明代 人物列錶
朱百六 Zhu Bailiu朱四九 Zhu Sijiu朱初一 Zhu Chuyi
朱世珍 Zhu Shizhen朱元璋 Zhu Yuanzhang朱標 Zhu Biao
朱允炆 Zhu Yunwen朱棣 Zhu Di朱高熾 Zhu Gaochi
朱瞻基 Zhu Zhanji朱祁鎮 Zhu Qizhen朱祁鈺 Zhu Qiyu
朱見深 Zhu Jianshen朱祐樘 Zhu Youcheng朱厚照 Zhu Houzhao
朱厚熜 Zhu Houcong朱載垕 Zhu Zaihou朱翊鈞 Zhu Yijun
朱常洛 Zhu Changluo朱由校 Zhu Youjiao朱由檢 Zhu Youjian
朱祐杬 Zhu Youyuan
朱祁鎮 Zhu Qizhen
明代  (1427年1464年)
網筆號: 法天立道仁明誠敬昭文憲武至德廣孝睿皇帝
廟號: 英宗
陵墓: 裕陵

  * 楊士奇
  * 楊榮
  * 楊溥
  * 馬愉
  * 曹鼐
  * 陳循
  * 苗衷
  * 高𠔌
  * 張益
  * 徐有貞
  * 許彬
  * 薛瑄
  * 李賢
  * 呂原
  * 嶽正
  * 彭時
  * 陳文
  * 金英:正統時期掌刑部、都察院、大理寺。景泰時,同於謙、石亨等,總理軍務。
  * 李永昌:司禮近侍。同於謙、石亨等,總理軍務。
  * 興安:金英失寵後,景帝所信任。有廉操,且知於謙賢,力護之。
  * 阮安:正統時,重建三殿,治楊村河,並有功。景泰中,治張秋河,道卒,囊無十金。
  * 阮浪:被英宗追贈浪太監。
  * 王振:英宗稱之為先生(老師)。時稱翁父。導致英宗親徵,土木之變的始作俑者。
  * 曹吉祥:王振門下。英宗復位,與石亨把持朝政,並掌京營,司禮太監,總督三大營。
  * 劉永誠:永樂時,嘗為偏將,纍從北徵。曾出擊兀良哈。後監鎮甘、涼,戰沙漠,有功。助英宗復闢。
  1. 孝莊睿皇后錢氏,皇后
  2. 孝肅皇后周氏,貴妃,憲宗生母
  3. 靖莊安穆宸妃萬氏
  4. 端靖安和惠妃王氏
  5. 莊靜安榮淑妃高氏
  6. 恭端莊惠德妃韋氏
  7. 恭和安靜順妃樊氏
  8. 莊僖端肅安妃楊氏
  9. 昭肅靖端賢妃王氏
  10. 貞順懿恭敬妃劉氏
  11. 安和榮靖麗妃劉氏
  12. 端莊昭妃武氏
  13. 恭安和妃宮氏
  14. 昭靜恭妃劉氏
  15. 昭順麗妃張氏
  16. 昭懿賢妃李氏
  17. 恭靖莊妃趙氏
  18. 恭僖成妃張氏
  19. 恭惠和妃梁氏
  20. 僖恪充妃余氏
  21. 惠和麗妃陳氏
  22. 榮靖貞妃王氏
  23. 和惠靜妃嶽氏
  1. 朱見深,長子,明憲宗,母孝肅皇后周氏
  2. 朱見潾,次子,德莊王,母宸妃萬氏,初名見清
  3. 朱見湜,三子,早卒,母宸妃萬氏
  4. 朱見淳,四子,許悼王,母惠妃王氏
  5. 朱見澍,五子,秀懷王,母淑妃高氏
  6. 朱見澤,六子,崇簡王,母孝肅皇后周氏
  7. 朱見瀎,七子,吉簡王,母宸妃萬氏
  8. 朱見治,八子,忻穆王,母宸妃萬氏
  9. 朱見沛,九子,徽莊王,母德妃韋氏
  1. 重慶公主,母孝肅皇后周氏。下嫁周景。
  2. 嘉善公主,母惠妃王氏。成化二年下嫁王增,兵部尚書驥孫也。弘治十二年薨。
  3. 淳安公主,下嫁蔡震
  4. 崇德公主,母安妃楊氏。成化二年下嫁興濟伯楊善孫楊偉。弘治二年薨。
  5. 廣德公主朱延祥,母宸妃萬氏。成化八年下嫁樊凱。二十年八月薨。
  6. 宜興公主,母德妃韋氏。成化九年下嫁馬誠。正德九年薨。
  7. 隆慶公主,母淑妃高氏。成化九年下嫁遊泰。十五年薨。
  8. 嘉祥公主,母妃劉氏。成化十三年下嫁黃鏞。後六年薨。

  Ming Hidemune Zhu Qizhen (1427 -1464), the sixth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, the eldest son of the Ming Emperor Xuan Zong. Have used the orthodox (1436 -1 449), the Skyway (1457 -1464 years) 2 reign. Rui emperor after the death of posthumous title.
  Orthodox period
  * Yang Shiqi
  * Ma Yu
  * Miao Zhong
  Jingtai period
  Battle of Yu Qian Beijing led after the victory, Wala peace initiative, wish to return Hidemune. The emperor does not want Hidemune also luan, although the minister's admonition to the next in Jingtai first year (1450) will Hidemune welcome return, but their confinement in the Shadows, tight defense. Jingtai years they spent primary legislation for the eldest son of Prince Hidemune see deep Zhu Yi Wang, Zhu see separate sub economic to have storage. Hidemune often lacking in the Shadows diet, it may not courtesy, Lai minds, relieving the Queen of money live. Economy after the death of Prince Zhu see, but the emperor did not agree to see the deep Zhu Felix Prince. Jingtai eight years (in 1457) the first month, the emperor was seriously ill and can not Powerbut, hand heavily in Wuqing Houshi Heng, Vice Censor Xuyou Zhen, who have colluded with the eunuch Cao Jixiang into the Shadows, owned Hidemune restoration. 16 day and night, Hidemune from the gate of the Forbidden palace, enthroned at the Mukden Palace, palace at dawn to open this Baiguan overlord reset, reign title Tianshun, known to history as "running for the door of change." Abolition of the emperor as Cheng Wang, to move within the West. Soon, King Dibeng, the cause of death is unknown, there is that security is Hidemune make eunuchs Jiang strangled with cloth (Ming Lu Yi "disease Yi Star over China"). Cheng Wang's death is still not Hidemune understanding posthumous say brutal, buried in the western suburbs of Gold Mountain (Jade Spring Hill North). Hidemune throne, the Cabinet Minister Xu Youzhen framed Yu Qian, said: "do not kill Yu Qian, this (running for the door) unknown," This remark was based on lies Yu Qian Ying Li Outlying Prefectures basis. Yu Qian Ming Hidemune the subsolar in prison, and kill. Li Xian as Hidemune opened after the secret behind the "running for the door of change" useless. Because the emperor had no sons, his position and Zhu Qizhen Sun Empress is still the world, it certainly is Hidemune the throne, and does not require running for the door. Running for the door just Xuyou Zhen director of a play. Hidemune punishment Xu Youzhen, shiting, Cao Jixiang. Yu Qian injustice to be reversed.
  Hidemune after restoration, that plotters against him will be Bingbushangshu Yu Qian, scholar Wang and others imprisoned, yet the beginning of words, "Yu Qian real merit" and could not bear to kill, because Xu Youzhen advocated "do not kill Yu Qian, today than unknown," and to five days after the cut Yu Qian, Guang Fan in West City. Injustice of the world, after the Hidemune also regret ("History of the Ming Yu Qian Biography").
  Tianshun period Saisuke
  * Xue Xuan
  * Yue is
  * Larix: Kim out of favor, the emperor trusted. There Lian Cao, Yu Qian Yin and knowledge, protect the force.
  * Wang: Hidemune called Mr. (teacher). Weng, said the father. Cause Hidemune personal expedition, civil initiator of change.
  3. Jing Fei Wan Chong An Mu Chen's
  6. CHRISTINE side Zhuanghui De Fei Webster
  9. Chao Su Xian Fei Wang Jing-side
  12. Dignified Zhao Fei Vu Thi
  15. Zhaoshun Li Fei Zhang
  18. CHRISTINE Xi Zhang Cheng Fei
  21. Hui and Li-Fei Chen
  3. Zhu, see Shi, three sons, earlier death, Chen Fei Wan's Mother
  6. Zhu Misawa, six, Chong Chien Wang, the mother Empress Xiao Su Zhou
  9. Zhu, see Pei, nine sons, Prince Zhuang Hui, mother Defei Webster
  2. Jiashan Gong master, Master Hui-Wang. Wang Chenghua by two married, Bingbushangshu Ji Sun also. Hongzhi years pass away.
  5. Guangde Princess Yen-Hsyang Chu, Chen Fei Wan's mother. Fan Kai Chenghua married for eight years. Two years in August death of a prince.
  8. Jiaxiang Gong master, master Fei Liu. Huang Yong Chenghua 10 years married. Six years after the death of a prince.

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