his best buddies Long Yuan economy of light; the same time, persuade the Northern Army and the National Protection Army Sichuan truce and ordered Sichuan, Hunan, General Chen Huan, Tang Xiang Ming Yuan powered refuse orders. When Yuan Shikai sent to Sichuan, Cao Kun rate of the Northern Army and National Protection Army energize the day, Liang sent to Nanjing, please help Cai Feng Guozhang maintenance republic against the monarchy. Feng Guozhang right to make, said: "I am He (Yuan) hand-picked people up, but fairly confidant, my cable is a major blow to him. Between us, can not be denied there is a good friend, the flu. On the personal relationships that I should support him, and on the national plan, they must not do this, do not necessarily be beneficial to people when an attack is more strongly affected by disaster. So, I have considered the results of total power generation must persuade Yuan abdicated. "So, Mr Secretary, to be called a good two power, an electroluminescent Yuan, persuaded to abdicate; an electricity sub-cause of Hubei, Jiangxi and southwestern provinces, said he opposed Hongxian attitude.
  Not only that, Feng also took the initiative to contact the Jiangxi Li Chun, Zhejiang Zhu Rui, Hunan, Tang Xiang Ming, Shandong Jin Yunpeng other generals jointly issued a telegram to the provincial general seek to pack the current situation of the opinion, said "five general secret power", the message content requirements of the South who : (a) abolish the independent, (b) out of the theater, (c) protect the field people. Asked the North by: (-) abolished the monarchy, (b) punish the culprit monarchy, (c) Please head of state to resign in order to spy the people means the country. See "Five secret General Electric" is a Feng Guozhang attempt to "neutral" in the name of provincial chief, General, called non-independent provinces and autonomous regions to form a third force, in order to joint the National Protection Army, War in a trick.
  The restoration of monarchy provoked Yuan of the National People's immense anger, leading to protect the country and the outbreak of war, internal fragmentation Northern warlord Yuan Shikai on June 6, 1916 at the sound of the National People's condemnation, fear of death. In this process, Feng Guozhang played a certain role.
  Yuan Shikai's death, Li Yuan-hung as president. October 1916 Feng Guozhang was elected Vice-President, announced the inauguration in November in Nanjing, Jiangsu is still and military governor. Feng Guozhang after taking office, Vice President, Vice-President will establish offices in Nanjing, and open attitude to the Head of State met with reporters to talk about law, and claim construction should be gradually carried out in China, against the KMT's radical approach, a time quite active politically . Early in 1917, Jiangsu Nanjing merchants sits in view of Feng Guozhang, maintaining social order is meritorious, it launched fund-raising for the Feng Guozhang erect "monuments"; soon after, Jiangsu Association heard about the military also would like to join the launch, to establish Fenggong Sheng Temple, take China character of the "Chinese" character named "Wah" and intended to cast the statue. Thing for Feng Guozhang heard. He was "ridiculed by the fear of man proposed, immediately wrote to politely refuse", said: "Do Wah Yuen dispel the issue, if not interrupted, please to persuade factories to benefit of the economy." Soon, will be built and cast as the donor Wah Yuen built factories and urged the poor factory, this short time has visited one another, and Feng Guozhang added some luster. Not only that, Feng Guozhang more to face the remnants of the anti-imperialist system there. Duan Qirui as Prime Minister after the cabinet members to deliver the list of approved Nanjing please Feng, Feng Cao Rulin in the midst of a watch list, then the people around him, said: "This list I can agree? With imperial remnants have When the cabinet members, and too Xianghua, and Chi Quan (Duan Qirui) is really nonsense Yeah, I'm going to put it back to??
  Feng Guozhang, word Hua Fu
  February 1917, Feng Guozhang Beijing to mediate Duan Li and broke off diplomatic relations with Germany caused by the "Disputes of Government." Feng to Beijing after living in the Guards headquarters, meeting with military and political dignitaries are busy all day to give my views on the current situation, "desire line outside, can not be refreshed without first seeking internal affairs", a time to win the goodwill of all walks of life. He also Chinese university "Education Saves the Nation" speech for the title, won the teachers and students. March, Duan Qi-rui Li due to dissatisfaction with the foreign policy of Congress and resigned to go to Tianjin, Li Feng Guozhang in trust by the person to go to Tianjin to retain, and close ranks with the segment returned to Beijing. Feng see paragraph opinionated, arrogant, unable to mediate the final, said, back to Nanjing, the Feng Guozhang expected Tuan bound to have adverse, decided to gather strength, engaged Duan Qirui challenges. He combined military governor of Jiangxi Li Chun, Wang Zhan Yuan military governor of Hubei, the establishment of the "Yangtze River Governor" forces, but also strive to win over the provincial warlords and the United Kingdom, the United States forces, which left open the future always Anhui war. Soon Li minister in the United States "allow for the backing," the support of the Prime Minister categorically ordered dispense Duan Qirui duties. Section angrily went to Tianjin, immediately incited "Doc Legion" inverted Paris, then in the section Wanxi provinces under the command of warlords, became independent, so that Li dilemma. At this time, Li Feng Guozhang had telephoned support, and recommended by the Wang Shizhen out of cabinet. As Wang Shizhen Shoushuliangduan, afraid to incur disaster, a time dared not answer; section has taken the opportunity to send his close military governor of Anhui Zhang Xun Xu Shuzheng encourage mediation, and suggesting to the Qing emperor Pu Yi Xun restoration, the result Lai deceived, the dissolution of parliament, raises a restoration of the farce.
  July 1, 1917, Zhang Xun in Beijing restoration, Li refuge in the Japanese legation, call the acting president of Nanjing please Feng Guozhang powers, to maintain Republican. Feng Guozhang power in the country on July 3 said: "Guo Zhang in the Qing era, the revolutionary ideas of the non-person, ... ... Guozhang today is not in favor of restoration, is still not in favor of the revolution before, ... ... He (referring to Zhang Xun ) relies on the Capital for the business Cave, relying on Young God to the Home Church, hand sovereignty, including days of the constitution mouth, title by borrowing, degree of support for their virtual Mi, of civilization in barbarous, commissioned law in wilderness, but this can be tolerated, Why States! "The next day, Feng Guozhang met British Consul in the military department, said:" China has embarked on a republican form of government. does not allow another king, I can tell you, I told the Prime Minister is standing against the section of the status. "restoration cleared as Feng Guozhang on the 14th call" money back big powers of the presidency, please Li reinstatement. " Li Kui in the dissolution of parliament, so determined to left office, call Feng Guozhang said: "Although the soul ashamed of, skeletons and died, strider set Hejian, I laid the Republic of China." Attempt to take advantage of their trusted Duan Qi-rui Chong Ni Si Feng Guozhang replaced the post of military governor of Jiangsu, So great facilities mean by that measure, 18, calling on the president to promote Feng north of the post and sent as envoy to Nanjing Jin Yunpeng Ying Feng Guozhang north. Jin on Feng said: "section of the cabinet that will listen to the words of von Mahone, two concentric, their power than gold!" Von know ambition paragraph, is not confused by language Jin, Duan Qirui flatly rejected the arrangement, and conditions put forward from the rather tit for tat: Li Chun tune their subordinates military governor of Jiangxi, Jiangsu military governor, Chen Guangyuan military governor of Jiangxi, the 15th, the 16th Division for the Presidential Guard. Jin Duan Qirui call report, a new paragraph Zeyi Peter Woo, Fu Liangzuo garrison commander for the Yangtze River and Sichuan, and Hunan military governor investigating so that in exchange, agreed to the von requirements. Feng Guozhang view of their forces in the Yangtze River to be consolidated, easy to August 1 rate the 16th Division, arrived in Beijing office.
  Therefore, Feng Guozhang to Beijing office on behalf of the president, no doubt deepened the conflict between von segment, and promote the Northern clique. Duan Qirui opinionated, very looked down on Feng Guozhang. Feng Guozhang to Beijing on the eve of Mr Duan Qi-rui heard the Shanghai Foreign deposits with bonds to buy land (opium), by the pharmaceutical name of profit from the news, then on the side said: "I was old friends with Von, and Walking with a money addiction, the best knowledge of solid. But the environment of today, I can not oppose, runs the risk of emotional injury. and the Department of Jiangsu Province organized gentry, Biji not seek my advice in advance, I had to install for deaf Kui. "promote the spread Duan Qi-rui Feng Guozhang" Money Addiction ", not unprovoked attack, Feng Guozhang fortune from Baoding, after sweeping up through various means, has gradually amassed a great deal of wealth, as warlords, landlords and big capitalists Trinity The typical characters. For example, in his country of origin and Fucheng Hejian, Hing economic and other places have more than 3,000 mu of land; in Jiangsu and Zhang Jian joint salt reclamation company. 7O mu of land purchase; in Book Village, Tianjin, Beijing has room more than a thousand rooms; in Zhili folder Hill, Zunhua, booming with three gold; in Nanjing, Beijing, Tianjin, banks and silver have lO seat number; and Banco Delta in China and "North four lines" have a large number of shares and deposits. However, still can not meet their greed. When he entered the presidential palace to see the fish jump when the three sea, but moving the scheming, just one of their favorite surnamed Li bought, into the statement said: "The three sea fish, since the Ming has never been Reticulum If the play can be sold to fish traders value of 10 million yuan. "Feng Lee see wavering, said:" statutory provision, three sea Ichthyornis flowers have always been private property emperor president. "Then, Dr. Feng Guozhang catch of fish traders, bargaining 80,000 yuan. Since then, Feng Guozhang end up greedy reputation, so Duan Qirui is despised him.
  Duan Qirui took office, to "Rebuild" meritorious claim to a monopoly on military power, refused to resume "Provisional Constitution" and the convening of the Congress. Sun was to maintain "Provisional Constitution" to call, contact the Navy General-way wall light and southwestern warlords in September 1917 in Guangzhou and Beijing to establish a junta government protect the law of confrontation. Duan Qirui the face of this situation, and immediately decided to implement the South "unified force" military crusade. September 18 and in Hengyang, Lingling Liu Jianfan commanders in Hunan Hunan Brigadier Lin Xiumei power that "independent." October 6, and safeguarding the war first broke out in Hunan. Duan Qirui fully legitimate use of forces on the occasion of the South, on behalf of the president has proposed and Duan Qi-rui Feng Guozhang a "unified force" against the "peaceful reunification" policy, that southwestern provincial warlords to maintain the status quo in exchange for their central government in Beijing recognition, to maintain the unity of the Chinese name. Feng order to implement his "peaceful reunification" policy, using his immediate chief warlord status, Mi Qian Chen Ji, whose husband went to Hunan, sports Ruxian, Fan Guozhang joint power owners. Then the king, Fan power: "to urge the President to order the agreement to seek the views of North and South provinces, organizations legislature resolved the fundamental law, to permanent and absolute vertical disputes ... ...." 20 October Feng has incited "Doc Yangtze River" jointly to stop Hunan war, withdraw military governor of Hunan Fu Liangzuo to improve the cabinet and adjust the Ni Si Chong An Wujun stationed in four claims. Section of the complete failure of the war against the South. December 25, Feng Guozhang release "Mi war announcement," North-South military requirements "on all sides of the end of the military on the basis, in the political reunification plan is to Xu." Feng Guozhang of "peaceful reunification" policy is still the upper hand .
  Infighting match for Duan Qi-rui
  However, now you only own president position, regardless of the Prime Minister's face, such a move that knows how America really chilling. "Not wait for Feng speech, they bombarded Ni camel vent inner dissatisfaction:" I do not know whether the President still remember the Military Academy in Tianjin, a student, the principal is not our Anhui Li Wenzhong (Li) do. Anhui were bad luck today, and then one by one to shield the students from all forget this, we trace from the eggs with this terrible you! "Having said this he should stroke the table to cry, saying:" Mr. President, and now countries have dangerous extreme, we have sent to the northern extreme danger, you see such arrogance of power south, there are bad people in front of the presidential discord say you are straight camp, said Prime Minister Wan School section, that you both Nao Yixian, Anhui now Zaoyao Yan said that the two factions to sub-straight. If that's divided, we Zixiang the fire, then the northern faction would be finished. "Ni's remarks brought a Feng Guozhang also shed tears, to follow Feng Guozhang of Tianwen Lie Seeing this situation, they said:" The president is, in fact Ni military governor, military governor Zhang party of the matter be deliberated crusade against Southwest, as such, to be President of the back of the next crusade to make better. "Feng Guozhang want to Nanjing, Ni immediately said:" If you return to Beijing, I can be released if to Nanjing, I will detain you here. "Feng Guozhang last resort, only returning Beijing.
  Future generations
  Feng Guozhang as the beginning of the "country" Generation name.
  This is also the grandchildren from the "forbidden" words, but the political climate and social environment has forced only to defy the teachings of ancestors to show with "reactionary family break." So this generation to Feng Gong child is no longer a "forbidden" word generation a row.
  Feng Guozhang spends his life by a scholar like martial arts, reading History and then study the military. In that time he lived, experienced several wars, in which there is personally involved in the invasion of Sino-Japanese War and the eight-to Beijing and other war; China, as a defeated nation, paid a ceding territory and paying compensation to sign humiliating treaties heavy price. Has big ambitions as a generation of intellectuals in China, or have a strong sense of national pride as a military general, Feng Guozhang have given the deep thinking and keen insights into the often made to the supervisor and the Qing court, and has been practicing for "national policy of prohibiting open event from the East," the ambition and dedication.
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