籍貫: | 慶元葉村 | ||||||
當時,靠賄賂宦官王振上臺的福建左布政使宋彰,“浸魚貪惡,民不能堪”(《明史》捲一百六十五《丁瑄傳》)。因此,鄧茂七起義後附近各縣貧苦農民“皆舉金鼓器械應之” “遠近至者,皆附其黨”,西有陳政景領導的寧化農民響應起義,東有蔣福成領導的尤溪萬餘爐丁(煉鐵工人)和農民聲援。起義軍以沙縣、尤溪為根據地,建立地方政權,積極嚮外擴展勢力。四月,鄧茂七帶領農民軍主力,從間道北上占領杉關,攻剋光澤,順北屯溪而下,陷邵武,入順昌,農民軍所到之處,官吏、豪紳紛紛逃匿。同時,寧化農民軍進攻連城、汀州(今長汀)等地。鄧茂七與蔣福成便聯合進逼延平(今南平),八閩震動。
正統十三年八月,明英宗命御史丁瑄馳閩“剿撫”,並以都督劉聚為總兵,都督陳榮為副總兵,陳詔(一作韶)、劉德新為左右參將,僉都御史張楷監軍,率重兵隨後入閩,以解延平之危。丁瑄一到延平,即命同知鄧洪率兵二千往沙縣徵剿,遭到鄧茂七、蔣福成聯合反擊,全軍覆沒。丁瑄又改變手法,派人前去招降,要農民軍 “解散,得免死”。鄧茂七堅定地說:“吾豈畏死求免者!吾取延平,據建寧,塞二關,傳檄南下八閩,誰敢窺焉!”遂殺來使。延平守城御史張海急忙派都指揮張某帶兵四千前去阻擊。農民軍於王臺南部雙溪口隘路上設伏待敵。以20餘人隱藏在兩側村店中,大部隊埋伏於就近山上。當官兵大隊人馬已過,殿後都指揮將至之際,村店中的農民軍突然舉排柵塞道,迅速把都指揮及數名從兵擒殺了。等官兵前驅發覺回援,山上伏兵從側面衝下掩殺,一舉殲敵數千。鄧茂七便乘勝進圍延平府城。張海再次上城誘降,未能得逞。接着雙方大戰於城外,農民軍連斬明軍都指揮範真、指揮彭璽二將,官兵不敢再戰,閉城固守待援。
Yezong Liu (1404-1448 years) Zhejiang Qingyuan leaf village (now the silt on), born poor, childhood death of his father, with his uncle read the declared level private school, longer martial arts, determined to "Dao Pi human grievance, gun fight grievances of people the world. " Scattered around the state (now Zhejiang Lishui) had been a government department Zaoli, as unbearable oppression, on conventional seven years (1442) in December, and the State Department, who leaves the Greek VIII, Chen Shangong led hundreds of celebrities and other people in Fujian Fuan, without permission Baofeng open field (this life Ningxia) silver. Silver Mine in the mountains along the Fujian and Zhejiang, the restricted area closed to the Ming Dynasty, local officials often send patrols into the mountains Death Search Mountain expulsion of displaced mines. Led by Ye Zongliu many people, the local government will be submitted to the court, Ming court life of Fujian and Zhejiang provinces troops arrest. Ye Zongliu that entrenched location, casting weapons, armed self-defense. Early Ming Dynasty official order is prohibited to "steal open pits," "Private fried silver" offenders "capital punishment", the families of exiled frontier, "if dissatisfied investigated, namely, Diao Chao Bu." ("Ming Hidemune Record," volume IV 19, the orthodox three years in December Yi Chou) Yezong Liu ignored on the official ban. Nine in July, Fujian Services Zhu Yuan, Liu rate of more than a thousand officers and men of troops and horses Zhihuiqianshi military offensive. Ye Zongliu armed uprising that led the miners, against the officers and men. Rebels to lure the enemy in depth, to set up an ambush, soldiers digging traps and other means to defeat, Qin Sha Zhu Yuan, Jian Shang Hai. The rebels won the first battle and the Northern miners have to respond to the pit field, near some poor farmers to participate in mining areas the rebels, the rebel army forces have grown rapidly to xianxia ling Tong Hill copper. Years in December, Jiangxi Cheng Guang Xin Xuan administrative commissioner Siming (now Shangrao) and Yanshan county government military offensive against the officers and men. Officers and soldiers the rebels captured the first to go through the Yuen Foong (now Guangfeng) county, and arrival in the city by the officers and men under the weak footing, out of the city attacked, annihilated more than half of the officers and men escaped remnants. Since then, the rebels activities in the mountainous border provinces of Fujian, Zhejiang, to mobile tactics on Fuguan Bing's "ferreting." Government troops, "destroy the West to go East, South seized the north", and often had laid an ambush at the narrow passage of anti-men, enabling you to take the initiative, repeatedly smashed the Ming army's "military offensive."
Orthodox years in February after the rebels all over the miners dug a pit governance and Shaoyang, less Pavilion pit and pit fields in northern Fujian other silver, received less than the cost. Yezong Liu believes that "his take on the mountain, not by labor, Shuruo access to people, but more than one stroke," and to lead the volunteers to play mine, captured the governance and the county seat and major towns. In September, led the rebels back Yezong Liu Qingyuan, "Zhao Liang Ge Longquan Hermit leaves seven for teachers, training, martial arts," and absorbed substantial contingent of more than a thousand young. December, Yezong Liu Huijun south, captured in one fell swoop Pucheng. 10 years the first month, Jianyang captured along the way there are a large number of farmers to participate, the team has reached nearly ten thousand people, then into the northern Fujian city of Jianning (now Jianou). As the officials fled, they occupied the city with the smooth. In order to curb the Ming army to Fujian, the rebels of a hill into the pond over the copper Jiangxi, Fujian and Jiangxi, occupying a lane of car traffic to disk Ridge, repeatedly attacked the officers and men fell. Soon, Ye Zongliu rate main rebels fought south of Zhejiang. At this time, Yezong Liu Tao were two friends led more than a thousand farmers in the State Department response to the uprising, the rebels even greater momentum to control the border provinces of Fujian, Zhejiang and traffic arteries.
Orthodox 10 years in February, under the impetus of the uprising in the miners, the leadership of Deng Mao-seven tenants in the southwest Sa Chen cottage uprising. Deng Mao-seven formerly Yun Deng, Jianchang (now Jiangxi Nan) who was born tenant farmers, "Zhi Yong Han from the" despotic landlord for killing, fled to seek refuge in Fujian Ninghua Chen Jing, a pseudonym Moshichi. Fujian landlords cruel exploitation of the peasants, Mao often gathered seven planning Struggle Against the tenant was aware of the local authorities, they moved to Sa. Liu Hua, Min Ye Zongliu miners Governor destroy the rebels, the Organization of small parts A, Mao pushed to seven the total A police officer, "the enriching Jun Yi prefecture officials by bribery, vertical take their multi-farm rents, times the debt service levy . Xiaomin went to Su nothing. " Sa tenant exploitation is particularly serious, the rent must be sent to the designated host location, called the "free rental" holidays, but also contribute to the host of items like poultry, known as "winter sacrifice." Deng Mao-7 using the identity of the total A, called repeal "winter sacrifice" refused "to send rent" to the landlords own rental. Nearby farmers have to respond. Landowners official complaint immediately, County of Sichuan troops arrest Ding, Mao seven resisting arrest, and to catch the soldiers killed. Subsequently, pro-Shaxian magistrate conducted with 300 officers and soldiers rounded up, Mao organized peasant seven armed resistance, killing the magistrate and the patrol, killing nearly 300 officers and men do, and "rob the rich people, every kill." Thus, Deng Mao-Chan cottage occupied seven leading his men, officially announced the uprising, claiming to be "leveling the king", based Guan Zhu, drink blood oath the public, announced leveling world of injustice.
Orthodox 10 years in August, Ming Yu Shi Dingxuan Chi Min Hidemune life "Suppression and Comfort", and to the military governor Liu clustered Chief General, the military governor for the Fuzong Bing Chen, Chen Chao (1 for Shao), the new left and right reference to Liu, Ye Qian Jianjun Yu Shi Zhangkai all, then to Fujian heavily rates to relieve the crisis, Yanping. Ding Xuan 1 to Yanping, Deng shuaibing 2000 that ordered sub-prefect to Sa conquering, seven were Deng Mao, Jiang Fucheng joint counter, completely annihilated. Ding Xuan has changed tactics, sent his staff to summon somebody to surrender, to peasant army "dissolution may be exempt from death." Deng Mao-7 said firmly: "I Qi seeking to avoid those afraid of dying! I take Yanping, according to Jianning, plug the second pass, entering a Chuanxi south, who would dare to peep Yan!" Then kill to make. Censor Zhang Yanping defenders were quickly sent troops in 4000 went to check the command Zhang. Peasant army in the Wang Tai Xikou defile on the southern pair of when the enemy ambushed. More than 20 people on both sides of the village hidden in the store, large forces ambush close to the mountains. When the officers and men of Battalion troops have passed, bring up the rear were the occasion of the command approaching the village shop scheduling peasant army suddenly give Cyprus Road gate quickly to all command and several from the soldiers Qinsha the. And other officers and men returned to find assistance precursor, washed down the mountain ambush a surprise attack from the side, and destroy the enemy at one stroke of thousands. Deng Mao-7 will follow up a victory into the Wai Yanping Tainan. Zhang once again on the City Seductive, did not succeed. Then the two battle outside the city, farmers even cut out the military command of the military are true Fan, Peng Xi II of command, officers and soldiers can not fight another day, stick to be closed city assistance.
Orthodox 10 years in September, Zhang Kai rate of Nanjing, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, 8,000 soldiers and hundreds of Mongolian cavalry march to Fujian. Deng Mao-7 and Ye Zongliu send contact to discuss collaboration on the next issue of military operations. Yezong Liu Ji Pai massive forces guarding the border in Fujian and Jiangxi arteries, to prevent the Ming troops into Fujian. Zhang Kai Liu to send the new rate of partial division into by the Jianchang Shaowu, since rates of main entry from the northern Fujian, Zhejiang been widely believed. Zhang Kai Kwong letter, the striker Chen Chao and miners fighting the rebels, was defeated and killed. Zhang Kai then stay can not enter. Nov, Zhang Kai afraid the court held, was ordered military governor Chen, Dai Li shuaibing 2000 directing the Cork attack Kanayama shop. Yezong Liu Ming army personally led a rebel army battle, unfortunately, Nakaya sacrifice (when the Ming troops do not know). The rebels retreated into the mountains, the Greek leaves eight elected as leaders, to continue the struggle. Ye sent from Kanayama Greek 8, Yiyang Bypass to Fujian, and Deng Mao-7 contact, and divide our forces 400, to join the leadership of Deng Mao's peasant army seven. Ye hope to remain part of the eight forces briefly controlled addition to a flat ridge, the main winding between mountains, opportunistic and destroy the enemy. Soon, the military came to search out mountains, leaves 12 Greek 8 have had laid an ambush in Yushan, killing Chen, Dai Li and the large number of out troops, as Yezong Liu avenged.
Ye Xi 8, Tao was the second rebel army led by miners, after the Ming troops fought in the south of Zhejiang to Fujian, and futile attempts of officers and soldiers, the siege of State Department for several months. Zhang Kai return in triumph after the south of Zhejiang, the rebels defeated in Jingtai first year (1450) attack Wuyi, Yongkang loss, Tao was the second prisoner died as a martyr. Zhezhi rebels have failed.