唐代 人物列錶
李隆基 Li LongJi李世民 Li Shimin李治 Li Zhi
李顯 Li Xian李旦 Li Dan李亨 Li Heng
李適 Li Kuo李昂 Li Ang李忱 Li Chen
李曄 Li Ye李豫 Li Yu李淵 Li Yuan
李重茂 Li Chongmao李誦 Li Song李純 Li Chun
李恆 Li Heng李湛 Li Zhan李瀍 Li Chan
李漼 Li Cui李儇 Li Xuan唐哀帝 Tang Aidi
渖法興 Shen Faxing李子通 Li Zitong劉黒闥 Liu Heita
王摩沙 Wang Masha
李恆 Li Heng
唐代  (795年824年)
網筆號: 睿聖文恵孝皇帝
廟號: 穆宗
陵墓: 光陵

  十一月的一天,穆宗突然下詔:“朕來日暫往華清宮,至落日時分當即歸還。”此時,正値西北少數民族引兵犯境,神策軍中尉梁守謙將神策軍4000人及八鎮兵赴援,形勢很是緊張,御史大夫李絳、常侍崔元略等跪倒在延英殿門外切諫。穆宗竟然對大臣們說: “朕已決定成行,不要再上疏煩我了。”諫官再三勸諫也是無俲。第二天一早,穆宗從大明宮的復道齣城前往華清宮方向而去,隨行的還有神策軍左右中尉的儀仗以及六軍諸使、諸王、駙馬千餘人,一直到天色很晚纔還宮。
  恭僖皇后王氏 王皇后生唐敬宗。又稱寶歷太後、義安太後
  貞獻皇后蕭氏 蕭皇后生唐文宗。又稱積慶太後
  宣懿皇后韋氏 韋皇后生唐武宗

  Life】 【
  Mouzon Tang emperors before the throne can pass over the son Gojong (Empress Wu) have two sons (that is, cases and Yejong) ascended the throne, became emperor, Mouzon Kenso There is also the father of another child, became emperor, that Xuanzong. Mouzon later Yizong, a fifth son ascended the throne as the Xi case, the seventh son ascended the throne as Akimune. Previously, the son of Yejong among ordered a throne (Emperor), a recovery that the emperor (emperor Li Xian), the three will receive a crown prince, the old history has been praised as "days with reported flow of infinite blessing" . However, a total of five sub-Mouzon, of which three have done even the emperor, that Tangjing Zong, Emperor Tang Wenzong, Tang Wuzong, this unique in the history of the Tang Dynasty. As each son's reign, regarded their mother Zhuizun for the empress dowager, so Mouzon has three queen and enjoy the Imperial Ancestral Temple with him, which is rarely the history of the Tang Dynasty. Mouzon in Changqing four years (824) died during the first month, just 30 years old, compared to before the Tang Dynasty emperor he is, indeed, a most short-lived one. These cases revealed that in Muzong Jun temporary world, the Tang Dynasty inherited the throne, great changes have taken place in the emperor's personal safety has become unprotected. All of these seem to prompt us once again, Mouzon has been difficult situation during the court to examine the use of conventional.
  Mouzon was born, his father Kenso already have the second son of the eldest son of Li Ning and Li Yun. Ranking third son of Mouzon, there is a powerful mother, and that is Kenso to Guangling Wang Zhen Yuan nine pm at (793) married the concubine Kuo - have recycling on the merits of the Shang Fu Tang Shi Guo Ziyi's granddaughter. Li Ning's mother was the eldest son of Ji Gong's people, the second son of Li Yun's mother actually did not leave his name, in this case, what is choose a prince, Kenso has not made up our mind. It has been dragging for four years after he ascended the throne, to the dollar and four years (809) March Kenso mind gradually tilted to the eldest son. Li Ning has 17 years of age at this time, usually like reading, behavior is quite consistent with rites, deeply Kenso favorite. So early in the proposed legislation Minister Li Jiang Hong Kong Adam watching coveted crown prince in order to stop the heart, he announced the decision to establish the eldest son of the Si Jun. The book is fee established a number of twists and turns, should have been established in the spring ceremony at the register, as experienced continuous heavy rain, so that time again and change, has been dragged MENG Dong October. During this period the number of mothers Kuo resistance from Mouzon, we have know.
  In fact, on the Prince Edward Kenso heart is not satisfied, Tu Cheng Cui try to speculate on the emperor's mind suddenly, and Yun Lee has not given up the business. Kenso the Legislative storage case for Mouzon planted seeds of future accession to the throne, left for their own evil.
  Mouzon among the crown prince during the anxious, with the successful accession to the throne also vanished. He ascended the throne to nurture their men are given a different reward, especially the mother, Guo Li as the Empress Dowager Concubine register in order to repay her many years of hard business. In contrast, his cronies and minions of the Fu Huang were sentenced to death penalty denounce. It is the so-called 一朝天子一朝臣.
  Mouzon throne when 26 years old. For the prime of life for the emperor ascended the throne, if you want to have a bright future in politics, this is a cause for admiration of the age is 29 years old Taizong ascended the throne, reign is 28 years old. If you want to eat three square meals a day and play to enjoy, that is, when no one can match. Mouzon did not follow the example of Taizong, reign of effort, but indulging pleasure, unrestrained.
  Still in court during the funeral for the Kenso, Mouzon will not hide their preference on the play. When the yuan and 15 years (820) May Kenso buried in King Mausoleum, he seems more and more uncontrolled. Soon, he would take his trusted followers went hunting for fun. To June, the Queen Mother Kuo moved to the South within the Imperial palace, Mouzon servant in the Imperial palace on the lead Palaces large Bai Yan feast. After the banquet, he returned to Kojin policy Youjun, the trusted lieutenant and general large increase Banci. Gilt carved troops hunting Cup this day, Mouzon policy every three days or so Army of God first, while your visit to Chen Hui, doors, nine cents a door, etc., the purpose of viewing angle of arrival, miscellaneous opera performances. July 6 is Mouzon's birthday, he indulged in a set ceremony, but because some ministers have not made such a practice since ancient times, gave up the idea be considered. His palace of projects and the construction of the Wing house, house, etc. Baoqing. Fall within the repair rockery palace, one will have seven workers were crushed to death. When the Wing house when the new marble, where he concept of 100 games, most Huan have fun. In Wing Hall, Mouzon House with the main set your "secret dinner" with pleasure, and even the participation of his concubines. In addition, he also decorated with a large amount of money refurbishing the security of capital within the country, Mercy, 1000 Fu, opening, Zhang Jing and other temples, and even specially invited to watch the Tibetan envoys.
  November day, Mouzon suddenly issued an edict: "I go to China to Japan temporarily Qing, to immediately return the sunset hours." At this point, a time when Northwest Minority led his troops violated its border, Shence Jun Lieutenant Liang Shouqian will Shence Jun the town of 4,000 people and eight soldiers Fuyuan, the situation was very tense, royal doctor Lijiang, Attendants, etc. knees slightly Cui Yuan Yan Ying Palace outside all remonstrance. Mouzon went so far as ministers, said: "Zhen Yi decided to make the trip, not to Shangshu bother me." Expostulation repeated admonition is invalid. The next morning, Mouzon Daming Palace complex from the city to the Chinese Qing Dao Chu direction away, accompanied by a Shence Jun Lieutenant guards of honor and six left and right arms of various makes, kings, Fuma thousand people have been late to the sky also Palace.
  Xuan Yi Wei Queen Queen Webster Health Tang Wuzong
  Zhang Zhaoyi
  Tang Jingzong
  Li Yi Huai Prince Minato
  Princess Yi Feng, Wu concubine born. Ren Wei Department marry. Northern Sung Painting pass away the time.
  Jintang Princess, Princess Jinling before sealing. Marry Guozhong Gong. Pass away when Qian Fu.
  Yichang Princess, for the priests. Northern Sung Painting pass away the time.

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