北宋 人物列錶
趙佶 Zhao Ji趙桓 Zhao Huan趙禎 Zhao Zhen
趙頊 Zhao Xu趙恆 Zhao Heng趙匡胤 Zhao Kuangyin
趙光義 Zhao Guangyi趙曙 Zhao Shu趙煦 Zhao Xu
趙匡胤 Zhao Kuangyin
北宋  (927年二月16日976年十月20日)
網筆號: 啓運立極英武睿文神德聖功至明大孝皇帝
廟號: 太祖
籍貫: 涿州/河南洛陽
陵墓: 永昌陵

詩詞《句 sentence》   《日詩 Day Poems》   

   杜太後去世時,趙匡胤衹有35歲,正値壯年,他的弟弟光義23歲,太祖次子德昭11 歲,四子德芳3歲。即使趙匡胤幾年後去世,也不會齣現後週柴世宗遺下7歲孤兒群竜無首的局面。杜太後一生賢明,怎能齣此下策?況且,“金匱預盟”是趙光義登基5年後,趙普纔密奏此事,公佈齣來的。為什麽不在趙匡胤死時,堂堂正正公佈齣來呢?
  [雪夜訪普圖(明 劉俊)繪]
  雪夜訪普圖(明 劉俊)繪
  趙匡胤常對身邊的近臣誇贊趙匡義說:我這位兄弟,降生的時候就和普通人不一樣,仔細瞧瞧,他竜行虎歩,威風凜凜,將來必定是太平天子。甚至還謙虛地表示:“福德吾所不及。”宋朝皇帝怎麽了? “一把手”居然給“二把手”拍馬屁!令世人狐疑的是,春秋鼑盛、耳聰目明的趙匡胤,竟然在一夜之間暴亡?好端端一個男子漢,為什麽說沒就沒了呢?

  Nickname: the Hong Altair
  Temple name: Dynasty
  Origin: native Zhuozhou (Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province today), was born in Luoyang, Henan.
  Mother: Empress Du
  Children: 4 children and 6 females
  History has proved that Kuangyin is a towering figure in promoting the development of history. He took his powerful ministers hardness with softness, Huairou comfort, well solve the world's military power after the reunification of the problem, the heroes never fade away - Kuangyin.
  AD 927 March 21, was born in Luoyang Kuangyin folder horse camp in a military family. According to legend, along with the baby's birth, "red light around the room, places fragrant by the ghost, body with gold, in March the same."
  21 years old, quite adventurous spirit of his parents, his wife goodbye and began wandering, looking for share of his own career, he was roaming the North, Central Plains, the Northwest's many places are unable to do so, by the year 949, he finally met opportunity. In the north of his way, he is worried at the time to make the Wei Guo Ren Houhan senator. Understandings of this time is to lead the troops in the river (now Shanxi Yongji) counter-insurgency, was proficient in martial arts of Kuangyin able-bodied to put into the Understandings of the unit.
  Taizu very simple daily life, clothing, food is very simple, although more constraints on their own families, but not the mean person, he had spent a number of projects under the large sums of money, for the surrender of the national monarch also granted generous treatment. His private life strictly simple, for the cost of the place, it is very generous, it is rare ancient emperors.
  Rangers had the bitter experience of the suffering of ordinary people to make Kuangyin have personal experience, therefore, very concerned about livelihood issues. When the world is initially for, he immediately implemented a policy of compulsory labor concessions to them recuperate, the development of production. 961, he explicitly exempted from the state capital recruitment of civilians as a daring Road shop delivery Delivery husband's labor, as the use Juncu. The second year, they remove the sign China Garrison Army clothes handling labor. If the counties disobedience of order lines, people can be spotted. Rebellion in the Five Dynasties, the year after the war to make land unusable for serious land is breathe, so Kuangyin ordered, any new reclaimed land be not taxed, any outstanding reclamation achievements reward of County officials, barren area of jurisdiction Tianchou more than a certain number of acres, to be punished. Kuangyin just masters of just two years, ordered the damming of the Yellow River along the Xiudi, and a large number of trees in order to make flood control during the event. Renovation of the Yellow River was repeatedly assigned the highest orders, such as three years in the buildups (962), Kuangyin edict said: "The Yellow River, the Bian River counties prefecture officials, so that every beginning of the year to Liu Yu sub-branches to strong dike . "year of the first month, February, March, is a regular revision of the Yellow River dam, reinforced every year for repair, reinforcement of the dam also greening the environment, best of both worlds.
  97 years, Kuangyin collapse, the cause of death on the Taizu have different views, some say is a result of excessive drinking and violent death, some say because of sore swollen belly disease onset and death, a more common view is that death and Taizong Taizu great relationship.
  AD 976, Song founding father Kuangyin sudden death overnight, official history does not record his illness, unofficial history of the record has different opinions. His death, became the history of a bizarre unsolved crimes.
  Third, "Su Wen Ji water," he said: Taizu death is four drums. Queen called chamberlain Wang Jien Song Zhao Defang called the Prince. Wang Jien has long intended to take into account the mass is located in Jin Wangguang Taizu justice, but got the Zhao Guangyi, the palace, the Song Queen asked: "Defang to it?" Wang Jien replied: "the king was coming." Queen of Song surprise inexplicable, Then suddenly wake up crying Zhao Guangyi said: "My mother and the life, are entrusted to officials."
  First Kuangyin died of "Candle Shadow Axe sound."
  Wang Jien any guts, the courage to go against the wishes of the Queen of Song, Zhao Defang this that circulated, it came Zhao Guangyi? If the attempt had failed, not fatal disaster Why?
  Du empress died, Kuangyin only 35 years old, prime of life, light sense of his brother, 23-year-old second son Noriaki Taizu 11 years, four sons Defang 3 years old. Even Kuangyin died a few years later, we would not have survived the Later Zhou Chai Shizong 7-year-old orphan rudderless situation. Empress Du life wise, how can such an unwise move? Moreover, the "Pre-Golden League" is the accession to the throne five years later, Zhao Guangyi, Pu Zhao played only close the matter, published out. Why not Kuangyin death, dignified public out?
  Forced to kill the eldest son of Zhao Dezhao Kuangyin (then already 30 years old), Kuangyin son Zhaode Fang (then only 23 years old) died after mysteriously sudden attack of a serious illness. Kuangyin's widow after his death, Zhao Guangyi not made by Queen's ceremonial funeral. These are accidental?
  This just shows: Zhao Gou acknowledged the sins of their ancestors, but also to the death of Kuangyin a basic answer.
  Kuangyin ascended the throne though, but he did not sit back and relax. Through this mutiny, he profoundly aware that the generals who stand in the waste emperor, regime change has a very large energy. Yes ah, since he can be the identity and strength of military officers to overthrow the monarch, the other generals are not the same way can also be used to overthrow him? Think of this, he shivers. In particular, made him feel threatened, they hold some high prestige heavily in general, in order to take preventive measures, Kuangyin must take into account their surgery.
  First, the abolition of the front of the temple all point Taizu check post, and then they directed a "杯酒释兵权" of comedy. Day will be Dan Shouxin so too were called imperial guards came to the garden, Taejo hosted treatment. Wine had gone round three, Taejo pretended worried look like, spoke and said: "I am not relying on your efforts, can not get this far, but the emperor is too difficult to do, it is better to do Jiedushi happy, I'm afraid the whole night peace of one's clothes ah! "Dan Shouxin so hurriedly asked why, the Taizu said:" It is not difficult to know, who do not want emperor? "Dan Shouxin other one, terrified, have to declare:" The Majesty of yore Today, life has been set, who would dare have different heart. "" Nay! "Taejo flatly said," Although the same mind you, but if you wish of rich men, once to increase your body of a yellow robe, though you do not want to do the emperor, can do it? "captains an all scared leave kowtow to request instructions Taizu a" path to health. " Taizu only show their true meaning: "Life is like a fleeting, those who seek wealth, but would like to plot money, lots of entertainment, so that children from poor only. You better off our military power, the Code places the U.S. side to buy more farmland house, for the child Sun Liyong immovable industries, while many children buy songs dancer, day and night drinking with Huan, to eternal years. I then became marital home with you, between the monarch and his subjects, the two no doubt, from top to bottom Xiang An, Is not it? "and subordinates understand the meaning of Taizu, worshiped together, said:" His Majesty concern Chendeng are really a life and death and Rougu ah! "the next day and call the disease level. Too Zuda Xi, arrange for them to do the local military commissioner. Kuangyin a few glasses of wine, easy solution to the general issue of special military power, known as "the use of the highest political art" and a much-told story through the ages.
  Since the middle of the Tang dynasty, formed a local military governors too much power situation, they often separatist party, and even armed rebellion, pose a serious threat to the court. After the establishment of the Song Dynasty, according to Prime Minister Pu Zhao Kuangyin's "deprived of their right to control his or her Zenitani to close its elite troops," the 12-character principle, respectively, from political power, financial power, to weaken the armed forces of these three aspects of military governors in order to achieve strong weak branch, the highest purpose of re-taking charge of light.
  Taizu deprived of power by military governors, the suppression of the Takeomi changed the disparate administrative regions during the Five Dynasties, the court few weak, Taketo despotic, civil officials have no right conditions, to improve the central authority. In the central interior, then proceed to split Zaichen Taizu power set for the prime minister Kim Shenzhizhengshi to disperse power and Qianche prime minister, prime minister and Shenzhizhengshi collectively referred to as the ruling, while the military attributed to the Privy Council, the Executive called the senator so, the Privy Council with the power collectively, the "Second House", the financial authorities also attributed to the three Secretaries, the Executive asked the treasury, known as "the total phase," the status of these three are almost all directly under the emperor. Phase right through the division of the right post to prevent the Minister of the situation, Taizu once outspoken face of Prime Minister Pu Zhao said: "The national issues is not your scholars say goes." Sovereign dictatorship on Song has been unprecedented consolidation and strengthened. These measures to end the disparate administrative regions since the mid-Tang Dynasty situation, safeguarding national unity, promoting social and economic development, but these measures also has enabled officials to increase spending increase, the power to suppress each other, weakening the local power plant a future of poverty and weak seed.
  【3, diplomatic】
  Snow Interview putu (Ming Liu Jun) painted
  Pu Zhao asked: "cold night, the Majesty out why?"
  Kuangyin deliberately said: "I would like to attack the North Chinese capital Taiyuan."
  Pu Zhao analyzed: North of the Han Khitan as backup, attack of the detrimental, even destruction of the northern Chinese, but also bear the Khitan strong pressure alone, we had better save the Northern Han Dynasty, the Khitan barrier that shielded focus off the south Jian States, and then special forces north.
  Conduit years (964 years) in November the first two days, Kuangyin send 50,000 soldiers (some say 60,000), Shu attack two routes: to make Wangquan Bin, Yan Cui Jin Feng State Road Nishikawa line pipe and vice are deployed, Ren-age support for the are monitoring, rate Road Buji 30,000 wind state (now the Northeast of hazard), south along the Jialing River; that Liu Guangyi is owned by the state road deputy are deployed, Bin Cao to have supervision, rates of return Road Buji 20000 State (now the Zigui), up river. Two minutes into the attack, directed at Chengdu. Down to Zhaoyan Tao Shu Kuangyin use of information provided there for Sichuan Jialing River, the Yangtze River Zhi Guan North and South, East and West of the terrain features and Shu Army defense on the weakness of insufficient strength to take the East, North 2 Road and along the Yangtze River and Jialing River sub-coordinated attack on the deployment. Liu Guangyi at the Country Life, River fortification against the Shu Army locks, water land weak strong case, timely care boat landing, the first to win both sides, then land and water meet, Shu Army broke through the defense organized by the use Fuliang points, then drive straight along the Yangtze River . North Lord Wang Quanbin good at winding, pincer, to avoid strong attack flaw, quickly captured the state interest. Also with Jones out to the enemy, which can quickly break through jiange Xianai, in cooperation with the encroaching Chengdu Eastern Group. Conduit seventh day the first month for three years, Meng Chang saw the hopeless situation, give the city down, Shu death.
  (D) North levy fails
  In that year, Southern Han in Guangzhou as the center, separatist South Guangdong and Guangxi regions have 60 years. Shu Song put down after Pamela had already took it and so will the Southern Song Han's Chenzhou, the formation of a good offensive posture.
  (F) to conquer South
  November 27, not surrender in the case of Li Yu, Song general attack, breaking the city of Nanking, Li Yu made a prisoner.
  Brought in is a very aspiring emperor, the year of one morning, Wen Wu Dachen have a month to report their work, and then retreated Dianwai. Will finally be old prime minister Later Zhou Fan is quality, he is still prime minister. When going out of range of quality doors of the house when suddenly sent a message to send Taizu,
  It turned out the status of prime minister in ancient China is very high, you can sit and say the emperor. It is often said the prime minister is a man under 10 000 people over the guan'er, is the emperor of the prime minister is very respected, they have to gift one-third. Therefore, when the procedure towards a monarch and his subjects, the prime minister can sit with the emperor to speak, while other officials could only stand.
  Taizu Story 3
  Another time, Kuangyin ride the eviction. After a large bridges, he suddenly flew a Lengjian, shot in the Huanglong flag. Guards are alarmed, but Paizhaoxiongtang Taizu said: "Thank you arrows that he taught me." Hunt archery Imperial Guard who are not allowed. It came also all right.
  Takaaki Queen Song
  Second son Zhaode Zhao, Yan Yi Wang, whose nine generation descendant of the Song Lizong Zhao Yun.
  John Princess, premature death
  Chen Tai Princess, Princess Yongqing Feng, Jin Feng Guo princess. Change Qiguo Gong master. Xu Guo Jin Long Princess. Princess bestowed great length. Dae Jang Feng Chen to change the princess. Dae Jang Ji virtuous emperor changed.
  Palace of Mystery, mystery heavy failed critical keepers of the future generations, can only touch the pile of paper in it, "the fox tail." Wily Zhao Guangyi how can hide from them too hard to cross-examine it? Said he was "kleptocrats" naturally there was some truth.
  Kuangyin often praise on the side of Elegance Zhao Kuang Yi wrote: I am the brother, born when and not as other men, carefully look at his Dragon Tiger step, majestic, the future emperor will be peaceful. Even modestly said: "Ford Wusuo less." How the emperor? "Top leaders" gave the "second in command" flattering! Suspicion that the world is energetic, the Kuangyin see and hear better, even overnight, violent death? Hey a man, why did no out?
  Second, "Taejo Record" suddenly cropped up so-called "pre-Golden League," Zhao Guangyi usurping the political basis of wavering, dubious, improbable.
  Think about it, who is willing to "You work, I am assured," the "imperial sword" into the armpits in Tibet? Interestingly, "Taejo Record" for the first time when editing, actually did not do this record major events. "Sung" trafficking "Pre-Golden League", is later added to the list.
  Third, can not wait to change the era name, a great suspicion of a fait accompli.
  Fourth, Zhao Guangyi cut off future trouble, the "Pre-Golden League" covered successors caught.
  The results, Chao Ting-America was banished to house the state, depression and finally, 38 years old; Zhao Dezhao forced to commit suicide, the age of 30; Zhao Defang the same as the dad, too sudden attack of a serious illness unclear died at the age of 23 years old ... ...
  Yellow River near the north, the flames burning Kyushu. Wan Li Shan Piao Xu, smoke signals end?
  Leave purposes Guo, destroy Shu, Ping Southern Tang. Monarch and his subjects trick, ambition complex Tang.
  【Brought in snacks and were "big Jiu Jia"】
  Later, the founding emperor of the Song Dynasty Kuangyin do, think of a war and this cake surname, said: "That labor on pommel horse, War of the disease, thanks to this cake from Jiujia." This cake was sent for a " Big Jiu Jia. "

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