北魏 List of Authors
Liu HuBai YalisiTaba ShiTaba GuiTaba Si
Taba DaoTaba YuTaba JunTaba HongTaba Hong
Yuan KeYuan XuYuan ZhaoYuan ZiyouYuan Ye
Yuan GongYuan LangYuan Xiu
Yuan Ke
北魏  (483 AD515 AD)
Web/Pen/Nick Name: 宣武帝
Temple Name: 世宗
Tomb: 景陵
Reign499 AD515 AD
景明January, 500 ADJanuary, 504 AD
正始January, 504 ADAugust, 508 AD
永平August, 508 ADApril, 512 AD
延昌April, 512 ADDecember, 515 AD

  Xuanwu Di Yuan Ke Wei (AD 483 ~ AD 515)
  AD 499, Emperor Xiaowen died, Yuan Ke throne. Ke Yuan after ascending the throne, the first dry first thing, expansion of new capital in Luoyang. Xianbei survivors of the rain refused to return to their hometown's proposal to consolidate the Emperor Xiaowen Yuan macro reforms. Then, taking advantage of the Southern element Ke Xiao Bao is now Yuqimodi volume faint bursts rule, beginning in 500 AD cutting south. AD 508 until the war ended. At this point, the Northern Wei had occupied Yangzhou, Jingzhou, such as Yizhou, the Northern Wei kingdom prospered situation.
  Ke Yuan Dynasty to rule, the popular uprising is taking place here and Yuan Ke spent a lot of energy just to suppress these uprisings 11. AD 515, Yuan Ke dying.

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