姓: | 孛兒衹斤 | |||||||||
名: | 鐵木真 | |||||||||
網筆號: | 法天啓運聖武皇帝 | |||||||||
廟號: | 太祖 | |||||||||
陵墓: | 內蒙古伊金霍洛成吉思汗陵 | |||||||||
謚號:聖武皇帝 加謚:法天啓運聖武皇帝(至大二年加謚)
元太祖,即成吉思汗(hán)(Ghinggis Khan),孛兒衹斤氏,名鐵木真。蒙古族,世界歷史上的傑出政治傢、軍事傢。公元1206年,被推舉為蒙古帝國的大汗,統一蒙古高原各部落。在位期間,多次發動徵服戰爭,徵服地域西達黑海海濱,東括幾乎整個東亞,建立了世界歷史上著名的橫跨歐亞兩洲的大帝國之一。投奔剋烈部王汗,收集亡父舊部,逐漸恢復實力。約在金大定未建立宮帳,稱汗。與札答闌部札木合等作戰,敗績,史稱十三翼之戰。金承安元年(1196),與王汗聯兵助金截擊塔塔兒部翰裏札河(今蒙古烏勒吉河),金授察兀忽魯(即衆部落之首)之官。又隨王汗與乃蠻部戰,戰後諸部來附,勢力增強。金泰和元年(1201)二月,與王汗戰勝以札木合為首的蒙古高原十餘部盟軍。滅塔塔兒四部,據呼倫貝爾草原,實力大增。三年,被王汗發兵掩襲,敗退至班朱尼河(呼倫湖西南)。不久,乘王汗不備,奇襲王汗牙帳,滅剋烈部。次年與乃蠻部决戰,滅乃蠻。六年於翰難河(今鄂嫩河)畔召開忽裏臺大會,建大蒙古國,即大汗位,加號成吉思,頒布札撒,建萬人怯薛,分封九十五千戶,設札魯忽赤(成吉思汗母親的養子)掌行政司法諸事。即位四年(1209),大舉入侵西夏,引河水淹中興府(今寧夏銀川)迫使西夏納女請和。六年,率大軍南下攻金,分兵三路破華北各地。九年,因金帝獻岐國公主請和,乃退兵。十年復以金帝遷都南京(今河南開封)為口實,攻占中都(今北京)。病死於六盤山。元世祖至元二年(1265)上廟號太祖。次年,追上謚號聖武皇帝,至大二年(1309)加謚法天啓運聖武皇帝。
出生於蒙古乞顔部貴族世傢。 六世祖海都、高祖敦必乃、曾祖葛不律汗及族曾祖俺巴孩汗等都曾是蒙古部的顯赫人物或首領;父也速該有拔都(勇士)稱號。時漠北高原有百餘部落,互相攻戰。鐵木真降生時,適逢其父在作戰中俘獲塔塔兒部首領鐵木真兀格,為紀念是役武功,故取此名。
生於額爾古納河北部的河邊(今內蒙古 呼倫貝爾 額爾古納市 莫爾道嘎鎮)。9歲時,其父被塔塔兒部人毒死,部衆離散,隨寡母訶額侖艱難度日,曾被其他部落捉獲,險些遇害,憑其機敏逃脫。稍長,依附蒙古高原最強大的剋烈部首領脫裏(後稱王汗),並尊之為父,得以收聚其父舊部;又與札答闌部首領札木合結為安答(義兄弟),逐步發展勢力。為報復衊兒乞部搶妻之仇,求王汗、札木合出兵,合本部兵共數萬,突然襲擊衊兒乞部,斬殺許多仇敵,奪回妻子。
泰和元年(1201),率軍大破札木合組織的鬆散聯盟。次年,遭乃蠻聯軍進攻,退入金邊墻內,大敗乃蠻聯軍於闊亦田(今哈拉哈河上遊)之野,乘勝攻滅塔塔兒四部。因勢力漸強,引起王汗嫉恨和敵視。三年,遭王汗突襲,敗走班朱尼河(今呼倫湖西南),以飲濁水與從者盟誓,共度難關。再轉移至合泐合(哈拉哈)河中遊, 收集潰散部衆4600(一說2600)餘騎,經過休整,逐漸恢復元氣。後偵悉王汗驕怠不備,夜襲王汗大營,大潰其衆。王汗衹身敗逃,被乃蠻人捕殺,剋烈部亡。
成吉思汗九年三月,集兵中都(今北京)城下。料一時難以剋城,遂遣使逼和,迫金朝奉獻岐國公主、金帛和馬匹,引兵退出居庸關。六月,以金朝遷都南京(今河南開封)而“違約”為藉口,乘金國人心浮動及憋軍嘩變降蒙之機,遣部將三摸合拔都、石抹明安率軍,會合降蒙乣(乣 音jiǔ 遼、金、元時代對被徵服的北方諸部族人的泛稱)軍進攻中都,以圍城打援和招降之策,於次年五月剋城。為適應攻城需要,成吉思汗采納部將建策,逐步建立了炮軍,攻城以炮石為先。後來攻城作戰,一次用炮即達數百座,迅即破城。同時,為吸取各民族的先進技術,四處掠奪工匠藝人,一城即掠得數萬。隨後建立工匠軍,設廠冶鐵製造兵器。在通信聯絡上創建了“箭速傳騎”,日速數百裏,軍令傳遞和軍隊調遣速度增快。善於發揮騎兵之長,有“蒙古旋風”之稱。
一代天驕成吉思汗生於12世紀60年代初期(1162)。當時,中國北方處在女真族的金朝統治之下。大漠南北草原各部還各自獨立, 互不統屬。金朝對其實行“分而治之”和屠殺掠奪的“減丁”政策。1146年,蒙古部首領俺巴孩汗被金熙宗以“懲治叛部法”的名義,殘酷地釘死在木驢之上。蒙古部落聯盟曾經組織了多次反抗鬥爭,他們的幾代先人為此付出了鮮血與生命。在這種社會環境下出生的鐵木真,自然也將對金國的勝利看作是他一生中最主要的奮鬥目標。
在避暑期間還輓留遼國國王耶律留哥的長子薛",“俾其親見西夏都城之攻拔”。他連續作戰且每個月都能攻破一個西夏屬地城池,並邀請遼國王子觀看西夏都城的消亡,這證明成吉思汗在一路攻城拔地中,對身後取得勝利及眼前要取得的勝利很有信心,而且,他身體狀況還不錯。8日後死亡,箭傷能讓這個身體健壯的人突然死亡。成吉思汗死於西夏軍隊的連發弩射出的毒箭之下,帶有巨毒的箭頭射傷成吉思汗的膝部,再加上長子術赤病死、流動作戰的辛勞、酷熱的天氣等因素影響,都會加重病情 個月前在內蒙古阿爾寨就因落馬膝部受傷的成吉思汗僅僅挺過了8天時間就駕崩。
“雷擊說” 這種說法比較離奇。出使蒙古的羅馬教廷使節約翰·普蘭諾·加賓尼在其所文章透露,成吉思汗是可能是被雷電擊中身亡。約翰·普蘭諾·加賓尼當時到達蒙古國時,發現夏天的雷電傷人事故頻發,“在那裏卻有兇猛的雷擊和閃電,致使很多人死亡。”因為這原因,蒙古人很怕雷電。南宋彭達雅所著《黑韃事略》記載,“韃人每聞雷霆,必掩耳屈身至地,若躲避狀。”約翰·普蘭諾·加賓尼為葡萄牙人,出使中國的確實時間是公元1245-1247年,由教皇諾森四世派遣而來,回去後嚮教皇提交了題為《被我們稱為韃靼的蒙古人的歷史》出使報告。約翰·普蘭諾·加賓尼來時距成吉思汗死亡衹有18年,比馬可·波羅早30年,記敘並非空穴來風。
“中毒說” 這種說法,來源於《馬可·波羅遊記》。馬可·波羅是十三世紀意大利商人,於1275年到達中國。其時正是元世祖忽必烈當政時間,在元朝有過17年的交往。其在遊記中記敘的成吉思汗的死因:在進攻西夏時圍攻太津(吉州,古要塞)時,膝部不幸中了西夏兵士射來的毒箭。結果可想而知,毒箭攻心,傷勢益重,一病不起。但民間另有傳說,成吉思汗是“中毒”而死,但卻不是中了西夏兵士的毒箭,而是讓被俘虜的西夏王妃古爾伯勒津郭斡哈屯下了毒,當時這位西夏王妃乘陪寑之機行事的。
鐵木真雕像“被刺說” 這種說法與上面說的被俘西夏王妃古爾伯勒津郭斡哈屯有關,是下毒說法的另一種版本。在蒙古民間傳,成吉思汗的軍隊進攻西夏的過程中,兵士俘虜到了很漂亮的西夏王妃古爾伯勒津郭斡哈屯,進獻給成吉思汗。就在陪寑首夜,這位西夏王妃刺了放鬆警惕性的成吉思汗。被刺一說,源於成書於清朝康熙元年(公元1662年)《蒙古源流》。此書很珍貴,100年後,即1766年蒙古喀爾喀部親王成袞紮布作為禮物,將此書手抄本進獻乾隆皇帝。乾隆令人將其譯為滿、漢兩種文本,並題書名《飲定蒙古源流》,收入《四庫全書》。應該說,成吉思汗被刺一說是有很高的可信度的。
他曾說過:拼殺衝鋒的時候,要像雄鷹一樣;高興的時候,要像三歲牛犢一般歡快;在明亮的白晝,要深沉細心;在黑暗的夜裏,要有堅強的忍耐力 。
主演:萬梓良、劉青雲、黃日華、陳庭威、劉美娟、謝寧、鄭伊健 、郭富城、陶大宇、蘇永康、關禮傑
導 演:王文傑
一代天驕成吉思汗是聞名中外的蒙古族的英雄,是公元後第二個千年最偉大的人物之一。該劇全面介紹了成吉思汗的一生:十二世紀中葉,中國北方在金朝統治之下。大漠南北草原各部還各自獨立,互不統屬。金朝對其實行“分而治之”和屠殺掠奪的“減丁”政策,蒙古部首領俺巴孩就曾被金熙宗殘酷地釘死在木驢上。正是這種幾代冤仇導致了草原內外的長期徵戰,孕育了以徵戰為主要生活內容的一代天驕! 在12世紀末至13世紀初,成吉思汗以其傑出的政治謀略和正確的戰略戰術結束了蒙古草原四分五裂的局面,完成了蒙古族的統一。十三世紀初,他又以血族復仇的名義率領十萬蒙古鐵騎直指金朝的中都(今北京),能徵慣戰的女真人不堪一擊,中都很快被攻剋。後因林木中百姓叛亂,成吉思汗率主力回到蒙古草原;又因西方大國邊將殺死近五百人的商隊,其國王又殺死蒙古正使,成吉思汗纔被迫進行了西徵。蒙古鐵騎兵鋒所指,多少支軍隊被打得人仰馬翻,多少個王公貴族紛紛人頭落地:不可一世的西方對手被消滅了,其統治區域成為劇烈爭奪的戰場。成吉思汗臨死前還逼迫西夏王表示投降,並留下了滅金、滅夏和如何鞏固政權的三條遺囑。
Weapons: Sulu set (gun)
Death: Song Baoqing Lizong two years of Genghis Khan, Golden Isles are being examined two large four-year
Temple name: Dynasty
Father: Bei jin also speed the child only to A bald children
Wives: Bei child posts, suddenly Ruellan, Liquori Jie Tam, off suddenly thought, Timur London, also eight stab of pity for real, do not suddenly bald queen Yan, Sheng-Hai concubine suddenly
Daughter: A stab Ji Hai Do
Regret: his father poisoned by Tatars people with poisoned wine
Paste moron cousin sister was suddenly shot and killed the police child
Reign: (1206 ~ 1227), twenty-year reign
Yuantaizu, it became, that is, Genghis Khan (hán) (Ghinggis Khan), Marco jin's children only, name Temujin. Mongolian, world history and an outstanding statesman, military strategist. AD 1206 and was elected as the Mongol Empire sweat, unified the Mongolian Plateau tribes. During the reign of repeatedly launched wars of conquest, conquest of the west Black Sea coastal region, including almost the entire East Asia, established the history of the world famous across Europe and Asia one of the great empire. King Khan defected Kerait Department to collect the old unit of his late father, gradually recovered strength. About the Golden Palace Dading not established account, said Khan. Sapporo A Lanna with the Department of Jamukha, and other war, defeat, known to history as the Battle of 13 wing. Jincheng An first year (1196), in conjunction with the King Khan intercept Tatar soldiers grants the Department of River John in Sapporo (today 蒙古乌勒吉 River), benefits are granted to the police suddenly Wu Lu (that is, the first minority tribes) of the officer. Also with the Department of King Khan and Naiman war, war tribes to attached, force enhancement. Kim Tae and first year (1201) in February, and Wang Khan defeated the Mongolian Plateau to Jamukha led coalition Shiyu Bu. Tatars destroyed four, according to grassland, strength greatly increased. Three years, was King Khan sent troops Yan Xi, defeated Nigeria to Ban Zhu River (Hulun Southwest). Soon, by King Khan is not prepared, surprise Wang Khan teeth off, off Kerait Department. The following year a decisive battle with the Naiman Department, destroy Naiman. Difficult years in the Han River (now the Onon River) River Conference held ignored in Taiwan, established the Mongol Empire, the sweat-bit, plus Genghis, enacted Zhasa, building people cowardly Xue, feudal 95 1000 , set Zhalu suddenly red (Genghis Khan's adopted son mother) affairs in charge of administrative justice. Four-year reign (1209), large-scale invasion of Western Xia, diversion canal flooded Restoration House (now the Ningxia Yinchuan) forced Xixia Na female please. Six years, the rate of army south to attack gold, breaking three-way divide our forces throughout the North. Nine offered by Jindi Qi Princess please, is the retreat. Years moved the capital to Nanjing Complex to Jindi (now Kaifeng) as an excuse, captured in all (now Beijing). Died in Liupanshan. Yuanshizhu Emperor Yuan two years (1265) on the Temple name Taejo. The next year, catch up with the posthumous title of Sheng-wu emperor, the great two years (1309) plus Posthumous Heaven shipped Sheng-wu emperor.
Growth experience
Gold Dading Dynasty, moved the Green camp mood with River (now herlen) upstream and independent builds accounts, broad alliance of Friends, selected the talented, generous with people and attract many of the Department of Public and Qi Yan Mongolian aristocrats to vote, was push for the Khan. About late payments or Mingchang Dading early Jamukha become enemies, rate 13 coalition 30 000 people were to attack, Temujin 30,000 soldiers called tribes, sub-13 wing (wing, means business or circle) against , loss retreat, known to history as the Battle of 13 wing. By Temujin good for the people, caused Jamukha Tribes have rebelled against laws, but expanding the force.
Years of Genghis Khan, Genghis Khan seal Muqali as Grand Preceptor, the King, commanding attack gold war, since the rate of return to Mongolia to prepare main expedition.
Genghis Khan 19 years, the triumphant return back to Mobei.
Proud Son of Heaven Genghis Khan was born in the early 12th century, 60 (1162). At that time, in northern China under the rule of Jurchen Jin family. Desert steppe north and south of their respective departments and also independently of each of command. Jin on its implementation of "divide and rule" and the massacre of plunder "by the small" policy. In 1146, the Mongolian Ministry of leaders Ambaghai Khan was Jinxi Zong to "betray the Department of Law of Punishment" in the name of brutally crucified on a wooden donkey. Mongolia has organized a number of tribal alliance against the struggle of several generations of their ancestors to pay with blood and life. In this social environment was born Temujin, naturally, the country will win gold as his main goal in life.
With his strength from strength to strength, Temujin began to attack the enemy killing Fuzu. Defeated Zhu Er Qi Department, its leaders were killed, the Ministry will be charged against Muqali father and son were put into Temujin. Temujin later became the first Muqali will, been called the Grand Preceptor king, let him who have special skills to the Central Plains.
1202 autumn, Temujin concentration of forces, eliminating his enemies Tatars Department. 1203 autumn, Temujin had attacked the king with his endless war gold account Khan, King Khan, his son was defeated. 1204 Department of Genghis Khan conquered Naiman.
Life experience
Temujin 9 years old, his father took him to the Department to Qiuqin Onggirat. Onggirat wise Dexue Chan Department of Polo's own daughter, betrothed to Temujin child posts. But also speed the way back to Mongolia, Genghis Khan, who was Tatar's son, Wu Sapporo adjacent sub-cell poison. The death rate also asked the Department before the public, will take revenge for him when the wheels of the Tatar people than to kill all. Too damn fast, the Temjin family struggling to survive in the grasslands. The amount of Lunfu people blame the family hopes the revitalization of the body in Temujin brothers, especially the eldest son of Temujin, the future hope that he will become head of the Department Mongolia. Temujin's half brother, but children do not obey Buick quote his authority, already has felt the Temujin leaders can not tolerate such a challenge. Temujin 13 years old, several of the brothers accidentally place a "grab the fish," "grab a bird" event, Temujin, 哈撒 children and children in conflict Buick posts. Temujin, 哈撒 children one after the other, shot the children Buick posts. Mother bitterly chastise him, educate him, said: with the exception of when there is no shadow beyond, in addition to horse tail whip than not, more at times, the more should be brothers as one, so as to take the revitalization of the family cause. After the mother's education, he sincerely admitted his mistake, said his mother never forgot the lessons, we must unite, for the revitalization of family unity. Temujin 16 years old, Zhu Er begging people stole Temujin home nine silver horse together. Temujin horse in the chase to get to know the process of operation of a bosom friend Bor. Bor surgery later becoming a member of the famous Mongol Empire, Genghis Khan, one of the men's four-Jie.
Taiwan originally thought suddenly tower will be starved to death Temujin a Unexpectedly, the amount of Lun blame has led the children stayed up over, Temujin grew into a young hero. So he listened grandmother teach to younger elders learned the name, Temujin killed his brother excuse this, to arrest Temujin. Tower suddenly attempted to Temujin's head Taiwan Heaven Jishan, Temujin was injured guards fled, who spin old woman (the tower suddenly Taiwan grandmother) wasted step. In this life and death, Temujin A security cooperation, a chance encounter. A security is a combined barrel horse milk station tower suddenly lock child slave rare assassination lost daughter, her good-natured, risked their lives to rescue the Temujin, and under the "off marriage encounter" traditional, two in the wool pile affinity for a memorable production. Temujin plus lovers together on the benefactor A. An oath: If you escape alive, will definitely marry her. As a combined A slave has the same security that Temujin Onggirat aristocratic daughter of the Department of Posts provides a pro-Polo child, a girl's heart is only desire - you really will have the light of day, let me make a slaves, going to treat your life now! And the Tatars have wide field of post-war Department, Temujin youth savior and lover finally came to Temujin Hop A security side. Then co A security is already nearly 40-year-old woman. But she had never forgotten Temujin, the number of times for his peace and pray for his success and happiness. Temujin had not been forgotten co-A security, surprise, just a meeting, their Tribes killed the husband of co-Answer On silly camel, Temujin is guilty. In fact, the combined A Security does not matter to the love of her husband is fine to hate, she is the daughter of a slave, a slave girl would dare to expect you gonna get married according to their wishes? She hate stupid camel just follow the tower it suddenly hostile Taiwan and Temujin. Temujin became a widow that together A safety and he wanted to practice their own promises, accept her side of the Princess. A security co-love Temujin, why she refused Temujin. Because she is not gracious to repay the people she knew Temujin was young and beautiful time needed to adjust the side Princess bloody battle was because the pressure, or adhere to the practice of their own desire to do Temujin slaves, going to treat his life. So her special status as Temujin's a family member. But Temujin did not treat her as a slave.
Facing the unexpected disaster, one after another, Genghis Khan is not intimidated by the mother, was conquered, but the endless struggles, the courage to fight. In times of crisis, Temujin met only a few can state the death of close friends, in 1206 Genghis Khan established the great Mongol Empire, the benefactor of chance encounter with the lover of high moral character, and "Eagle Shooting Heroes" fame at this time spread throughout Mongolia, the seeds of love and hate take root in their hearts, deeply affected the growth process Temujin brothers.
Collar households feudal system
The military is a major component of state power. With soldiers on the right, a strong military power is solid state. In order to overcome the historical stage of the war as a career, especially. Therefore, Genghis Khan united the Mongolian steppe, the first thing big letters hero, the imperial clan, the war system has been implemented in 1000 to further improve and institutionalize the creation of a military and political unity of the 1000 system, has appointed a number of 1000 officials, 10,000 officials and the imperial clan kings, the establishment of a layer under the command and can be easily rule, can sign and skilled military and political organization. Genghis Khan to the occupied territories were classified as 95 1 000 households, and Guiqi packet to the Founders who were to rule. "History Collection" and "The Secret History of Mongolia" to enumerate the names of these 1000 officers, origin, mainly through the composition as well as the 1000, including 78 hero, 10 consort prince, there are three Fuma were issued with 10 1000, so the actual packet was only 88, this is the history of the famous Mongol Empire 88 hero. 1000 system, the establishment of tribal and clan system marks the final collapse. This is a military, political, economic trinity system, the Mongol Khanate rule system is the most important part. The establishment of special contributions of those smiles, was also awarded many privileges, that class is the Genghis Khan Yen "golden family" rule of the pillars of the Mongolian people. This in fact is the war to defeat the original departments of the slave and noble clan, once again cultivate a new slave class, which is where Genghis Khan's Golden family-based, supplemented by a new hero at all levels, master class .
Mongolian original, no words, rely on wood carving knot grass notes. Temujin crusade Naiman in the Department of War, to catch a Mingjiaotata Commission A of the Uighur people. He is the sun Naiman Khan handprint Department official, Sun Fu Khan him as a country, let him grasp the golden seal and Zenitani. Temujin to Tata to stay in their own system around Afghanistan, "the latter, where the system aims, though the use of seals, still life palm of." Soon, Temujin letting Tata Commission A Survey of Uighur alphabet, spelling with the Mongolian, learning to teach Prince kings, this is the so-called "Wei Wu word book." Since then, the Mongolian instrument, "line in the back and forth back and forth by the use of the word," "Hui is only 21 letter word, the other only on the radical on the make up. Line in the Han Chinese, Khitan, Jurchen only characters who all perished . " In a considerable period of time in Mongolia, local or "only wooden." "Hui word" refers to the "Wei Wu word book." Although the National Division Pagba Kublai had to create "the Mongolian word", but after basically not the demise of the Yuan Dynasty, and "Wei Wu word book" After the reform of the early 14th century, more perfect, has been in use to today. Tata created Mongolian writing system A, which in the history of the Mongol Empire is an innovation. It was because of the language, Genghis Khan may have enacted statutes and blue books, and a book shortly after his death, the first Mongolian to ancient history - "The Secret History of Mongolia" is the word written by this fear Wu into the.
In Genghis Khan united the Mongolian ago, the Mongolians have not yet written, and therefore there can be no statute. 1206 when the founding of Genghis Khan, the command lost Kat suddenly bald suddenly start to develop blue book, this is the beginning of the Mongolian statute promulgated. However, the first Mongolian statute - "Zhasa ceremony" is 10 years later, before the expedition Hualazimo developed. According to "History Collection" records, 1219, "Genghis Khan to conquer the world hold high the banner of expeditions Hualazaimo" Pro apprenticeship before, "he convened a meeting, held in Le suddenly Taiwan, among them leaders of their own rules precepts and practices of ancient re-done rule ", which is the so-called" Zhasa ceremony. " Chi Fei Nigeria in the "History of the World Conqueror," wrote a chapter specifically "the precepts established by Genghis Khan and his rise and promulgation of Zhasa", which said: "Because Tatars not have their own language, he ordered the Mongolian children learning to write Wei Wu Man, and the relevant Zhasa and decrees written in a clear responsibility on. The voluminous, known as 'Zhasa ceremony', save for the first possession of the king's library. whenever new Khan ascended the throne, army mobilization or kings would set discuss state and affairs of state, they put out such a clear responsibility, to act in accordance with the above remarks, and in accordance with the provisions of the manner in which to deploy the army, destroy gun, cities and towns. "Now," Zhasa ceremony "has been lost, but in foreign historical records also documented some of these terms of fragments. Russians praise Janowski Liberia has brought together Persian, Arab and European historical data in the records obtained Terms of Genghis Khan's Zhasa 36, made 29 training, and other relevant Mongolian laws account certain. Saved Zhasa Chinese Historical and training are also quite a lot of words, yet to be collected. According to these incomplete records, we can roughly understand the contents of Genghis Khan, a number of laws. In Mongolian society, the sweat, the supreme ruler of cooperation is rare, have the supreme authority of the Khan's words, order is the law, Genghis Khan promulgated the "big Zhasa" record is the command of Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan's "Motto", also known as the "big act."
Live westbound expedition Hualazaimo and Changchun
How to look footsteps of Genghis Khan, has been much controversy at all times. Mongolia is a nation at once, they are born on horseback, on horseback growth, even death on horseback. Genghis Khan was once the emperor, he Kuama brandished a knife and unified Mongolia, capture both the Jin Dynasty, in turn wherever horse as his territory, population and property looted for their children and grandchildren a good business territory, this is indeed the real purpose footsteps of Genghis Khan.
Mastered before the fight - before the expedition apprenticeship, a between Genghis Khan thinkers on the origin and Khan, the eldest son Jochi bit succession quarrel: Jochi is not Genghis Khan's own children was not a bone of contention, their Who inherits the key lies in how Khan bit. Can make their business flourish, is considered a starting point of Genghis Khan. In this conflict, the third son of Genghis Khan identified as Khan-bit successor ogadai, mainly from the political stability and personal skills could be considered. At the same time it shows the Mongolian Khan was not implemented inheritance bit primogeniture, but retained some traces of late primitive elected system: from Dizi's "Sage" in the selection of the throne, the last units from the library to the General Assembly confirmed. It is this Succession System Khan, Genghis Khan led to the throne after the death of the Mongolian royal family dispute. Jochi is the eldest son, who was not Genghis Khan on the pro-son dispute, Genghis Khan left a psychological shadow, this shadow has been associated with has completed his own life. Polo child posts Chagatai was the second son born, war broke out be a warrior, with unyielding character. But his reckless by nature, aggressive, brutal, Genghis Khan knew he did not inherit their business materials. Ogadai is the third child of his exploits and bravery are not as two brothers. But he was smarter than the two older brothers, to understand the minds of Genghis Khan, man is also easy-going, never involved in the struggle between the brothers, the successor Khan never showed any enthusiasm bit. It was this that made him get the trust of Genghis Khan and the Khan-bit to him.
Genghis Khan's attack on the Hualazaimo adopted a "clear border in the middle breakthrough" strategy. Hualazimo new capital Samarkand assassination in not spending the east of the old have not spent Yulong Jie Chi assassination Northwest. King in new capital, his mother in the old bald children are rare.
Changchun met with the military way back to reality - the way the military back in the expedition, Genghis Khan met with leaders of Changchun in northern China real Chuji Quanzhen Junta, Taoism, Japanese scholars called for the expedition sent a breath of fresh air. Chuji is the head of Quanzhen Junta, Taoism, Genghis Khan as a friend when he was general. Chuji and Genghis Khan came face to face time is not long, but in the life of Genghis Khan the role of the road is quite large, so that character has undergone major changes. Qiuzu Hall, Chuji clearly told him that people do not live forever, only health. Also told him that a governance and advised him to passive inaction, not killing the innocent.
Although he failed to die in his lifetime Xia, also failed to conquer the Central Plains, but for their children and grandchildren left off the summer off payment strategy.
About Genghis Khan's death, about five more with the Western Xia.
However, according to historical records, these two statements are obviously wrong time and place, death of Genghis Khan, Mongolia is still concealing news of his death, the Western Xia was not destroyed.
The eve of the demise of the Western Xia, Genghis Khan's life has come to an end, died because of typhus in the army, death, destruction before the United Sung Kim's strategy. In the same year the Western Xia was completely destroyed.
"Wu Tang" is the year the Mongols to the Western Xia people, it is called; "dog years", is the exception to the Song Baoqing years (AD 1226). Here a historical account of Genghis Khan in the fall of 1226, with his wife, also then to crusade against the Western Xia country. In winter, Jiao A child in a substandard place to hunt. Do not want to ride the horse of his red Sharma and allows a wild panic, resulting in unsuspecting horse fall under Genghis Khan were injured, launched a high fever on that night. July 1227 "no-yu", the root cause of that here. Why was injured in one fell off the horse into this? Is said to be bleeding too much.
"Poisoning that" this view comes from the "Travels of Marco Polo." Is a 13-century Italian merchant Marco Polo, arrived in China in 1275. The time is the time of Kublai Khan came to power in the Yuan Dynasty had 17 years of contacts. Travels in the narrative in the death of Genghis Khan: The siege attack too when the Western Xia Jin (Ji states, the ancient fortress), the knee unfortunate soldiers in the Western Xia to the poisoned arrow shot. The results were predictable poisoned arrow hearts and minds, re-injury benefits, a terminal. However, another folk legend, Genghis Khan is a "poisoned" to death, but not in the Western Xia soldiers of the poisoned arrow, but to allow the captured Princess Guerbole Western Xia Guo Jin Ha Tuen turn down the drugs, then the Western Xia Princess took the opportunity to accompany 寢 act.
1127 60-year-old Genghis Khan died in Mount. He was buried in the territory of Mongolia today, Kent Hill Valley from the thrust. Mongolian popular "secret burial", and so the Genghis Khan Mausoleum exactly where remains a mystery. Mausoleum of Genghis Khan today but a cenotaph, which repeated movement, until 1954 by the Huang to return to familiar places in the county of Tar Yinjinhuoluo.
Genghis Khan is a famous historical figure at all times, but it is also the most controversial figures. Seven or eight years, the Chinese and foreign statesmen, military experts and famous scholars from different angles and explore the great man.
Comrade Mao Zedong, the Genghis Khan known as the "Proud Son of Heaven", will be his famous emperor in Chinese history Wangqin Huang, Han Wudi, Tang cases SONG Zu par.
People used to have statistics, Khan lifetime total of over 60 war, in addition to 13 because of an unequal war wing of the withdrawal initiative, no one failed. Therefore, Mr. Liu Letu Chinese scholars in his "Genghis Khan", a book said: "The descendants of Genghis Khan is a war wizard can not match. He will fight every enemy, always win the magic, the military genius of human beings to the extreme end." " his command of the cavalry, irresistible force, smoke Manjuan to Ross, Afghanistan and northern India. in the vast Eurasian continent, Genghis Khan has become invincible God, opponents are all afraid, succumbed to the foot. " "Who deserves to be called God of War? Only Genghis Khan!"
Freedom of belief - the religious policy of enlightened Khan and his descendants established the Mongol Empire across Europe and Asia, when world religions, in their rule almost everything within. Including the Mongols had believed in Shamanism, Tibet, the Western Xia and Han Chinese believe in Buddhism, gold, and the Southern Song Dynasty Taoism, Manichaeism, Uighur and Western countries believe in Islam (Hui religion, A Man lost), some of the Mongolian Plateau tribes and even Kipchak, turn Roth countries believe in the Christian (including Nestorian, or send Nie Stolley; also be warm in Rome to send) and so on. Mongolian nobility conquer the world, basically the policy of massacres and looting, but more liberal religious policy is not to force the Mongols conquered the religious conversion, but that freedom of religious belief, to allow the existence of various sects, but also allowed the Mongols freedom to participate in various denominations, the church essentially eliminates the taxes and compulsory labor. The implementation of this policy, to a certain extent, reduce the resistance of the vanquished, on the Mongolian nobles to gain power and rule the world have played no small role. With Central Asia, Persia and other places conquered, came to an unprecedented increase in the Orient Hui people. Mongolian nobility and the wealthy use the upper back and forth as the oppression and exploitation of large Zhongyuan Jia Han's help, such as red tile Hualazaimo human dental assassination, do not take the assassination of Sayyid age support Siding aristocratic, wealthy Austrian assassination together are very, Ahe horses , are in ruling as a very important body functions. Moved back and forth across the Central Plains Mobei were allowed to retain their religious beliefs, in their colonies to establish mosques, Islamic teachers A lost Man, ascetics Diego loss in prestige, and enjoy the monk, but also in the same duty-free treatment may be warm . However, Muslims in general - the reckless speed of wood are the same in the preparation of the people, as to pay taxes, the burden of bad hair. In short, "In China, due to the Mongols 'belief' and 'inclusive' policy, Islam took the opportunity to develop the east, a large number of Muslims moved to China, as the Muslims laid the foundation for the formation of the nation." Since Kublai Khan later, the Yuan rulers of the main advocates of Lamaism, the Tibetan Pagba the title of "Karmapa", "Great Emperor Yuan division." After the death of each emperor division, will take a person from Tibet, heir, until the demise of the Yuan Dynasty. Tibetan Buddhist master this regime, and teaching was introduced to Mongolia.
French scholar Grousset in the "History of the Mongol Empire," said: "The Mongols almost all of Asia combined, has opened up intercontinental channels, to facilitate contacts between China and Persia, and the Christian and the Far East contacts. Chinese painting and Persian The painting known each other and exchange. Marco Polo learned of the Buddha, with the Catholic Archbishop of Beijing. "" the spread of culture from the Mongols this point that the spread of culture and Romans almost as favorable. for the contribution to the world, Only the discovery of Cape of Good Hope and the discovery of America, was able to point with like. "
June 1999, South Korean President Kim Dae-jung, said: "Some people think that, thanks to the Mongols, the first time mankind has the world's history, but the Mongols did not pull stubborn, brave invincible spirit and quick wit has shaped the character The great Genghis Khan. Likewise, I also agree that some people's evaluation, the network has not yet appeared in seven hundred years ago the Mongols, but open up relations between countries in the world, has established international exchange relationships. "Asians in the eyes of Genghis Khan
Japanese government in a practical training, the survey of 520 new civil servants, and asked them to admire most in mind who the boss is the result of 79 candidates for Genghis Khan. This is a similar survey conducted in 1991 has risen to the top of the first non-Japanese. Personnel hospital officials said many of the newly appointed civil servants that Genghis Khan was "the leader of an organized capacity, not a conqueror." Japanese Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto, only got 8 votes, ranking ninth. But he did not seem concerned about this because he is a fan of Genghis Khan. Hashimoto's favorite book is one of Japan's recently published novel about Genghis Khan and their families.
About Genghis Khan, Nehru was impressed by: Genghis Khan in the occupation of Korea, Tangut, Ben would like to stop the expansion, he did not intend to occupy the western countries, but want to live in peace with Hualazaimo Shah. But the Shah Commission Governor killed a businessman Mongolia, in this case, the Genghis Khan still want peace, sent a mission to kill the Mongolian businessmen seeking to address the governor system. Shah has not agreed to the request of Genghis Khan, instead of killing the chief of mission, and the remaining members of the beard was shaved extrusion border. Genghis Khan, of course can not be patient this outrage, ready to attack and destroy in 1219 after a Hualazimo. Bukhara city and their many palaces were looted of millions of people, capital, ear dry hemp Caesar was completely destroyed, leaving only 50 million people. Over the years the Central Asian prosperity, culture, civilization, and do crafts all the damage. Iran, Central Asia, of civilization seems to disappear. Genghis Khan's horse almost a no smoking wherever the wilderness. It's very cruel to describe Genghis Khan, conqueror, but with other contemporary comparison was also no different. Afghans have been to India was also very cruel, but they occupy a different range. Afghans in the 1150 occupation of Ga owned Nepal, those who do not leave a man, all without mercy, women have become prisoners. Mohammed world-famous palace, buildings destroyed. Occupation of Afghanistan took place in India with a series of destruction Genghis Khan in Iran, Central Asia, the damage is essentially no difference. Shah killed Genghis Khan's messengers, which is the vendetta, so Genghis Khan to attack Hualazimo, revenge. Genghis Khan also conducted in other places of mass destruction, but the extent of the damage a little lighter than in Central Asia.
Europeans in the eyes of Genghis Khan
British historian Wells in his "World History" said: "Mongol conquest of the story is really all the story of the history of one of the best. Alexander the Great's conquest, the scope can not compare with it. In dissemination and expansion of people's minds and stimulate their imagination, he played a huge influence on ... ... as a creative nation, as disseminators of knowledge and methods, they have a great impact on history. " Published in 1970, "Global History (1500 years ago the world)" also stressed the Mongolian invasion "to promote the interaction between the Eurasian continent", the book cites many examples, and finally said: "by this interaction provide opportunities, but also by the formation of a new civilization to Europe by the well-used. This is a far-reaching significance, until now, still affect the process of world history, "seven or eight hundred years later, Genghis Khan did not affect the passage of time be dampened. The whole world is concerned, the impact after his death more than his lifetime, and penetrated into the political, military, economic and cultural fields, Genghis Khan emerged in the world hot.
Five Star General Douglas MacArthur after the United States has called on the military to learn from Genghis Khan. In his report to the Secretary of the Army, said: If the records of the war (in addition to Genghis Khan's war record outside) are erased from history, leaving only the documented cases of Genghis Khan fight, and was well preserved, then the military will still have unlimited wealth. From those records, the military can obtain some useful knowledge, create a military for future wars. Amazing leader who (Genghis Khan) The success of the history eclipsed the achievements of the majority of commanders. His success proves that he has the full, accurate instinct as a military command of the basic qualifications. He invented a condition for the establishment at that time. Discipline and morale of the troops of other armed forces to a level not seen (perhaps Cromwell's army reached this level), take advantage of every time of peace, improve the ability of subordinate commanders. The velocity of his troops and his contemporaries compared to other forces, almost unbelievable. Although he was the best in Asia can produce offensive and defensive equipment to armed soldiers, but do not want to overload the military and lost mobility. He's huge corps from far away and mystical movement was so rapid, so the enemy panicked, actually lost the ability to resist. He cross the river River, turning mountains, capturing cities, destroyed country, destroyed the entire civilization. In the battlefield, his troops movement so quickly and cleverly, Total Annihilation, such as volume I, defeated countless times overwhelming in the number of enemies. Although he destroyed everything, and ruthless, brutal violent, but he clearly understood the requirements of the war all the same.
The spirit of Genghis Khan
Thus educating people, embodies the spirit of his strong determination.
Location: Hong Kong, China
China TV series "Genghis Khan"
Executive Director: Wang Sheng, Wang Yongquan
Cast: Basson, Sa gaowa, Zhao Heng Xuan
Proud Son of Heaven is the famous Genghis Khan Mongolian hero, is the second millennium AD, the most one of the great figures. Play is a comprehensive introduction to the life of Genghis Khan: 12 century, in the Jin Dynasty in northern China under the rule. Desert steppe north and south of their respective departments and also independently of each of command. Jin on its implementation of "divide and rule" and the massacre of plunder "by the small" policy, Mongolia Ministry chief Ambaghai Jinxi Zong was brutally crucified on a wooden donkey on. It is this generations of enmity led to long-term grassland outside the campaign, gave birth to campaign as the main content of the Proud Son of Heaven live! In the late 12th century to early 13th century, Genghis Khan with his outstanding political strategy and the right end of Mongolia strategic and tactical divisions, the complete unity of the Mongolian. 13 century, He used the name of Revenge, led thousands of Chinese and Mongolian cavalry were directed at the Jin (now Beijing), can be used to combat the Jurchen levy vulnerable, both to be overcome soon. After the rebellion because of trees in people, Genghis Khan led the main body back to Mongolia; because of the Western powers will kill nearly 500 people side of the business team, the king is to kill Mongolia, Genghis Khan was forced to carry out the expedition. Mongolian cavalry front iron referred to, how many armies were beaten off their feet, how many of the nobility have their heads chopped off: all-powerful Western rivals were eliminated, the rule of the region into a battlefield of fierce. Genghis Khan was dying, said Wang Xia was also forced to surrender, and left off gold, off the summer and to consolidate the political power of three will.
【Network Games Genghis Khan
蒙古帝國成吉思汗 Ghinggis Khan (1206年~1227年) | 後一君主 >>: 睿宗 景襄皇帝 也可那顔 |