北周 List of Authors
Yuwen JiaoYuwen YuYuwen YongYuwen Yun
Yuwen ChanYuwen TaiYuwen Gong
Yuwen Tai
北周  (507 AD556 AD)
Name and Alias: 黑獭
Web/Pen/Nick Name: 文皇帝
Temple Name: 太祖

  In order to concentrate and Eastern Wei Zheng-qiang, Yuwen Tai and Rouran compromise in order to consolidate the north. Western Wei Emperor Wen Rouran princess married to the Queen, and the abolition of the original Queen as Nigeria, the last Prince in order to please the Rouran. For the Turks, had sent envoys flak. However, while the Southern Yuwen Tai on the offensive, has seized the land of Yizhou and Jing Yong. Emperor Fei of two years (553) that he plans on cutting Liangwu Ling Ji Xiao Wang Shu, and the views are daunting. Only Yuchi Jiong that Sichuan and the north cut off 100 years, relies on insurance respectable, such as the emergency trip to cavalry attacks, will invariably grams. Yuwen Tai Sui Qian Yuchi Jiong scattered off from the march, around Chengdu Pentecost, win. The following year, Yuwen Tai use Liangyuan Di Xiao Yi (according to Jingzhou) and Shaw (according to the Yongzhou) conflicts between nephew and uncle, and Xiao Yi's cowardly without seeking, paranoid little off, sending the like, Yuwen protect his troops attacked Jiangling 50000 . After fierce fighting win, capture a lot of treasure, then take exit for the tens of thousands of people, male and female slaves, drive go Chang'an. Established for the King of Liang Xiao, Xiangyang resettlement from Zhenjiang Mausoleum, under the control of a puppet of Western Wei regime, known to history as Girder. Yuwen Tai Note Tuntian are provided for military use in the country, while very concerned about the administrative efficiency, large system the first year of the reform proposals adopted Nassau spacious. He developed a document format to vermilion, the black color difference between expenditure and revenue, set household registration book and set out the following year, large numbers of the billing system of course labor. Big Ten three-year accounting system Fragments, preserved in the Dunhuang stone room. Great system for seven years, Chuo local officials was enacted to comply with the six edict: a pure heart, London enlightenment, do location, pull out virtuous, shirt prison defendants, all Taxes and. Yuwen Tai attached great importance to the six, set the right seat, and provides for barrier six, can not create accounting shall not place any size Executive. He set up Fubing expanded the sources of troops, followed by the system as the Sui and Tang dynasties. He was also the line units based learning, office ordered their officers during the day, evening study. Of respect for the Confucian, prisoners come from Jiangling Wang Bao, were awe-struck by the hospitality, etc., but also listen to the words of Yu season before, put the beam to avoid capture as slaves were thousands of mouth. Debate modeled after Lu Zhou also ordered changes to Bureaucracy, and even a government statement also Qin style imitation. Another vintage performance is to restore the old name Xianbei. Beginning of 36 Northern States, 90 Jiuxing mostly descendants of extinction in the Western Wei, Yuwen Tai was resumed for the Tuoba Yuanshi, have changed all those hyphenated surname for the restoration of the original one; and ordered the Department of the Han who hit 30 with high qualifications 6 last name, who hit 90 Jiuxing times, the will also change his soldiers from the Lord of the surname Hu. They form a group of the Han Hu.
  Masamitsu five years (524), breaking six-Korean border town of pulling Ling led the uprising in the fields and the town (now the five original counties northeast of Inner Mongolia) outbreak, then, the rebels capture general health can be isolated Wu Chuan Zhen. Soon, Wu Chuan Zhen in the junior officer Heba father-son, father Yuwen Yuwen Tai Wei brachial other Xisha can be alone, surrendered to the government. That time, the Northern Wei Dynasty to the suppression of the rebels Rouran Set to Kill, Rouran cavalry in the capture of six towns, the wanton looting destroyed six towns and famine caused serious famine in Northern Hebei government had to shift on the food. Yuwen Tai and his father and brother have been resettlement to the Hebei Boling (now Hebei Anping). Xiaochang years (526) the first month, Huai-Shuo Li Town, soldiers, led by North Korea to repair the town of displaced persons who left the city in Dingzhou (now Pei Tang County West) uprising, Yuwen, a team also participated in the uprising. However, people in the city on the way to the left, was defeated government forces, Yuwen brachial and oldest son, second son died, and his brother Luo Yuwen Tai students survived, into the fresh repair ceremony at the army. And repair ritual death, but also into the Ge Rongjun, by being appointed as generals. Real Problems failure, Er Zhurong fear Yuwen brothers have dissent, then asked for his crimes, punish Los students, Yuwen Tai generous statements before release to Er Zhurong on his guard against its hard. As Yuwen Tai and Yue Er Zhurong's Department will have the old Heba, Yue Wu Chuanjun also people with close ties to Thailand brachial father, therefore, be incorporated in the Heba Yuwen Tai Yue subordinates.
  Wing three years (530) Spring, Er Zhurong to Seoul Zhu Tianguang as coach, Heba Mo Chen Yue Yue and Hou was Fushuai, shuaibing Guanlong to suppress the rebels. Yuwen Tai XiaoWei identity of infantry with mountain customs, due to active suppression of the rebels, General Zheng Xi tired to move, Jin Ziguang Paul doctor, by Yap 300, plus direct General Court, the original state of things row. Suppression of the uprising in the process of Guanlong, Yuwen Tai opportunity to expand their influence on the Answer to a patronizing, won the goodwill of many people. Is in September, Xiao Zhuang Emperor Heaven's Er Zhurong, but hold the power still lies in the hands of armies of Seoul Yun Gee. ZTE years (532) months, Seoul Zhu Tianguang to lead the troops back east soon, Seoul defeated Yun Gee off, daylight also killed. First, daylight East back, leaving younger brother was life guarding Chang, Heba with Yuwen Tai Yue design, Xi Qu Chang, Thailand Shuai Qingqi as a pioneer in times of Road and line, were life news report, abandoned the cities and the East to go to Hua Hin (now Shaanxi Dali), was captured Thai troops to catch up. And daylight die off in the only Heba Mo Chen Yue Hou Yue and two military blocs. In the same year, Professor Heba Yue Wei Di Kansai big firms to Taiwan to Yuwen Tai Yue Zuo Cheng for the line units, led the government Sima, Be specific, both in Thailand and Venezuela.
  Er Zhurong of failure, the power of high-Huan also, Gao Huan, which, among the prime minister, holds to power. Xiaowu of this political situation is not satisfied by the Pang Chu, dense and Heba Yue-phase junction, like Yi Ping Yue in the strength to contain the Guanzhong Gao Huan. Early removal line Heba Yue Feng Jing Yi Jinyang Taiwan Lang (now Shanxi Taiyuan South), see Gao Huan, Jing Huan and drink blood for the oath, about and Yue became brothers, King also told Heba Yue, Gao Huan treacherous more than can safely be discounted. Sima's Yuwen Tai when the government since then make it Jinyang, to observe the high-Huan man, Ji Zhi, Gao Huan and I promised, agile eloquence, Huan want to stay in Thailand for its own use, Thailand Guci the back. Yuwen Tai back to Chang'an, on Heba Yue analysis of the situation at that time: "Gao Huan never willing to his courtiers, he had reason not to usurp the throne, is the fear in your brothers. As Mo Chen Yue Hou its people, but is Yong people just run into a good opportunity, only to high-ranking, the only worry-free state of mind, and not by the row of high-Huan avoid, if early preparations to take the easy. Hexi fee now also has control of the first chord of the do not ride the next million cups of summer prefectural governor suddenly pull Russia squad at 3000 Mi, Cao Ling prefectural governor mud, Hexi displaced knot pull beans Ling Li also the owner Tribes, divided loyalty to hope. Therefore, this example led his army to Long, briefly the crucial point, show them with prestige, service by morality, can receive their soldiers and horses, to enrich our military. West Series Di and Qiang, Northern ask Chasse, also army Chang, Kuang Fu Wei room, which is then Qi Huan, Jin-Wen move also. "Heba Yue listened very impressed, then send Yuwen Tai to Luoyang, see Hsiao-Wu, Chen secret intention Xiaowu overjoyed to hear, sealed to Bue general Yuwen Tai.
  Yuwen Tai officially recognized by Emperor Xiao, immediately prepared to attack Mo Chen Yue Hou. First, the original state (rule Gaoping, this Guyuan) History of classified provincial governor, Su Yue are trusted to Heba, and Heba Yue death, actually vote on anti-Yue, Yue Bo and removal, safety and led troops into the sub-2000 history of the state to help return the original guarding. Therefore, Yuwen Tai Mo Chan Sung Hou first military governor sent handsome Qingqi 1000 raid of the original state, capture the history of go, Bo and security and so on and into the second, tied send Pingliang. Sectors in three years (534) March, Yuwen Tai tone hair armies, complete set of the original state, ready to attack Yue. In April, the military out of the narrow wood off (today Guyuan Southwest), coincided with major rain and snow, the ground snow two feet, Yuwen Tai Yue mood and know more than guess, then fold Road and line the base camp by surprise toward the water Los Angeles Yue ( Gansu Zhuanglang Dong Nam today). Yue Wen Thai military to, people keep leaving the water Los Angeles, led force since the surrender Lueyang (now Gansu Qin Andong North Long town). Luo Yuwen Tai Army to the water, garrison the drop rate of scooters that hundreds of Thai Ben Lueyang, then surrender the Gui Yue (modern Tianshui, Gansu). Prefectural governor when the South Qin Yue Lee Pil also the military, see Yue defeated trend has been set, is secretly sent messengers Yi-tai, please for the period should be. The night, Wyatt abandoned the cities and out of the military collapse in shock, have to lower his soldiers, Yuwen Tai Connivance of His Army Endeavor, a large broken Yue Jun, Yue only with children and under the command of dozens of riding Dunzou spiritual state, Yuwen Tai Ji Ling guarding the original state Yuwen lead block in front of attack on, he led an army military governor Heba Ying chase to pull Tuen Shan (now Guyuan West) to catch up, Mo Chen Yue Hou suicide in the wild. Subsequently, Yuwen Tai Youqian captaincy entrenched Bin Liu Liang capture state (rule set security, today Gansu County) and Sun Yue the party set children, grams. You Yi massive coercion, force, said Di Wang Reparations fan, sent his wife, son to mass. November, severance Li Hu, Li Cao crusade such as mud Bute, next year, Cao mud down, spiritual state suiping, Yuwen Tai resettlement of their despots put Xianyang (Shaanxi Xianyang Northeast) to enhance control.
  Qin Yuwen Tai Binh Dinh, Long, the strength increased, Xiao Wu Di to Thailand for the sijung, 骠骑大将军, opened with three Secretaries of the government apparatus, Kansai viceroy, Lueyang public, Processed Feng Bai, become second only powerful people in high-Huan.
  Sectors in three years (534) in May, from the army attack Takatake Di Yu Gao Huan, do the leaks, some high alert Huan, Emperor of filial piety in Junqiang Jun Wang Sizheng said: "Gao Huan's Cuanni heart, if it has been plain Jie, Luoyang Non useless, once they attack, it is difficult at Defense, Yuwen Tai feel the royal family, as to the relations, the virtue of the power of Yuwen Tai Gao Huan contend with. "Xiaowu deeply that it does. First, Qin Gang Long Ping, Xia Zhou Zhangshi persuaded Yuwen Tai was like a letter to Xiao Wu, resettlement were shut, the effect Cao Cao move, relying on the emperor to the nobility, Yuwen Tai accepted the advice, good high-Huan Results his letters are letters submitted Xiaowu to show loyalty to the royal heart. And the Emperor Yu Fa Xiao Gao Huan, Youqian viceroy, Buji 5000 Tun Yu Liang Yu rate of the Yellow River, Wei hekou Department, that solidarity, so that prefectural governor Qin Luo Qingqi 1000 into the super rate of Luoyang, and soon, Youqian viceroy Luoyang Jingji 1000 Li Xian collar. Therefore, when Emperor Xiao seek resettlement are related to the minister's opinion, up and down almost agreed. July Xiaowu then rate scooters through customs from Luoyang, relocation of the capital Chang'an, plus great general grant of Yuwen Tai, Yong prefectural governor, and Book of Order, the military state of affairs rests with Thailand set. Was October, a separate high-Huan Yuan Shan see emperor, migration, both in Ye (Ye this town southwest of Hebei linzhang), Northern division.
  Great system for three years in July, Yuwen Tai set armies in Xianyang, in August, the rate of the whole army in Tongguan declared martial law military regulations, not greedy for money underestimate the enemy, not for prestige in the people, fighting with the enemy, Yongming the reward of escape Slaughter of all. Through this reorganization, the military's combat strength has greatly increased Western Wei, and soon, Gao Huan rate of 200,000 troops to invade and Western Wei to win with fewer in Shayuan (now Huayin County, Shaanxi Province) defeated Gao Huan, enemy prisoner eight thousand people .
  Datong nine (543) in February, thousands of high-Huan Jiang Bing, crossed the Yellow River, according to Mang Shan (now Luoyang Northwest) array, Yuwen Tai led the attack, war in Mang mountain, defeated, his soldiers lost 60 000 people, after years of operating losses built up an army half. At that time, Xianbei Guanlong limited number of areas, no longer possible to add a large number of troops, therefore, Mangshan of the war, Yuwen Tai began to absorb soldiers from the Han middle of March, announced the recruitment of armed Guanlong region despotic landlords. Northern Wei Dynasty in the uprising of Guanlong, despotic landlords to protect their own interests, organize rural soldiers, Wei East and West division, these landlords do not disband armed, still controlled by the despotic hands. Yuwen Tai Kwong raise despotic to charge through the Military of this measure, these scattered rural armed soldiers into the central part of the army, the Government chose Guanlong area to head a prestigious figure to not only strengthen the central control of the military weakened local forces since the end of Wei, Wu Chuanjun has promoted the group and the joint Guanlong landlords. Since then, the big system 16 years (550), has further expanded the targeted recruitment of the land equalization for all households, so that Western Wei Han army to further increase the proportion of soldiers.
  Fu Bing's predecessor, from Heba Yue Wu Chuanjun group, Hou Li Mo Chen Yuejun group of Bute into the Army and with the Emperor Xiao Wei Old Guard-related travel ban on three parts, these are the Descent of the military forces, in particular, Wu Chuanjun group, formerly known as Six Town Xianbei, mostly Tuoba family members, with the Tuoba feudal family, their status declined, so they took part in the six towns and Hebei uprising uprising; However, they incorrectly that is the finished result of their decline in status, but not the finished and the inevitable progress of history, tried to return to the original tribal relations to, Yuwen Tai Wu Chuanjun origin groups, psychological well aware of this. Therefore, when the establishment of Fu Bing, on the use of the Xianbei original tribal organization, that eight of the system, as a blueprint for the preparation of the new army. In the relationship between soldiers and officers, to keep the old clan ties Xianbei. Emperor Gong of Western Wei Dynasty (554) on, he inherited Xianbei 36 active Zhujiang countries and 90 Jiuxing, in addition to some general already Xianbei compound surname of no change with the addition, those who have already restructured will compound surname in the Wo The generals then changed to a single name again changed to a hyphenated name, has always been using Chinese characters or Chinese characters, then give to Xianbei surname, Ono's surname as Li Hu, Lee Pil surname only Ho, Gui-surname B. Freund, Yang Zhong surname Pu 6 Ru's, where the soldiers led by chief commander of the Xianbei tailor their surname for their own name.
  Great system for seven years (541) in September, Yuwen Tai Chuo drafted by the enactment of the six edict, "first the mind, London enlightenment, do location, pull out virtuous, shirt prison defendants, all Taxes and." In November, has issued 12 new system, and large system the first year (535) March 24 issued by the new system together, a total of 36. 6 edict and the new system are very broad, including political, economic, ideological and cultural aspects, and accordingly a series of measures taken.
  Yuwen Tai in the economy on the basis of Confucian teaching of traditional values after getting rich first, and actively urged Agriculture as reward cropping, and has accordingly developed a number of measures taken. The first is to be destroyed in the Surroundings recover, so that those due to land acquisition, war, natural disasters and loss of land, farmers living in a foreign land and land back together, so as to farmers to the production conditions. Western Wei Surroundings of land deeds, rent to reconcile differences between the Northern Wei though, but not significantly, but changes in service system on more of the military age, time, number of people have been redefined. Military service age from 15 years of age when the Northern Wei to 18 years of age; service time is determined according to harvest yield forecasting, harvest no more than a month, not more than two late middle age, not more than 10 days next year, so that a significant length of civilian service shortening; number of provisions on the farm household are limited to one service, to avoid excessive use of their resources, impede agricultural production. Meanwhile, Yuwen Tai also enacted the household registration system and the billing system, that is scheduled next year lord billing estimates of law, in order to send a more reasonable levy taxes on the populace, but also the length of silk uniform regulations to 40 feet for the 1.
  After six decree enacted, Yuwen Tai officials at all levels to make learning to recite to provide for barrier six and billing of law shall not be official, to ensure the implementation of these measures, refresh the Western Wei political generation.
  Great Commission 17 years (552), Hou Jing Defeat, the seventh son of Emperor Xiao Yi in Gangneung (now Hubei Jiangling County) became the emperor, is Liangyuan Di. Not in the Hou Jing Xiao Yi Ping ago, had to concede defeat in the Western Wei and Western Wei entered into covenant; Western Wei to Jingling (now Hubei Qianjiang Southwest), Liang Anlu (now Hubei Anlu) as a boundary, please the client, and sent to the proton. After both the emperor not to concede defeat, Yuwen Yuwen Tai sent envoys asking engaged Ninu to Gangneung, Liang Yuandi to Yuwen Ninu said beam has unity, Western Wei should share beam, benefits, etc. return Xiangyang Liang. Ninu Yuwen Yuwen Tai was also reported after the Thai that already achieved beam, benefits, and further regulations should be taken Jianghan, nephew Xiao Xiao Yi happens at this time the police entry into the Western Wei, the request sent troops to attack unravel. So the first year of Emperor Gong of Western Wei (554) in September, Yuwen Tai lives in like, Yuwen care and other rate Buji 50000, attack Gangneung. November, city break, Liangyuan Di was killed, Wei Jiangling people selected more than ten 10 000 men and women, drive go off, only to leave an empty city police Hsiao same time the original control Yongzhou Liang Chen Wei Western Wei for reverted counties, so that Western Wei's territory extended to this Sichuan, Hubei area.
  Yuwen Tai reform and the establishment of Military System in Medieval Bureaucracy is also the same, with rich retro colors, but the former is from the Han to find the basis of ancient society, which is Xianbeis tribal inspiration. Yuwen Tai ancient restructured through this trust, to put on a formal rule of their own coat, to show to the people, not usurp power pseudo Yuwen Shi, cancel the psychological barriers between nations. In Fubing, then by Xianbei of, take care of Xianbei feelings, devoid of Fu Bing in the national boundaries. Yuwen Tai Through these reforms, to strengthen the rule base.
  Emperor Gong of Western Wei Dynasty three years (556) April, Yuwen Tai North Tour, in August, crossing the North River (now the territory of his country to River in Inner Mongolia), in September, but also to pull Tuen Shan (now Guyuan County West) Those who are sick. Yuwen Tai know own serious illness, sent Jizhao nephew Yuwen care, Yuwen state care went to Jing (now Gansu Jing Chuan North), Yuwen Tai has been in critical condition, Tuogu in Yuwen care: "My son is still young, this Waikou Fang Qiang, the state of things to you, should strive to complete my ambition. "Soon, died Yunyang (now northwestern Shaanxi Jingyang), five years old, buried into the tomb (now North Fuping County of Shaanxi Province) , posthumous name wengong.
  (507 ~ 556) of China Northern star, Western Wei army commander, strategist. Word black otter, Dai Jun Wuchuan (now Inner Mongolia, Sichuan Wu) who Xianbei. Young father to participate in the repair of fresh uprising Xianbei ceremony rebels, following the return Real Problems, then seek refuge with the Northern Wei Er Zhurong. Volunteers to participate in repression, granted Bue General, Zheng Xi, General. After splitting the Northern Wei, Western Wei Grand Preceptor of any large prime minister, Zhu Guo major general. His military purge, foresight, good at room. Western Wei Datong three years (537) the first month, the adoption of direct dark matter doctor Yuwen proposal to nearly ten thousand Ruicu, a small submarine off (Shaanxi ancient Tongguan south), Eastern Wei Xiao Qiang Dou Taijun surprise defeat, prisoners thousand. October, in Shayuan war, he will advance reconnaissance, after calm had laid an ambush, victory, capture the Eastern Wei Gao Huan Jun 7 million people, left 20,000 soldiers have to risk than the election, the remaining were released. Wei East-West war, battle command and dozens more were victories laid the foundation for the establishment of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. He Chuo, Lu argued so Bureaucracy reform, implementation of the "Land System" so that Western Wei to develop the economy, national power became strong and prosperous. On this basis, the creation of the "Mansion Army System", incorporated by armed ethnic Guanlong cents, established by the Zhu Guo, great generals, such as step by step guide to open government, to expand the manpower, strengthening the control of the military court. The Military System in use for the past 200 years later, in the history of ancient Chinese Military System, occupies an important position. Emperor Gong of three died. Son Yuwen Jue Wei on behalf of the following year, the country week for Zhou, Zhuizun to Wen.
  Revolt of the Northern Wei Dynasty six towns, Yuwen Yuwen Tai father repair the brachial adding little ceremony in the rebellion. Er Zhurong uprising was crushed, Yuwen Tai Yue to become his department under the command will Heba. Wing three years (530 years), Northern Wei Xiao Zhuang Tai kill Er Zhurong, but military power remains firmly with the hands in Seoul Yun Gee. Soon, Seoul defeated Yun Gee destroyed, Gao Huan ranked prime minister, and thus power. North Weixiao Wu Tai Mizhaoheba Yue, trying to use the check Gao Huan.
  Yuwen Tai resourceful, has a strong ability to command. Numerous encounters with the Eastern Wei Dynasty, had successes and losses. Great system for three years (537 years) spring offensive Tongguan Eastern Wei, Yuwen Tai defeated the. Autumn, thousands of people into the complanatus Eastern Wei (now of drinking), Yuwen Tai to unhappy people underestimate the enemy by Tung Wei, personally sounding drum battle, won a resounding victory, captured seven people.
  Economically, urged Agriculture as to restore the Land System. And attention are provided for military Tuntian. Has adopted the reform proposals Nassau Chuo, set document format to vermilion, the black color difference between expenditure and revenue, set household registration book and set out the following year, large numbers of the billing system of course labor. Big Ten three-year accounting system, there is room in the Dunhuang Stone Fragment preserved. After six edict against local officials to develop: a pure heart, London enlightenment, do location, pull out virtuous, shirt prison defendants, all Taxes and.
  Yuwen Tai recovery Xianbei old name, such as the restoration of Yuanshi to Tuoba. The Institute will also change his soldiers from the Lord of the surname Hu. Hu from the form of a number of Han Chinese.
  宋献公 earthquake
  Qi Yang Wang Xian
  Wang Jian Xiao Qiao
  King reached on behalf of 奰
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