网笔号: | 绍天绎道刚明恪俭揆文奋武敦仁懋孝烈皇帝 | |||||||||
庙号: | 思宗 | |||||||||
陵墓: | 思陵 | |||||||||
1628年正月,改元崇祯。戮魏忠贤及其党崔呈秀尸。此后将阉党二百六十余人或处死、或发配、或终身禁锢。与此同时,平反冤狱,重新启用天启年间被罢黜的官员。7月,亲召袁崇焕于平台。起用袁崇焕为兵部尚书,赐予尚方宝剑,托付他收复全辽的重任。 8月,定制,每日在文华殿与辅臣共同处理朝政。10月,皇太极攻打林丹汗,开始征服漠南蒙古。西北大饥荒,李自成乱起。
1644年正月初一,李自成在西安称王,国号“大顺”。3月,李自成农民军攻陷北京城。 18日,逼周后自杀,手刃袁妃、长女长平公主、幼女昭仁公主,后在景山歪脖树上自缢身亡,太监王承恩自缢跟随。死前于蓝色袍服上大书“朕凉德藐躬,上干天咎,然皆诸臣误朕。朕死无面目见祖宗,自去冠冕,以发覆面。任贼分裂,勿伤百姓一人”。 时年35岁,明亡。帝后梓宫葬昌平陵区,名思陵。
崇祯即位,正直国家内忧外患之际,内有黄土高原上百万农民造反大军,外有满洲铁骑,虎视耽耽,山河冷落,风烟四起。他决事果断,雷厉风行,如处理庵党一案, 也有心细多疑,优柔寡断之一面,如关于是先攘外抑或先安内,一直那不定,遂误国家 ;既有刻薄寡恩 翻脸无情之一面,也有多情柔肠之一面,对周后互敬互爱;他自制极严,不耽犬马,不好女色,生活简朴;他也经常征求左右的意见,但刚愎自用,不能做到虚怀纳谏;他知人善任,如袁崇焕 杨嗣昌,洪承畴,具一代文武全才,任用他们时,言听计从,优遇有加,一旦翻脸,严酷无情,果于杀戮,导致用人不专,出现崇祯朝五十相局面;他悯恤黎民疾苦,常下诏罪己,但搜刮民膏,加派无度,趣百姓于水火;他励精图治,经常平台招对,咨问政之得失,与臣下论讨兴亡之道,为政察察,事必躬亲,欲为中兴之主主,但求治心切,责臣太骤,以致人心恐慌,言路断绝常谓所任非人,终成孤家寡人,至于煤山殉国,从死者唯一太监耳[1]
明思宗是一个被普遍同情的皇帝,李自成《登极诏》也说「君非甚暗(崇祯皇帝不算太糟),孤立而炀灶恒多(即便他被孤立,却颇能为人民国家做出许多打击贪官污吏好事);臣尽行私,比党而公忠绝少。」思宗的性格相当复杂,在除魏忠贤时,崇祯表现得极为机智,但在处理袁崇焕一事,却又表现得相当愚蠢。如学者所言「在思宗身上,机智和愚蠢,胆略与刚愎,高招与昏招,兼而有之」,《明史》说他:「且性多疑而任察,好刚而尚气。任察则苛刻寡恩,尚气则急遽失措。」由于较之前任的神宗、熹宗,甚至明朝中后期的多数皇帝,思宗治国救国的责任感与雄心强上许多,故史家对于思宗普遍抱有同情,以为崇祯帝的一生实是「不是亡国之君的亡国悲剧」。《明史》评价思宗说:「帝承神、熹之后,慨然有为。即位之初,沈机独断,刈除奸逆,天下想望治平。惜乎大势已倾,积习难挽。在廷则门户纠纷。疆埸则将骄卒惰。兵荒四告,流寇蔓延。遂至溃烂而莫可救,可谓不幸也已。然在位十有七年,不迩声色,忧劝惕励,殚心治理。临朝浩叹,慨然思得非常之材,而用匪其人,益以偾事。乃复信任宦官,布列要地,举措失当,制置乖方。祚讫运移,身罹祸变,岂非气数使然哉。迨至大命有归,妖氛尽扫,而帝得加谥建陵,典礼优厚。是则圣朝盛德,度越千古,亦可以知帝之蒙难而不辱其身,为亡国之义烈矣。」历史学家孟森说:「思宗而在万历以前,非亡国之君;在天启之后,则必亡而已矣!」。思宗虽有心为治,却无治国良方,以致酿成亡国悲剧,未必无过。孟森也说思宗「苛察自用,无知人之明」 、「不知恤民」。思宗用人不彰、疑心过重、驭下太严,史称「崇祯五十相」(在位十七年,更换五十位内阁大学士、首辅),却加速了明王朝的覆亡。思宗的性格相当复杂,在除魏忠贤时,崇祯表现的超乎机智,但在袁崇焕一事上却又表现的相当愚蠢,袁崇焕跟崇祯说五年之内收复辽东,简直就像个疯子。崇祯也疯,他真就相信了。直到三年后,袁崇焕终于为自己的大话付出了沉重的代价。如学者所言“在思宗身上,机智和愚蠢,胆略与刚愎,高招与昏招,兼而有之”。史家对于思宗普遍抱有同情,以为崇祯帝的一生实是“不是亡国之君的亡国悲剧”。
2. The country has hanged himself
Jingshan the Chong Zhen Emperor inscription Chongzhen hanging Department built 17 years (1644) March 1, Tatung fall, Beijing critical fourth day on, any Chongzhen Ping Wu Sangui as Hebrew, Wei Fei Xi Sankei into the capital, only use Wu-hsiang Admiral Beijing camp. On the 6th, Li Zicheng depression Vision House, the eunuch Du Xun surrender, on the 15th, scholar Li Jiantai surrender, troops began to surround Dashun Beijing, of the eunuch Cao Chun said: "If Tadakata, current affairs will not to this." March 16 , Changping fall, on the 17th, laid siege to Beijing. March 18, Dashun army to attack the West straight flight staircase, ping, Zhu Desheng Gate, defenders or run away or down. PM, CAO of Chun open Chang-door (1 is the 19th Xiang-Yao opened Xuanwumen, another Zhang Jin Yan Shou Zhengyangmen, Zhuchun Chen Shou-sun door, a moment all open, 2 Chen Ying Mynbai thief, thief Teng City, killing Hyobu assistant minister Wang Jiayan in tower, vice-minister Meng Zhaoxiang died under the gate), farmers army invaded Beijing. Eunuch Wang Lian urgent notice the emperor in the palace drinking Chongzhen sigh: "My people suffer Seoul!" Eunuch Zhang Yin persuaded the emperor to surrender, stabbed to death by sword. Chong Zhen Emperor ordered sent to Prince Edward, John King, King of the Xun Qi Zhoukui, Tien Hung-home opportunities. Weeks after they forced suicide, Shou Ren Fei Yuan, Chang Ping Princess, Zhaoren Gong master. Chongzhen armed with three guns and several dozen eunuchs riding out the Donghua Gate, was hindered by arrows, run of the door had gotten together (sun gate), into the country behind closed doors without public Zhuchun Chen satisfied, then turned to Andingmen, here observe Army has been scattered, and the door locked, the eunuch to ax can not split. March 19 at dawn, fire everywhere, return to the palace, outside the city is already a fire Ying days. At this point the weather will be clear, ringing call Baiguan Chongzhen in the front hall, but no one came, Chongzhen said: "Zhu Chen error I have, the emperor died Sajik, 270 years of the world, once discarded, are as a traitor by the error, so this. "hanged themselves last in the Jingshan Wai Bo tree, dead time with his left foot, right foot wearing a red shoes. Age 33. Side only, accompanied by Admiral eunuch Wang Chengen. Died in the blue robes hanging on the big book, "I despise cool bow Germany, on dry days, blame, however wrong I are Zhu Chen. I see the face of death without ancestors, since to the crown, to issue cladding. Any thief split, do not One person injured people. " March 21 bodies were found weeks Dashun Army Chongzhen Queen's corpse and coffin out of the Gong Jin, Donghuamen said in public, "Zhuchenkubai were 30 people, 60 people who worship and cry, I it had been all form the most. ", Zigong temporarily house north of the river in the Forbidden City. April 4, Changping, Zhao Yigui State Officials and the Queen, who will be buried into the Chongzhen Tian, Changping County, among the Royal tomb, the Qing Dynasty to "imperial body Gaizang, so that subjects for the three-day mourning, posthumous fierce pity the Emperor said, Zhuang, Ling said, thinking Ling. " When Li Zicheng leave Beijing, I found "Imperial Library shut key as before, the old town library gold, Jinian not those 37 million, loss of its singular zero, can be deployed on behalf of two years. Is today's test as, Tomorrow plunder, at home and show However, keys as before the shut. Qixian Di Before I saw the left nationality or not? numerous chase Chang. "Ming Si were Death, the Ming Hongguang Shao days between Posthumous Ke Jian Yi Road, just out Premier Wen Mao Xiao-Fen Wu Duiren strong emperor, posthumous names of thinking were later replaced by Yi cases. Tangwangshan posthumous title for Wei cases. Qing Zhuang intense pity to the emperor, the posthumous names were pregnant. Beijing Changping thinking burial tomb.
Christine Shu Concubine Tianxiu Ying, died 1643. Posthumous Kung Hui Ching Wai Wong Shu-side Concubine, Changping Tianshou funeral, which is also thought Ling.
Tianqi Emperor Zhu from the University
Huai King Hui of Chu from the mold
Ci Wang Xuan Zhu Huai implicit, strongly sympathize Queen Mother Zhuang Zhou, early mourning.
Mourning king Ling Chu Chi-hwan (1633 -1,708), the mother of Christine Wai Wong Shu-side Concubine Tian Hui Jing, Ming Si were the fifth son of Emperor Kangxi was arrested 40 years after the "rebellion of Zhu Though lacking something, perhaps a No rebellion of the heart "as the charges were put to death.
Zhaoren Gong master (name unknown) (1639-1644), were killed in 1644 were thinking.
1610, Zhu students by the prosecution for ordinary Luo Zhu Mingguang were the fifth son, mother Xian Fei Liu, early death of a prince.
1627 (apocalypse years) in August, Tianqi Emperor Zhu from the school died in the Palace of Heavenly Purity, in 23 years. No son, Yi Zhao ordered five brothers - believe that the throne by the prosecution of Wang Zhu. Zhu came to the throne by the prosecution. Mother Xianfei to pursue posthumous title Empress Xiao pure, Zhou Fei register for the Queen. In November, after the elimination of Wei Zhongxian wings, then its derogatory to Fengyang, way to Zhili Fucheng, Wei Zhongxian Ming Si that were about to arrest him, and then hanged himself to death with a eunuch Li Chaoqin.
1630, Li Wong Chee Lang was the eldest son of Crown Prince. Long drought, vegetarian home Wenhua Dian, encyclical Baiguan repair province. In May, the Qing defeat return. June, Mizhi Zhang Xianzhong gathered to revolt. August, Yuanchonghuan for "commanded care not effective, experts rely bully hidden to the capital city of rice stolen in order to bring the suspect was cut handsome" is spine-punishment (split limbs) were killed. Deputy governor Yansui all censor Hong Chengchou, Famous Official Duwen Huan Zhang Xianzhong in Qingjian defeat.
June 1633, Wong Chu Ci Huansheng fourth son, after the closure Yong Wang. In July, in Taiwan and Netherlands invaders violated Xiamen, Fujian governor appointed Zou Wei Lian Zheng Zhi for the striker, on September Lantau in Penghu, Kinmen Romania beat the Dutch material.
1637 the first month, Nanjing earthquake. In February, North Korea surrendering. In April, after the gold military attack kepi Island. Jie imperial ministers have the people, and to return to God. In June, two around the capital, Shanxi drought. July, Shandong, Henan face locust plague, the great famine of the people. Annan, Ryukyu tributes.
1640, 2 ki, Shandong, Henan, Shaanxi drought plus locust, resulting plight of people eating people.
1643, Fengyang repeated earthquakes. Siam, Okinawa, Hamilton tributes.
Chongzhen throne, integrity, internal and external state occasion, there are millions of peasant rebellion army of the Loess Plateau, outside the Manchurian cavalry, lining out in the cold mountains and rivers, Wind and Smoke everywhere. He decided something decisive, vigorous and resolute, for example in the case of Um party, but also cautious paranoid, indecisive, the side, as is the first stabbing outside on the inside or the first security has been that variable, then wrong country; both mean and cruel side of Guaen turn hostile , there are passionate Rouchang the side, on the week love each other; he made a very strict, no delay or excitement, bad sex, lives a simple life; he often sought advice about, but opinionated and can not do humbly accept ; he Use of Personnel, such as Yuanchonghuan Yang Sichang, Hong Chengchou, a generation Wenwuquancai, appointing them, to follow its advice, excellent case of Canada, once the angry, bitter ruthless, results in the killing, leading to post-employment non-emerged towards 50 with Chongzhen situation; his shirt Benjamin Lai Man suffering, often have even ordered the crime, but plundered the people paste, additional excessive, interesting people from untold miseries; he make every effort, often platform move right, the gains and losses in political consultation, and discuss the subjects as the rise and fall of the road, as political tsatsa, hands-on, prefer to give ZTE Lord Lord, but eager to seek treatment, responsible minister is too sudden, so that people panic, that are often made road cut off any non-human, and eventually became a loner, as Meishan martyred, the only eunuch from the dead ear [1]
Ming Si case is a generally sympathetic to the emperor, Li Zicheng "very Chao Teng," also said, "The emperor is very dark (not too bad Chongzhen Emperor), isolated lesions Yang Hang and more (even if he is isolated, we rather for the people of the State against corrupt officials have made many good); Chen utterly private, rarely more than the party and public loyalty. "thought were very complex character, in addition to Wei Zhongxian, the Chongzhen performed very witty, but in dealing with Yuanchonghuan concerned, but are rather stupid. As the scholar said, "who were in thought, wit and folly, courage and wayward, brilliant idea and Hunzhao, combination," "History of Ming Dynasty," said he: "and the police of any suspicious but good just the still air. Any Review the harsh Guaen, still air is sharp-stricken. "As the former than Shenzong, Tianqi Emperor, or even most of the late Ming Dynasty emperor, thinking the country to save the country were strong sense of responsibility and ambition of many, so historians have to think of these common sympathy, that Chong Zhen Emperor's life really is "not lost his country's subjugation tragedy." "Ming Dynasty" Best case evaluation, said: "Royal Order of God, and Hay, the generously promising. Ascended the throne at the beginning, Shen Machine arbitrary, cradled against eliminating traitors, the world desire Zhiping. Xihu trend has been dumping, habits finding a mate. While in the Mountain Portal dispute. Xinjiang will be proud Death lazy and drinking places. soldiers shortage four divisions, roving bandits spread. Suizhi fester and Mo cured must indeed have been unfortunate. However, there is the reign of 10 years, not by bringing sensual, worry about persuading toes, Satan heart governance. Powerbut hui died of septicemia, generously thought was very material, and its people with the bandit, beneficial to ruin things. Naifu trust in eunuchs, cloth out to be, the measure improper system set good side. Zuo finished migration, suffering from bad change, it not fate Shiran zai. the cause of life at home is Tai, demon atmosphere are gone, and the emperor was added Posthumous Jianling ceremony generous. is the Sheng Zhao Sidley, the more eternal degree, they can not know God, confronted by danger and shame The body, strong carry on justice for the fallen state. "historian Sen said:" The thought of these before in Wanli, non-lost his country; after the apocalypse, the ruin themselves!. " Although the Civic Centre for the rule were hardly a country recipe that lead to the tragedy of national subjugation, not black. Sen also said that ideas were "strict observation for personal use, without Zhirenzhiming", "I do not know Xu Min." Thought were the employer failed, suspicion overweight, Yu-under too strict, known to history as "Chongzhen 50 with" (in office 17 years, the replacement of 50 内阁大学士, Grand Secretary), has accelerated the fall of the Ming Dynasty. Thought were very complex character, in addition to Wei Zhongxian, the Chongzhen performance than wit, but in Yuanchonghuan regarding the performance of very stupid, Yuanchonghuan with Chongzhen Liaodong that recovered within five years, just like a madman. Chongzhen also crazy, he really believed it was. Until three years later, Yuanchonghuan for his lying finally paid a heavy price. As the scholar said, "who were in thought, wit and folly, courage and wayward, brilliant idea and Hunzhao, combination." Historians generally have sympathy for the ideas were that the Chong Zhen Emperor's life really is "not lost his country's subjugation tragedy."
Although Ming Ming Si were looking forward to usher in his hands, "ZTE" unfortunately reversed the previous dynasty, when the world famine, epidemic large, the people change constantly throughout the outbreak of the continual harassment, invasion of the North Taiji, plus Ming Si and urgent requirements were, by nature skeptical, opinionated, so frequently cast in the affairs of state in a big mistake: the right to pre-eradication experts eunuch, eunuch latter part of the reuse; minister touted in public, the Chongzhen overestimated Yuanchonghuan to believe in the Yuanchonghuan the "five-year Fu Liao, "something is to tilt the power of the country has created a Ning Kam-defense, the result has come around from Mongolia Qing and Ming dynasty faces no disasters.
Emperor Qianlong personally revised "Ming Dynasty • Liuzei Biography" said: "Following the reunification of the village is also strong, civil and military officials of the party bureau has become, Kusano the material had been consumed, the state of the law has been broken, the rush border is already rather busy movement. Chuang Although strongly committed to Gengshi, treatment of nuclear proper name and the talents of the Yin-not, talk of right and wrong, government affairs of the gain and loss, success or failure of military aircraft, not penetrating view on, do not shake on the outside too. and the police of any suspicious but good just the still air. Guaen any police were harsh, still air is sharp-stricken. when the husband Qun Dao mountains, the Quartet with people, commissioned by the government handle those non-yung is eloquent, destroy ask both ends, bewildered and not into the calculation. inside and outside the minister is not saved to people from all pregnant heart regulatory interests. speech Gangzhi, hit the thing disadvantages who were twisted by the rack rate in order to go. they were appointed to the Kun handsome, powers in the system, merits and demerits Mo compensation. defeated a party that Slaughter will, destroy a city that killed an Officials, the carrot is too clear as for the not punishment, the system Yu too strict as for not manufacturing. to natural disasters, epidemic, famine Jian Zhen, G Fan Fu heavy outside Hong rebellion within. analogy one of the body, vitality lean However, gangrene poisoning complicated, Jue disease risk is already rather solid, but doctors were not wrong good progress, each agent is chill cast, ill, but not be cured, not killed any pending zai? Therefore in Ming death, death in Liuzei, and its cause death of this, is not Liuzei too. Alas! Chuang strong non-lost his country, and when the subjugation of transportation, they lack the art of salvation, only reflected in coke workers dim chaos, larvae seven years stand at 10. The deaf or defeat Liang, Ping of the plan, did not see between the lines Li, Guo is going, Death caused by cases of social subversion, Christians who sacrificed, Bei Fu! "
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