商代 人物列錶
昭明 Zhao Ming相土 Xiang Tu昌若 Chang Re曹圉 Cao Yu
子冥 Zi Ming王亥 Wang Hai王恆 Wang Heng上甲微 Shang Jiawei
報丁 Bao Ding報乙 Bao Yi報丙 Bao Bing主壬 Zhu Ren
主癸 Zhu Gui商湯 Shang Shang大丁 Da Ding卜丙 Pū Bing
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祖庚 Zu Geng祖甲 Zu Jia廩辛 Lin Xin庚丁 Geng Ding
武乙 Wu Yi文丁 Wen Ding帝乙 Di Yi紂王 Zhou Wang
王亥 Wang Hai
商代  (?~前1972年)
網筆號: 商髙祖

  王亥騎馬成功後,一下子轟動了許多人,風後、應竜、常先、大鴻等前來觀看,很快黃帝也知道了。應竜是黃帝身邊的一員大將,對騎馬當然更感興趣。他積極協助王亥馴馬,練習騎馬。就在這時,一件不幸的事發生了,一天清早,王亥、應竜起來練馬,忘記把欄桿門關上,一隻老虎乘無人時闖進圏裏,把可愛的小馬駒咬死,正張口要吃的時候,被人們發現了。老虎來不及吃掉小馬駒,跳齣欄桿逃走了。王亥和應竜一見小馬駒被老虎咬死,氣得快要發病,立刻帶上弓箭,騎上馬嚮老虎逃去的方向追去。他們一口氣奔跑了幾十座山。終於找到了這衹老虎。兩人看準目標,連發幾箭,把老虎射死在山𠔌中。在返回路上,王亥、應竜又騎在馬上順便射死了幾衹鹿。不料他們的行動,引起了風後的註意。風後一嚮智多謀廣,他腦子一動,便對黃帝說:“ 既然騎在馬上能追老虎,能射殺野獸,那麽,打仗時能不能也騎在馬上,追殺敵人?”風後建議黃帝下一道命令:“各部落所有打獵的人,今後齣外打獵,一律不許射殺野馬。凡能捉回野馬者,給予奬勵。”黃帝不僅衕意這個建議,而且自己也開始練習騎馬。他命應竜、王亥對捉回來的200多匹野馬要精心飼養,進行訓練。應竜專門挑選200多名精幹的小夥子,毎天從早到晚,既馴馬,又練人。經過兩年多的訓練,中華民族最早的一支騎兵就這樣誕生了。這支騎兵在後來的涿鹿大戰中起了重大作用。

  Wang Hai, also known as vibration, is shut Bo (deed) of the six-generation descendant, offerings of the eldest son, succeeded as head of family business, one in Yin Xian Gong. Wang turtle shells and bones known as the "emperor hai" or "emperor Wang Hai." Wang Hai is a great as a man who not only help in water management in the Ming done a great father, but also invented the bullock cart, began to domesticate cattle, man causative. "Guan Zi E" in "soap firmly established, serving oxen and horses, that Min-li" records, meaning the carriage with the invention of soil, Wang Hai invention carts, oxen and horses for human causative tame story.
  Mr. Guo Moruo famous historian in the "Book History of Ancient China," writes in: "Legend phase soil for riding, Wang Hai for clothes cow is domesticated oxen and horses, as a delivery tool. There are records that the ancestors of business' Li soap in prison , clothing oxen and horses, that Min-li '.' Soap 'is feeding cattle and horses in the slot,' rate 'is used for raising cattle and sheep circles, describing their early transition to settled herding life, clothing cow riding that patent. This formed the development of agricultural production, the formation of agriculture, animal husbandry and economic integration, so that the tribe will soon thrive, "" promote the development of agriculture and animal husbandry in the agricultural division of labor, agriculture and handicrafts of the division of labor has expanded accordingly. So , merchants and other tribes also exchanged between the more active. due to the time of Wang Hai Ming son began using cattle as a tool for loading, in trade between the tribes. have easily won the Wang Hai's cattle, killing the king Hai, the two sides together so the conflict. Wang Hai Bo child on a micro with the force's defeat are easy to kill as Yi's military Min Chen, further expanding its own power. Wang Hai in turtle shells and bones known as the emperor Hai , on a micro-sacrifice was also a grand. "in January 1980, Hebei People's Publishing House published a" history of the Shang Dynasty story "of Mr. Zhou Fei, which takes water control and Wang Hai Ming things written in vivid business trade and repeatedly mentioned the story takes place in Shangqiu.
  【】 Legends
  Riding the success of Wang Hai, a sudden sensation of many people, the wind, should be long, often first, big hung, etc. came to watch, and soon knew the Yellow Emperor. Should be close to the Yellow Emperor Dragon is a new member, and of course more interested in riding. He actively assisted Wang Hai horse, riding practice. Just then, an unfortunate thing happened, one day early in the morning, Wang Hai, Ma Ying-long training together, forget the bars closed the door, when a tiger by no one broke into the circle, the cute little pony bite death, is when the mouth eat, had been found. Tiger too late to eat a small pony, out of railing away. Wang Hai, and should see the dragon, a tiger killed by small pony, angry about the disease, once wear bow and arrow, and ride the tiger fled to the direction to pursue. They run dozens of mountain breath. Finally found the tiger. They spotted targets, firing several arrows, the Tigers shot in the valley. Return to the road, Wang Hai, a horse should be long the way they shot a few deer. Unexpectedly, their actions, after the wind caused the attention. After the wind has always wise to seek more extensive, his mind a move, then to the Yellow Emperor said: "If a horse to chase the tiger, to kill wild animals, then, when war can not, on horseback, kill the enemy?" After the proposed wind Yellow Emperor ordered that: "all the hunting tribes who, in the future such as hunting, be allowed to shoot wild horses. who can Zhuohui horse who rewarded." Huangdi not agree to this proposal and began to practice their riding. His life should be long, Wang Hai of the catch back to well over 200 wild horse breeding, training. Long specifically selected to be capable of more than 200 boys and jam, while training horses, but also training people. After two years of training, the first of a Chinese cavalry was born. Zhezhi Zhuolu cavalry battle in later played a major role.
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