南齐 人物列表
萧道成 Xiao Daocheng萧承之 Xiao Chengzhi萧赜 Xiao Ze
萧昭业 Xiao Zhaoye萧昭文 Xiao Zhaowen萧鸾 Xiao Luan
萧宝卷 Xiao Baojuan萧宝融 Xiao Baorong萧宝夤 Xiao Baoyin
萧道生 Xiao Daosheng萧长懋 Xiao Changmao
萧长懋 Xiao Changmao
南齐  (458年493年)
字: 云乔
网笔号: 文帝
庙号: 世宗


  Xiao Changmao (458 -493), the word cloud Joe, Southland Ling (now Changzhou Northwest) people. Is Qiwu Di Xiao Ze's eldest son, has been established since the Emperor ascended the throne after the crown prince. Death benefits are posthumous title for the article. His son Hsiao business succession, the Zhuizun as Emperor Wen, the posthumous names of King Sejong.
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